xripx 12 Posted August 16, 2011 I'm looking for a someone from Texas or someone that can I do an accurate Texan accent, anyone fit the bill? Just need 2 or 3 lines. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RSF TheCapulet 59 Posted August 17, 2011 xRip, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do. Gonna grab my sound equipt back from a loan to a friend, so I can do some voice acting for another project of my own. if all you need is a line or three, I could probably fit the bill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EveMikado 10 Posted August 26, 2011 (edited) Dear all, May i request to somebody for some translation sentences french to english ? This mission uses a complete BIKB dialog format and stringtable XML file. For example : "leader Tiger kbTell [leader Eagle,"Chat","B2_3",["Distance",{},format ["%1M", round (Leader Tiger distance HMMWV)],[""]],true];" or "leader Eagle kbTell [leader Papabear,"Chat","B3_1",["POSITION",{},format ["%1", getpos leader Tiger call gps_coords],[""]],true];" Will send a radio message between teams with distance or gps coordonates exactly like radio protocol without use cfgRadio in description.ext. Results : Tiger 1 : HOSTILES À 282M, DEUX VÉHICULES LÉGERS ET ENVIRON UNE DIZAINE D'HOMMES, PEUT ÊTRE PLUS, J'AI EN VISUEL UN VÉHICULE DE CHEZ NOUS. Eagle 1 : PAPABEAR ICI EAGLE, NOUS AVONS UNE UNITE FORCES SPECIALES EN DIFFICULTE POSITION 030079 DEMANDE INSTRUCTIONS. Sentences to translate : Permission accordée. Ils auraient pu nous prévoir un hélico, ça fait une trotte jusqu'à Rasman par la route. Il y a une grosse opération en préparation au nord de Zargabad, aucun transport de disponible. Ouais, on ne sera pas de la fête, Landon tu n'as pas l'air très franchement emballé de partir en permission. Si je suis impatient de revoir les enfants mais bon entre ma femme et moi en ce moment... C'est toujours pas mieux avec elle? Bof, la dernière fois elle parlait de me quitter, elle ne supporte plus cette vie. Je la comprends, on risque notre peau chaque jour, c'est pas évident pour une femme. Je sais, il va falloir que je demande un poste de bureaucrate bien au chaud au pays mais bon cela me botte pas des masses. Landon je t'imagine déjà à te battre contre une pile de dossiers administratifs, tu vas aimer. EAGLE, ON ARRIVE AU CHECKPOINT DE MULLADOST. PARFAIT TIGER, ON EST DANS LES TEMPS. C'est quoi cette fumée là bas? Ils font peut être un barbecue. Un barbecue tu parles! Fallait que cela tombe sur nous aujourd'hui. Arrête de râler Landon, c'est pas le moment. EAGLE, ON A UN SOUCIS DEVANT. QU'EST CE QU'IL SE PASSE TIGER? HOSTILES À %DISTANCE, DEUX VÉHICULES LÉGERS ET ENVIRON UNE DIZAINE D'HOMMES, PEUT ÊTRE PLUS, J'AI EN VISUEL UN VÉHICULE DE CHEZ NOUS. TIGER, VOUS EN ÊTES SÛR? AFFIRMATIF, ON DIRAIT DES TYPES DES FORCES SPÉCIALES, PLUSIEURS HOMMES À TERRE, APPARAMENT ILS SONT TOMBÉS DANS UNE EMBUSCADE. TOUT LE MONDE RESTE SUR SES GARDES, JE CONTACTE LE QG, ILS SAVENT PEUT ÊTRE QUELQUE CHOSE. PAPABEAR ICI EAGLE, POSITION %POSITION, VOUS ME RECEVEZ? PAPABEAR ICI EAGLE, NOUS AVONS UNE UNITE FORCES SPECIALES EN DIFFICULTE POSITION %POSITION, DEMANDE INSTRUCTIONS. EAGLE, ICI PAPABEAR. UNITÉ COBRA FORCES SPÉCIALES EN OPÉRATION DANS VOTRE SECTEUR. QU'EST CE QUI SE PASSE? PAPABEAR, PRESENCE ENEMMI POSITION %POSITION, COBRA EST APARAMENT TOMBÉ DANS UNE EMBUSCADE, PLUSIEURS HOMMES À TERRE, AUCUN SIGNE DE MOUVEMENT DE LEUR PART. COMPRIS EAGLE, ATTENDEZ NOUVELLES INSTRUCTIONS. TERMINÉ. EAGLE MISSION PRIORITAIRE, SÉCURISEZ LA ZONE AUTOUR DE COBRA, JE VOUS ENVOI DU SOUTIEN. TERMINÉ. BIEN REÇU PAPABEAR, NOUS SÉCURISONS LA ZONE. TERMINÉ. EAGLE ICI FATMAN, JE SUIS AU DESSUS DE VOUS DANS DEUX MINUTES. FATMAN, ICI EAGLE, OK FAITES ATTENTION A NOUS. PAPABEAR ICI EAGLE, LA ZONE EST SÉCURISÉE. NOUS AVONS TROUVÉ SIX MEMBRES DE COBRA, TOUS MORTS. EAGLE, COBRA COMPTAIT HUIT MEMBRES. FOUILLEZ LE SECTEUR, ILS NE DOIVENT PAS ÊTRE TRÈS LOIN. TERMINÉ. BIEN REÇU PAPABEAR, ON FOUILLE LE SECTEUR. TERMINÉ. OK, LANDON ALLEZ VOIR DU COTE DU PATÉ DE MAISON A L'EST, LES AUTRES AVEC MOI VERS LE VILLAGE. EAGLE ICI FATMAN, LA ZONE EST DÉGAGÉE, JE RENTRE À LA MAISON. OK FATMAN, MERCI POUR LE COUP DE MAIN, DITES À NOTRE TAXI DE NOUS ATTENDRE, ON NE DEVRAIT PAS TARDER. COMPRIS EAGLE, JE M'OCCUPE DE FAIRE PATIENTER VOTRE TAXI. TERMINÉ. On perd notre temps Graves, ces types te diront rien. Il faut partir maintenant, les américains vont finir par nous trouver. Ne faites pas l'idiot commandant, je sais que les forces spéciales enquêtent sur nos activités depuis Rasman. Tout ce que je sais de vos activités c'est votre commerce d'armes contre la drogue, rien de plus. Une dernière fois donnez moi les noms de vos contacts avant que je perds patience. Vous n'êtes qu'un salopard capitaine Graves, tôt ou tard on aura votre peau. Nous verrons bien commandant et sachez je suis sincèrement désolé pour vous. Qasim tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire. EAGLE, IL Y A UN PETIT GROUPE D'HOMMES ARMÉS PRÈS D'UNE DES MAISONS, ON DIRAIT DES MEMBRES DE LA RÉSISTANCE LOCALE. ILS ONT PEUT ÊTRE DES RENSEIGNEMENTS POUR NOUS, ALLEZ VOIR MAIS RESTEZ PRUDENT, ON NE SAIT JAMAIS. EAGLE, J'AI TROUVÉ LES DEUX MEMBRES QUE NOUS RECHERCHONS MAIS J'AI L'IMPRESSION QUE LES RÉSISTANTS LES RETIENNENT PRISONNIERS. LIEUTENANT ON ARRIVE, NE TENTEZ RIEN, JE NE VEUX PAS DE BAVURE AVEC CES TYPES. EAGLE, DÉPÊCHEZ VOUS, ILS NOUS TIRENT DESSUS. Feel free to change some radio protocol if you want. Thanks in advance. Edited August 27, 2011 by EveMikado Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MacD 10 Posted August 28, 2011 Hey whats up, if anyone is looking for someone with an american accent let me know. :P can do a decent amount of voices and has a program that can convincingly change the pitch of my voice higher or lower and still sound natural. pm with lines and the characters personality if you need any voice work done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 142 Posted September 9, 2011 Hey whats up, if anyone is looking for someone with an american accent let me know. :P can do a decent amount of voices and has a program that can convincingly change the pitch of my voice higher or lower and still sound natural. pm with lines and the characters personality if you need any voice work done. I've send you a PM. hit me up. thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qbt 10 Posted September 9, 2011 Hello, I'm looking for a Russian speaking voice actor for few radio lines, the script is in English and needs to be translated. The radio lines will most probably feature three persons. PM if you are interested :)! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eaglezero6205 10 Posted September 17, 2011 Sounds Interesting I have to agree Voice acting adds Immersion to any video game. I saw this awhile back and thought it would be cool I don't have any fancy Equipment to record with but I would be willing to take a wack at it to help somebody out. I'm from Oklahoma City and when I travel out of state people often tell me I have an accent so If anyone is looking for an Okie I'm not a Hick or back country man but I do have a western accent and would be willing to give it a shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tyler4171 10 Posted September 19, 2011 Im available: I can only do American english but I can play off as an 18 year old recruit if its needed, pm me if you have a job for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 11 Posted September 21, 2011 American English-standard Japanese-standard Hakata-ben Cantonese Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SaOk 112 Posted September 26, 2011 (edited) EDIT (10th November): I found actors for all roles in my campaign "Chasing Grim Reaper". Big thanks for Bardosy, Domokun, Nettrucker, RejenOrst, SavedByGrace and Tslava. Also for Kommiekat for volunteering. [base (US)] - 75 lines - (Actor found - SavedByGrace) //Mission 1 STR_ca1s0r2,"Team Charlie is on the way, but have been delayed by a flat tire somewhere near Jilavur. ETA 3-4 minutes. Out" STR_ca1s0r6,"Foxtrot, local takistans are on their way to help you from over the mountains to the west. Be aware of their position and watch where you aim. Over" STR_ca1s0r8,"Foxtrot, Ealge Nine is prepared to support you from the air. Contact them on radio channel MMA if enemy armor shows up. Out" STR_ca1s1r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Dont let them suprise you. Out" STR_ca1s1r4,"Good work, Foxtrot. That should be all for now. Our recon plane has arrived on station and reports no enemy vehicle activity in your area. Arrange guards around the village and have a good sleep. Out" //Mission 2 STR_ca2sXr1,"Base to Foxtrot, we have a situation here. The special forces team that just left your position, was shot down over Feruz Abad. Get your forces out there to search for that crash site immediately" STR_ca2sXr2,"We've had no contact with the PMC team that took the journal. We need to find them too, but first, search the crash site. Over" STR_ca2s1r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Proceed with caution and team up with a local tribe to reach Feruz Abad. Out" STR_ca2s1r7,"Foxtrot, LGB support is available for 2 rounds with an ammo drop in case you end up needing those. Remember to use CAS carefully in those urban enviroments. Out" STR_ca2s1r11,"Understood, the british should arrive in Anar in approximately 30 minutes, but I want you to move in immediately before anything can go wrong for those prisoners. Are the takistan locals still with you? Over" STR_ca2s1r13,"Use their help and proceed. Good luck, out" STR_ca2s4r2,"British Charlie 6 is moving your way, but you will have to manage on your own for a while. Out" STR_ca2s5r2,"Foxtrot, continue looking around and try to ask the locals if they have seen anything. Out" STR_ca2s6r2,"Understood. Good work there, Foxtrot. Out" STR_ca2s7r2,"Great find, Foxtrot. Proceed as planned. Out" //Mission 3 STR_ca3s0r2,"Thats a negative Foxtrot, all air assets are currently occupied. You'll need to push on alone, but keep us informed. Out" STR_ca3s0r4,"Advance into the town to search for those PMC´s. We have no time to lose. I'm dispatching reinforcements, but it's going to take them some time to get there. You'll need proceed alone for a while. Out" STR_ca3s1r2,"Understood Foxtrot, try to hold out for a while longer. I'm sending every unit we have available as well as air support to help you. Out" STR_ca3s2r2,"Try to make it a little longer. Air support should be there in any moment and the land forces are closing from the south. Out" STR_ca3s2r6,"Understood, medical teams should be entering the town at any moment. Secure their arrival. Out" //Mission 4 STR_ca4s0r1,"All units, get ready for a fight. Takiban forces are rapidly approaching Rasman from the south. Hold your positions at all cost. Out" STR_ca4s0r2,"Looks like the enemy is pulling back a bit. Foxtrot, advance to the south and search for enemy Anti-Air in southern Rasman and nearby areas. Kilo7 and Yankee1 will support you. Report back when you're done. Over" STR_ca4s0r5,"Excellent work, Foxtrot. The journal will be taken away by plane at any moment. Return to Rasman asap. Takiban forces may attack again at any moment. Out" STR_ca4s0r6,"Foxtrot, there should still be some time before the enemy reaches our lines. Try to setup some minefields on the roads. Over" STR_ca4s0r9,"Good work, Foxtrot. Dont risk too much. Return to defensive positions soon. Out" STR_ca4s0r10,"Foxtrot, pull back to defensive positions. Its not safe to lay mines out there anymore. Out" STR_ca4s0r11,"Foxtrot, an enemy chopper is approaching. If you could