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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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Hey can anyone direct me to the Class lists for ACE mod or to a crate filler script?

Thanks alot


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Has anyone ran into scripting errors?

I'm working on a new version of my air support scripts and have ran into something perplexing. When I use plain old ARMA 2, the scripts work just fine, however when I try them using ACE 2 the plane will not go to target but fly in circles. (Planes are being sent using addwaypoint functions). There are no global variables to conflict with but the AI seems to choose when it wants to follow a waypoint or not, as what is even more complexing is that the plane does go to target but only about 50% of the time.

Is there some weird AI tweaking going on that I could turn off, or has anyone ran into something similar and found a work around?

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Has anyone ran into scripting errors?

I'm working on a new version of my air support scripts and have ran into something perplexing. When I use plain old ARMA 2, the scripts work just fine, however when I try them using ACE 2 the plane will not go to target but fly in circles. (Planes are being sent using addwaypoint functions). There are no global variables to conflict with but the AI seems to choose when it wants to follow a waypoint or not, as what is even more complexing is that the plane does go to target but only about 50% of the time.

Is there some weird AI tweaking going on that I could turn off, or has anyone ran into something similar and found a work around?

For the most part, no. Occasionally I'll run into something that conflicts with ACE2 but they always seem to iron out any kinks before I can say something. Are you running the latest version of everything? I think everything is much more stable in the later version. Matter fact now, I rarely see any problems.

Good luck.

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The typical problem seen when other mods don't work with ACE is when they don't use extended event handlers ( XEH ). When that happens mods fight over who has control over the events and generally bad things happen. It's a straight-forward thing to fix - CBA makes XEH use quite easy.

A major project goal of ACE for A2 was to make ACE more friendly to other mods. By and large that goal has been met - quite a few mods interact well with ACE now. Hopefully over time even more will adapt so you players can enjoy the benefits.

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Wow. Now this is the type of realism I'm talking about. After some guidance from others I've successfully installed ACE and created my shortcut.

First thing I noticed was a loss of hearing after being next to sustained fire, it was awesome. I tested with 1 OPFOR and about 2 squads of BLU to see what would happen.

I fired a shot, and watched as the A.I performed fire and movement within fireteams to find me. I love it. Time to create some scenarios.:yay:

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My XM8 jammed and I lost all of my ammo...

DId you clear the jam? once you clear the jam your ammo gets re added.. bit weird but does work:)

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Using the M119 I can´t see how many rounds I have left. Thats a bug, a feature or a collateral effect from the roundcount?

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so I tried installing the mod with the updater suite..... with a mix of uninstalling and such wont install, says its already installed and that I have version 0. I just tried the "lazy" method and I even have a couple zip files that I got from FileFront and the mod still wont install :

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Using the M119 I can´t see how many rounds I have left. Thats a bug, a feature or a collateral effect from the roundcount?

Its a feature... you need to press the ' key now and it will "feel the clip" which tells you how heavy your clip is in the top left corner...

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Its a feature... you need to press the ' key now and it will "feel the clip" which tells you how heavy your clip is in the top left corner...

I think he's talking about an artillery piece. ;) That should probably have a counter. The shake doesn't work too well with that beast.

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I'm not sure but don't think so. There's a cool new artillery script in that section though. It makes the job of the FC fun.

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I'm not sure but don't think so. There's a cool new artillery script in that section though. It makes the job of the FC fun.

a new cool arty script ?

where :)

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HI all

Im having trouble installing ACE2. I have let siz-installer do its updates but when i try and run the game through the installer it says

"include file x\ace\addons\main\script_mod.hpp not found"

Can anyone help?

Life was beautiful before i updated my ACE2 today.

This thread is now over 200 pages so please be NICE

my error reads:

"include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found"

any suggestions?

Yes, i'm running from a short cut

Yes, i ran the updater again

i'm just out of ideas ...

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got a question about my dedi server.

I keep getting crazy errors filling up my .RPT that look like:

Cannot use magazine 300Rnd_25mm_GAU12 in muzzle 2A42

Cannot use magazine 38Rnd_FFAR in muzzle 2A42

Cannot use magazine 38Rnd_FFAR in muzzle KPVT

Cannot use magazine 8Rnd_Hellfire in muzzle KPVT

Cannot use magazine 250Rnd_30mmHE_2A42 in muzzle AZP85

and it spams the RPT with all kinds of messages similar to this, until finally the server crashes. Is this a known issue with a fix, or something never seen before?

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Hi ACE2 team - you are epic. Thank you for making my dream come true of a decent sniper simulation environment.

I would love to have graphics on the elevation/windage menu, but I know it is time consuming with all that development and features people want, so I propose to make the graphics for you as a token of appreciation?

All I need is affirmation that you would like me to help out and a contact on the programmer who will be implementing the graphics so we can coordinate and test together.

Btw. I am a graphics designer by profession, so I promise not to deliver sucky graphics ;)

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i havnt played arma2 since about october when my clan split up, I just patched up the latest version and want to add ACE. What exactly do I need to download in order to do this?? I know this is a huge noob question, but the answer would help out huge.

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When I try to deploy a sandbag it always says "there is no sand". How do I acquire sand to fill them with?

Go to the beach! ;)

(or anywhere really boggy/muddy)

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Oh so sandbags cant be filled anywhere anymore? Mountains or tarmac roads/inside buildings is understandable, but anywhere else should work i think. Otherwise the function wont be used so much. At least not if you have to go to the beach to fill each up haha. :D

Juggernaut: Sure you werent on a mountain or tarmac? :P

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