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Found 83 results

  1. SonOfKrazyBee

    Section 7 PMC

    Section 7 - PMC “If there is no road we make one†About: Section 7 is a casual milsim community. We have 1 rule, don’t be a dick. We highly enforce that rule. Section 7 was first started to create a relaxing and fun, yet professional gaming community for gamers who want to enjoy the experience of Arma, but in a realistic and intense way. Section 7 is lead by a great group of guys, who will command you through battle, joke around, and teach you new things, as well as give you a lifetime experience. The Section 7 ranking is simple, and simulated. No need to salute or call your higher rankings “sirâ€. Section 7 is lead as well, by veterans, and active duty. Giving you a great front seat to learning new things. Such as bounding, formations, and more. Don’t know how to install mods, or don’t understand proper formations, bounding, and other combat techniques? No problem! Section 7 SO’s will give you the education you need in under a couple of hours to be a awesome S7 operator! So, do you want to play Arma 3 how it was really meant to be played? Stop by and experience a true Arma 3 community. Process Of Joining/Training: Section 7 is very simple and easy to understand group. We do have regular trainings and drill, yet rarely. We have a 1-2 hour IT course, for the new players. The IT (Individual Training), teaches you the very basics of fire team movements, and procedures to make sure you fit in well with your assigned group! For those who want to build up, you can become a well trained pilot or SO, senior operator, and as well can specialize after IT, in advanced courses such as Marksmen Courses, Advanced Rifleman Courses, UGL Courses, and more! Think you're too young to join? No problem, no age limit is required, yet we recommend 18 and older. You got one shot, don’t be an immature person. More Information: For more information you can always visit our website: http://www.s7-gaming.com/ Teamspeak IP: sec7.typefrag.com As well you can always ask questions below! Game nights Below: United States Timezones: 7:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) 5:00pm Mountain Standard Time (MST) 4:00pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) 6:00pm Central Standard Time (CST) For more time-zones click the link below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YUF0WJbOb1UWSzxUXc8pi8tcx_d_rZord01hmx-mFys/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Tourists on Abramia II (TOA2) Abramia 1.0 is coming after a sucessful MP test! It's been almost 8 years(!) since we hosted something similiar on OFMan's Uhao and 4 years since the Lingor's Dictator Must Die MP event ;) many people enjoy this kind of fun gathering but we encourage serious approach and teamplay. Last week was no different - fun event with international community playing together against powerful AI controlling the island. So we continue with the operation! Above: photos gathered from the last week's TOA event: disaster in Sokovo. 1. When? This Thursday Mar 3 at: 8:00pm UK/Portugal/Ireland 9:00pm CET (Germany/Czech Rep/Poland/Slovenia/Croatia/Italy/Austria etc.) 10:00pm Israel/Greece/Turkey 11:00pm Moscow 3:00pm Eastern US 2. Requirements? Original Arma 3 patched to 1.56 or latest stable patch + TeamSpeak3 Client for voice communication + microphone & headsets. 1. You need CUP (http://cup-arma3.org/)Core, Terrains, Weapons, Units, Vehicles. 2. You need ACE3 (http://ace3mod.com/), ACE CUP Compatibility addon (link) and CBA (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18768). 3. Isla Abramia latest v1.0 with brand new FAP Units 1.0 (both addons planned to be released before Thursday) - download will be around ~280MB. 4. Allowed extra addon: @sthud_a3 (ShackTac HUD) for easier orientation - but optional! UPDATED!!!