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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment) Old

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Hi guys,

Searched the thread, other websites, couldn't find an answer, so here it goes!

Is it possible and how can I add ACE balaclavas, glasses, etc. to non-playable characters in the editor via the initialization line (or any other way for that matter)?

To be more specific, lets say I put a few non-playable units on a map via the editor, and add to their equipment some of those superduper awesome balaclava's. How can I make them wear those items right away, when I start the preview? This prevents me from having to make those units playable, switching to each unit to make them put on the balaclava manually via the action menu. Hope it is possible, otherwise forgetaboutit...

PS. Do the ACE guys accept donations or anything? The modding community makes the game worthwhile, so I feel strange about paying BI for an unfinished product, and leaving the guys who fix and improve it to do it for free!

Thank you kindly for your words and offer, however, for us, the real pay-off is in the development itself, the enjoyment of our users, and receiving constructive critiques (feedback, bug reports, suggestions), aswell as support.

ATM the HeadGear only works with players; it's a bit hacky to say the least :)

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Is anyone having any issues with the NVG adjustment? Since updating to the latest, for some reason i cannot adjust with pgup pgdown or the interaction menu options.

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It's been confirmed, and I believe it's been fixed in this Friday's update.

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Good (well not good), but at least its not my end with the problem.

Cheers Daniel.

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Thank you kindly for your words and offer, however, for us, the real pay-off is in the development itself, the enjoyment of our users, and receiving constructive critiques (feedback, bug reports, suggestions), aswell as support.

ATM the HeadGear only works with players; it's a bit hacky to say the least :)

Yeah, I figured you guys aren't the commercial types ;) Again, thanks for your precious time which went into the mod! Wish I could help out, fixing that shifty headgear stuff but I wouldn't be of any help though. I am barely able to change my wallpaper, so... Back to lurking on the thread and mod!

BTW. I remember that in ARMA 1, there was an addon, which had a couple of new faces, some with a balaclava painted on. Could work as a temporary solution, just add the face to the unit in the editor. Looked pretty bad though. Anyway, I am probably the only one wanting to act all SF. I'll just grow a beard :P

Edited by svt400
Remembering stuff?

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It's been confirmed, and I believe it's been fixed in this Friday's update.

We were having the same issues on our servers. We advised everyone they could go to http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod2/repository/revisions/722dc19ae98f1f7788fb6aaed9f02497a2150859/entry/Addons/sys_nvg/fnc_keypressed.sqf and get the fix. Unpack the ace_sys_nvg.pbo and replace the fnc_keypressed.sqf w/ the one just downloaded. Pack it back up and put it back into your @ACE/addons.

Works perfect.

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Problems on net gaming.

1. Russian NVG no adjustment of brightness. Fight at night for "red team" is practically impossible.

2. Ballistic calculator on russian tanks works incorrectly - an error more than 7% on kilometer of range.

3. It is necessary to cancel jamming on russian ÐК!. There there is simply nothing to get jammed (not holyware - 15 years of practice)! There there is no detail, which can lead to to a wedge.

As a whole this function in the ACE in general very disputable - if the weapon has jammed, to repair it for 3 seconds in field conditions it is impossible. If has taken place having dug sleeves or incomplete extract - 3 seconds more often will not suffice too. And now jamming happens constantly, hardly probable not on everyone 3-5 mags. This function very ridiculously therefore looks.

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1: A few posts above, it's stated that the night vision is bugged for everyone and it'll be fixed on friday.

2: Document it and create a ticket on the issue tracker.

3: Jamming doesn't happen often enough to make a big difference either way in my opinion. Also a jam can include stuff like double feeds and misfeeds, which can be fixed in three seconds. If you feel that jamming happens too often, document it and make a ticket.

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Wasn't sure what to search for but, I'm getting very annoyed with the "Pulling G's" effect with ACE.

The smallest turn in a dogfight and my pilot blacks out and I crash.

Is anyone else annoyed by this and is there a way to disable that only for ACE?

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Wasn't sure what to search for but, I'm getting very annoyed with the "Pulling G's" effect with ACE.

The smallest turn in a dogfight and my pilot blacks out and I crash.

Is anyone else annoyed by this and is there a way to disable that only for ACE?

