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  1. Like the title says, battleye is blocking Dxtory recoding/Lagarithc codec, "C:\Windows\System32\lagarith.dll" but only in 64bit version od Argo, on 32bit its working fine. I start Argo, and in the moment I press the button to start recording, window with message: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\lagarith.dll". pops out. Arma3 64bit has no issues while recording. Any ideas are welcome, i reinstalled Argo, Dxtory, Lagarith codec, checked the firewall rules, and just cant find the solution. thx in advance EDIT: dont know how, but after the last win10 update and/or reinstalling k-lite codec pack, now i can record 64 bit Argo :)
  2. xXx-Kampf-Opa-xXx

    Stabilität Server, BattleEye

    Hallo , erstmal muss ich sagen das Euer Spiel gut ist soweit. Allerdings müsst Ihr einiges verbessern an ARGO , das wäre 1. BattleEye so fein einstellen das niemand mehr Cheats und anderes benutzen kann und BattleEye auch auf dem neusten Stand halten . Ihr solltet darauf achten das ARMA III Spieler die Cheats aus dem Game hier ebenfalls nicht benutzen können . 2. Es gebt einfach zu viele Bugs und Fehler beim starten und durchführen der Missionen bzw. Modis!!! Gesetzlich kann man dies verlangen das Euer Spiel einfandfrei ohne Fehler läuft . Grund da es auch auf den Premiumservern(Kaufpreis 9,95€) die gleichen Fehler gibt die oben genannt sind !!!!!! Bekommt dies in den Griff sonst werden Einge rechtliche Schritte einleiten und dies kann teuer werden weil ein Käufer von Premium, Rechte hat das Server die er gekauft hat einwandfrei laufen müssen !!!!! Entschuldigt aber ich kann leider kein Englisch somit muss dieser Text Übersetzt werden Grüsse Kampf-Opa-GER
  3. Hi, I had some problems with the game, so let's go through the steps: I download Argo via Steam, if i click in Play, nothing happens, so I run the game direct via argo.exe, game starts...solved Login, select game mode, ready, and... kicked with the error "Battleye not initializing, restar the game", I restart the game, problem continues... I tried: Go in folder and execute Install_BattlEye. Check integrity game cache. Delete Battleye folder, check integrity and download again. Include BattlEye in firewall exceptions. Authorized the battleye to start automatically in Windows services. Uinstall and install Argo again. Nothing happens, so I started the game and started BEService directly in the task manager... now i can enter in room and play for 1-2 minutes, and kicked from the server with error "BattlEye Client not responding" How do I solve this problem?
  4. I used my brother's steam account to test play Arma 3 and download it beforehand for when I buy it tomorrow. I quickly figured out that he was globally banned from BattlEye for hacking when I tried to join my friend who recently got the game. I'm going to buy Arma 3 tomorrow so I just wanted to ask if my own steam account will also be banned from BattlEye for playing on his account. I tried joining an unturned server that had battleye required and i was able to join it but i'm still skeptical.
  5. 18-05-2017 18:58:19 - Blocked loading of file 'F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@task_force_radio\task_force_radio_pipe_x64.dll' https://gyazo.com/cbb55ea75620e49d238ac43005d9c0c9
  6. What is it? BEM is TheMeq's BattlEye Filter Manager for the ArmA series of games (Specifically ArmA 3 at the moment). You can use this tool to modify and maintain your BattlEye filters. You can modify keywords or the filters that that go against them with this software. How to use it? Just drop the EXE file into your BattlEye folder on your server. Then run the EXE file! Really, run the EXE file... Here is the VirusTotal result for this file: Click Me Here is also a forum post from Exile where this file has originally been posted: Click Me What can it do? - Import items from your log files, will sort through duplicates and ignore them and only add the ones you don't have. - You can change the log levels, the exception types, and even the entire filter. - Submit your files if something isn't working right so I can try to make this software better. - When you save, your old files are automatically backed up so you don't lose any settings. - Now has multi-language support! Latest Version: - Download Here: http://bem.themeq.xyz The application now has language support! It currently supports English and Finnish, but I am looking for more translations! Please see the latest update on the website for details on helping out with this project. Thanks!