- mod startup line should be: -mod=@cup_terrains_core;@cup_terrains_maps;@abramia;@fap_units;@cup_weapons;@cup_units;@cup_vehicles;@sthud_a3;@cba_a3;@ace3;@cup_ace_compatibility 3. Story / Intel Last week's attack of Joint Ops team Forces on Sokovo Villa lead to a disaster. Footage we took revealed that Charlie Team managed to secure Col. Alfredo, brother of Dragan in his villa. Heavy firefight took place that day but villa has been secured with VIP target still alive. Unfortunately we were unable to retrieve laptop with important data on Dragan's Army due to a FREAKING MINI NUCLEAR EXPLOSION. Several survivors from Charlie Team gave statements but we are still determining what exactly led to that unfortunate event. What we were able to gather so far is that Alfredo managed to get free and one member of Charlie team double tapped him. With Alfredo's death a countdown of 2 minutes has been set and we were fortunately able to extract majority of forces from that area. But we still lost a lot of good men that day as several extraction helicopters crashed in a huge fireball. Nuke has been identified as 1-kiloton device with a blast radius of ~500 metres and 500 rem lethal radiation dose in area of 850-1000 metres. Initial intel we have confirms Alfredo managed to get nukes to Isla Abramia with cargo ships from Northern Sahrani along with several SLA military equipment. Including at least 24 tanks and several Su-25 planes were spotted on satellite images. It is not excluded biohazard weapons were not in one of the shipments, so we requested several NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) suits for this upcoming operation. HQ is ordering immediate start of Operation TOA2 this Thursday with next objectives: - retrieve shipment of NBC suits delivered at approx March 3 @2030Z. - secure capitol of Yolandi with assistance of armored group - investigate locations of possible additional 1 kiloton mini-nukes and or nerve gas agents. - capture Dragan 4. Sides & Equipment We all start on the same side as Abramian Rebel Alliance (ARA). Official event language is English. There will be respawn enabled for reinforcements, and respawn points will move when certain objectives are met. Abramia is a small country and depends largely on Russian equipment, mostly light vehicles and armor. Couple of army bases provide transport and assault helicopters while airbases have couple of jets on the standby. Dragan increased air defenses as he is expecting foreign involvement, so do not count on any help from above any time soon. It is absolutely crucial to capture any assets we come across. 5. Server Event will be hosted on SBP's dedicated server in Europe and teamspeak3 will be available. We are available for any questions in this topic. 6. How to join? 1. Put a reply in this topic stating: "REQ JOIN - Nickname - Team/Clan Name." X/Os and fight organizers please send only one topic with the list of all members that will be able to come to the event. We will update the player slots in this topic accordingly. You will recieve teamspeak, server data & pass to join on your private message at least few hours before the start. 7. Player Slots (Guestlist) We reserved *43* slots for this mission. In case more of you apply, we might increase that. Taken: 18 out of 43 (23,26%). [TEAM ALPHA (SBP)] "CAS/Infantry" 1. IceBreakr 2. Sahbazz 3. SmukY 4. Spidi 5. Diablo 6. InFlames 7. Krivic 8. Amir 9. Tolovaj 10. [reserved] [TEAM BRAVO (Teams can apply!)] "Mechanized Infantry" 1. Mereck - TFI 2. Fab - TFI 3. Chewie - TFI 4. Rochois - TFI 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [TEAM CHARLIE (Individual Players)] "Assault Squad" 1. Granis - i-M3 2. Pricey - i-M3 3. cabo0se aka ePURGEUK 4. [free] 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [TEAM DELTA] Role for this team will be set shortly! 1. [free] 2. [free] 3. [free] 4. [free] 5. [free] 6. [free] 7. [free] 8. [free] 9. [free] 10. [free] [PRESS / Film crew] (for recording of the event, they must not carry any weapons and wear PRESS marking on the back at all times) 1. Jeza 2. FM 3. [free] Changelog of the topic: Feb 29 8:16pm - initial topic launch Mar 1 11:41pm - 10 signups added Mar 2 10:50pm - 18 players on guestlist, ACE3 added, mod line updated!
