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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. Hi... Put a photo background in that scene - you'd be hard pressed to tell whether it was real or not - niiiiice work... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Unix guy ? Nice... Regards, Scott
  3. scottb613

    SCO-EZ (Air Assault Scripts)

    T Thanks for the thanks... One thing - I forget where I left the debug switch - it's a line in the very beginning of the script - if set to [0] it is off - if set to [1] it's on... You want it set to off [0] unless you want to see what the script is attempting to do via markers - where it places helipads - and - have it create the log file in the windows clipboard... This is the debug off condition (the same in all three scripts): _debug = 0; Regards, Scott
  4. Hi Folks, Just a few scripts I've been working on for a couple months to make a helicopter air assault as easy as possible for a mission creator... I'm not sure if others will find these useful - they're still kind of a work in progress - although what is posted should be fully functional... I'm learning as I go... These handle both the troop lift aspects and CAS support of said lift... I wanted all the helicopters to follow a user defined path to avoid known areas where the possibility of being shot down were high... Since I have a relatively large number of helicopters following the same path - I didn't want to mess with waypoints as a mission creator - so none of the included assets require any waypoints - they follow a generic path defined by a couple of markers... The only thing a mission creator needs to do is to name the assets and markers appropriately and the scripts should be transportable to any map with any assets... The scripts should make the air assault fully autonomous and I've spent hours just spectating on various scenarios... Other than firing the radio triggers no real user actions required... If interested - feel free to take a gander and use the scripts as you see fit... I do have plans to improve them and add more features - we'll see how it goes... The file contains the three scripts as parts of a demo mission - all fired from a radio trigger... LAUNCHslicks.sqf - starts the troop airlift operation... LAUNCHguns.sqf - starts the gunship support of said airlift... RTBguns.sqf - orders the gunships to return to base.... Demo Plus Scripts (all vanilla): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6svdnlqwvo375lj/SCO_ScriptDemo.Stratis.zip?dl=0 Appreciate the help I've had along the way... //============================// // SLICKS - SCO Launch Script // //============================// // Author: scottb613 // File: LAUNCHslicks.sqf // Note: Only tested in Single Player. // Given: (1) to (4) helicopters [slickx] preloaded with crew - units named below. // Given: (1) to (4) infantry squads [chalkxx] per helicopter [slickx] - units named below. // Given: Multiple infantry squads [chalkxx] will be loaded as cargo into helicopter [slickx] with respect to number. // Given: (1) infantry squad [chalkxx] must exist per helicopter [slickx] used. // Given: User must insure helicopters have adequate capacity to lift assigned chalks. // Given: An LZ marker [lzx] must exist for each respective helicopter [slickx] used - markers named below. // Given: Helicopters will autonomously assault LZ creating defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads. // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four inbound markers [inb1-inb4] if desired - else direct to [lzx]. // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four outbound markers [out1-out4] if desired - else direct to base. // Given: For best results - inbound/outbound markers should be a min of 2000 meters from launch/landing positions. // Given: Even though helicopters are individual units - they will maintain a diamond like formation along flight path. // Given: Offloaded chalks will move to respective markers [ck1-ck4] defined in combat "RED" mode - else defend [lzx]. // Given: Once chalks reach final waypoint - intended for "High Command" or similiar to manage their actions. // Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger. // Given: If [debug] is enabled - writes log entries to windows clipboard and places markers on waypoints. // Named Asset: [OPT] ("s1" -player unit) // Named Asset: ("slick1" -slick helo) ("slick2" -slick helo) ("slick3" -slick helo) ("slick4" -slick helo) // Named Asset: ("chalk11" -inf squad) ("chalk12" -inf squad) ("chalk13" -inf squad) ("chalk14" -inf squad) -> load to slick1 // Named Asset: ("chalk21" -inf squad) ("chalk22" -inf squad) ("chalk23" -inf squad) ("chalk24" -inf squad) -> load to slick2 // Named Asset: ("chalk31" -inf squad) ("chalk32" -inf squad) ("chalk33" -inf squad) ("chalk34" -inf squad) -> load to slick3 // Named Asset: ("chalk41" -inf squad) ("chalk42" -inf squad) ("chalk43" -inf squad) ("chalk44" -inf squad) -> load to slick4 // Named Marker: ("lz1" -lz pad marker) ("lz2" -lz pad marker) ("lz3" -lz pad marker) ("lz4" -lz pad marker) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck1" -final posit chalk11-14) ("ck2" -final posit chalk21-24) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck3" -final posit chalk31-34) ("ck4" -final posit chalk41-44) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("out1" -outbound marker) ("out2" -outbound marker) ("out3" -outbound marker) ("out4" -outbound marker) // Example: Flight Path - [(slick1 start point) -> inb1 -> inb2 -> inb3 -> inb4 -> Lz1 -> out1 -> out2 -> (slick1 start point)]. // Example: Troop Loading - [chalk11 chalk12 chalk13 will load into slick1] [chalk21 chalk22 will load into slick2]. // Example: Troop Movement - [chalk11 chalk12 will move to marker ck1] [chalk21 chalk22 chalk23 will move to marker ck2]. // Classname: ("Land_HelipadEmpty_F" -invisible helipad) // Classname: ("Land_HelipadCircle_F" -visible helipad) //=================================================================================================================================================// // * USER CONTROLS * // [_debug] --- toggles the logging and create reference marker fucntions [(0)-off || (1)-on]. // [_launchSlickx] --- toggles launch flags to support multiple flights [(0]-no launch || (1)-launch. //=================================================================================================================================================// //==============================// // GUNSHIPS - SCO Launch Script // //==============================// // Author: scottb613 // File: LAUNCHguns.sqf // Companion To: RTBguns.sqf // Note: Only tested in single player. // Given: (1) to (4) loaded gunships ready for launch on the ground - named as listed in assets. // Given: If "posit" marker exists - use as initial point for SAD - if not - will use player "s1" position. // Given: User can define manual path with up to four inbound markers "inb1-inb4" if desired - else direct to posit. // Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger. // Named Asset: ("s1" -player unit) // Named Asset: ("guns1" -gunship helo) ("guns2" -gunship helo) ("guns3" -gunship helo) // Named Marker: ("posit" -initial target marker) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker) // Classname: ("Land_HelipadEmpty_F" -invisible helipad) // Classname: ("Land_HelipadCircle_F" -visible helipad) //=================================================================================================================================================// // * USER CONTROLS * // [_debug] --- toggles the logging and create reference marker fucntions [(0)-off || (1)-on]. // [_launchgunsx] --- toggles launch flags to support multiple flights [(0]-no launch || (1)-launch. //=================================================================================================================================================// Regards, Scott
  5. scottb613