manage to take it out, you'd make things a little easier. There is an AA-launcher in the Ammunition-Truck. Out" STR_ca4s0r12,"Foxtrot, our fighters are ready for 2 bomb strikes. Call them when things get hot. Out" STR_ca4s0r13,"Foxtrot, since enemy AA is gone, Air support is available now to do 2 extra bomb strikes and 2 LGB strikes. Use those wisely. Out" STR_ca4s1r1,"Foxtrot, move to a good defensive position near the airfield gates. Enemy units are attacking from the North-East sector with infantry and light vehicles." STR_ca4s1r2,"You are back in command to order units in Rasman. Over" STR_ca4s1r4,"Foxtrot, dont loose your focus. Looks like the takiban are coming with at least one more wave of units. Out" STR_ca4s1r5,"Foxtrot, an enemy sniper is spotted on a building at 065107 from where he has a good view of our trenches. Take him down quickly. Over" STR_ca4s2r1,"Good job there, Foxtrot. There's not many takiban left and some of them are surrendering. Take your squad and clear an area near the tower at 065113. Over" STR_ca4s2r4,"Roger that, Foxtrot. Proceed to 067115 and clear that crossroad. Over" STR_ca4s2r7,"Good work Foxtrot. The reinforcements are about to reach us. Gather the surrendered takistanies to be taken away for interrogations. Out" //Mission 4 Outro STR_ca4s3v1,"It is with extreme honor, that I can express how proud I am of Foxtrot" STR_ca4s3v2,"You men saved many lives with your fearless actions. Not only the lives of several members of DEVGRU, but also thousands of others by getting to Bastam in time" STR_ca4s3v3,"The journal was succesfully moved to a safe place and examined, before being destroyed" STR_ca4s3v4,"However, I'm afraid I can't dismiss you for downtime just yet. You have a briefing tommorrow at 6AM for an important operation in Zavarak. Now dismissed!" //Mission 5 STR_ca5s1r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Takiban forces are moving some armor your way. Hold the LZ until air support arrives, e.t.a 2 minutes. Out" STR_ca5s1r3,"Foxtrot, Eagle7 will deal with the enemy tanks. Proceed with your original plan. There's no time for picnics. Over" STR_ca5s2r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Seek out good defensive positions at the target area and hold your ground until reinforcements arrive. Out" STR_ca5s2r3,"Foxtrot, advance to the second target area. Use radio frequency Hotel to syncronize our attack to the area. Over" STR_ca5s2r7,"Foxtrot, set up a defense. More takiban armor is approaching from the East. Air support is on the way, but it won't arrive in time. Over" STR_ca5s3r1,"You will get your wish, Foxtrot. Yankee4 is flanking the village to the east and will be at the roadblock in few minutes" STR_ca5s3r2,"Once there, continue to Zavarak center with their support. Team Bravo will also be joining the assault" STR_ca5s3r3,"They'll arrive via air transport shortly with reinforcements for your squad. Copy? Over" STR_ca5s3r5,"Great, good luck. Out" STR_ca5s3r9,"Foxtrot, we have intel that there is a hostile AA-pad in Zavarak. Destroy it so we can send air support. Over" STR_ca5s3r12,"Good work, Foxtrot. Air support is on the way. Continue holding the town until the takiban retreat. Out" STR_ca5s3r13,"Takiban fighters are falling back. Excellent work, Foxtrot. You'll be transported back to Rasman in an hour. Take it easy but stay alert. Out" //Mission 6 intro STR_ca6s0v1,"At ease! Tommorrow we initiate a new operation that will push takiban forces back to the other side of the mountains" STR_ca6s0v2,"The operation consist of two phases, the first beginning in the morning at 3am. Lt. Paxton, didn't you enjoy mountain biking as a hobby?" STR_ca6s0v4,"Good, you will be taking part in the first phase. You'll get more information on that task later in the briefing" STR_ca6s0v5,"Second phase, starts at approximately 5am and involves everyone. Team Foxtrot will be spear heading the operation" STR_ca6s0v6,"You will follow the road from Bastam to Imarat and clear the village. you'll then link up with Kilo1 and Echo3 and sweep the through the distance before Garmsar while Alpha drops in by plane once the enemy AA is out of the fight" STR_ca6s0v7,"When all teams are formed up, everyone will continue to Garmsar, break through enemy trenches and wipe the takiban camp away from the city" STR_ca6s0v8,"Any guestions at this point?" STR_ca6s0v10,"Yes you do, lieutenant Paxton. Call them in when you need their help but make sure the AA is wiped out first" STR_ca6s0v11,"Lieutenant Paxton, you'll get your briefing for phase one as well as additional instructions for phase two when we dismiss. Now you're all dismissed" //Mission 6 STR_ca6s0r2,"Roger that, Foxtrot. Eagle one three is on station and ready for strike. Choose the target wisely and then return to the insertion point. Out" STR_ca6s0r5,"Understood, Foxtrot. Go ahead and begin the second phase. Out" STR_ca6s1r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Report back when the village is clear. Out" STR_ca6s1r4,"Roger that, Foxtrot. Continue to the next objective with Kilo1 and Echo3. They'll be arriving to your position from the north within minutes. Over" STR_ca6s2r1,"Foxtrot, be aware. More takiban units are coming from the south. Two tanks and probably infantry" STR_ca6s2r2,"Another tank is moving your way from camp Garsmar. I am sending more support your way. Try to hang on. Out" STR_ca6s2r4,"Understood, Foxtrot. Out" STR_ca6s2r6,"Excellent work, Foxtrot, as always. Stay there and wait for a lift back to base. Out" STR_ca6sXr4,"Understood, Foxtrot. They're on the way. Cover their landing and Good work, Out" //Mission 7 STR_ca7s1r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Keep us informed and good luck. Out" STR_ca7s2r2,"Understood, Foxtrot. Continue with the orginal plan - We need that town cleared, but avoid civilian