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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Why would AWS weapons be available for the F/A 181? I don't believe they are compatible at this point.
  2. I was just going to ask, is the SMS system the same system you had in previously? Thereis no new UI or anything right? Just want to make sure I have things working correctly.
  3. Firewill, is there documentation showing what types of sensors and the ranges you have set up for the plane and for all your weapons in AWS? If that's something planned for after the updates I understand. It would just be nice to see what sensors I need to be using for the various weapons.
  4. NumPad 5 when you are in unzoomed TGP mode.
  5. Welllll... I wonder if that will cause issues with Enhanced Movement? User Action 1 seems to be their custom keybind also. I'm guess it won't make you climb out of the cockpit at 5000 M is you hit it?
  6. I would love to see this added to an ammo truck. I was about to try adding this to a little test mission I made for my unit to get used to all the new JETS sensors and planes. I assume that the onPlayerRespawn.sqf is needed to re-init the scripts after players respawn? And, unfiltered it would allow anyone to use the loadout editor? We have a passworded server, so not a big problem fr everyone to have it.
  7. Quite honestly, a literal interpretation of what BIS has put into the EDEN editor would be great. A GUI based menu that allows you to pick from dropdowns to reload or replace weapons on pylons while in close proximity to a placed item or specific item that mission editors choose. Drive plane up to X meters distance, use interaction menu to access pylon loadouts. Set weapons, hit apply. Give some form of instant or countdown (whatever mission maker prefers) timer for load to be applied. Go on merry day bombing the crap out of enemy forces. I would keep the weapon systems as they are now. Have each faction weapons available to that faction, and in the placements they are today. Any other placements could be achieved by modders or scripting. Have weapon resupply scripts (most repair/re-arm placements in missions now) rearm the last applied weapon loadout. That basic approach would be great for all non-modded servers. Have it be a module you can drop down to allow or disallow custom loadouts. This way, mission makers can set static loadouts for their balance purposes while others can go hog wild.
  8. You know, I could swear I posted a response to this. Thank you! My group was going bonkers testing out weapons and airframes last night and today.
  9. ski2060

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Thank you! Will keep my eyes on that as it gets updated. We've been going bonkers trying to test out various airframe and weapons platforms.
  10. Can we get a COMPREHENSIVE document detailing Sensor ranges, cones, angles and packages for each and every vanilla vehicle? Corresponding to that, can we get a document detailing all the vanilla weapons that use the new sensors, and their sensor's statistics? That would go a long way to helping us get used to the new sensors.
  11. It's compatible in certain areas. There are default settings associated with airframes that are defaulted with vanilla stats. You can fly and the weapons are generally compatible with the new DLC stuff.
  12. Well lets hope that BIS and B01 hear everyone. What is represented as a Dynamic Loadout in their promo material is not in fact an in mission load-out menu. I am sure some enterprising modder will have a vanilla version out soon in Mod or Script version. But, they shouldn't have to be the ones to do it. If it just requires the available scripting and UI assets, it should be possible for BIS/B01 to get it done in a somewhat timely fashion.
  13. TFAR beta 1.0 is up on Steam. Check in Workshop
  14. Does the Hellcat have a Laser Designator, and if so are you designating those targets with it? It's possible the Scalpel needs to have a target designated first.
  15. Yeah, that's what I said. It's NOT MEANT TO LAND NORMALLY. It requires a VTOL landing. Will try to test out today's patch in a bit. Damn HOTAS is doing a slow spiral of failures and had to order a new T16000M FCS which should be in today :D
  16. You read that backward... Blackfish will require vectoring, while Xi'an won't. Blackfish cannot land normally, the props are too large.
  17. Hah! I was wondering when you were going to get around to that for your stuff :D Looking good there, hoss. So.. 50Km Radar range? Heh...
  18. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Can't wait. I'd still like to pick your brain on what you've done regarding changes to implement the new systems. Like.. are the standalone Launchers set up for the new sensors? Do the standalone Radars have new configs and report to Side using Datalink? Have you config'd the various missiles with different values and sensor heads for longer detection ranges? These are the things inquiring masses want to know! Or, maybe just me. ;)
  19. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    I am pretty sure that there is NO water in any form other than a satellite texture on any of these maps yet. Unless Snake managed to sneak some in somewhere.
  20. There will surely be HARM weapons in multiple mods after this comes out. But yes, a HARM in vanilla would be awesome.
  21. Do you have the radar enabled and rotating on that? I cannot wait for the update to PLA to come out. Adding that and your SAMS when it is updated will be bonkers!
  22. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Wow, that is a HUGE number of objects to get placed. I assume there is a way to manually edit that and carve out areas that are bad placement?
  23. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Quite honestly I'd like at least a portion of the maps to stay at 143 Km to take advantage of the new JETS DLC. With multiple mods taking advantage of the new Radar ranges and engagement possibilities I think larger maps present new, unique opportunities for gaming units to exploit those maps for missions. @Firewill is incorporating extreme long range Radar and weapons, as is @HCPookie for his SAM pack (SA-20 engagement out to 140km!). Keep some of them large, and if you just have to shrink a few to remove overlap then do that.
  24. ski2060

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Hoping that mid-mission Dynamic loadout gets in at some point. It is NOT in Dev build so far. But that doesn't mean it won't make it in at some point. We all know it can be done.
  25. ski2060

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Funnily enough they just changed that option in the Dev build. I guess the PR guys didn't get the news before they decided to post up that OpRep. That will need to be changed if they keep the option as just "launch" .