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hi H&V, Hah - DOH - I forgot to check that aspect - running around as a little (4) man squad trying to keep the mayhem in check - really like those darn little Land Rovers - too... I'll try to remember this weekend when I get in... Regards, Scott
  6. scottb613

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hi Folks, Using it this weekend myself as well (H&V's incredible Inshallah mission) - with ACE on the Jackals/Coyotes - no issues with "F"... Thanks for all the great content... Regards, Scott
  7. Hi SaV, Thanks for the response... Yeah been working on trying to recreate the functionality - haven't looked into anything regarding GUI's yet... Nice to see you still posting... Regards, Scott
  8. Hi Folks, I've been using limitSpeed a bunch lately with helicopters - it seems to work up until 200 but after that I seem to be getting weird results - if set to 250 - helicopter goes 230... Helicopter is capable of hitting nearly 300... I didn't see any limits in the WIKI mentioned - could this be a bug ? Regards, Scott
  9. scottb613

    The 14th Valley - Unsung Vietnam

    Hi Odd, Wow - thanks so much - I'm only on my way home now - I'll be sure to give this a shot tonight - REALLY - appreciated !!! Regards, Scott Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hi Folks, Yeah - I have both the Slick and CAS scripts operational - I'll pack it up tonight with a Vanilla demo mission and send I along if you care to take a gander - wouldn't mind some external input... Same big issue with the CAS - trying to figure out a way to have the helicopters use their stand off weapons first - before moving in for the knife fight... I've tried keeping the search pattern set back from the battle - helps a bit - but they are still too quick to charge in... Most of the gunships I've found have the never ending climb issue when flown by AI - they just keep going up indefinitely... I've tested Vanilla, 3CB, RHS, and CUP... The Vanilla Blackfoot and the 3CB Wildcat seem to be the exception and work as they should... Regards, Scott
  11. Hi Folks, Good discussion - much appreciated... Yeah - I think BIS fixed something over the years - I seem to recall helicopters used to almost stop at waypoints - from my testing they seem a bit more reasonable now - they certainly pitch up, climb, and lose some speed but the transitions seems smoother... I'm limiting my slicks to 200 KPH for the duration of their flights - even in real life I don't think they would run max speed as you need some play to keep formation... I recall a RW story where the Apache's had to call their accompanying Chinooks to tell them to slow down because they couldn't keep up... Hah - the fast and sporty gunship couldn't keep up with the flying truck... Yeah - I script landing pads wherever I need the to land... I've seen the runaway choppers on slopes - LOL... I also didn't like using the same exact position for each helicopters waypoint - the helicopters seemed to robotic in flight - so I offset each helicopter a bit and add minor altitude variations... It tends to look a bit more realistic... No haven't used flyInHeightASL - I'll try it and see if I can get better results... I'll take a look at your examples... This is what my script does: //============================// // SLICKS - SCO Launch Script // //============================// // Author: scottb613 // File: LAUNCHslicks.sqf // Note: Only tested in Single Player. // Given: (1) to (4) helicopters [slickx] preloaded with crew - units named below. // Given: (1) to (4) infantry squads [chalkxx] per helicopter [slickx] - units named below. // Given: Multiple infantry squads [chalkxx] will be loaded as cargo into helicopter [slickx] with respect to number. // Given: (1) infantry squad [chalkxx] must exist per helicopter [slickx] used. // Given: User must insure helicopters have adequate capacity to lift assigned chalks. // Given: An LZ marker [lzx] must exist for each respective helicopter [slickx] used - markers named below. // Given: Helicopters will autonomously assault LZ creating defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads. // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four inbound markers [inb1-inb4] if desired - else direct to [lzx]. // Given: User can define manual flight path with up to four outbound markers [out1-out4] if desired - else direct to base. // Given: For best results - inbound/outbound markers should be a min of 2000 meters from launch/landing positions. // Given: Even though helicopters are individual units - they will maintain a diamond like formation along flight path. // Given: Offloaded chalks will move to respective markers [ck1-ck4] defined in combat "RED" mode - else defend [lzx]. // Given: Once chalks reach final waypoint - intended for "High Command" or similiar to manage their actions. // Given: Intended use - fired by radio trigger. // Given: If [debug] is enabled - writes log entries to windows clipboard and places markers on waypoints. // Named Asset: [OPT] ("s1" -player unit) // Named Asset: ("slick1" -slick helo) ("slick2" -slick helo) ("slick3" -slick helo) ("slick4" -slick helo) // Named Asset: ("chalk11" -inf squad) ("chalk12" -inf squad) ("chalk13" -inf squad) ("chalk14" -inf squad) -> load to slick1 // Named Asset: ("chalk21" -inf squad) ("chalk22" -inf squad) ("chalk23" -inf squad) ("chalk24" -inf squad) -> load to slick2 // Named Asset: ("chalk31" -inf squad) ("chalk32" -inf squad) ("chalk33" -inf squad) ("chalk34" -inf squad) -> load to slick3 // Named Asset: ("chalk41" -inf squad) ("chalk42" -inf squad) ("chalk43" -inf squad) ("chalk44" -inf squad) -> load to slick4 // Named Marker: ("lz1" -lz pad marker) ("lz2" -lz pad marker) ("lz3" -lz pad marker) ("lz4" -lz pad marker) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck1" -final posit chalk11-14) ("ck2" -final posit chalk21-24) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("ck3" -final posit chalk31-34) ("ck4" -final posit chalk41-44) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("inb1" -inbound marker) ("inb2" -inbound marker) ("inb3" -inbound marker) ("inb4" -inbound marker) // Named Marker: [OPT] ("out1" -outbound marker) ("out2" -outbound marker) ("out3" -outbound marker) ("out4" -outbound marker) // Example: Flight Path - [(slick1 start point) -> inb1 -> inb2 -> inb3 -> inb4 -> Lz1 -> out1 -> out2 -> (slick1 start point)]. // Example: Troop Loading - [chalk11 chalk12 chalk13 will load into slick1] [chalk21 chalk22 will load into slick2]. // Example: Troop Movement - [chalk11 chalk12 will move to marker ck1] [chalk21 chalk22 chalk23 will move to marker ck2]. Regards, Scott
  12. Hi Barden, This is the same radio from Arma 2 that would let you call in jet air strikes as well ??? You would pick the number of jets - their course - their distance from you ??? Regards, Scott
  13. Hi... Yeah - - - I've spent weeks writing scripts to make AI helicopter based air assaults as simple as placing a couple markers on the map - to address both troop lift and supporting CAS... The whole point is I wanted a modular script that I can use anywhere - with any helicopter- and all the helicopters will follow a basic marker path to the LZ (avoiding areas likely to get them shot down) without having to place a single waypoint... It's working pretty well - just needs some tweaks yet... For landing at the LZ - I start slowing the aircraft down in gradual increments starting at 2 clicks from the LZ... It's not perfect - but it avoids that huge balloon when trying to stop from full speed all at one time... I'd also like to be able to use the limitSpeed to control the helicopters at greater than 200 kph...The FOV in ArmA is such that it doesn't help with flight as it makes the ground seem to rush by at an incredibly high rate of speed that is completely unrealistic... LOL - while working on this I've uncovered some real problems with AI Helicopter flight that I've been attempting to relay to the teams who developed them - such as the Apache's (3CB, RHS, and CUP) will just start climbing and never stop - no matter what flyInHeight you set... It's why I created the data logging script so I could easily run comparisons... Nice to see someone else interested in the helicopters... Regards, Scott
  14. scottb613