casualties as best you can. Out" STR_ca7s2r4,"Fantastic news, Foxtrot. Proceed to the airfield with the other teams and let's finish this mess. Out" STR_ca7s3r2,"Excellent boys, we'll start air-lifting reinforcements to the AO immediately. Helo7 will be on station within minutes to support you and we're ready to send you more gear if you need. Out" STR_ca7s4r1,"Foxtrot, get ready for an enemy assault. Looks like there are more takiban groups approaching the Loy Manara oilfield with tanks and probably infantry. Out" STR_ca7s4r2,"Foxtrot, once the takiban assault appears diminished, secure the task zone including the small village west of the airfield. Over" STR_ca7s4r5,"Foxtrot, return to the hangars. You will be transported back to Rasman shortly. Excellent work again, Lieutenant. we'll see you back at the base. Out" [Austin Paxton - US squad leader (Player)] - 102 lines - (Actor found - RejenOrst) //Campaign intro (Bored, very calm, still trying to be polite for visitingPMC unit) STR_ca1sXv41,"Sure, bout a hundred meters back the direction you came" STR_ca1sXv43,"That's an understatement pal. The most action we've had has been keeping the men away from local plants" //Mission 1 (In battle, worried about overpowered enemy. Could shout, could be more tired in last two lines) STR_ca1s0r1,"Foxtrot to Base. We have first contact with the takibans. Where is team Charlie? Over" STR_ca1s0r4,"Welcome back Charlie, we are positioned at the outpost. As soon as you get here, we'll need to continue South. Out" STR_ca1s0r5,"Okay. Charlie, stay with us. We'll take the lead to the southern crossroads. Out" STR_ca1s0r7,"Understood, Base. We'll keep track of their movement to prevent accidents. Out" STR_ca1s1r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we've reached the crossroads. Takibans seems to be withdrawing, but we're gonna dig in for another assault just in case. Over" STR_ca1s1r3,"Foxtrot to Base, Takibans attacked again with a few heavy vehicles and infantry, but we were able to repel them. Over" //Mission 1 outro (Calm, battle have been over already for hour) STR_ca1s2v1,"The village is now safe again. Is everything okay here, Elder?" STR_ca1s2v3,"Your nephew is safe now. We'll do all we can to prevent them from ruling this country ever again. We'll need to talk more tommorrow, good night sir" //Mission 2 (Calm intro, maybe little exasperated/disappointed in last to lines) STR_ca2sXv2,"A local elder has kept it for safekeeping in his house, Captain" STR_ca2sXv4,"We've kept an eye on the Elder and his house around the clock." STR_ca2sXv5,"Good day Elder, would you mind retrieving the journal for us please? The unit transporting it to headquarters has arrived." STR_ca2sXv8,"Thats impossible no-one has been here since... since that team of contractors that passed through." STR_ca2sXv11,"Damn it, I shouldnt have trusted that elder. How do I tell this to my team. No time off anytime soon" //(Calm start for mission) STR_ca2sXr3,"Understood, Base. We will secure the Ops unit and locate the PMC team. Out" STR_ca2s0v2,"Is your brother armed?" STR_ca2s0v4,"Thank you for the information" //(Little worried of closing battle) STR_ca2s1r1,"Foxtrot to Base. We are seeing smoke above the crossroads at 036056. Looks like our local friends have made contact with takiban. Over" STR_ca2s1r2a,"Abdullah, do you hear me? Are you approaching the crossroads from the west? We're coming from Anar in order to get to Feruz Abad asap. Over" //(relaxed again after battle) STR_ca2s1r2c,"We owe you and your men a great debt Abdullah, you're a good friend and important asset to the future of this country. Out" STR_ca2s1r4,"Sure, thanks for the help. We should be able to handle the rest by ourselves, but stay in touch. Out" //(calm) STR_ca2s1r5,"Foxtrot to Takistan Locals. Are you still there? We're going to need some help clearing Anar in order to find some of our captured men. Over" STR_ca2s1r8,"Foxtrot to Takistan Locals. Advance into the Anar village now. Over" STR_ca2s1r10,"Foxtrot to Base, we found the crash site at 052068. The pilot was wounded and taken to a mine for treatment but the gunners are KIA. The SpecOps team is alive, but two are missing. A captured enemy guard said that they are kept as prisoners somewhere in Anar. Over" STR_ca2s1r12,"They are at 051054 waiting for our call. Over" //(angry and shouting) STR_ca2s2v3,"No you put that weapon down, Takiban idiot!" STR_ca2s2v4,"Down! Dont try anything!" STR_ca2s2v6,"A stupid move! I could shoot you dead! Drop the revolver and stay down!" STR_ca2s2v7,"Where is the rest of our men!" STR_ca2s2v8,"Spill it out now or prepare for the worst! Last chance! 3 2 1..." //(calming fast from anger) STR_ca2s2v10,"Better call the doctor here with some armed locals. Lets move the injured crew and this takiban to that mine" STR_ca2s2v11,"Will they be okay, doctor? We need to proceed with our orders." STR_ca2s2v13,"Okay, lock yourself in that building and don't come out until our troops are back here. You need to keep a low profile" STR_ca2s3v2,"Thank you for your help friend. We'll check that house right away" STR_ca2s4v1,"Hold still while I loose the ropes." STR_ca2s4v3,"Glad to see you guys alive, but where are your takiban friends?" //(getting ready for firefight) STR_ca2s4v5,"Dosen't sound good, lets move to defensive positions and wait for some support to arrive" STR_ca2s4r1,"This is Foxtrot, We've freed the prisoners at 066065, but we can hear the takiban approaching from the East. Any support nearby? Over" //(could be shouting partly) STR_ca2s5r1,"This is Foxtrot, no sight of the POWs in Anar yet. Looks like the Takiban could have taken them some where else. Over" STR_ca2s6r1,"Foxtrot to Base, Takiban are retreating. We're gonna swap intel with the British before heading after the contractors. Over" STR_ca2s7r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we