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Everything posted by DnA

  1. In this thread we'll try to describe updates happening in the Development branch of Arma 3. This changelog is not complete, nor confirmed to be working as advertised. Again, Development branch does not pass internal QA before publication. Stick with main branch if you do not want to deal with the (big) potential issues and frequent data transfers. Feel free to discuss the updates to this branch in the relevant thread. 12-03-2013 Cross-joining default and Development branch disabled in MP Ifrit config class names changed to O_Ifrit_F and similar Various artwork fixes and tweaks in materials, textures and passenger animations Active Development branch is now indicated in the main menu Showcase: Helicopters - little optimization and conversation timings Various other showcase fixes Multiple crash opportunities fixed First tests of shadow improvements
  2. Sometimes it's useful to discuss updates to the Steam Development branch in one centralized place. Let's use this thread for that. The changelog thread can stay clean and do its thing. It mainly serves for our team to rapidly see if a daily update is very broken or very epic :ph34r: Actual issue reporting should still happen via the Feedback Tracker of course. Thank you!
  3. 29-01-2025 EXE rev. 152606 (game) EXE rev. 152606 (Launcher) Size: ~83 MB ENGINE Tweaked: Several memory allocation optimizations Tweaked: Updated Steamworks SDK (libraries) to 1.61 Fixed: Inflate decompression would freeze the game if there were extra bytes at the end (thanks jokoho482) Fixed: Base64 decoding would not recognize padding characters and produce extra bytes at the end Added: CT_WEBBROWSER Event Handlers "Draw" and "PageLoaded" Added: ctrlWebBrowserAction "StopBrowser" and "ResumeBrowser" Tweaked: Web browser pages now load 200 ms faster Fixed: -init= command line parameter did not work Added: sourceModulo for MFD sources Added: MFD sources ClockSecondSmooth and SidePanelRadarRange Added: mfdMaxUserValues vehicle config entry and raised the maximum MFD user value limit to 256
  4. DnA

    Experimental Ports Release Announcements

    The experimental Mac ports have been updated to version 2.18. They now also include Expeditionary Forces Creator DLC, and are cross-play compatible with Windows at time of writing. Visit the updated overview page, Community Wiki known issues and tips, and let us know your feedback (also via Discord's ARMA #linux_mac_branch channel)!
  5. 04-12-2024 EXE rev. 152469 (game) EXE rev. 152469 (Launcher) Size: ~69 MB KNOWN ISSUES 32 bit Dedicated Server crashes upon mission start ENGINE Added: Option to log remains collector entities into a file Fixed: Game freezes when spawning certain types of vehicles Tweaked: Added ability to force remove remains after additional fixed time Tweaked: Slightly improved efficiency of remains disposal checks Tweaked: Added option to diag_remainsCollector to return override times Tweaked: Added better compatibility with the old ways of setting textures - FT-T155459 Fixed: Freeze with -cpuCount=2 Added: Servers with no players now limit their FPS to 30 (regardless of -limitFPS parameter) Added: -limitFPS command-line parameter now also works on clients Fixed: Headless Client would not report if connection failed due to allowedFilePatching or equalModRequired restrictions Added: Ability to configure remains collector force remove times in the server config Fixed: snow parameter in RainParticles config did not work - FT-T185117 Fixed: "LOD flicker" Fixed: Sections of objects would stop rendering at specific camera angles Fixed: Rare crash caused by PhysX multithreading Fixed: setObjectTexture stopped working with VR entities - FT-T155459 Fixed: ignoreNoDamage mission option was preventing healing using a Medikit - FT-T186874 Fixed: Crash in legacy non-PhysX car collision simulation (thanks to Moerderhoschi for the reproduction steps) Tweaked: Improved game start speed Removed: Log "context" is no longer available on 32 bit
  6. 20-11-2024 Size: ~4.7 MB TOOLS Publisher Added: Support for Arma 3 Creator DLC: Expeditionary Forces Terrain Builder Fixed: Crash when loading P3Ds using the new P3D encryption Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version number to reflect the current stage (1.042)
  7. DnA


    Whereas SITREPs are general development updates, the SPOTREPs will focus solely on big default branch updates to the game. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details. ---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ---------- Full changelog and SPOTREP
  8. DnA