    Fix High Command?

    Hi Folks, Concur on vanilla being pretty useless... For those who haven't tried it - recommend Duda's Advanced AI Command - fixes and improves many of the issues... Regards, Scott
  15. Hi... First I've seen this - I'll give it a shot - thanks for sharing... Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. scottb613

    The 14th Valley - Unsung Vietnam

    Hi Odd, Very kind but only if you're interested - please don't feel obligated - I'll take a gander at your mission as it is when I get home this weekend... The "Spyder Addons" pack is a collection of scripts by one of the guys from the ALiVE team to improve some ambiance and functionality in missions (ALiVE not required)... The two modules I like best are the in-game Loadout Manager with access to the Arsenal - and - the AI Recruitment Tool... The Recruitment Tool allows a player to recruit AI team members from the factions specified... You simply assign these functions to a static object around where the player spawns by syncing them... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30013 Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. scottb613

    The 14th Valley - Unsung Vietnam

    Hi Folks, Sounds great - been looking for a good "D" mission to try - is there any AI recruitment tool (Spyder Addons) included for us SP guys ??? Regards, Scott
  18. RW Data on Apache: Never exceed speed: 197 knots (227 mph, 365 km/h) Maximum speed: 158 knots (182 mph, 293 km/h) Cruise speed: 143 knots (165 mph, 265 km/h) Here's the data as flown by AI: TRACKguns.sqf ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 71.934 || Alt = 23.4918 || Spd = 0.604495 || Dist = 0.576934 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 71.934 || Alt = 22.3154 || Spd = 4.6578e-006 || Dist = 0.00472832 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 71.934 || Alt = 23.8356 || Spd = -2.6469e-005 || Dist = 0.00855532 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 81.939 || Alt = 56.6002 || Spd = 146.949 || Dist = 180.6 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 81.939 || Alt = 41.5377 || Spd = 4.14278 || Dist = 19.628 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 81.939 || Alt = 23.8356 || Spd = 4.88869e-005 || Dist = 0.00855532 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 91.947 || Alt = 31.4076 || Spd = 225.354 || Dist = 699.083 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 91.947 || Alt = 61.1974 || Spd = 166.55 || Dist = 276.12 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 91.947 || Alt = 61.9951 || Spd = 63.6128 || Dist = 63.6897 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 101.955 || Alt = 27.96 || Spd = 264.516 || Dist = 1376.33 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 101.955 || Alt = 29.7623 || Spd = 232.612 || Dist = 826.667 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 101.955 || Alt = 43.7224 || Spd = 171.525 || Dist = 417.519 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 111.967 || Alt = 28.0334 || Spd = 283.254 || Dist = 2135.56 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 111.967 || Alt = 28.4176 || Spd = 268.65 || Dist = 1526.01 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 111.967 || Alt = 25.3103 || Spd = 222.42 || Dist = 968.215 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 121.97 || Alt = 28.0274 || Spd = 289.866 || Dist = 2927.58 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 121.97 || Alt = 28.3971 || Spd = 283.527 || Dist = 2291.13 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 121.97 || Alt = 23.1417 || Spd = 245.521 || Dist = 1617.37 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 131.975 || Alt = 48.124 || Spd = 285.515 || Dist = 3723.5 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 131.975 || Alt = 40.2371 || Spd = 288.88 || Dist = 3083.81 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 131.975 || Alt = 22.9608 || Spd = 256.459 || Dist = 2313.93 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 141.983 || Alt = 66.1732 || Spd = 287.296 || Dist = 4408.54 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 141.983 || Alt = 61.4336 || Spd = 277.425 || Dist = 3846.32 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 141.983 || Alt = 22.9317 || Spd = 264.269 || Dist = 3040.09 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 151.986 || Alt = 103.965 || Spd = 283.241 || Dist = 5146.41 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 151.986 || Alt = 34.8361 || Spd = 291.229 || Dist = 4538.41 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 151.986 || Alt = 27.4719 || Spd = 271.028 || Dist = 3770.11 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 162.002 || Alt = 103.858 || Spd = 290.486 || Dist = 5932.93 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 162.002 || Alt = 53.9406 || Spd = 281.933 || Dist = 5299.63 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 162.002 || Alt = 27.4162 || Spd = 275.728 || Dist = 4421.71 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 172.004 || Alt = 100.014 || Spd = 296.536 || Dist = 6735.18 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 172.004 || Alt = 29.4626 || Spd = 292.949 || Dist = 6087.08 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 172.004 || Alt = 27.924 || Spd = 279.006 || Dist = 5146.85 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 182.014 || Alt = 110.454 || Spd = 293.867 || Dist = 7538.22 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 182.014 || Alt = 28.3872 || Spd = 294.584 || Dist = 6889.25 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 182.014 || Alt = 27.7116 || Spd = 276.851 || Dist = 5917.6 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 192.015 || Alt = 121.534 || Spd = 293.183 || Dist = 8347.64 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 192.015 || Alt = 28.3859 || Spd = 293.973 || Dist = 7695.82 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 192.015 || Alt = 27.7277 || Spd = 276.947 || Dist = 6682.43 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 202.021 || Alt = 127.11 || Spd = 293.583 || Dist = 9161 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 202.021 || Alt = 28.3997 || Spd = 295.738 || Dist = 8507.15 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 202.021 || Alt = 27.737 || Spd = 276.38 || Dist = 7450.1 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 212.021 || Alt = 125.242 || Spd = 295.055 || Dist = 9971.82 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 212.021 || Alt = 28.387 || Spd = 296.002 || Dist = 9323.08 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 212.021 || Alt = 27.7153 || Spd = 274.894 || Dist = 8219.24 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 222.029 || Alt = 136.642 || Spd = 294.137 || Dist = 10783.3 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 222.029 || Alt = 28.4041 || Spd = 295.443 || Dist = 10136.8 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 222.029 || Alt = 27.7492 || Spd = 276.158 || Dist = 8987.69 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 232.047 || Alt = 131.575 || Spd = 295.138 || Dist = 11596.3 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 232.047 || Alt = 28.3863 || Spd = 295.11 || Dist = 10951.2 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 232.047 || Alt = 27.7524 || Spd = 273.208 || Dist = 9754.29 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 242.052 || Alt = 144.917 || Spd = 289.494 || Dist = 12404.5 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 242.052 || Alt = 28.3941 || Spd = 296.049 || Dist = 11764.9 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 242.052 || Alt = 27.7564 || Spd = 273.559 || Dist = 10515.1 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 252.067 || Alt = 145.401 || Spd = 291.973 || Dist = 13200.4 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 252.067 || Alt = 31.9889 || Spd = 289.125 || Dist = 12576.5 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 252.067 || Alt = 27.7277 || Spd = 273.847 || Dist = 11280.3 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 262.072 || Alt = 139.392 || Spd = 293.91 || Dist = 14010.1 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 262.072 || Alt = 28.4011 || Spd = 292.796 || Dist = 13379.7 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 262.072 || Alt = 27.7267 || Spd = 272.288 || Dist = 12042.8 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 272.082 || Alt = 134.061 || Spd = 294.362 || Dist = 14825.8 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 272.082 || Alt = 28.3901 || Spd = 294.335 || Dist = 14193.2 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 272.082 || Alt = 27.8487 || Spd = 268.697 || Dist = 12798.5 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 282.085 || Alt = 175.377 || Spd = 284.423 || Dist = 15567.5 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 282.085 || Alt = 32.3064 || Spd = 291.363 || Dist = 15007.2 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 282.085 || Alt = 27.6874 || Spd = 271.031 || Dist = 13552.5 ## ## UNIT_1: Apache AH1 Multi || Time = 292.093 || Alt = 180.971 || Spd = 291.329 || Dist = 16097.8 ## UNIT_2: AH-99 Blackfoot || Time = 292.093 || Alt = 60.3474 || Spd = 280.634 || Dist = 15692.2 ## UNIT_3: Merlin HC4 18 GPMG || Time = 292.093 || Alt = 27.7172 || Spd = 273.59 || Dist = 14315.9 ## ## Regards, Scott
  19. Hi... Yeah - just ran some tests on another issue - both the Vanilla Blackfoot and the 3CB Apache seem to top out at over 295... For the Apache the model seems to go quite a bit faster than the RW counterpart... 3CB BAF Vehicles Regards, Scott Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. scottb613

    Hard time with waypoints

    Hi... Glad you have it sorted - yeah - I'm still at the point where I need to solve each problem as it comes up with scripting... I'll keep you info in mind if I come across a similar need - thanks as well... Regards, Scott
  21. scottb613

    Hard time with waypoints

    Hi... I believe you need to synch the "GETIN" with a "LOAD" on the vehicle... Ex: I am loading Infantry Squads into Helicopters: // LOOP - foreach (CHALK) // { // chalk - return group name from string // _chkGrp = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; // chalk (GETIN)- create waypoint // _wpChk = [_arrXn,_arrYn,_arrZ]; _wpChkLd = _chkGrp addWaypoint [_wpChk,0]; _wpChkLd setWaypointType "GETIN"; _wpChkLd setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; _wpChkArr pushBack _wpChkLd; _arrXn = _arrXn + 5; _arrYn = _arrYn + 5; } foreach _chkArr; // slick/chalk (SYNC) - load waypoints // _wpSlkLd synchronizeWaypoint _wpChkArr; Regards, Scott
  22. Hi H&V, Doh - sure enough - right where you said they would be - never noticed them before... Much appreciate the steer - sir... Regards, Scott
  23. Hi Folks, Man - that's a LOT on one man's plate... I'm shocked this fantastic mod doesn't draw more talent... It's so darn immersive and one of the mods that keep me coming back to ArmA - time and time again... I can't get enough of running around in the jungle as USMC with an M-14... Here's to hoping some talented folks step up - as it's certainly not fair to dump this massive mod on one person... Regards, Scott
  24. Hi Folks, As always - thanks for your hard work and continued support !!! Is there a good showcase mission for the air warfare stuff ? If we already have an INDEX from H&V on the Prei map - should we remove it ? Regards, Scott
  25. scottb613

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Hi Oukej, Thanks for responding - I'll take another look... Regards, Scott