found two mortar guns placed in Kakaru. Both now disabled. Over" //Mission 2 Outro (calm cutscene) STR_ca2s6v1,"Did you happen to see a black SUV on your way here?" STR_ca2s6v4,"Okay, we're going to hook up with the SF unit and head to Bastam. Could you boys pick up an injured pilot at the mine for us?" STR_ca2s6v6,"Thanks, be safe friend. God speed your way to Feruz Abad" //Mission 3 //(getting ready for fight, maybe almost shouting) STR_ca3s0r1,"This is Foxtrot, we found two wounded civilians next to a burning car in Falar. Looks like recent takiban work. We are going to continue on foot to Bastam, could you send in close air support to recon the area? Over" //(calm, including calm cutscenes) STR_ca3s0r3,"This is Foxtrot, we managed to break through takiban lines and spotted heavy smoke coming from Bastam. I'm guessing the contractors are there. Over" STR_ca3s0v1,"Well, what have we got here?" STR_ca3s0v2,"Looks like the PMCs need some help" STR_ca3s1v1,"Hey, are you okay? What happened?" STR_ca3s1v5,"Where is the journal? Cant we just burn it?" STR_ca3s1v7,"We don't have any either..." STR_ca3s1v8,"But its better to prepare for their attack. Takibans couldnt have missed our tumultuous arrival here. Where are rest of you?" //(shouting almost paniced) STR_ca3s1r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we need immediate support in Bastam. Takiban forces are surrounding our position. We've hooked up with the contractors and have the book within our grasp but we're still heavily out numbered. Over" STR_ca3s2r1,"Foxtrot to Base, things are getting really hot here. Where are those reinforcements? Over" //(calm) STR_ca3s2r5,"Foxtrot to Base, reinforcements are driving the takiban away. Victory is near. Over" STR_ca3s3v2,"Its still in the SUV. You're going to need cutters to get it out" STR_ca3s3v5,"Lets go before the Takiban dig up more friends and return. We need to get this journal to the airfield right away" //Mission 4 //(calm, but ready for contact) STR_ca4s0r3,"Roger that, Base. You can count on us. Out" STR_ca4s0r4,"Foxtrot to Base, we found and destroyed the three enemy AA vehicles as seen on GPS. No sight of anymore. Over" STR_ca4s0r7,"Understood, Base. We'll do our best. Out" STR_ca4s0r8,"Foxtrot to Base, first mines are placed now. Over" STR_ca4s1r3,"Roger that, Base. Out" //(shouting) STR_ca4s1r6,"Roger that, Base. Out" STR_ca4s2r2,"Understood, Base. I'm heading there now. Out" STR_ca4s2r3,"Foxtrot to Base. The tower is cleared. Over" STR_ca4s2r5,"10-4, base. Out" //(calming, partly maybe shouting) STR_ca4s2r6,"This is Foxtrot, the crossroad is secured and the city is quiet, standing by for further orders. Over" //Mission 5 //(shouting trought mission, maybe more tired from ca5s2r10) STR_ca5s0v1,"Get ready men! I can see the LZ from here. Looks like the takiban aren't expecting us" STR_ca5s1r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we've reached the Landing Site. Over" STR_ca5s1r4,"Roger that, Base. We're advancing to the first target area. Out" STR_ca5s2r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we're at the first target area, but takiban forces are making our progress slow. Over" STR_ca5s2r4,"Roger that, Base. Out" STR_ca5s2r5,"All groups, assault! Out" STR_ca5s2r6,"Foxtrot to Base, we have captured second target area. Over" STR_ca5s2r8,"Roger that, Base. We may be able to use a D30 left here by takiban forces. Out" STR_ca5s2r10,"Foxtrot to Base, the enemy attack has been halted. We're ready to continue to Zavarak. Over" STR_ca5s3r4,"Foxtrot copies all, base. we're ready. Over" STR_ca5s3r7,"Lead the way Yankee4. We've got your blind spots. Out" STR_ca5s3r10,"Roger that, Base. Out" STR_ca5s3r11,"Foxtrot to Base, imobile AA is history. Over" //Mission 6 intro (calm cutscene) STR_ca6s0v3,"Yes, sir?!" STR_ca6s0v9,"Do we have any air support?" //Mission 6 (calm) STR_ca6s0r1,"Foxtrot to Base. I'm closing the gap to Garmarud, and will be ready for lazing soon. Over" STR_ca6s0r3,"This is Foxtrot. I'm oscar mike to the insertion point now. Out" STR_ca6s1v1,"Okay, men. Gather your gear, its time to roll" STR_ca6s0r4,"Foxtrot to Base, we're ready to proceed. Over" //(shouting) STR_ca6s1r1,"This is Foxtrot, we are engaging hostiles in Imarat. Over" STR_ca6s1r3,"Foxtrot to Base. Road is clear, no more resistance in the village. Over" STR_ca6s1r5,"10-4, base. Moving to the next objective with them. Out" STR_ca6s2r3,"Foxtrot to Base, all forces are closing on the camp. Over" //(shouting, tired) STR_ca6s2r5,"Foxtrot to Base, Garmsar is captured. Scattered takiban fighters are withdrawing or surrendering. Over" //(shouting) STR_ca6sXr1,"Foxtrot to Helo7. We sure could use your assistance now. Over" STR_ca6sXr3,"Foxtrot to Base, the enemy shilka is history. It's clear to send in Alpha. Over" //Mission 7 //(shouting) STR_ca7s1r1,"Foxtrot to Base, we're now advancing towards enemy contact at 093026. Over" STR_ca7s2r1,"Foxtrot to Base. We are entering Loy Manara. Seems like takiban fighters are hiding among the civilians inside their houses. Over" STR_ca7s2r3,"This is Foxtrot. Loy Manara is secured. Over" STR_ca7s3r1,"Foxtrot to Base, enemy anti-air is history. Over" STR_ca7s4r3,"Understood, Base. Out" //(shouting and calming, tired) STR_ca7s4r4,"Foxtrot to Base. Job's done! All resistance is either dead or fled. No takiban in sight. What next? Over" //Mission 7 outro //(calm, maybe loud voice) STR_ca7sXv1,"Listen, team! This is it, home awaits us" STR_ca7sXv3,"Settle down, it shouldn't take long" //(commenting weird dancer, stupid end joke for campaign) STR_ca7sXv6,"He's definitely got some moves" [uncle (Takistani, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...)] - 15 lines - (Actor found - Domokun) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv0a,"20 rupees! I