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Everything posted by LSValmont

  1. Do you think it is possible to put a .paa overlay on top of the GPS UI to increase immersion? The scripts I've found completely redo the GPS system instead of just using the one from the game. Basically what I need is to find the size and location of the default GPS UI so I can apply a .paa tablet background to it for example
  2. LSValmont

    3D objects - Dialog

    Did you managed to get it to work?
  3. LSValmont

    HDR 2020

    To be honest ACES Simulated looks way more realistic than all the other options. Vanilla looks "plastic" and "flat" in comparison. Well done!
  4. Just tried it and holy moly the update was worth the wait! Everything from the weapons and the units themselves look great, certainly the XCOM/X-FILES vibe is a lot stronger and more refined now! Hopefully future updates can update and add variety to the vehicle textures but other than that, 10/10!
  5. LSValmont

    [SP] S I R E N S

    Just got to the third objective! It is safe to say that this is one of the most immersive exploration/survival scenarios I've played in a while! A very refreshing take that feels as polished as a CLDC. I love it that once you destroy they nearest siren the whole location changes to reflect that the "corruption" is gone. On par with the likes of Phantom's horror scenarios and Creatical's Silent Abdera for example, and those are the cream of the crop when it comes to immersion and atmosphere. Given coop support, random starting positions and random locations for the Sirens each playthrough this could easily rival DayZ.
  6. Dear follow Arma addicts, can anyone point me towards a performance conscious script for: 1) Replacing all the non tracer ammunition from both player and ai with tracer ammunition, both at their weapons and inventories. 2) I believe tracer ammunition effects only happens when the magazine is almost empty. Is there any way to make every round have (or simulate) tracer effects? Basically I want to simulate old school battlefield games (BF2, BF3) were all rounds have tracer like effects that help players identify the origin and location that fire is coming from. (I need to up the feedback and gameplay friendliness of my mission while compromising some realism). Thank you in advanced!
  7. LSValmont

