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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Sorry Myke, respect is a community opinion. They like you - gotta deal with it. :butbut:

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Sorry Myke, respect is a community opinion. They like you - gotta deal with it. :butbut:

Well, i guess i can live with that. ;)

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Only update are the skins so far.

Here is one skin of many




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Curious...Why does it have the USAF roundel and "Marines" on it?

Very sexy paint job btw!

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Because the marines fly with the f-16 also navy too.

Here is a pic.




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I didn't know that...

Thanks and keep up the good work

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Because the marines fly with the f-16 also navy too.

Here is a pic.




Highly unusual picture eddyD, not sure where you found it.However, I can't find any supporting documentation that shows the USMC or the Navy flying F-16's currently, nor as a 25-year serving officer did I ever hear of it. Just my 2 cents...

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Behind the MARINES letter there is the =US Air Force= roundel. NSAWC under the wing = Naval Stike and Air Warfare Center ;)

Think that its an F-16 for USN and USMC training flights + Red Flag exercises etc not for real combat.

The F-16 as "agressor" on OPFOR side would be great - maybe with a Myke/eddyD roundel or sign? :)

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A aggressor variant will be delivered for sure on OPFOR side. Besides that, the F-16 is prepared to allow a lot of customizations with config (for clan purpose as example) and setObjectTexture "on-the-fly" customizations.

So far the following parts can be easily customized in config:

- fuselage texture

- tailmarks

- MFD bootup sequence pictures

- MFD bootlogo

- MFD screen when turned off

- RWR icon textures

- APU fuel capacity

and of course anything else that is adjustable by config.

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Would be cool to also have the same thing recorded in 3rd person view so we can see what it looks like for players looking at you ;)

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Like it, I suppose also adding it to stock aircraft would only be possible with MLOD's?

I have to say the cockpit itself is looking fab too.

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