    Full changelog and SPOTREP
  9. Good spot and I've fixed the post (it's due to v8 being hotfixed with 1 commit today).
  10. DnA


    Full changelog and SPOTREP
  11. DnA


    Full changelog and SPOTREP
  12. DnA


    The TECHREPs will contain the changelogs for updates to the Arma 3 Tools suite on Steam. Keep checking the Dev Hub for all details.
  13. DnA


    Full changelog and TECHREP
  14. 01-10-2024 Size: ~23.1 MB TOOLS Addon Builder Changed: Steam SDK update (1.57) Binarize Added: Opt-in P3D encryption for mods Publisher Fixed: Button / tab order Changed: Steam SDK update (1.57) Object Builder Added: O2 script to mass update characters to the correct Geometry shape Steam configuration Changed: Incremented version number to reflect the current stage (1.040)
  15. 25-9-2024 EXE rev. 152232 (game) EXE rev. 152232 (Launcher) Size: ~71 MB DATA Fixed: Vanguard MP would not always clear a leader's selection box after closing the map ENGINE Fixed: Not always loading textures and LODs for assets Fixed: "HandleDamage" Event Handler started triggering on character heal
  16. 11-9-2024 EXE rev. 152211 (game) EXE rev. 152211 (Launcher) Size: ~96 MB KNOWN ISSUES Not always loading textures and LODs for assets DATA Fixed: Hiding of the loading screen (unknown) game mode for singleplayer was broken since a recent engine change ENGINE Fixed: Game could freeze when tabbing out while rendering - FT-T183720 Fixed: Fused UGL grenades would not explode when hitting a character body Tweaked: getBoneNames now returns two arrays (bone/parent split, instead of being combined in one array) - FT-T167461 Fixed: supportInfo command did not list all commands on "u:*" and "b:*" Added: Mission option to ignore upside-down self damage for helicopters
  17. In this thread we'll post announcements about Release Candidates (RC) of future main branch updates. That includes the opening of the RC-Branch ahead of an update, possible change logs between RC updates and details on (multiplayer) stress tests. This thread itself will remain closed to allow for a clear overview of announcements, please feel free to discuss this branch here.
  18. RC testing of update 2.18 has begun wrapped up - thank you! Steam branch access code: Arma3Update218RC Arma 3: ~3.6 GB / Arma 3 Server: ~456 MB Area of focus (pseudo-changelog) Added: Czech Veterans Day 2023 selected screenshots to Showcase Art of War (Lars Blanken Gallery) Added: Various new script commands, Event Handlers, etc. Added: Eden Editor markers can now be placed in 3D (not just on the 2D map) Added: DLL extension access to DirectX Added: Engine support for headgear models switching based on NVG being on or off (not used in vanilla data) Tweaked: Handling of (hand and UGL) grenades versus glass and water Tweaked: Regenerated a lot of Eden Editor previews to fix glitches with various assets Tweaked: Unified Geometry LOD on all character models (this should result in more unified damage behavior between various uniforms) Fixed: A fix in an audio conversion tool has been applied on all sound data (this should reduce 'popping' glitches at the end of samples)
  19. 21-8-2024 EXE rev. 152167 (game) EXE rev. 152158 (Launcher) Size: ~76 MB DATA Added: Czech Veterans Day 2023 selected screenshots to Showcase Art of War (Lars Blanken Gallery) ENGINE Added: Extension UI Control
  20. 31-7-2024 EXE rev. 152062 (game) EXE rev. 152062 (Launcher) Size: ~101 MB DATA Tweaked: Regenerated a lot of Eden Editor previews to fix glitches with various assets ENGINE Fixed: Crash when providing some command-line parameters with an argument, but leaving the argument empty (-unit=) (thanks PineCone227) Fixed: Bogus script type errors on Linux servers (thanks pSiKO) Fixed: Launcher firing effects did not work for remote units - FT-T182166 Fixed: Custom missionEnd was broken (thanks kju) Fixed: Game crash when trying to use the #vote server command since a recent change (thanks WO1 P. Larkins) Fixed: Compatibility with Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 (thanks Dimon UA) Fixed: Memory corruption and random crashes when a structure with Path LOD was outside of terrain bounds (thanks Floffel) Fixed: Crash if a weapon magazine is removed during the "Reloaded" Event Handler Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler ignored a returned Boolean - FT-T182892 Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler did not trigger on healing at a medical vehicle - FT-T183117 Fixed: "HandleHeal" Event Handler isMedic parameter was always false - FT-T71433 Tweaked: "HandleHeal" Event Handler return was extended
