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Everything posted by LSValmont

  1. Fixed for the next version! Thank you for the report! if (_nearTargets isNotEqualTo []) then { { if ( alive _x && !(isObjectHidden _x) && ((side group _DogOwner) getFriend (side group _x) < 0.6) && !(vehicle _x isKindOf "Animal") && isNull objectParent _x && !(lifeState _x isEqualTo "INCAPACITATED") && (isNil {_x getVariable "vIsVirtual"}) && ([_x, "VIEW"] checkVisibility [eyePos _dog, eyePos _x]) > 0 ) then { if (_x distance _dog < vDogSmellRange || ([_dogRunner, _x, -3] call BIS_fnc_isInFrontOf) || (_x isFlashlightOn (currentWeapon _x)) || (isLightOn _x)) then { 0 = _selectedTargets pushBack _x; _DogOwner knowsabout _x; }; }; } forEach _nearTargets; }; Additionally dogs now see enemies with their flashlights on better.
  2. LSValmont


    Actually that was a rushed work only meant for Haleks to give him some ideas for his upcoming improved ravage zombies. Since then I've updated the zombies and the dogs for a future full release with all the bells and whistles (plus lots of clean ups). Stay tuned!
  3. I just want to mention guys that I've completely rewritten the vDogs script in a much more optimized way. Additionally the vDogs now: - Can now hear gunshots and move to investigate if the sound came from inside their territory. - Can smell nearby enemies so even if they loose sight of their prey they can continue to pursue by following their smell. - Dogs attack damage is now physical rather than script based. That means that they can miss attacks and that their attacks can be diminished by vest protection etc. It also means that players can avoid the dogs damage by hiding behind cover while previously they couldn't. - Dogs can now follow and attack vehicles but will not do much damage to them. - Dogs now react to getting hit and will become aware of the attacker, reacting accordingly. - Patrol Dogs whose owner dies become Feral now instead of going passive. @sarogahtyp Regarding turning all the vDogs fncs into Bis Fncs their is not much benefit from it because those fncs are used perhaps once and turning them into BIS fncs will add an additional step for mission makers (editing their Description.ext) which may cause some additional confusion. So the less steps required to run the Script the better. The new version of vDogs will no longer be released as a stand alone but part of my upcoming vScripts Suite that will have many other features in place.
  4. Leopard is still hard at work in favor of the Arma community but now a lot closer to the actual Arma 3 devs and so he has been able to contribute tremendously helping with bug fixing and the addition of many new features and tools that will not only favor his work but the work of all modders and mission makers while the players benefit from a more stable and less buggy game. I am sure he still has many cool ideas regarding this and other projects of his but I can assure you he is now contributing like very few other community members have. The other semi dev doing such amazing work being R3VO. I really hope those kind souls get rewarded by BI with at least a free Arma 4 for all their incredible contributions over the years.
  5. LSValmont

    Cold War Rearmed III

    I started with Arma 2 and played the campaign in COOP. It was incredibly buggy but very immersive and lots of fun. Probably the best campaign I've ever played on any game period.
  6. LSValmont


    If I remember correctly there is a part of the zombies' code that do increases the visibility the zombies have of other units if those units have their flashlights on. I guess that the next Ravage version's code would have to incorporate vehicle lights too, since zombies will attack vehicles in future versions. Regarding chemlights and campfires, not only it would be kinda hard to do (considering how complex the zombies already are) but the benefits of having such feature might be lower than all the new checks each zombie would have to perform impacting performance and their other behaviors.
  7. Ok so it has just been confirmed (source below) that Fidelityfx Super Resolution can be easily ported to older titles (Including Arma 3). So of course we can expect the new engine to support it.
  8. LSValmont

    Crew Hit Reaction

    This whole mod brings a bunch of much needed immersion to our beloved Arma 3. Thank you!
  9. LSValmont

    [RELEASE] Flying tank physx fixer

    Very nice and much need contribution. Quick question: Wouldn't this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#EpeContactEnd do the work as well instead of addMissionEventHandler 'EachFrame',?
  10. LSValmont

    GF Headshot + Killfeed Script

    Thank you for this Gunter! It was George who started me on the scripting path many many months ago and he is a very kind and special individual who will always have a special place in my heart. I really hope he is doing ok and that he somehow defeated his cancer. Perhaps he used scripting as therapy during his healing and now he has just returned to a normal life away from the keyboard. All in all he has my prayers and my appreciation, always.
  11. Great fixes! This part on the old handledamage eh was very weird to me: || {_hitPoint in ["hithead", "hitbody", "hithands", "hitlegs"]} exitWith {_curDamage}; Loving the filter because the handleDamage is such a mess that it is the best option just to pass the greater damage and leave all residual weird damage that only spam the EH and hurts performance. So your solution is both better to understand what is going on and also for optimization reasons. Do you mind if I use part of that code for my own personal EH? Never to be released as a mod of course 😉
  12. LSValmont


    That is great to know, that Slay No More is the guy for that! But actually considering how much Haleks has perfected his knowledge about Arma 3's capabilities we might have a GRAD contender on the horizon! 😉
  13. LSValmont


    Grad is amazing indeed, all it needs is some custom UIs, one for manually saving if the player desires to do so and one that pops up at the start of a mission or server reload with the options to "Start a new adventure (Deletes all previous saved data)", "Load a previous Manual Save" and "Continue from last Autosave". In fact the devs of Grad are so amazing that they quickly respond to suggestions and feature requests. I asked them to be able to save triggers and so they added that! For some reason thou I struggled with getting GRAD to save some variables but that was perhaps an older faulty version.
  14. LSValmont