wanted gas, not gold in there" STR_ca1sXv2,"Catch your breath first, my boy. You look like you've been running from a mad ram" STR_ca1sXv4,"What have you done, boy?" STR_ca1sXv5,"Come on, Fikri. We can talk in my home" STR_ca1sXv6,"And what's this all about, boy?" STR_ca1sXv8,"Are you insane!? Do you know what this means!?" STR_ca1sXv10,"You risk your family now, Fikri" STR_ca1sXv12,"What? What is this madness that your speaking, Fikri!" STR_ca1sXv13,"You're dehydrated. Sit down... let me fetch you some water" STR_ca1sXv16,"Wha... What would you want me to do with it?" STR_ca1sXv18,"But..." STR_ca1sXv23,"This I can do, Fikri. I have the perfect place for such a dangerous treasure" STR_ca1sXv28,"Allah be with you, nephew" //Mission 1 outro STR_ca1s2v2,"I am happy of what you did to them after how they treated my nephew as a slave for so long" //Mission 2 STR_ca2sXv6,"Sorry my friend, but I gave it away already" STR_ca2sXv9,"That is who has the journal now. I gave the journal to them since they were going to Rasman. I didn't think the takibans would suspect the contractors." [Fikri (Takistani maybe european partly, could be european, african, arabic, turkish accent...)] - 17 lines - (Actor found - Nettrucker) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv1,"Uncle... pant pant... I need to speak with you" STR_ca1sXv3,"In private, uncle" STR_ca1sXv7,"The Takiban, uncle. I've been working for them for nearly a year" STR_ca1sXv9,"Not willingly uncle! They kidnapped me and three of my colleagues from the labs at the defense ministry. I had no choice to do as they said or risk my family" STR_ca1sXv11,"I know!... Uncle... I... I have no where else to go... and if I didn't do something now, there may not be a takistan tomorrow!" STR_ca1sXv14,"I need no water, uncle! Look" STR_ca1sXv15,"I have this journal... It contains all of what we've been doing for the past year" STR_ca1sXv17,"I need you to hide it. Keep it safe from anyone who might try and find it" STR_ca1sXv19,"If this falls into the hands of the wrong people... The hands of the takiban... It could mean the beginning of the end" STR_ca1sXv20,"I need you to do this, uncle... just for a while" STR_ca1sXv21,"I have to get to the U.N. headquarters in Rasman. I can't take this with me and risk it falling into their hands if I get caught" STR_ca1sXv22,"I will bring them back here with force to retrieve it. Just hide it and forget that you know of it until my return. Can you do this, uncle?" STR_ca1sXv24,"If something happens to me..." STR_ca1sXv26,"I will get it to the proper authorities" STR_ca1sXv30,"I need to get to the U.N headquarters as soon as possible, officer" STR_ca1sXv33,"The Takiban. I have some urgent information for your superiors at headquart..." STR_ca1sXv35,"Your arrogance will cost greatly if they do not hear what I have to say... A disturbance of global scale" [uS soldier #1] -13 lines - (Actor found - SavedByGrace) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv25,"Marines! We need to chat with your runner" STR_ca1sXv27,"Don't make us come in there! Step out of the F**king door... NOW!" STR_ca1sXv29,"What the hell is your hur..." STR_ca1sXv31,"I'm not an officer. And we don't offer joyrides to locals, sandman" STR_ca1sXv32,"Now what were you running from when..." STR_ca1sXv34,"I don't give a God Damn what you have, sandman, I told you we don't offer..." STR_ca1sXv36,"Alright, sandman. Follow me!" STR_ca1sXv37,"Jacobs! Get me a humvee up to the main road asap" STR_ca1sXv38,"You take Riley and Moog and get sandman here to the HQ in Rasman. Grab some extra ammo and rations while you're there and then hightail your ass back here, got it?" //Mission 1 STR_ca1s0r3,"Charlie to Foxtrot, we are entering Sakhe from the North. So dont suprise us, our gunner is in jumpy mood. Over" //Mission 3 STR_ca3s1r3,"Charlie to Foxtrot. We're moving to guard your back at the SUV site. That mosque road doesn't have much cover and our Hummvee would become too easy a target for tanks. Out" //Mission 7 outro STR_ca7sXv2,"Yeah about time, sir! Where is our luxurious transport?" STR_ca7sXv5,"Well, look at him go!" [uS soldier #2] - 5 lines - (Actor found - SavedByGrace) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv39,"Yes sir, sergeant Reynolds!" //Mission 3 Outro STR_ca3s3v1,"Nice to see you guys in one piece. Where did you have the journal?" STR_ca3s3v3,"We have the propers tools in the Stryker. A few more minutes and we can all leave this place" STR_ca3s3v4,"Okay, we got it out. I'm shocked to hear that those contractors survived that wreck" //Mission 7 outro STR_ca7sXv4,"Hey, heads up! A dancer approaching at 1 o'clock!" [PMC unit (Could be US or european accent)] - 7 lines - (Actor found - Nettrucker) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv40,"Good day, where's a good place to refill our water containers? Are there any good market places here?" STR_ca1sXv42,"You boys had any action in this area? You look pretty bored" //Mission 3 STR_ca3s1v2,"How did you get here? Takibans are everywhere" STR_ca3s1v3,"They've kept us pinned down here. We tried to continue on foot after meeting their car bomber, but they're blocking the way to Rasman" STR_ca3s1v4,"We also tried to escape in the opposite direction but they're surrounding the town. Takibans must know we have the journal and are waiting for reinforcements before assaulting here" STR_ca3s1v6,"Its in the car and in a locked fireproof box. We have no explonsives to destroy it" STR_ca3s1v9,"They are near the mosque on the east side of town" [Gas Station Worker (Takistani, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...)] - (Actor found - Nettrucker) //Campaign Intro STR_ca1sXv0b,"Sorry... Hey! Isn't that your nephew?" [Air Support (Could be US or British accent)] - 6 lines - (Actor found - Domokun) //Mission 3 STR_ca3s2r3,"Eagle9 