  7. So, I set up this life server, everything is correct, extDB2 connects, etc. But when I try to join Battleye kicks me with the Script Restriction #1 error. I went to the scripts.log and this is what appears: 25.05.2017 22:17:45: Joe Mark (My Ip x.x.x.x.) 2d584b1eca0401c2106caa05ea7d6657 - #1 "this addAction ["<t color='#0099FF'>Sit Down</t>","Chair\sitdown.sqf"]" I just don't know what can be wrong, seems the error has to be with this sitdown script but I don't what to do with it. This is my scripts.txt //new2 1 "" !="this allowDamage false;" !="this enableSimulation false;" !"this addAction[localize\"STR_" !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile", !"this addAction ["<t color='#0099FF'>Sit Down</t>","Chair\sitdown.sqf"]" 5 addAction !"this addAction[format[\"%1 ($%2)\",localize (getText(missionConfigFile" !HC_fnc_getVehicles !life_fnc_atmMenu !life_fnc_captureHideout !life_fnc_chopShopMenu !life_fnc_clothingMenu !life_fnc_dpFinish !life_fnc_dropFishingNet !life_fnc_fedCamDisplay !life_fnc_fuelStatOpen !life_fnc_getDPMission !life_fnc_healHospital !life_fnc_packupSpikes !life_fnc_postBail !life_fnc_processAction !life_fnc_questionDealer !life_fnc_robAction !life_fnc_safeFix !life_fnc_safeOpen !life_fnc_serviceChopper !life_fnc_storeVehicle !life_fnc_vehicleShopMenu !life_fnc_virt_menu !life_fnc_weaponShopMenu !life_spikestrip !TON_fnc_getVehicles 5 createDialog !\"altisPhone\" !\"Chop_Shop\" !\"DeathScreen\" !\"Federal_Safe\" !\"Life_Admin_Compensate\" !\"life_admin_menu\" !\"Life_atm_management\" !\"Life_cell_phone\" !\"Life_Clothing\" !\"Life_Create_Gang_Diag\" !\"Life_FuelStat\" !\"Life_impound_menu\" !\"Life_key_management\" !\"Life_My_Gang_Diag\" !\"life_spawn_selection\" !\"life_ticket_give\" !\"life_ticket_pay\" !\"Life_Vehicle_Shop_v2\" !\"life_wanted_menu\" !\"life_weapon_shop\" !\"pInteraction_Menu\" !\"playerSettings\" !\"RscDisplayCamera\" !\"RscDisplayDebugPublic\" !\"RscDisplayWelcome\" !\"RscGUIEditor\" !\"SettingsMenu\" !\"shops_menu\" !\"TrunkMenu\" !\"vInteraction_Menu\" 5 ctrlCreate !\"RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars\" 5 ctrlDelete !="};\n};\n\n\n\n\n\n\n_ListGroup = _display displayctrl 21903 ;\n\n\n\nctrlDelete _ListGroup;\n_listGroupCfg = configfile >> \"RscDisplayDebri" !=" select 2; \n_ListGroup = _display displayctrl 38400;\n\n\n\nctrlDelete _ListGroup;\n_listGroupCfg = configfile >> \"RscDisplayDLCCo" !="0];\n_ctrlRscMessageBox ctrlcommit 0;\nif (_canDelete) then {ctrldelete _ctrlRscMessageBox;};\n} else {\n_display closedisplay 2;\n};" 5 forceRespawn !="Helper\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveRemoveHelper\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction\",\"BIS_fnc_reviveHandleIncapUnitDetection\",\"BIS_fnc_" !="[\"a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3_Mark\",\"Revive\",\"reviveHand" !="_reviveHandleReviveAction;\n\n\n[] spawn bis_fnc_reviveHandleForceRespawnAction;\n\n\n[] spawn bis_fnc_reviveHandleIncapUnitDetection;" !="];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n};\n} else {\nif (isnil \"_respawnOnStart\") then {_r" !="\"BIS_fnc_paramReviveBleedOutDuration\",\"BIS_fnc_paramReviveForceRespawnDuration\",\"BIS_fnc_paramTimeAcceleration\",\"BIS_fnc_ORBATOp" !="[\"A3\functions_f\Params\fn_paramReviveForceRespawnDuration.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"A3\",\"Params\",\"paramReviveForceRespaw" !="ble[\"bis_reviveParam_bleedOutDuration\",-100]};\nbis_revive_forceRespawnDuration = if ((missionNamespace getVariable[\"bis_revivePa" 5 W_O_O_K_I_E !="\"_endM\"];\nif (isServer && !hasInterface) exitWith {}; \n\n\n\nW_O_O_K_I_E_ANTI_ANTI_HAX = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") " 5 E_X_T_A_S_Y !="lse\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nE_X_T_A_S_Y_ANTI_ANTI_HAX = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") " 5 DO_NUKE !="false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nDO_NUKE = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} e" 5 JxMxE !="\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJxMxE_spunkveh = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"f" 5 llyyssttiiccc !="then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_LLYYSSTTIICCC_SHIT_RE = compileFinal (if (\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then " 5 J_M_E_ 5 aNUScODERZ 5 Jesus 5 JJJJ_ !="\"false\" isEqualType \"\") then {\"false\"} else {str(\"false\")});\nJJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_LLYYSSTTIICCC_SHIT_RE = compileFinal (if (\"fals" 5 ThirtySix 5 root_ 5 E5P 5 Bossmode Thanks in advance. Sorry for bad english. JoeyMark.