  21. 26-6-2024 EXE rev. 151913 (game) EXE rev. 151913 (Launcher) Size: ~69 MB DATA Fixed: Some custom animations did not reset properly in Eden Editor - FT-T166771 Fixed: supportInfo types did not support filtering by name Tweaked: Empty placeholder mission scripts from config, such as initServerPlayer, etc. are now ignored on mission start - FT-T85153 Fixed: Script error in the live feed module (BIS_fnc_liveFeed) - FT-T178986 Tweaked: High Command module was failing to execute properly when BIS_fnc_execVM was blocked by the mission maker ENGINE Fixed: JIP clients did not always synchronize properly - FT-T171670 Fixed: Soldier-held AA/AT weapons with lock-on were not able to lock onto targets - FT-T181124 Fixed: "SlotItemChanged" Event Handler did not trigger on removal of muzzle attachments Added: Weapon muzzle config Event Handlers "MagazineUnloaded", "SlotItemChanged", "WeaponChanged" Fixed: Crash when cutText replaces itself during "Unload" Event Handler - FT-T182375
  22. 5-6-2024 EXE rev. 151869 (game) EXE rev. 151869 (Launcher) Size: ~375 MB DATA Tweaked: VR world is now using separate footstep sounds - FT-T180485 ENGINE Added: get/setPhysicsCollisionFlag script commands Fixed: Performance degradation when many scheduled scripts are active Added: "MagazineReloading" entity event Fixed: Missile targeting sensors did not check range / angle limits (anti-radiation missiles could target radar emitters that were behind the missile, out of range and whose radar did not even reach the missile) - FT-T181124 Added: Vehicle marker lights now animate with animated memory points Fixed: Removing all throwables via addMagazineCargo/addMagazineAmmoCargo would leave a ghost grenade behind - FT-T76533 Fixed: removeMagazine(Global) on a grenade would make the grenade category unusable, even if more grenades were available - FT-T79813 Added: DLL extension access to DirectX Added: New script command screenToWorldDirection, and an alternative syntax for screenToWorld/worldToScreen for a specific camera - FT-T181178 Fixed: enableInfoPanelComponent could not disable CustomDisplayComponent - FT-T162729 Added: "Draw2D" mission Event Handler
  23. 22-5-2024 EXE rev. 151835 (game) EXE rev. 151835 (Launcher) Size: ~74 MB ENGINE Added: New argument to "SlotItemChanged" entity event, and it now fires for weapon attachments - FT-T177742 Added: "Unloaded" entity event - FT-T174935 Tweaked: getEntityInfo was extended with isSetForDeletion option Tweaked: Added isSetForDeletion option to getShotInfo Fixed: Ban reason was not displayed on clients being banned (but kick and BattlEye kick reasons were) - FT-T181310 Fixed: Server kick/ban commands now support whitespace in usernames by wrapping them in quotes - FT-T181310
  24. 15-5-2024 EXE rev. 151825 (game) EXE rev. 151825 (Launcher) Size: ~405 MB DATA Fixed: Double echo sound when firing Mk200 indoors - FT-T178139 Fixed: Wrong size of the water impact splash effect for grenades Fixed: Wrong water splash effect for shot grenades (UGL) Added: Missing impact sounds for shot grenades Added: Missing glass breaking sounds for grenades Added: Body impact sounds for grenades ENGINE Added: allCameras script command - FT-T180138 Fixed: High-resolution procedural textures with too few mipmaps were not always rendered on the screen - FT-T180876 Fixed: Some cases where UI to Texture would not load other textures referenced in the display on first render Fixed: Crash when saving the game with a script-created #lightreflector in the world - FT-T179975 Added: Engine support for headgear models switching based on