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US Infantry - 2008

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Here's a little picture. Direct comparison of three different units that I've been working on. From left to right (2008,2005,1991). The one on the far right needs to be updated, he shouldn't have the OTV. He should have the PASGT vest. I'd like to know which one you guys prefer.


Click for higher res.

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2005 should be tri-color uniform and armor. 2005 was pretty much the year that almost everyone matched, and the first guys with ACUs didn't start showing up until around September for OIF 4.

I like all three.

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2005 should be tri-color uniform and armor. 2005 was pretty much the year that almost everyone matched, and the first guys with ACUs didn't start showing up until around September for OIF 4.

I like all three.

Yeah, I just love the mis-matched camo patterns. Something about it.

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all 3 r nice and for me a 4th with dcu and woodland OTV would be cool then we would have 2003, 2005, 2008, 09 and 1991 ..all us army history in the gulf:D

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Yeah, I just love the mis-matched camo patterns. Something about it.

I get you. The ALICE and MOLLE pouches were something of a toss up for matching. Some guys were issued desert MOLLE pouches, and other guys (like me), had to use the old woodland stuff from CIF.

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Going to update these units sometime this week hopefully, fixing the shadow bugs primarily. Stay tuned.

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looking forward to the update mate...if i know you i'm sure they'll be pretty much perfect :).

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The update is here, check the main page for more info. And enjoy! Mirrors appreciated.

Changes in v1.01

- Decreased sections on most models.

- Fixed RTO uv mapping problem in pilot lod.

- Fixed the wretched shadow bug on all models.

- Changed unit side from "US Units" back to "US Army".

- Fixed SMDI mapping for all units.

Download US Infantry 2008 v1.01

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Thanks Mr Bink.

Changes sound good, getting my download on now.

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Thanks for the update.

Anything with the name Binkowski in it will be in my addon folder! :D

Truly amazing work, everything your doing is great!

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The Platoon Leader in the ACE version doesn't have any pistol ammo.

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is anyone else having the ctd when you try and use an ar model with the latest update?

does it give you an error message? It get a lot of crash to desktops with lots of mods usually it's an addon conflict or something i didn't set up right but no i'm having no CTD with this. Could you be a little more specific?

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@daveyary1979 - I have no CTD with the AR model. Roughly 3 minutes ago I was playing this guy so it must be an addon conlict. Check your addons...

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Thanks Binko.

I love the new textures, look alot sharper, I heard somewhere the texture importer for Arma 2 causes textures to look less sharp than before you import is this true?

I really love the look of the ACU camo's I love to see them HIGH res and sharp ingame, even higher high Res :)

But anyways enough of my graphic wants. :o

Thanks for fixing Shadow problems and update. :yay:

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Thank ya for the update. Can't wait to see what those new pilots look like. Vary nice job on them 90s units also.

Edited by 1in1class

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Thanks everyone for the positive comments. This will probably be the last update for awhile, unless anything game-breaking is reported. I just have to much on my hands right now to continue updating this regularly. And davegary, I'm not sure what the problem is with the AR model. Like max said, check your addons they may be conflicting. I've also updated the mirror on the front page with the armaholic one. Thanks Foxhound for the hosting!

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