  3. Who are we? The 2nd Yorkshire Battalion (2YB) is a group for people who want to have the realism of the military simulation side of ArmA but want to have fun and not have the realism ruin the experience. We aim to provide a mature, fun and interactive environment to focus on operations and gameplay over having pristine realism. We focus on fun, teamwork, tactical and realism in that order. What do we offer over other groups? We offer an organised structure for both in-game and out of game to avoid any confusion and show peoples specialties. We have structured training and qualifications so everyone gets a fair chance at becoming the best soldier. Realistic operations that relate to present day. Our Divisions? We have multiple 'divisions' within our group. Our main infantry force is a platoon of infantry soldiers, this is three sections or six fireteams. We also have an RAF division which handles all our flying needs including transport and close air support. We have support sections that include indirect fire, logistics, explosive ordnance disposal, armour and heavy weapons Requirements to join us? Some requirements we have that are vital for the continuity of the this group so please check that you follow all of these. You must be over the age of thirteen (13) You must also be mature and dedicated to our groups You must not be member of any other ArmA 3 MilSim clan You must own ArmA 3 You must be available to download TeamSpeak 3 You must be able to download all mods used by our group How to join us? We currently have a website in development where we will have a sign up sheet however you can sign up with this link here Also follow our twitter for constant updates: https://twitter.com/2Yorks Our modpack: @3CommandBrigade (Equipment, Units, Vehicles, Weapons) @ALiVE @ACE @asdg_jr @CBA_A3 @task_force_radio CUP Terrains DISCLAIMER: This group is currently in development therefore if you decide to join be prepared to take administrative roles and operations will not be for a possible month until roles are assigned and stability has been created.
  4. This is one of my first scripts I ever made and I have spent no time to make it more condenced but it works and it's beautifal :D ! In this script it will spawn a US Destroyer (big boat), then attach an Apache to it along with a few other decorative props, and lastly a red, white, and blue smoke trail for your skywritting needs. This was originally in my admin menu I made so Its designed to be in a menu tree on my Action menu. I've removed what I could of that aspect so all you have to do is pick a way to execute this command however I will supply one way for you if you do not know how. This script has no real purpose other than something fun to show your friends. Originall inspiration was from the PapuWarfare test server, I saw Viba spawn in huge boat and fly it around, I was forever inspired to one day get that to work and I have surely built apawn it. <3 Viba and Papu, RIP Server. I also had an automatic cleanup feature in this scrip which you may not like since for testing reasons I had spam my hint box and you may just want to look at this work of art and it automatically removes it shortly afer you exit the vehicle. So here it is! STEPS: 1) Create a text document and save it as "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf" in the MP mission (or SP) folder that you will use in step 2 Example Directory: C:\Users\Joey\Documents\ArmA 2\MPMissions\ReWind%20ExampleMissionName.Chernarus 2) In your mission editor, add a playable unit. Under its initialization field paste this into it: family1 = _unit addAction ["<t color='#9A2EFE'>- </t><t color='#FF0000'>M</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>u</t><t color='#0000FF'>r</t><t color='#FF0000'>i</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>c</t><t color='#0000FF'>a</t> <t color='#FF0000'>A</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>i</t><t color='#0000FF'>r</t><t color='#FF0000'>l</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>i</t><t color='#0000FF'>n</t><t color='#FF0000'>e</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>s</t>", "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf"]; 3) In "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf" copy and paste The code below into the file and save it. ////////////////////////////////////// // // // The Real American Destroyer // // By: ReWind // // Steam: // http://steamcommunity.com/id/45645667867834534/ ////////////////////////////////////// //Identifing Player //Spawning the Apache on players position //Moving player in driver seat of Apache //Spawning Destroyer on players position //Attaching Destroyer to Apache //Getting player Direction before spawn //Telling player the direction they faced //Setting Apache and player direction where player looked _unit = _this select 0; _position = getPos _unit; // you can spawn this anywhere since your player is automatically moved to driver _vehicle = "BAF_Apache_AH1_D" createVehicle (_position); // You may change "BAF_Apache_AH1_D" to any vehicle classname you want and it will function the same _vehicle engineOn true; // False to spawn the vehicle off _unit moveInDriver _vehicle; // !!You NEED this otherwise there is no way to get into the driver seat!! _vehicle allowDamage true; // Set False to make the chopper indestructable (if you crash a heli while invincable it still often times explodes) _vehicle0 = "Land_Destroyer" createVehicle (_position); // There is also another boat I think it is called "Land_Fragetta" not sure but you can interchange them however the props will not allign properly _vehicle0 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 0, 0, 4.5]]; _vehicle0 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicle0 setDir 180; _direction = getDir _unit; hintSilent format["Based on the direction you were looking, the Object will spawn facing: %1 degrees",_direction]; _vehicle setDir (_direction); _unit setDir (_direction); //Adding other props to give detail _vehicleProp13 = "C130J_static_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp13 attachTo [_vehicle,[7,0,11.5]]; _vehicleProp14 = "C130J_static_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp14 attachTo [_vehicle,[-7,0,11.5]]; _vehicleProp13 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicleProp14 setVectorDir[0,0,180]; _vehicleProp13 setDir 180; _vehicleProp14 setDir 180; _vehicleProp1 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp1 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.65, -25.22, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp2 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp2 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.65, -25.22, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp3 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp3 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.6, -27.82, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp4 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp4 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.6, -27.82, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp5 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp5 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.5, -31.3, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp6 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp6 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.5, -31.3, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp7 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp7 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.5, -33.9, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp8 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp8 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.5, -33.9, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp9 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp9 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.39, -37.38, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp10 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp10 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.39, -37.38, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp11 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp11 attachTo [_vehicle,[ 7.34, -39.28, 16.5]]; _vehicleProp12 = "FlagCarrierUSA_EP1" createVehicle (_position); _vehicleProp12 attachTo [_vehicle,[ -7.34, -39.28, 16.5]]; //Maintaining smokes when player is alive //Spawning Blue Smokes //Attaching Blue smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer //Starting cleanup, when vehicle is not active, smokes stop, props are then removed. Also deletes props if the vehicle explodes while {alive _vehicle} do { if (vehicle player == _vehicle) then { hint "Vehicle Active: True"; _vehicle1b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.5]]; _vehicle2b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.7]]; _vehicle3b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,4.9]]; _vehicle4b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.1]]; _vehicle5b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.3]]; _vehicle6b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.5]]; _vehicle7b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.7]]; _vehicle8b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,5.9]]; _vehicle9b = "SmokeShellBlue" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9b attachTo [_vehicle,[0,-70.6,6.1]]; //Spawning Red Smokes //Attaching Red smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer _vehicle1r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.3]]; _vehicle2r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.5]]; _vehicle3r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.7]]; _vehicle4r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,6.9]]; _vehicle5r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.1]]; _vehicle6r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.3]]; _vehicle7r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.5]]; _vehicle8r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.7]]; _vehicle9r = "SmokeShellRed" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9r attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,7.9]]; //Spawning White Smokes //Attaching White smokes to Apache even with back of destroyer _vehicle1w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle1w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,4.3]]; _vehicle2w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle2w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,4.1]]; _vehicle3w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle3w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.9]]; _vehicle4w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle4w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.7]]; _vehicle5w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle5w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.5]]; _vehicle6w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle6w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.3]]; _vehicle7w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle7w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,3.1]]; _vehicle8w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle8w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,2.9]]; _vehicle9w = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (_position); _vehicle9w attachTo [_vehicle, [0,-70.6,2.7]]; sleep 15; } else { hint "Vehicle Active: False"; sleep 1; hint "Removing inactive spawns and ending script"; deleteVehicle _vehicle; deleteVehicle _vehicle0; deleteVehicle _vehicle1b; deleteVehicle _vehicle2b; deleteVehicle _vehicle3b; deleteVehicle _vehicle4b; deleteVehicle _vehicle5b; deleteVehicle _vehicle6b; deleteVehicle _vehicle7b; deleteVehicle _vehicle8b; deleteVehicle _vehicle9b; deleteVehicle _vehicle1r; deleteVehicle _vehicle2r; deleteVehicle _vehicle3r; deleteVehicle _vehicle4r; deleteVehicle _vehicle5r; deleteVehicle _vehicle6r; deleteVehicle _vehicle7r; deleteVehicle _vehicle8r; deleteVehicle _vehicle9r; deleteVehicle _vehicle1w; deleteVehicle _vehicle2w; deleteVehicle _vehicle3w; deleteVehicle _vehicle4w; deleteVehicle _vehicle5w; deleteVehicle _vehicle6w; deleteVehicle _vehicle7w; deleteVehicle _vehicle8w; deleteVehicle _vehicle9w; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp1; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp2; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp3; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp4; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp5; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp6; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp7; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp8; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp9; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp10; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp11; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp12; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp13; deleteVehicle _vehicleProp14; }; sleep 3; hint "script cycled"; sleep 1} THE REST IS OPTIONAL from this point on 4) IF you want to remove the auto-clean-up feature, simply replace lines 150 all the way to the end of the script seen below else { hint "Vehicle Active: False"; sleep 1; hint "Removing inactive spawns and ending script"; deleteVehicle _vehicle; deleteVehicle _vehicle0; All the way to the last line with this: else { hint "Vehicle Active: False"; sleep 1; hint "Autocleanup: Dissabled"; }; sleep 3; hint "script cycled"; sleep 1} Thats all, if you like this hit me up on steam, I have loads of nutty admin tools I have created, I'd be glad to share some.
