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Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

How satisfied are you with patch 1.05 overall?  

479 members have voted

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with patch 1.05 overall?

    • Great: I am very satisfied with the patch, it matched or exceeded my expectations
    • Good: I am satisfied with the patch, but I hoped for more
    • Do not care: I have installed the patch, but I did not notice any improvements worth noting
    • Bad: I am not satisfied with the patch

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Dont know if its a vista problem but Bonus stuff not there after 1.05 install & now have Building popup nearer !:eek:

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So far, an overall "good" patch.

Wtg with:

*Improved HUDs

*Fixing the C-130 nose gear (did opening the cargo door make it in?)

*Love the AH-64

I'd still like to see completion of some of the works that have been started:

*Wingtip vapor trails are in-game but disabled

*Osprey folding wings are in-game but disabled

*Cobra folding rotors are in-game but disabled

*Analog throttle needs rework (none of this 50/50 stuff)

*We seriously need to see aircraft countermeasures impemented into the vanilla game

(yes, I know this stuff can be modded but some of it already exists in-game so there is simply no reason it should require a mod)

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*Improved HUDs

I thought I was imagining this when I went to fly the A-10 and Harrier, but it's good to see it confirmed. The new HUDs are nice and it looks like they even added a bomb trajectory.

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I voted great, though i had hoped issues like...

AI medics takes forever to give medical attention when in combat or an enemy's position is known.

AI still attacks armor with small arms which often gets you killed.

AI still attack footsoldiers with AT weapons so when you need them you got none left.

AI sometimes hit friendlies which are in line of fire. This also happens when AI fire at the same time they do an animation like going from prone to stand or the other way around.

...would have been fixed before releasing the patch :)

But all in all i'm very happy with the patch :cool:

AI itself would need one whole big patch.

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Good performance but there's an audio issue:


Creative labs sound blaster audigy 2 value (last drivers) + logitec x530 5.1 speakers

Windows 7 64-bit

AMD Athlon 4800+ X2


Radeon 3870 512MIB (last drivers)

If I set 24-bit audio and 96KHz (I use those settings as default) the audio is horrible: it's like a jumbo with a microphone in a britney spears concert (I thing all u guys can understand me in this way, notwithstanding mi crappy English). .---.

Setting 16-bit 48KHz everything runs fine.

I've done many test and I see that the problem is the "24-bit audio", I don't no why ArmA 2 doesn't like it, every game I have has non audio problems if i set 24-bit audio (and if an application has a 16-bit audio there are no problem because the audio driver run 16 audio trace, doesn't care if it is 24-bit sets-up). With 16-bit and 96-KHz there are no problems.

I try use the same settings (24-bit 96KHz) for the integrate audio card, it's an ALC 880 HD Audio, last drivers, and I don't have this 24-bit issue.

So it seems it's a issue only with 24-bit audio settings and the creative audio cards (maybe only with Audigy 2, I don't know with X-FIs..)

Another problem: sometimes I get mouse lagging in the main menu...

I have the same auido problem with my Megalodon 7.1 headset, but it's not a 24-bit 96Hz issue for me, as the headset is fixed at 16bit 48Hz. Sound is completely messed up, popping, static, everything, when using the headset with the game. And it's only happening with ArmA2, works fine with every other game I play. However, when swtich to my x-fi running at 24-bit 48Hz (default setting) with 5.1 speakers, everything worked fine. I used to be able to use that headset with ArmA2 without problems but that was with 1.02 and on Vista x64, since then I took a 4 month break with the game, and I'm using Win 7 x64 now.

Edited by Amuro

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once again I have that reciving screen in the middle of the game... It was fine before the update, but now i cant play due to that receving screen...

Why is this happening, and can it be fix ??? or why is it startet to show. It got fix in the version 1.04 but it is back in the version 1.05 why.

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Great job BIS! I'm really loving the patch. Lage cities, especially Chernogorsk(sp) are running much smoother.

Love the C-130 turn radius fix and all the nice new HUDs as well as the APACHE!!!

Very satisfied all around.

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I had to put in Bad. Seems like the AI went backward in their abilities to follow orders. The last beta prior they did what you told them. The EW was very well done, but jumping on a server with a squad is nothing but an exercise in frustration levels. Without AI squad control, for me the game is nearly broken.

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Luhgnut;1524037']I had to put in Bad. Seems like the AI went backward in their abilities to follow orders. The last beta prior they did what you told them. The EW was very well done' date=' but jumping on a server with a squad is nothing but an exercise in frustration levels. Without AI squad control, for me the game is nearly broken.[/quote']

AI was already acting up several beta's before final patch. Try pressing SPACE-1-1 when you wanna regroup it works but far from perfectly. In my opinion that auto combat/danger feature broke more than it did good.

