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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Oooohhh I see tree cutter's going to work in that pic. Nice!
  2. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    yeah, that's not current. 4.3 is the current version.
  3. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Could you script something to provide intermittent Radiating from sites using the new sensor configs? Like your old stuff that comes on and then goes off, can that be done for the new Radar? So players in a vehicle with appropriate sensors would see the Radar come on their screens possibly, but it would then disappear when it stops radiating? They would have to get within 16 KM for it to be on their radar screen unless they were using an appropriately modified vehicle that can display longer ranges.
  4. It will be nice when it is implemented in vanilla via BIS, but you can do that right now with Scripts/Mods that have been built:
  5. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Yes, Data Link does exactly that. You can set up a Plane or vehicle with a Long Range active Radar to send information via Data Link to any vehicles with the Receive trait. Then they can see ANY detected target out to their max range. They may not be able to target that far, but they can see it. The problem will come with vehicle radar ranges. Almost everything out right now is based on the default 16KM max range for Vanilla Arma. I THINK Firewill is configuring a select few airframes to have longer range radar screens. Someone could probably make a mod to re-config Vanilla or mod planes to have longer range Radar screens though.
  6. Hell yes! I'd love to be able to use Project OpFor and/or RHS factions for my unit to build some sneaky sneaky missions. Hope to see this suite get to MP suitable play. Keep up the great work.
  7. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Looking good Pookie! So, are you still using full scripted systems for your site engagement parameters? If you are using the Dev build in any capacity you probably already know that they have settings to allow targeting through a data link sending unit. Can't wait to see this new build. I really want to get it into rotation for my unit to provide a new facet to our games.
  8. So, after the last patch I started getting some mysterious crashes. When I attempt to load my normal modset, my RAM shoots up to 7.5 GB+ and basically locks my system up. I can get in to Editor and Showcases normally with the base game+DLCs. If I try to Host a LAN server MP to test out missions from the editor, or straight from the Server Browser screen, I get a crash with the following Error: Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.inc not found. I also get a x000000DEAD error message. Anyone else?
  9. Look for GOM Pylon Mod : Also, Achilles for Zeus allows Dynamic Pylon Modification in mission for Zeus users. As a corollary, if you have the FIR AWS running, both of those mods will allow the use of FIR AWS weapon systems on your airframes.
  10. Update: Wipe-out with Hellfire K's applied after spawning new planes, and using Achilles Pylon replacement worked fine. Missiles tracked to the laser from my plane no problem. Still need to test LOAL from Infantry Designation.
  11. I am getting Status Access Violation crashes when attempting to Pilot a Comanche with the new Hellfire K variants. I am still attempting to isolate the issue, but it seems that adding the missiles to a Comanche frame via Editor or even with Achilles mid mission causes the crash. As soon as I start the engine from the pilots seat, it causes the crash. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
  12. You have Video of this right? I know you showed this off to ATV ;) Would love to see this stuff.
  13. You've installed the new plugin from the Workshop install location of TFAR right? !Workshop folder>Teamspeak>Plugin install. Then Teamspeak Options> Plugins> Enable TFAR plugin? Plugin installer should be in location thus: F:\Steam_DIR\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@task_force_radio\teamspeak. Pick the installer you need (3 or 3.1 compat). The Teamspeak>Tools>options>plugins> enable...
  14. So, I was just about to start working on a mission based on the map Pecher. I started to give it some appropriate winter, brooding feeling. When I added the MCC Atmosphere module and set it to Snow, and enabled Snow, it locked up ARMA. I had to log out partially to get it to force close Arma. It wouldn't let me go to my task manager to close it manually. Has anyone else had any problems like this with the new MCC?
  15. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pookie, are you going to be keeping the extended engagement ranges, sensors and weapon targeting for your mod? I notice that a lot of the mod makers are sticking with the very shortened Radar and weapon ranges to mesh with the "armaverse". Such that most vehicles are still stuck with 16Km radars instead of having anyhting longer ranged for their games. I would love to see your stuff stay long range.
  16. Wow.... I can't wait to see PO4 now. I really can't wait until you make that scripting public, because that is friggin sweet right there.
  17. I believe it was hinted that you would have to config a building model as a vehicle and add the proper attributes for sensors to that. I have no clue how that would be done as I am coding inept, but I'm sure there is someone out there in Arma-ville that can make the magic happen.
  18. Gryphon TGP does not have a full rotating ball turret. It is a limited rotation turret. Low Budget aircraft.
  19. 2 Ways. You can do the method mentioned above if you just want to run Dev Branch. If you have the room and would like to run both Stable and Dev at the same time, you can use Arma 3 Tools, and the Game Updater Tool to install a separate copy of the game as a Dev Branch version. The lets you keep up to date on Dev, while playing on Stable branch multiplayer.
  20. You might have been shot down by an IR missile. In which case it's possible even with an RWR you wouldn't be notified because it won't be Radar Guided. Or the other plane did not have it's radar on.
  21. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Hope you can get some new versions with Airfields down soon. Been looking forward to using these for some long range combined arms operations.
  22. ski2060

    PVS-27 Interact

    I'll check that. Might be the issue.
  23. ski2060

    PVS-27 Interact

    I'll try to check on that as soon as possible. The weapon I was having the issue with originally was the SMA SCAR H standard. Then the RHS MK11. I'll see if I can get some video and post it up. Been busy the last couple days.
  24. So, regarding the LOC. With this new release using the old LOC, is it still broken as far as deployment after readying? Or will it work in the meantime until you have your spiffy new stuff brought in?
  25. Well, it also depends on what airframe you are using with radar. some of the Radars are Small cones in a direct forward view. Some are Downward facing cones. You need to look at the Sensor page, see what type of vehicle you are in and what capabilities it has regarding those sensors. I can see ground targets up to the full 16 Km away depending on where they are situated. Hill top locations are easier to see things on than down in valleys or next to boulders or buildings.