  8. Whenever I try to join my own server with BattlEye enabled, I get kicked. I'll be connecting to the server and then be kicked for script restriction #0 or #22. These are the logs What do these mean? Is there a way to fix it?
  9. Hello, I just reinstalled Arma3 and tryed to join a server but the serverlist ingame was empty. So i thought i just use the launcher server browser this one shows me all servers but when i try to join a game i ger stuck with the Arma 3 logo when the game opens ... after that i disabled battleye in the launcher now i can see all servers in game but well who guessed it i cant join without battleye ... iam getting 06.04.2017 09:59:56 - Blocked loading of file 'C:\Windows\System32\LavasoftTcpService64.dll' in the battleye tab on the launcher i checked if the file exist and it does what else i tryed : restarted pc verified the files in steam deleted all battleye files and verified again restarted my router changed ingame name (profile) but still no luck iam running windows 10 64 bit (istalled just 2 weeks ago) intel 6700k geforce gtx 970 i hope someone can help me
  10. Okay after updating to 1.68 now battleye wont work. I already tried reinstalling the game. What else can I do? Can't seem to find any client downloads in Battleye's website.
  11. What is it? BEM is TheMeq's BattlEye Filter Manager for the ArmA series of games (Specifically ArmA 3 at the moment). You can use this tool to modify and maintain your BattlEye filters. You can modify keywords or the filters that that go against them with this software. How to use it? Just drop the EXE file into your BattlEye folder on your server. Then run the EXE file? Really, run the EXE file... Here is the VirusTotal result for this file: Click Me Here is also a forum post from Exile where this file has originally been posted: Click Me And also, my post on Armaholic about this software: Click Me (Waiting for new version to be approved). What can it do? - Import items from your log files, will sort through duplicates and ignore them and only add the ones you don't have. - You can change the log levels, the exception types, and even the entire filter. - Submit your files if something isn't working right so I can try to make this software better. - When you save, your old files are automatically backed up so you don't lose any settings. Latest Version: - Download Here: http://bem.themeq.xyz If you have any issues with this, please respond here or drop me an email (which can be found at the link above). Change Log: [] Fixed an issue where the logging type of keywords was not saved when changed. [] Will no longer launch if the file is not in the correct directory (Needs to be in your BattlEye folder). [] UI fixes where some drop down boxes where editable and should not have been. [] Timer added that will check for updates every 5 minutes for people who keep the application open all the time. [] Added optional email field when submitting scripts incase you want to be contacted back. [] Added ability to submit filters that you are having issues with so I can make BEM even better! [] Fixed a bug where keywords enclosed in quotation marks where not correctly picked up causing a file error. [] Fixed a bug where keywords containing several space characters where not correctly picked up causing a file error. [] Fixed a bug where an error would appear if an exception contained a dash (-). [] Fixed a bug where script.log lines ended with " would not capture entire exception. [] Removed S7Gaming Toolbar as server no longer exists [] Added limit to imported lines on log importer to 50,000 [] Added support for CreateVehicle and SelectPlayer logs for importing. [] Added Select All and Select None buttons to importer. [] Moved most menu buttons to new Options sub menu, which will turn Red when a new version is available to download. [] Fixed error when filter files where saved. //new was added instead of //new2 causing an error. [] You can now import filters directly from your scripts.log [] You will be asked if you want backslashes escaped if you have a filter that contains \n that should be a newline. [] Will now escape backslashes preceding an n so there is no mistake for newlines. [] Will apply quotation marks to new filters if they are not present. [] BattlEye Files are now auto-detected instead of being built from a pre-determined list. [] BattlEye is now grammatically correct, rather then appearing as Battleye (lower case e). [] Rebranded to BEM instead of AABEFM [] Filters will now automatically format when added to a new keyword (all the \n and \" business will now be done for you! (only when adding a filter, not editing)) [] Line numbers now match error's given by Arma3. [] Incorrect message box type has been fixed. [] Application will now tell you if there is an update. [] Initial Release.
