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Just want to say: Thank You BIS!

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The OFP/ArmA series turned me into a more mature player . I still enjoy run n gun type games , but for SP only , when I crave for SP and MP complex and fun gameplay , ArmA is where I go .

You have also proven integrity by supporting your games post release and actually listening to our requests and integrating them in your upcoming titles .

So thank you BIS !

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I have been playing Arma 2 since December 2010. I saved up and bought a gaming PC just to play Arma 2. I downloaded all the expansion packs and content from Steam which has been effortless, thank you Steam. I have got to say I am completely blown away with the level of unit detail, the size of the maps, the sound effects, the feel of the weapons, the editor, the list goes on and on.

Although Arma 2 needed patching it has been worth the wait. I have pumped over 125 hours into the game and I am only now starting to familiarize myself with the sheer level of tactical options.

I find myself constantly looking at the scenery, the soldier detail, and the various different camera angles and so on. When I show my friends the game they applaud its scale but are far too intimated to play it, good.

I am writing this email because I am a hardcore gamer. Games like this just don't exist anymore. I am glad they are so intimidating that the typical FPS player would rather sit back then get blasted across the desert.

I applaud the vision, the art style, the audio, everything in this game has got better for me as each patch was released and as each tutorial video opened up more possibilities to playing the game, the way I want to play.

When I first got the game my pace was rushed, I wanted to attack and destroy as quickly as possible. Now I survey the surroundings, get prone and sneak up on the enemy. I think the level of customization is amazing, I have the ai set to hard but my map info left on etc...

When I first played the game I played it like Ghost Recon in third person. I love having the option to view my unit but the game is WAY better in my opinion in first person, the free look, the weapon detail etc... Mind blowing.

I don't care what computer I need for Arma 3, I will get an SSD drive no doubt and another graphics card but whatever it takes I will upgrade because so many games get switched on and off but few have ever kept me playing and learning as much as Arma 2.

I know BF3 is on its way and I am a BF 2 fanatic but it won’t be a true sandbox of war toys like Arma. Bis you rock ass in the gaming world that’s why your games are bought and not cracked, you make quality.

Another factor that bugs me is the reviews that Arma has got. Like Limbo is better than Arma 2? C'mon.

This is by far the one game if I was locked up forever that I would want in my cell.

There should be a health warning before you buy:

Arma 2 is better than meaningful loving relationships and can at times end them ... (joke :)

My PC:

GTX 470

I7 2.4


37'' LCD

5.1 Surround

Rat 3

X52 Pro

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  Dav said:
"Arma 2 is better than meaningful loving relationships and can at times end them ... (joke :)"

Hahahahahaha, nice one mate!

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I enjoy games like Mass Effect2, MW1/2, BF series etc. But only RV games(OFP,ArmA1/2) have this *I press the exit button knowing 100% that I'll be baak©* )))

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  Bars91 said:
I'll be baak©* )))

This reminds me of several missions I did not want to leave, so I just minimized the game. :)

Many of them still worked after going to work for a day or 2, and then coming back.

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i have just joined this forum after having followed it for some time as a guest, and I really want to thank you BIS for your amazing releases (I don't call them games because I think they are much more than that). I follow you since from OFP CWC days, keep on your excellent work!

I also take the chance to wish you all a merry xmas and happy new year!

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I knew you about a couple of weeks after ArmA 1 was released, found it quite hard to grasp even as rookie... but strangely there was something about it that forced me to come back again and again, and everytime it seemed to be a different experience...

What I felt attracted by was some sort of freedom... I played a SF convoy ambush mission about a dozen times... always the very same mission, always a very different one...

Then I had to buy a new PC just for walking around Chernarus...

And today my main interest is about making game content, just for the fun of it...

As it has been already said in these forums, you provided us with a truly hobby instead of another FPS war themed PC game...

Your personal development and editing tools mean a lot for building a long term community, and thus there is no surprise that editing sections at these forums are among the most visited...

So, keep pushing harder...

Y muchas gracias! :D

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hi all :) i want to say thx for the great game you made. i have the combined operation purchased 2 weeks ago and is awesome. i played only arcade games like bf2-bf3 and other stuff basically because i didnt know there was an infantry simulator on the market. thx god 1 friend send me a link about arma 3 and i see the light: if arma 3 will come out it means there is an arma 2 somewhere! :D

and here i am :D thx for the game, you saved 1 teenager from the bf3 world.

i cant stop to play this game. since 2 weeks.

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Hello. I am new here and very bad english:D I speak english but just the very little.

I creating a new skypack for arma. I will upload here in the forum:)

---------- Post added at 05:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

And thank you bohemia. I think so this game the best war simulation on the world. :)

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O M G !

Just discovered that AI can now take-off and land on the USS Keh Sanh ! :yay:

The AI seem to switch on and off VTOL / STOL depending on the length of the runways.

Bloody Amazing

Well done (again) BIS

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Thanks BIS for a wonderful store and wonderful customer service, plus wonderful forum moderators.

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  Sticky said:
Thanks BIS for a wonderful store and wonderful customer service, plus wonderful forum moderators.

Nurse! Nurse! He's out of bed again!!

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Thank you BIS very much for adding animal addons in ARMA. Some great objects there.

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Great effort guys! Thanks to all teams of BIS working hard on releasing the games we enjoy!!

BTW: Arma 3 is looking too good, could you make it a bit worse?! (joke)

Keep up the good work!!!!!

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As a long time fan of OFP and ARMA2 I tip my hat to BIS team.Dwarden especially from what I have seen he earns his money for sure.Very interactive with the community.I am a huge fan of the MOD community(all of them) and everyone involved with ARMA2 like Sickboy and Sixupdater and ACE is an amazing addition to what is ARMA2.Dayz(YES awesome) and what Dean(Rocket) has done is just great for Bohemias sales but I hope BIS keeps doing what you guys and gals have always done.Make ARMA3 better and better and make what we love about ARMA2 perfected :) .I edit missions daily and hardly ever complete any of them.A buddy and I just keep getting wrapped up in all the editing/scripting,(smashing our heads trying to get what we want perfect :p )story telling,etc,etc. lol. Its a passion for sure.I ask for one thing in ARMA3...Just make everything we want to do in ARMA2 that much easier in ARMA3 lol.Well that and DO add the other bells and whistles like better everything :cool: .If it wasn't for the editor and open world /do anything mil sim.I wouldn't still be here.That,the mod community and all the support you have given us in this incredible game.Keep it up.

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Great post! And yeah.. Arma 3 is like an endless supply of sweets, and waiting for it is like being stuck in an underground cave with nothing to eat, LOL! I agree, the community is everything in Arma and without it, we'd be on life support. Good on you BI!

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  PeteWaddell said:
Great post! And yeah.. Arma 3 is like an endless supply of sweets, and waiting for it is like being stuck in an underground cave with nothing to eat, LOL! I agree, the community is everything in Arma and without it, we'd be on life support. Good on you BI!

Looks like the underground caves might be canned from Arma3 mate :D

Guess you will have to sit outside with the rest of us instead :bounce3:

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