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never noticed it before until I'm spread all over the map in Warfare. I'll try it. Cause right now I'm bummed. thanks buddy.

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I still get some of the same old bugs:

If i shift+tab to the steam overlay, my keyboard becomes dead ingame, and i have to quit game. if i minimize, sometimes my keyboard becomes dead as well... Also, there are many Servers that I cannot connect to. I guess cus they havent patched yet...

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Moved my game from 100% stable to 100% unstable with editor crashes every time I tried to preview... Arma 2 appeared to freeze and goes into processes but does not appear in the running programmes. Have to end the process and restart arma 2.

Other than that... good few fixes ingame.

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Moved my game from 100% stable to 100% unstable with editor crashes every time I tried to preview... Arma 2 appeared to freeze and goes into processes but does not appear in the running programmes. Have to end the process and restart arma 2.

Other than that... good few fixes ingame.

I have the very same problem you are having rexehuk :(

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Moved my game from 100% stable to 100% unstable with editor crashes every time I tried to preview... Arma 2 appeared to freeze and goes into processes but does not appear in the running programmes. Have to end the process and restart arma 2.

Try following:

1. Run ArmA 2 vanilla 1.05(no mods what-so-ever).

2. Open up utes in editor and place a unit as player.

3. Save the test mission.

4. Preview the mission.

Does ArmA 2 still crash/freeze?

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Try following:

1. Run ArmA 2 vanilla 1.05(no mods what-so-ever).

2. Open up utes in editor and place a unit as player.

3. Save the test mission.

4. Preview the mission.

Does ArmA 2 still crash/freeze?

I did what you said and it didnt crash there. but I usually have the problem in the Harvest Red campaign

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- Can't load EW mission. always jumps to the other one.

- Flying choppers is nothing but stutterfest. completelly unflyable (Haven't tried planes)

- Soldiers are virtually bulletproof at times. takes 6-10 shots to the head to kill.

- Loading screen hangs forever when trying to enter a server.

- Glass in chopper not bulletproof.

- Can't load game at all with Mods. Crashes computer requiring reboot.

Thats what I've noticed so far.

Haven't been able to do get into MP because of excessively long load times. (2-4 minutes) if at all.

Going to have to reinstall and not use this patch as it's rendered the game compeletly unpredictable and barely usuable. Haven't seen any noticible positives.

Edited by jblackrupert

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I don't see what 1.05 fixed, is there some kind of memory limit of 500Mb then when exceeded causes ArmA-II to crash?

System specs:

-Intel Duo E8400 2x 3Ghz

-4 GBs Corsair XMS2 CAS matched

-nVidia GTX 260 running the latest nVidea drivers

-750W PSU 4 system fans, 3 SATA HDs.

I noticed the game always shows as using 480 to 500MBs in the task manager after it glitches. On large missions it either freezes when I'm in a helicopter, or the game goes blank where I'm thrown to my desktop, but I can still hear the game running in the task manager. I thought maybe it was my video card over heating, but the fan is working and the room and case temp is vented well.

BTW, here is the fog issue I'm having still, even after 1.05.


In regards to the freezes, and going blank, game runs fine as long as I don't make large missions with too many units and infantry, but it shouldn't crash, it should just be choppy if the system can't keep up. These missions are no larger then what I've made in ArmA1, and I had half the memory and a slower video card. All these crashes started after 1.04

Well, all I can say is, at least they are still putting out updates. I don't mind buying expansion packs if things are getting fixed and new things are being added. I'll be happy pay again-and-again at full price, as long as things are getting developed, and most importantly improved/fixed.

Edited by starstreams

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Haven't got a chance to try 1.05, what with all the goodness happening this holiday season, but I briefly read through the readme. So there are no new additions to the editor to make creating more complex single player missions easier? No unit loadout tool or briefing tool or some such? This is the mod communities' responsibility, not the people getting paid?

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You cant always expect more performance.

For me ArmA II ran great out of the box, so you

sometimes have to invest in new hardware

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The patch is definitely fantastic, but i expected a wee bit more, like working car horns aka drysounds in mp.

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new Apache, lower range for AKSU is of course super, fixed G36 range, fixed SVD range


my goddamn moaning about "realism" was listened

thank you for fixing weapon ranges to realism

now this really is closer to realism and now i can close my moaning about "surrealistic ranges" , thank you very much

Edited by vilas

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and it is really nice to see realistic ranges for weapons :)

and i have 37 FPS in forest near Chernogorsk (5-6 more)

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