NVG being on or off Fixed: Magazines added via addXXXCargo script commands were not recognized - FT-T74244 Fixed: Throwing a grenade could play an impact sound - FT-T180487, FT-T73791 Fixed: Grenade water splash effects were limited to remote clients Fixed: Water splashes were missing for smoke grenades and chemlights Fixed: Any surface impact for grenades was using the ground impact sound Fixed: Underwater grenade simulation Fixed: Grenade collisions with characters Fixed: Smoke from grenades in water was finishing too soon on remote clients Fixed: Grenade interaction with glass - FT-T126046, FT-T82591, FT-T79230, FT-T76734, FT-T71810, FT-T71658, FT-T67904, FT-T66209, FT-T64513, FT-T76391, FT-T70529, FT-T67440 Fixed: Smoke grenades were too loud underwater Fixed: Close proximity grenade interactions with glass Tweaked: New hitGlassBreak[] = {} config parameter for glass breaking impact sounds Tweaked: Grenade impacts on characters now deal corresponding minor damage based on the kinetic energy and angle of impact Tweaked: "WeaponAssembled", "WeaponDisassembled" and "Disassembled" Event Handlers now receive extended parameters - FT-T180929 Added: "Assembled" Event Handler - FT-T180929 Fixed: Could not scroll the player list in the role selection screen (it would always reset the scroll back to the top) - FT-T180434 Fixed: Scrollbar in the role selection screen obscured the player mute button - FT-T180434 Fixed: Player mute button in the role selection list would mute the wrong player, if the list was scrolled down Fixed: Eden Editor multiplayer scenarios would apply the player name to the "player" unit, even if a different "playable" unit was chosen Tweaked: getAttackTarget now shows targets sooner - FT-T154359 Added: Map markers are now visible in 3D in Eden Editor - FT-T172248 Fixed: Submunition shots could duplicate their effects (particles, impact craters) in multiplayer - FT-T177010 Tweaked: Added a parameter to addForce to disable setting characters to unconscious Tweaked: Eden Editor object icons now rotate with the object Added: Eden Editor markers can now be placed in 3D (not just on the 2D map) Fixed: Eden Editor marker placement preview icons did not exactly match the markers (slight size difference and missing shadow) Tweaked: Eden Editor map markers now become visible when selected even if their alpha is 0% Fixed: Partially filled magazines could disappear after reloading in multiplayer - FT-T142540 Fixed: The "Expansions" list in the server browser was not able to display all mods (not even all DLCs fit into it) Fixed: Hand grenades would disappear on remote clients after hitting water Added: "WeaponChanged" entity Event Handler - FT-T178384
  25. 24-4-2024 EXE rev. 151781 (game) EXE rev. 151781 (Launcher) Size: ~699 MB DATA Tweaked: Removed inventory pictures from vehicle-based SPG9 magazines - FT-T180323 Tweaked: Moved some of HEMTT's Virtual Garage texture configuration from Apex to its vanilla counterparts Fixed: Double echo sound when firing Katiba or SPAR-16 indoors - FT-T178139 Tweaked: View geometry of a few more structures (House_1W03_F, House_2W03_F, House_2W04_F, House_2W05_F, IndustrialShed_01_F and u_House_Big_01_V1_F) - FT-T146447 Fixed: Issue related to occluders on Livonia civilian houses - FT-T156396 ENGINE Fixed: HashMap circular reference check when saving the game had a memory leak and a false positive - FT-T180508 Tweaked: Improved performance of getModelInfo/getEntityInfo/getShotInfo Fixed: diag_codePerformance had unexpected overhead, the measurement result could be 10% off from the real execution time Fixed: Map markers were mixed up when setMarkerDrawPriority was used (since the last Dev build) Fixed: ~8 millisecond micro stutter every 5 seconds - FT-T180665 Added: Preprocessor definitions __FILE_NAME__/__FILE_SHORT__ - FT-T180256 Fixed: Possible game freeze when rejoining a multiplayer server after being kicked Fixed: Unarmed characters were unable to get up after being unconscious (they would be stuck in a lying on ground animation) - FT-T63879 Added: createSoundSourceLocal - FT-T180246