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I won't lie to you. It is quite simple really. The best AI mod for Arma 3 has reached new heights never seen before in any previous and current Arma tittle. I don't know how many years it will take A4's devs to reach this level of quality in terms of Ai realism but it is safe to say that LAMBS will be our best bet for at least a few more years to come. Kudos to the team, the testers and for us players out there, enjoy this masterpiece!
  8. Put the code in initPlayerLocal.sqf and a few lines after put: player call VAL_fn_drawLaser; Then inside the game you might need to call the function again to turn the laser ON/OFF. I do that by adding a keyPressed EH for when shift+L is pressed by the player but you can add an addaction or call it from the debug console too, whatever is easier for you.
  9. Here is the improved version, with heavy credits towards @Leopard20 , @fn_Quiksilver and @POLPOX VAL_fn_drawLaser = { if !(isNil "V_PLAYERLASEREHID") exitWith {removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", V_PLAYERLASEREHID]; V_PLAYERLASEREHID = nil; systemChat "Weapon Laser Off"; playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player];}; if (currentWeapon player isEqualTo secondaryWeapon player) exitWith {systemChat "Weapon Laser NOT AVAILABLE";}; playSound3D ["A3\missions_f\data\sounds\click.wss", player]; V_PLAYERLASEREHID = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { private _laserDir = (player weaponDirection (currentWeapon player)); private _w = currentWeapon player; if (_w != player getVariable ["last_weapon", "?"]) then { private _cfg = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _w; private _m = getText(_cfg >> "model"); private _o = createSimpleObject [_m, [0,0,0], true]; private _off = _o selectionPosition [getText(_cfg >> "muzzlePos"), "memory"]; _off = _off apply {[_x]}; deleteVehicle _o; player setVariable ["offset", _off]; player setVariable ["last_weapon", _w]; player setVariable ["proxy", [ "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\pistol.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\weapon.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\launcher.001", "proxy:\a3\characters_f\proxies\binoculars.001" ] select (([1, 4, 4096] find getNumber(_cfg >> "type")) + 1) ]; }; private _offset = player getVariable ["offset", []]; private _proxy = player getVariable ["proxy", ""]; player selectionVectorDirAndUp [_proxy, 1] params ["_vy", "_vz"]; private _pos = selectionPosition [player, _proxy, 0]; private _vx = _vy vectorCrossProduct _vz; private _mat = matrixTranspose [_vx, _vy, _vz]; _pos = _pos vectorAdd flatten (_mat matrixMultiply _offset); _pos = _pos vectorAdd [0.01,0.15,-0.05]; private _laserStart = player modelToWorldVisualWorld _pos; drawLaser [ _laserStart, _laserDir, [1000, 0, 0], [1000, 0, 0], 0.20, 0.25, 100, false ]; }]; systemChat "Weapon Laser ON"; }; Thank you guys, and enjoy!
  10. Hello dear A3 community! Today I present you my first ever script (released) so please be gentle with me, I am still a virgin! I've often run into players in my servers who complain about how Arma 3 and/or most of its missions do not offer incapacitated NPCs (a la Farcry 5). Previously, most Arma 3 mission makers had to set important NPCs to be immortal so their mission's functionality could remain intact and/or use Objects such as Boards, stands, computers etc as Vendors/Traders etc. It was that or having extremely fragile NPCs that "evil" players could exploit to ruin other players' experiences. There was no middle ground and I often found these immortal NPCs and/or Objects as traders quite immersion breaking. Another mayor complaint from Arma mission makers was the extremely high difficulty revolving around setting custom Hit Points (HP) for units. Mission makers often found their important characters dying faster than they wanted or perhaps even tankier than what the mission required. This script is the solution to both problems =). It is also a solution that is both system resources friendly and Multiplayer compatible! So with that in mind and since I couldn't find any script that does exactly that or what my players wanted I came up with this: I tried to make it as MP compatible as my limited knowledge allowed me to! (I've only tested on Hosted Servers). EDIT: Then came davidoss and fixed any locality issues remaining so not it should be fully MP compatible. Usage: Inside a Unit's Init field in the EDEN editor add: null = [this, 40, 2, 60] execVM "scripts\bossAi.sqf"; Where: "this" is the name of the unit that will have increased HP. "40" is the ammount of HP the Unit will have. (40 health means units can take ~4 shots). "2" is the amount of lives/revives the Unit will have. (0 lives disables the increased HP so 1 is minimum), Set it to 999 for immortal NPCs who for immersion's sake still go into incapacitated state! "60" is the time in seconds the Ai unit will remain in Unconscious state. Ver. 1.2 UPDATE 03/12/18: Completely rewritten the script from scratch! Ver. 1.0 UPDATE 30/11/18: The davidoss update! As always any optimization/improvement/request input is greatly appreciated! PS: This my first ever script is dedicated to my first ever friends and idols here on the forums: Haleks, George Floros and Vandeanson! This wouldn't have been possible without the knowledge I kindly received from the scripting/programming gurus Larrow, davidoss, pierremgi, phronk, johnnyboy and many others! So thank you very much guys!
  11. I am still having the issue of Artillery not firing when playing the Malden mission. But I also wanted to state that this is one of the best MP missions in Arma 3 period. Up there with BI's own Old Man, Western Sahara CDLC's Extraction Mode, SOG's Mike Force and Vindicta/Antistasi. Thank you and your whole team for making such a masterpiece. Everything from the UI to the way missions are set as a campaign speaks to the wonderful work, attention to detail and just the talent of the makers.
  12. LSValmont

    HandleDamage Event Handler Explained

    This code is very elegant! As I understand it, only overall damage is deadly? Will this still allow for legs and arms to increase their current damages?
  13. That would explain a lot! 😅😄
  14. This map looks like what Arma 4 is supposed to look like! Just insane!
  15. This script is pretty awesome but I have a single issue with it. It does not delete the looted items from the dead bodies meaning that it is supplicating the items (this is playing vindicta with ACE 3). This means that if I add this awesome script to the ACE interaction my players can use it to cheat their way into plenty of stuff. PS: Would be also awesome if the script adds an addAction to delete the box (with remoteExec so any player can do it)
  16. LSValmont

    LAxemann's Environment Ducking

    Another awesome contribution from the legend! If the Ace 3 devs approach you to include some of you work officially into the mod would that be ok with you? I am asking because I suggested over their github to include some Reforger features that you ported over to Arma 3 (year before Reforger was even released)
  17. LSValmont


    Thank you for all your years of hard work! Ravage and most of your other contributions are a staple of Arma 3 by this point. And I am not going to lie here, when it was release and for many years Ravage was literally Revolutionary. Not only was it ahead of its time and technically impressive (you were basically doing what even the devs couldn't get right in DayZ at the time) but also you made it so that anyone could benefit from it by making it so modular and accessible. In a way, your work represents all that is good about the Arma community. An inspiration, an example and a tool that enabled countless hours of entertainment for so so many players. These memories and this experiences that were possible due to your contributions and specially the extra work you endured to make it a true platform will not be soon forgotten. It is sad to see you move on but it is also a relief because we will see each other again... in Arma 4! I drink to your health!
  18. LSValmont