    Server side would be perfect! But server side saving requires a different approach compared to single player in the fact that you should only save the minimum amount of items to preserve the desired gameplay and immersion. For example for MP I actually don't think that randomly generated (via scripts) stuff should be saved at all (Not units, enemy camps, vehicles, wrecks etc). For MP just by saving: 1) Mission placed vehicles (Should be named on the editor too), 2) The status (Location, Health, Inventory, Money, Hunger etc) of all players, 3) Player placed objects (like bases, roadblocks etc) but even those should just be saved only near a player placed flag pole and limiting one pole per player so you don't have hundreds of player placed items all around the world on reload (for performance and save time considerations) 4) Player placed map markers, 5) And finally the important variables. Is more than enough. I have seen MP saving scripts that bring the saving optimizations to the next level by saving different things at different times. For example they save a particular player's (Location, Health, Inventory, Money, Hunger etc) when they press escape (to Disconnect) and the other heavier stuff (Status of vehicles, player placed objects, markers etc. when the Host disconnects (Or the last player disconnected from the server). I guess you could have both options, a manual save option and an automatic save option and when starting a mission you get a small UI with the options to: "Start a new adventure (Deletes all previous saved data)", "Load a previous Manual Save" and "Continue from last Autosave". etc. The dynamically placed items, vehicles, buildings and enemies will regenerate again via their scripts anyway and that also creates the illusion that when the player/s left things continued happening (like the server never stopped). In fact after loading a saved game in multiplayer you could add a text that says: "You wake up from a few hours of rest" etc so that will explain why some things are now not exactly were they where and will be dynamically spawned somewhere else now. 😉 ( Like enemies, vehicles and their camps etc moved while the player was resting 😃 ) For very important NPCs like traders etc I disable damage and just make them "unconscious" when getting shot but players can heal them back up and on server restart we could assume that any unconscious NPCs were auxiliated by someone else.
  15. LSValmont


    So happy about those suckers getting a much deserved update! Hopefully we can work together on a scripted save system in the future. I need that for my missions and you are getting very good at it 😉
  16. LSValmont

    Statement Regarding CSLA Iron Curtain

    No one wants this pulled from the store... and most don't even want refunds, what we all want is quality content we can use in our missions and that there are lots of players with the cDLC to play with and justify investing time creating content and hosting servers for this! Offering extended refund periods or the "compatibility mod" that is also present for the other cDLCs doesn't really solve the issue here so to those who are saying "Well done BI"... They haven't really done much yet other than was already there (Also for the previous cDLCs) and only time will tell if they deliver on what is really necessary to have this cDLC lit off.
  17. On the Arsenal screen there are bars that show the amount of "ballistic protection". You will have values from 0 to Max ballistic protection. If max ballistic protection is 1 and you can script that assigns HP based on that "ballistic Protection". Perhaps values from 0.01 to 0.25 of ballistic protection is considered low, values from 0.25 to 0.5 is medium and anything above 0.5 is heavy.
  18. Perhaps the solution could be just to add arrays of Light, Medium and Heavy vests and have plates have different "health" values for each vest type. Drawbacks include having to update that array for each vest/mod. There was a mod by the exile devs that would show the armor on the inventory screen so there is definitely a way to get that in game.
  19. LSValmont


    I also vote for keeping everything under one roof and no legacy option. That often confuses players and could potentially cause more headaches than what it is worth it.
  20. But doesn't that mean that players can wear a very light vest having very low stamina impact while having all the benefits of a full blown max armor vest?
  21. Another Top notch contribution as we have come to expect from @diwako . You have certainly consistently spoiled the Arma community with quality content that rivals even official content and for that and the countless hours of amazing gameplay brought by those contributions, I thank you! Quick question: I imagine that each different armor has different Plates capacity? Like low armor suports 1 plate while the biggest amors support 3 plates? Or is it a matter of how strong the plates are to difference those light vests versus heavy vests.
  22. And what exactly have they confirmed regarding engine features?
  23. If your 2021 model car was designed in 2015 does that mean it is not brand new when it is finally released in 2021? I mean that same model has never been on the market before... only parts of it made it to the market years prior. Still you would expect that car to have the 2021 or at least 2020 security standards in place for your car to be competitive, even thou its original design was in place years ago. Also did you know that the COD Warzone engine also was made almost from scratch and took the dev team 7+ years to be released yet it was released with all the latest bells and whistles modern at the time of release and it was advertised as the "brand new superior engine pushing the franchise forward". That is how AAA games go and that is how BI has been advertising Enfusion also.
  24. The real question is: Can a triple A company release a AAA+ game in late 2021+ without those modern gaming standards and still be advertised as AAA? I don't think BI would risk Arma 4 being labeled "outdated on arrival" by the reviewers and specially considering the current and even future competition. BI should go ALL IN for Arma 4's release. People have been waiting 7+ years to see what this "brand new" engine is capable off. Specially considering that Enfusion has been in development for ages now and it was described by BI themselves as "the future of all BI games". Besides BI has been blaming its ancient RV engine for the outdated feel and terrible performance of Arma 3 for years now. Imagine if the new engine that was made to overcome that outdated feel and all those legacy issues comes out already outdated without taking advantage of all those performance focused technologies. That would be as embarrassing as releasing a square wheel on a world that is using round wheels already.