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Latest beta and CTD - please read

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I keep getting crash to desktops anytime I try to drive a car, motorcycle, or other ground vehicle. I haven't tried tanks yet forever. This is both in multiplayer and singleplayer. For the first few hours of gameplay this problem did not occur.

Specs are:

I7 920 at 3.3 ghz

4GB DDR3 RAM at 1333 speed

GTX 260 (216 core)

300 GB 10,000 RPM hard drive

750 watt power supply

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Yep got the crash too. I just put myself as a USMC squad leader, an empty usmc motorcycle. get in as driver move a little bit, then crash. happens everytime. havent tried with other vehicles though..


Just wanted to add, that this is in SP. (in the editor)

my Spec:

ASUS P5QL Pro Motherboard

Intel Core2Quad 2.83Ghz (no OC)

Radeon 4870 512mb

4gb ram

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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Yep got the crash too. I just put myself as a USMC squad leader, an empty usmc motorcycle. get in as driver move a little bit, then crash. happens everytime. havent tried with other vehicles though

I have experienced the same CTD twice (beta 60295). It seems to happen with all bikes (tested usmc & chernarus motorbikes). As soon as I start driving : back to desktop.

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I just went on a Domination server and tried driving trucks, ambulance, jeeps, apc and motorbikes but my box simply refuse to CTD :p

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by kju

Seems related to vehicles / sounds. Can someone "confirm" that experience?

Definatly related?

well it seems this is exactly true.

The server didn't crash immediately, no... it was only when i took the bike, and started it up.

And only in MP

How can this be? It never happened in this way in previous betas......

apparently there are a lot of changes made, and not mentioned, otherwise, changing troop behavior should not interfere with vehicle sounds.....

But exactly this seems to be tha case.

So far:

crash when using vehicle

crash only in Multilayer game

all os, and hardware affected.

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Me and my mates got also a lot of CTDs yesterday with different vehicles (vodnik, usmc supporttruck, civilian jeep).

Everytime youre sitting in the vehicle and you (or your ai) is starting the engine the game crashes.

Never got any CTDs before so i think its the newest beta.

-Hopefully it will be fixed soon so I can test the new improvements of the ai.

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CTDed as I was setting off on a motorbike in Cipher, both times I tried it, same result.

i can confirm this !! crashed 3 times when using motobikes.

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It is confirmed by BIS now and will be fixed in the next beta. ;)

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Hmm, I can confirm here... just CTD'ed on sahrani domination, just as I got into a bike

Apart from that, I seem to get CTDs mostly as a mission has just finished loading... It's rare for me to CTD when I've been on a server for a good while.

Also, I seem to CTD more often in domination missions... I gather that the combination of vehicles in that mission might be causing it more frequently.

I'm running the newest patch (60257, or something ;) ) on a Core i7 @ 2.66Ghz with 6GB DDR3 RAM, Intel DX58SO Mobo, a Geforce 8800GTX 768, running Win XP 64

Graphics are mid-low, but screen is at 3072x1024 (using triple head).


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I was able to "ride" in a tank and pilot an MH-60 without CTD's or freezes (surprising when flying the helo I didn't encounter a bad texture related crash i suffered from before), but the moment I tried to drive a Utility Truck 2 meters, the game froze and crashed. I'll assume similar things will occur with similar vehicles so I'll just avoid them for the time being (reason for not rolling back to a previous beta stated below).

Aside from that this patch seemed to have solved previous issues that would cause me to periodically crash (sometimes more frequently than other times) since 1.04's initial release, so I'll tough it out.

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Have played new beta for about 10 hours without crash, then I read the posts about CTD for unarmed vehicles. Loaded a van in editor, then got in and ARMA crashed. I had not entered an unarmed vehicle prior to that.

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Same CTD issue here with latest beta.

CTD happens when entering a vehicle, one or two seconds after you 'turn it on' and hear the engine rev up.

Only tried US trucks and cars.

Both in MP (hosted on LAN) and in the campaign 5th mission or so.

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same here,it seems unarmed vehicles cause this problem.ı can drive an tusk without problem but humvee cause CTD.Both server and me runs the latest beta...

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Actually i have just had one, and i have not had one for a very long time indeed.

Current Betas

I was maybe pushing my luck though?


3000 view distance

Everything on very high where pos apart from Vmem,

AA disabled

200% render res :D

Was fluctuating between 25-30fps

Played around 30 mins of domination, iirc around 30 people playing, we all got smoked in the evac chopper and we were lieing on the ground waiting to be revived.

I had just typed in "did anybody survive" when it CTD

We did have a full choppers worth of people lying about on the floor shouting "fuck, oh my leg" etc etc :p

I was about to logoff anyway to go to bed, so its not big deal, i still think i was pushing my luck with the GFX settings, but it was playing so nice and smooth my little test ended into 30 mins proper play :D

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It is confirmed by BIS now and will be fixed in the next beta. ;)

funny that pll dont ready what pll write :D and the threat gets longer and longer :D

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The newest beta crashes when you drive any unarmed car... the instant you press the w or s key the game will crash... reverted back to 141 and problem gone...

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I know BIS is probably aware by now but yep, get the same. I just put a solder and an off-road 4x4 in the editor and the second I started driving got a CTD. I hardly EVER get a CTD's

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It was ticketed over at DevHeaven and BIS said in the top thread here that they know it and it will be fixed in the next beta.

*About CTD's when entering cars:

Suma: Will be fixed in 60297, thanks for reporting.

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See now THIS is why the beta patch system works well! Instant feedback on changes :)

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Has anyone got a CTD yet without having started up a car?

We know the problem is definitely that but apart from this how is the patch running?

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Has anyone got a CTD yet without having started up a car?

We know the problem is definitely that but apart from this how is the patch running?

Actually, I've noticed some improvements. Game seems a little smoother. When I rolled it back off of having patched it to current, I noticed a little slow down. Maybe it was the tequila.

The AI stick to you better and feel more controllable. Was editing all day with ground troops and was quite happy. Put a truck in, and it CTD. Take truck out and it's fine.

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