to Foxtrot, avoid hugging enemy vehicles. I am about to engage. Out" //Mission 5 STR_ca5s1r5,"This is Eagle7. Sorry boys, but I need to return to base. Oil pressure is dropping. Out" STR_ca5s2r9,"This is Helo7. Hang tight Foxtrot. I'll be on station within minutes. Out" //Mission 6 STR_ca6sXr2,"This is Helo7. Understood, Foxtrot. We'll be there shortly. Out" //Mission 7 STR_ca7s3r3,"Helo7 to all allies near Loy Manara airfield. Weapons are hot and we're about to engage hostiles. Keep your heads down. Out" [Land Support (US accent)] - 3 lines - (Actor found - Nettrucker) //Mission 3 STR_ca3s2r4,"Bravo4 to Foxtrot, hang in there. We've almost broke through to support you. Out" //Mission 5 STR_ca5s3r6,"Yankee4 to Foxtrot, nice to see you. Follow me to the target but don't let any AT-guys smoke us. Over" STR_ca5s3r8,"Yankee4 to Foxtrot, go ahead and clear AT-soldiers for us. We'll follow in behind you once road seems clear. Out" [uS SF Leader] - 7 lines - (Actor found - Domokun) //Mission 2 STR_ca2sXv1,"Lieutenant, show me where that journal is kept. We need to get it out of here now" STR_ca2sXv3,"What, why haven't you secured it under protection in the outpost?" STR_ca2sXv7,"And this is what happens when you dont follow the protocol, Lieutenant" STR_ca2sXv10,"We are going after them. Let's hope for your sake that we get that book back lieutenant or top brass may decide that you would better serve them as a sergeant again." STR_ca2s4v2,"Hey, thanks for helping us!" STR_ca2s4v4,"They left 5 minutes ago, moving east after talking into a radio" STR_ca2s4v6,"I can hear them coming!" [Takistani Civilian #1,could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 2 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s0v1,"Hey you, american! My brother, Ali, have an AA-launcher against that helichopper if you need one. If you have map, I show you where he keeps it" STR_ca2s0v3,"No, he is just collector. Dont worry. We are good people, not like the takibans" [Takistani Civilian #2, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 2 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s0v5,"Hey you, soldier! Wait, I saw militia men setting up mortars when I was driving through Kakaru a hour ago" STR_ca2s3v1,"Thank you for driving those criminals away. If you are looking for their prisoners, dressed like you, I saw them kept at Ali´s house. You have map? I show you." [Armed Takistani Leader, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 4 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s1r2b,"Yes, we hear you good. Join our assault and we can make our way closer to Feruz Abad together. Over" STR_ca2s1r3,"Hey americans, we are not going closer of the Feruz Abad - We have differences with the locals. We are going to head to 051054 for some rest. Call us if takibans threat you more. Over" STR_ca2s1r6,"We are here and ready. Call us when you enter the village and we follow you. Out" STR_ca2s1r9,"Roger that Foxtrot, we are moving now and entering the target area from west. Out" [Takiban #1, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 6 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s2v1,"Dont move, american!" STR_ca2s2v2,"Hey! Dont touch your weapons!" STR_ca2s2v5,"Die, american!" STR_ca2s2v9,"Okay, Okay! They were moved to Anar, behind that mountain behind you!" //Mission 6 outro STR_ca6sXv2,"General Abulih did his best..." STR_ca6sXv5,"Why, have you got some more missiles?" [Takiban #2, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 4 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 6 outro STR_ca6sXv1,"How could they fail!? We had the land fortified and guarded, but they were like nothing!" STR_ca6sXv3,"Shut up! He blew the whole thing by going after that journal! What a stupid, weak man!" STR_ca6sXv4,"Good thing the war isnt lost yet. The americans will never reach our airfield!" STR_ca6sXv6,"Shut up! Just, shut up!" [Takistani Doctor, could be any african, arabic, turkish accent...] - 2 lines - (Actor found - Bardosy) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s2v12,"Sure, dont worry. I can take care of these two" STR_ca2s2v14,"Yes, Takibans will not find us" [british Team Leader] - 4 lines - (Actor found - Domokun) //Mission 2 STR_ca2s4r3,"This is Charlie 6, be advised, we are approaching from the North. check your fire mates. Out" //Mission 2 outro STR_ca2s6v2,"No mate, our drive from Zavarak to Garmaruk was quite boring really" STR_ca2s6v3,"We were just helping some locals repair a water well pump when we got a call to support you" STR_ca2s6v5,"Sure gents, our medic is top-notch. Good luck with your hunt" Edited November 9, 2011 by SaOk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleep 10 Posted September 27, 2011 snipped i'd like to try my hand at this. My voice is clear enough for good listening. I have a southern accent, born and raised in the southern states of america. (yes we will rise again :P). Is a bit of ad-libbing allowed? pm me and I'll speak with ya on ts3 or something Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 30, 2011 (edited) Sleep I may be able to use you also if available. I need a strong southern, Tennessee type drawl accent (think Hank Hill's dad) for just a few lines of missin Beginning and end. Please anyone PM me if you got those chops :p Edited September 30, 2011 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted September 30, 2011 I need a grandmother's voice talent. Does anyone have one available? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