    There are many mission being worked on for this terrain as we speak. Most on halt due to Reforger Don't worry, this package is so well made that it will get many cool missions I am sure of that.
  19. Lets hope that when the current devs free themselves from a few priority fixes they can resume work on porting the useful Argo assets to Arma 3 just like Malden.
  20. Original review Link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977203759/recommended/1681170/ This CDLC is inspired and in fact made by the same guy who created the Hunter Six Campaign Mission. It was one of the most immersive missions/scenarios/campaigns you could get on the steam workshop even surpassing some if not most of the official missions/scenarios. But Hunter Six was 100% vanilla (just a mission file) so it did not introduce any new content besides some cool custom UI elements and it was all about immersive gameplay just by using the content already inside of Arma 3. (In fact one of the reasons why it was so popular was because it did not require 20+ Mods to be fun and immersive). That is where this CDLC comes into play as it is a more feature complete version of Hunter Six (It is called Extraction now). In terms of new content: 1) A single new map (Western Sahara): There is not much going for it in comparison to other workshop maps and it is below the quality of all the other CDLCs but it is good enough (for the asking price) and it fits the needs of the game mode (Extraction) perfectly. It just gets boring fast due to most locations looking kinda the same and even thou the map is huge it ends up feeling small because of that. 2) A few new weapons, barely any new attachments and/or equipment for them. Nothing you can't get from mods really. 3) Factions and their uniforms are quite basic but good enough to immerse you in the CDLC's theme. 4) Game Modes (Gameplay): This is were the CDLC was supposed to shine (Its main strong point). You see, EVERYONE loved Hunter Six and everyone wanted and would pay any amount money for... a MULTIPLAYER COOP version of it! And yes, this CDLC features what WE ALL wanted! We finally got our Hunter Six MP COOP Campaign after like 5+ years of waiting and we gladly paid the USD 6+ for it. Yet sadly the MP version of Extraction, as it stands now, comes with an unforgettable flaw! And that huge flaw is that in Extraction's SIX/EIGHT hours Campaign it is IMPOSSIBLE for the players playing in Multiplayer COOP to SAVE THEIR PROGRESS!!! Yes, you heard me right... that means that you need to somehow have all four of your friends (and this is how you will test their friendship!) to play uninterruptedly with you for SIX/EIGHT hours straight! Of course all of them unemployed and without families and/or duties living on their parent's basements!!! What is worst is that there are a number of Multiplayer saving scripts and mods out there that could've been used or at least inspired the devs of this CDLC or the remaining A3 Devs (Because BI gets half the earnings from this and all CDLCS) to make a decent Multiplayer compatible saving system. Was that so hard to do? Was that feature so impossible to do over the years that you had to release this CDLC with its MAIN SELLING POINT (The MP COOP Campaign), the whole reason for this CDLC to exist in the first place in a crippled half baked state due to players not even able to save their game mid campaign in Multiplayer? Other than that inexcusable omission that hopefully gets patched in the future I can still recommend this CLDC but as a single player experience and for those who never played HUNTER SIX to experience just how good it was. As a personal side note, this CDLC would have been much better released under the ART OF WAR DLC model, which was paying for a year or two of exclusive access and then be made available for everyone (who owns the base game) because this CDLCs content just fits the vanilla lore perfectly and the size of the content is pretty minuscule anyway. Just put the map and the extraction game mode behind a paywall but add everything else to vanilla Arma 3. (That would've been the best move for the players!)
  21. I believe this will only work in Single Player. For MP it would require another command.
  22. Nice! I wonder what would @Dedmen say about running nearestTerrainObjects every 0.5 seconds thou... (I believe he is currently optimizing that command!) 😏
  23. On an additional note, there was much talking on the discord A3 Server regarding a potential new script command that allows mission makers so customize the time the Ai units remain in combat mode. So for example in scenarios where you want the Ai to behave like the Ai in the Metal Gear series you set that to 60 seconds instead of the default 300 seconds. Don't know if the devs went though with it thou...
  24. LSValmont

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    I've had similar issues but with enemy vehicles that become translucid (invulnerable) to my rockets. In fact the rockets pass through the enemy APC when I fire at it! Most issues happen after loading a saved game. Those get easily corrupted and doesn't seem to work well with the dynamic simulation system that Western Sahara's Ai use for better performance. I wonder if this CDLC will continue to be supported regarding bugs and also regarding new content/features. It is an awesome CDLC, it just needs some final touches to get to the finish line!
  25. You, @diwako and @simkas are a godsend for this community! This is indeed extremely useful and I will use it in all my CUP Terrains missions 😉