  12. for 1.58.135170 and newer builds is needed to support custom BattlEye's RCON port defined in BEserver.cfg as new settings next to "RConPassword" "RConPort" "RConIP" //optional everything else is same RconPort must avoid reserved ARMA3server port range default reserved ports (+0,+1,+2,+3) are 2302 - 2305 to clarify the reserved ports can't be used for BattlEye's RCON you also shall not need to add the RconIP entry as undefined equals to (all IPv4 local IP addresses) setting it to e.g. will prevent it to respond on external IP setting it to e.g. external IP will prevent it to respond on localhost
  13. Hello, I searched through the forums but didn't find anything relating to this so I hope someone can share some info regarding this issue. For the last week or so whenever I try to join a server it can take between 10 seconds and 3 minutes for my BattlEye GUID to verify with the server. I believe its not a server side issue because it happens on more than one dedi and it only happens to me. I have tried reinstalling the battleye files via verify game cache and direct download from the battleye website but still the issue persists. I waited for A3 1.64 to drop and I still have the issue afterwards. Anyone know anything about this?
  14. The BattlEye filter (BEFilter) addWeaponCargo.txt does not log or kick what-so-ever regardless of what keyword is used. No other filter has this issue. From what I have dug-up online this issue has persisted since 8 April 2015 when update 1.42 was released also known as the Marksmen DLC update. There have been other topics posted about this issue - such as [bEFilter] addWeaponCargo.txt not working ? - but as far as I am aware they were never officially acknowledged. I contacted Bastian ($able) from BattlEye and he suggested that I ask Bohemia about this broken filter.
  15. Hello to BIS and community. I apologize if I has written in incorrect thread of forum, sure this beyond Arma 3. There some questions I'm worried about upcoming 1.64 update introducing VAC flags for accounts which were banned by Battleye. https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00171Logistics section. First question is it retroactive? So if account was banned before this update is it still going to be flagged by VAC? I'm sure this shouldn't be retroactive, just like real life laws (see ex post facto law). Also these VAC flags can have consequences on certain servers and communities.
  16. BattlEye is not working, says Error 577 whenever I try to start the game with it. Event Viewer says "The BEDaisy service failed to start due to the following error: Windows cannot verify the digital signature for this file. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source". I've already tried checking game files, deleting BattlEye folders, downloading the BEService.exe from BattlEye site, deleted the whole game and reinstalled it, restarted the PC several times, ran SFC /scannow, dism restore, chkdsk and anything else trivial, but nothing worked. I'm running Windows 10 Build 14361. If I recall correctly, BattlEye used to work fine when the build was just freshly installed (I've reinstalled several builds through this year), but would throw this error when the build is updated. I'm pretty positive it will work if I reinstall Windows, but I'm not willing to do this in the foreseeable future, as everything else is working correctly, and it will most likely crash again when it updates, so it's better to fix it, rather than nuking it. Any clues, anyone?
  17. Well me and my friends are having a big problem. Sometimes when ArmA crashes (Joining server --> Connection lost --> Stuck there & i'll need to shut down A3). This happens when im gonna try to launch it again. If i check from Task Manager i see theese (BEService.exe & arma3.exe) EVEN i have shut down A3. Is here any fix or do i have to restart computer always (Only HDD so slow boot). EDIT1; Didint remember to say, i cannot shut down it.
  18. Hi everyone, Since 3h I can't launch Arma 3 with BattlEye. It won't initialize or install. Yesterday, everything was ok. Today I've started the game once but I couldn't join my server (the game froze and I had to close it with task manager). Since nothing works. What I've tried: - Verified cache game with steam - Restarted my pc several times - Tried to reinstall BE ( http://www.battleye.com/downloads/) but nothing happens - Tried to follow BattlEye faq: http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/, but I can't do everything (such as delete some files) because i've noticed that BEService.Exe and BEService_arma3.exe are running in taskmanage (i think it's not normal, they are running even if I restart my pc). I've tried to stop the process but it refuses. I've tried also to taskkill it but it doesn't work. I hope someone knows how to fix it because I've a "download quota" and I will not be able to redownload everything before the end of this month. OS: W8.1 64bit
  19. ZaxxonGalaga

    Battleye Global Ban

    Hi. I received a global ban today and i dont know why. I never used any kind of cheat, and play modded multiplayer most of my game time. The only unusual thing, is that i upgraded my windows to windows 10. The Ban code is #8262c3.What to do?