itan 0 Posted September 30, 2011 celery you dont have grandmother :D nice to hear you, its been a long time since MCY :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2nd ranger 282 Posted October 24, 2011 I need someone for a few lines. I'm doing a sort of spoof of the Law and Order announcer, so if you sound anything like that or think you can do a decent impression then I'd like to hear you. Ideally I would also like it to be with an Eastern European accent (even a bad one) but that isn't essential. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thewabbit 0 Posted October 26, 2011 I was an Arabic Linguist in the military if anyone needs that. azeem2000@yahoo.com Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebone 9 Posted October 27, 2011 Hi, I am working on a new coop mission on Chernarus and therefore I am searching for 2 native US English speaking male voice actors (accent doesn't matter). One is needed for an US chopper pilot, and the second is needed for a radio operator on the USS Khe Sanh aircraft carrier. Full credits to the voice actors will be given within the arma2 mission briefing. If you are interested, then please send me a short message with your email address via my feedback site at: www.where2link.com/IceBone Please also let me know your time zone and which time of the day suits you most for the recording. I am on GMT +1 (Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam) Recording will be done via teamspeak on my TS server. Regards, IceBone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rejenorst 18 Posted October 31, 2011 (edited) Voice no longer needed. On a side note, I recently finished a voice acting contract were my company was subcontracting voices out to individuals around the world and hiring out studio's in their vicinity. This model seems to have worked pretty well. If anyone has any acting experience, or experience narration or voice acting feel free to send me a few samples at rejenorst@hotmail.com The pay is usually not great but it would always depend on the contract(s), transport costs are usually factored in as well. Thanks. Edited November 9, 2011 by Rejenorst Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miraoister 1 Posted November 3, 2011 has anyone made some sound editing tool which will cue you to say all the neccessary 50+ phrases used in ARMA/OFP, "flank, fire, is down, 500 meters" etc, and record each sound as you say it, and then package it all into a file that you can then easily script into the game or send off to other people? just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
icebone 9 Posted November 10, 2011 Thank you very much Allison! It was a great pleasure, to do the recording with you! :cool: More information about the new coop mission TEC ePower is available at: http://www.where2link.com/IceBone IceBone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 14 Posted December 22, 2011 Looking for someone speaking a few words for me. Language: english accent: none, if possible Sentences: "Fox one" "Fox two" "Fox three" "Gun gun" Style: calm and with no emotions. So no Hollywood'ish yelling, just some kind of neutral informative speak. Just as you would say a stranger what time it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mjolnir66 48 Posted December 23, 2011 I'm willing to do voice acting if anyone needs. I speak English with an almost neutral, slightly posh accent. I also speak reasonable Pashto having just completed a 10 week course. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rouen58 10 Posted December 28, 2011 Hi all, Doing my first mission with custom radio sounds. Need someone who has/can imitate an American Accent, maybe Deep South but not too bothered which region. Will be something like: US Soldier: HQ this is Fox 3, we've found the cache in Pusta US Soldier: Roger, proceeding to destroy. Fox 3 out. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rytuklis 10 Posted December 31, 2011 Looking for voice actor for this project: ArmA II: Peackeepere 2 A mission series by Rytuklis. Story: 2010. Chernarus is under control of Russian federation. However, people slowly starts reaching for independence. Some political people from Chernarus creates a political party called Peoples Liberation Party of Chernarus [PLPC] , which goal is to seek indenpendence from Russian Federation. PLPC creates some peacefull protests, campaigns in order to make Russian Federation to flee the island of Chernarus. Few months later, Russian Federation outlaws PLPC, declaring it terrorist organisation and starts to massively arrest their members and supporters. In order to prevent being arrested, PLPC's remainder creates an armed force called 'Red Fist' and begins a guerilla war. After few months of battle, Red Fist seizes most of Chernarus, and Russian government leaves the island, PLPC declares Chernarus as an 'Independent Socialist Republic of Chernarus', with Chernarus Defence Force and Red Fist as their official military force. 2011, December 5th. Political crisis in Chernarus. Red Fist starts arguing with PLPC leaders. They fail negotiations with each other. Red Fist Colonel seeks more power, and PLPC calls these seeks stupid and idiotic. Red Fist parts away from PLPC and Civil War in Chernarus rises again. Chernarus Defence Forces joins Red Fist in fight against the government, PLPC is not able to maintain stable position in Chernarus, war begins.. Citizens, suffered by Civil War and by economical lack begs Russian Government to come back to Chernarus and to get order back. Russian Federations waits.. 2011, December 15th. Red Fist performs a terrorist attack on Russian Embassy in Chernarus 2011, December 16th. Russian Federation sends multiple peacekeeper squads to Chernarus, and starts to take over government. You play as Nikolai Ivanovich, one of Fireteam leaders of Russian Peace Keeping Forces in Chernarus (RPKFC) Help is appreciated and wanted, anyone willing to assist with this modification are welcome ;). Progress: Invasion of Chernarus [ In progress ] PM Me in here or in ofpec.com! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites