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The stance system in Arma 3 is pretty cool, but it's sometimes hard to tell which stance you are in, especially from first person view.

FA_stance to the rescue! Your current stance (stand, crouch, prone) is displayed as a human silhouette on the HUD, and an small arrow next to the silhouette shows the current stance modifier (high, low, sidestep).

When player is in one of the three basic stances, the HUD element fades out, and it's hidden completely when you're in a vehicle or in a cutscene. The HUD element can be positioned in any corner of the screen by editing the included userconfig file.

Latest version: 1.2, released on 17th April 2013. New features: support for the new left and right prone stances, V2 signatures.

Here's the download link for FA_stance. You will also need the Arma 3 version of CBA.

Please read the installing instructions in the included readme.txt file, especially if you're not familiar with installing mods that have an userconfig included!

The authors, Head and myself, thank Folk ARPS for support and testing, and JamesF1 for the UI hiding and main loop code.

Here's a video of showing the addon in action:


Here's a cropped screenshot of what the current version looks like in the top right position, next to the ammo/weapon indicator.

Version history

  • 1.2: The new prone left and right stances are now supported. V2 keys added.
  • 1.1: Darkened silhouette outlines are now used instead of a background image to improve visibility. Fading can be customized via userconfig.
  • 1.0: Improved modification arrow and background graphics for better visibility, display now fades in main stances and hides when player is in vehicle or in a cutscene, debug or some other view. Stance display's position can be customized by editing userconfig\fa\stance_config.hpp.
  • 0.9: Initial release.


Q: Why don't you have a separate icon for each stance?

A: It is difficult to make small graphics for each of the stances and their modifications that can still be distinguished with a quick glance. We found the arrow system to be more informative and recognizable.

Edited by harakka
Version 1.2 released

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Many of my programming tears went into this.

eagerly awaiting your feedback!

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Awesome, this was very much needed, thank you.

Will try it out and leave feedback.

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This is great, I can tell you put some work into this!

If I find any errors I'll come back and let you know.

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Brilliant. I was waiting for something like this. Your work is appreciated.

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Using it now, and it's great. Thank you for sharing your work!

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Great work just wondering can you move the indiciator to top right of screen instead of bottom right

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Very good idea, but it doesn't really help anything. The real problem is figuring if you are in high crouch, normal crouch, low crouch - or standing. This just seems to show the same icon for each stance, as far as I could tell from that video. Very nice work non the less :)

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Very good idea, but it doesn't really help anything. The real problem is figuring if you are in high crouch, normal crouch, low crouch - or standing. This just seems to show the same icon for each stance, as far as I could tell from that video. Very nice work non the less :)

It is there, the arrows above/below show the stance, as far as I can tell. Normal crouch has no arrows, just crouch icon, low crouch has an arrow below, etc.

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It is there, the arrows above/below show the stance, as far as I can tell. Normal crouch has no arrows, just crouch icon, low crouch has an arrow below, etc.


If you watch the entire video you will notice this.

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I like how unobtrusive this is, it's a shame the massive ArmA 3 Alpha logo is right in the corner. I've found that the image doesn't always update right away, stopping seems to help when it's not updating.

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Nice was testing it out earlier I really like how this shows the stances. A semi transparent version would be cool as well to keep the minimalist look going.

Bug wise I notice it doesn't seem to work perfectly when using an AT rocket getting stuck in standing or crouching image. Also, at one point it disappeared when I was doing a lot jumping in and out a vehicle mostly the gunner position and using the numpad 0 screen.

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I have been using this with FA_Stance. I like the combo.. but that's just me.

if possible I believe that moving the indicator a little more to the right of the screen would be best..

thanks for the mod!!

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Just wanted to give a heads up that a new version is coming soonish.

With a almost full rewrite and a nice slew of graphical update.

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Version 1.0 is now out, first post updated with new info and download link. The addon now includes an userconfig file for customizing the stance indicator's position on the screen, and some graphics updates for better visibility. Please read the included readme.txt for install instructions, especially if you're not familiar with userconfigs!

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Really great update - the way it fades in when the character enters an adjusted stance is brilliant. A very useful little mod; I wouldn't be surprised to see this incorporated into the vanilla final release.

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Could you allow to set the transparent effect on/off via the userconfig when in "standard" stances?

I actually prefer to have it visible all the time, but that might just be my taste.

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Could you allow to set the transparent effect on/off via the userconfig when in "standard" stances?

I actually prefer to have it visible all the time, but that might just be my taste.

I'l add that to a todo list! as-well as the reverse.

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