  5. New website up! http://www.jtf16.org Who are we? JTF16 is a group of mature ArmA veterans, we consist primarily of Swedish players at this moment but that is something we don’t mind changing. We play co-op games (apart from a few special events) and we have our own dedicated game server where we also host our mod repositories and TS3. We host our own OPs two days a week and we try do joint-ops with a bigger groups as often as we can. The group has its own very talented mission and campaign makers and usually do campaigns that stretches over several weeks. So, what do we do?We play ArmA, that pretty much it, but we do it with a twist that we like to call “Milsim Lightâ€. We like to mix milsim with casual play, creating a fun and inviting environment for everyone involved. In practice that means that we do have a set structure and in-game we have a chain of command but without the use of ranks and such. What we strive for is to get some really good immersion going, but at the same time understand that we do this because it's fun. We are looking for mature players and we have set the age limit to join JTF16 to 25 years old. If you want more information on how to apply to JTF16 head over to the recruitment page and read there. Join JTF16 We are always interested in expanding our list of members, and we would love to hear from you. Adding more capable riflemen, medics, team leaders, medics and support personnel lets us create even bigger missions and lets us utilize more roles. Our wishes As stated on our Who We Are page, we are all ArmA veterans and we are looking for a bit older players than most other teams do. We are looking for mature players who can differentiate between when its appropriate to play around and when it's time to get you game face on. Our wishes are: You are able to speak and write English. You need to be 25 years or older. You need to be mature, respectful and know how to handle situations like an adult. You need to have a working microphone and a basic knowledge how to use TeamSpeak. You need to have a basic understanding of ArmA 3. If you want to know more or are interested in joining us, head over to our website or drop me a PM here on the BI forums.
  6. Dead End is a tactical Mission up to seven Players. Operate behind enemy lines and seek and eliminate the target.Our informs have reported that the CSAT officer Ismail Jawadi was sighted near Frini. So far we had no success to grab him. This seems to be our best chance to eliminate him.You start from U.S Camp Yankee. Take care of the equipment and fly to the destination area. Increased enemy activity was noted. Infiltrate the enemy territory and kill the officer. Features: * No addons needed. Just subscribe and Play! * Approximate Playtime: 30-60 minutes * Gearup with Arsenal * Intro & custom music * Languages: English, German Bugs/Feedback: Any Questions? Found a bug? Just add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/justm4na Notes: 1. You are able to play this Mission solo but its very hard! 2. I made this just for fun. I really appreciate if you rate and comment my Mission. Download: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1137808580
  7. Forgive me if this is in the wrong section, The map is based on Call of Duty's Black Ops map: Nuke Town but with my twist to keep the Arma feel 20 players but 4 will be reserved so an admin can get on the server, so will be 16 players, 8 per team. You have random spawns at the back of the gardens. You are not locked to teams after 3 minutes so ignore that. 3 Classes (soon to be 6) Medic Silenced ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) Katiba Camo with ACO Scope (4x 30rd Mags) Medikit Smoke Grenades Green (3) to cover up the person he is to treat Engineer ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) MXC 6.5 with ACO Scope (4x 30rd Mags) MineDetector Hand Grenade Sniper ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) GM6 Lynx 12.7 mm (Camo) with SoS Scope (4x 5rd Mags) Smoke Grenade Yellow APERS Range Mine Ghillie Suite I will be adding red and blue class differences then once the server take off ill add more classes. 30 second bleed out with suicide Name: NaughtyBullGaming.com Presents: A3 Nuke Town: Team Death Match IP: Mods Needed: None Mission File Size 3.5MB I have setup a Teamspeak 3 Server for each team as well on: Please put any feedback here and I hope you like it, its took a lot of work to make by myself with some help from a few key people :)