  20. Hi, I cannot get ArmA to play music at all. I want to play via a mod. config.cpp inside the pbo has CfgMusic: class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers { class TORT_playmusic { clientInit = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\TORT_playmusic\init.sqf'"; disableModuload = true; }; }; class CfgMusic { class test1 { name = "test1"; sound[] = {"\TORT_playmusic\Music\test1.ogg", db+3, 1.0}; }; }; init.sqf has: hint "TESTTEST"; playMusic "test1"; Hint appears, no music. Music is here, example: c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tort_playMusic\Music\test1.ogg Ideas? Music format is alright. ---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ---------- Solved. Argh. Referenced sound file inside pbo, but they are outside. This is correct: sound[] = {"\@TORT_playmusic\Music\test1.ogg", db+3, 1.0}; ---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ---------- Whats wrong here? Hint appears, music plays, but "Generic error in expression in line 7" - it does not want the sleep here. hint "tort_PlayMusic running"; sleep 5; while {true} do { //playmusic format ["tmusic_%1", ceil(random 37)]; playmusic "tmusic_1"; sleep 5; }; ---------- Post added at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ---------- OK, it has to be inside a "0 = [] spawn {" ---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ---------- NEW QUESTION: How do I define the oggs length, I think in cfgmusic? If I know the tracks length, I know how long I have to wait at least. Before next track starts. This is my simple main loop. 0 = [] spawn { sleep 5 + random 30; while {true} do { playmusic format ["tmusic_%1", ceil(random 37)]; sleep 120 + random 120; }; }; ALSO, can I have ArmA count the number of files inside my sound folder? And I wish I could make cfgmusic part somewhat adaptive.
  21. Status of server development/improvements: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148288-Dedicated-server-status Performance / Profiling branch feedback http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169944-Arma-3-STABLE-server-1-38-quot-performance-binary-quot-feedback Stress test http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?187697-Arma-3-(release-candidate)-1-38-128916-stress-test-MP-(MultiPlayer) RC test How-To setup/run arma 3 dedicated server http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server How-To debug server issues http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?182955-TUTORIAL-DEBUGGING-Server-issues-(e-g-not-loading-correctly) Linux server feedback http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169926-Linux-Dedicated-Server-feedback Headless client http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149412-Arma-3-Headless-Client Headless client development feedback http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183918-Dedicated-Client-Headless-Client-feedback-(dev-branch) BattlEye feature news, detailed information http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167504-Regular-Expression-(Regex)-Support-for-BE-Filters http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166050-New-BattlEye-Feature-Mission-specific-Script-Event-Filters http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?145530-Globally-banned-by-BattlEye-See-this * still needs better manual for bonus BE features Discussions/contacts (Skype/Irc etc.) this http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152378-Admins-communication-channels was merged into http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?131825-Skype-groups-amp-other-contact-groups Tools: Tophe's tool , server configuration http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST) EPM RCON , advanced remote control via BattlEye' RCON http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160118-EPM-RCon-Tool-(Beta)-Changelog-and-Information BASIX , opensource anti-hack tool/mod - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175855-BASIX-Serverside-Anti-Hack-Administration-Mod ALIVE , AI offloading improvements and performance monitoring http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169350-ALiVE-Advanced-Light-Infantry-Virtual-Environment B.E.C. (no-longer developed) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180125-B-E-C-quot-Battleye-Extended-Controls-quot-Admin-tool-for-dedicated-servers ASM (no-longer developed): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155881-Arma-Server-Monitor-(very-small-but-useful) BattleWarden RCON, one of first RCON tools for Arma serie, https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/132652-battlewardennet-rcon-for-arma-dayz/page-4#entry2928783 How change branches of Arma 3 on STEAM client http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149411-How-to-change-Arma-3-branches-between-STABLE-amp-DEVELOPMENT-versions-STEAM-client ---------- Post added at 19:00 ---------- Previous post was at 18:40 ---------- reserved
  22. Dear Devs, Hi there - is there any way we can get textures for the lovely objects that have come with the Heli DLC? Just discovered most can be re-textured with the setObjectTexture command! :D I know the PBOs are encrypted - but might the textures become available on Arma 3 Tools at some point, perhaps?