Fixes have been applied for tomorrow's update, and are being tested as we speak: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10602

Please add your details/reproducability, which'll hopefully help trace/solve the issue.

There's no supported method to disable the system, other than leaving out the relevant pbo (named in tags of feature: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/G_Forces),

or by overriding its scripts/functions/eventhandlers.

Edited by Sickboy

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Wasn't sure what to search for but, I'm getting very annoyed with the "Pulling G's" effect with ACE.

The smallest turn in a dogfight and my pilot blacks out and I crash.

Is anyone else annoyed by this and is there a way to disable that only for ACE?

No and I don't think so. Pilots handle it better. I like the realism it adds.

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Fixes have been applied for tomorrow's update, and are being tested as we speak: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10602

Please add your details/reproducability, which'll hopefully help trace/solve the issue.

There's no supported method to disable the system, other than leaving out the relevant pbo (named in tags of feature: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/G_Forces),

or by overriding its scripts/functions/eventhandlers.

I'm not exactly sure what else to add, I just do a simple turn and within seconds the screen turns completely black. Happens with custom planes and BIS planes. (F15 and A10)

No and I don't think so. Pilots handle it better. I like the realism it adds.

I would be very disappointed if my country's fighter pilots could not perform a gentle right bank with out blacking out.

I'm all for realism but this is ridiculous.

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Thank God the NVG Problems will be fixed. I was already confused why there seems to be two independent NVGs overlays when pressing the "N" key, a brighter one and one (the one which stays) so dark that you can't see shit like a blind man on a toilet.


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I'm not exactly sure what else to add, I just do a simple turn and within seconds the screen turns completely black. Happens with custom planes and BIS planes. (F15 and A10).
Is there any difference when just running CBA+ACE, bis or ACE plane, and being a pilot?

Oh and is that MP or SP, or both?

Upd Latest test results seem to be much better than before; http://dev-heaven.net/issues/10602. Still interested in your details though.

Included in tomorrows update.

Edited by Sickboy

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Is there any difference when just running CBA+ACE, bis or ACE plane, and being a pilot?

Oh and is that MP or SP, or both?

Can you clarify on what you want me to test?

I don't understand what you mean when you say running just CBA+ACE, and being a pilot.

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Can you clarify on what you want me to test?

I don't understand what you mean when you say running just CBA+ACE, and being a pilot.

No other mods, just ACE Core (maybe ACEX) and using a Pilot class. They´re handled diferent from others classes.

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I want to add this option without module but in init script and it dont work

any idea

ace_sys_aitalk_enabled = true;

ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled = true;

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Question ACE people. This might my Warfare related in MP but not sure. But when playing Warfare BE with ACE and I order a tank or chopper, and order the driver/pilot out and take control, I cannot give any orders to my gunner, what weapon to change too, where to target etc Very annoying as I have to then turn on manual fire and cannot spot enemies near as well as my AI teammate does.

What's going on there?

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Can you clarify on what you want me to test?

I don't understand what you mean when you say running just CBA+ACE, and being a pilot.

i just did some flying with a10, f22, and the harrier but i didn`t get a complete black screen , i tried it but its getting blacck but not completly.

Maby you fly to hard :D

The g- effects are aswome to see , i like it !

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G effects will be improved in today's update, hopefully fixing the damn thing.

Remember that flying a jet at high speeds while not wearing a G-suit is not reccommended, and when you crash you will not be covered by insurance :p

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I want to add this option without module but in init script and it dont work

any idea


if (isServer) then {
   ace_sys_aitalk_enabled = true;
   publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_enabled";
   ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled = true;
   publicVariable "ace_sys_aitalk_radio_enabled";


If you want that the player entity also speaks add:

ace_sys_aitalk_talkforplayer = true;

Though probably not allways wanted in a MP mission.


Edited by Xeno

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Im all for G effects also but seen blackouts from very light moves wich isnt too good. Until you experience that the effects are very good. Nice to see it adressed in the update. :) Thanks guys.

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hey guys, im experiencing a problem with the six updater. i downloaded the new version and installed it, ran it and it pulled up the web page. but nothing in on the page. and by that i mean i can't select anything, nothing under presents or actions or any other category, can anyone help me please

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