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No just giving my opinion because molatians don´t look like soldiers or army

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No just giving my opinion because molatians don´t look like soldiers or army

they are supposed to be a kind of rag tag army with very lose organisation..thats why they look like that

oh and btw breakr awesome update!

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Manzilla: for island only you need isladuala.pbo, ibr_plants.pbo, brg_africa.pbo and ibr_dtowns.pbo. Sorry for overlooking the question :)

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Sorry for the dumb question, I'm just making a comparison between Duala and the old Tonal island.

Does anybody knows how many square km was the old Tonal ??

Thanks ..

Btw .. great island !!

Edit .. I found it .. it's 655 sq km ..

Edited by mortyfero99

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Thx for the newest version of your great Duala island!

Put it on our island section at Assault Mission Studio.


Isla Duala [v1.6] by IceBreakr

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Another Mirror:


Hey, one question. I'm adding the units into lurkers's port.

Are these group names correct?

["East","MOL_army","Infantry","inf_squad"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","MOL_army","Infantry","MG"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","MOL_army","Infantry","RPG"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","MOL_army","Infantry","HQ"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","AngryMob"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","inf_squad"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","RPG"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","Antiair"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","MG"] call XfGetConfigGroup,
["East","Rebels","Infantry","inf_team"] call XfGetConfigGroup

Edit: Got it. They are correct.

Edited by sxp2high

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FOund a bug on T55! zomgomfghorrible!

When loader or commander turns out he has... well I presume he has wrong animations since it looks kinda silly. Second, loader operates turrets DSHKM, isnt that commanders job? :p

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I'm really NOT liking the new grass in jungle areas. It looks more arid climate grass than lush tropic jungle grass like we had before, which I loved. It looked...new...Now it just looks like ArmA 1 again with the lame grass. I admit it looks awesome on Panthera, but it just doesn't fit at all with Duala. I'm just suggesting. Plus it lowers my FPS ALOT....I mean alot..20 FPS or more loss. If you have time, I suggest updating the map with the old grass it looked MUCH better and performed MUCH better.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I really love this island. Panthera kicks as well but this thing is just perfect for my missions. The units are appreciated as well.

Question though, is there a way to use the African faces on other units? I've seen some AddOns have the ability to change the faces, hands, etc. Is it possible with your faces as well? I thought someone already asked this question but I couldn't seem to find it in the thread. Maybe I'm imagining things. ;)

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Like I said a couple of pages back, I agree with Enad and the others, the new grass doesn't look as good, and it's slows my fps down horribly, is everyone getting this? maybe it is some sort of bug or incompability with another mod or something?

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Me and some other guys had low fps on jungle areas too. Really bad fps. And we don't have old rigs.

But we had a lot of fun anyway. Great city battles. Lovin' it.

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Thanks for the update IceBreakr :cool:

I must agree about the grass it does feel a little heavy :)

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Thanks IceBreakr for the update, and to the others who contributed as well. A very polished and enjoyable map.

Protesters are brilliant, they seem smart enough to not throw stones (more like rocks :p) when a weapon is present, they run off instead! Though when you drop a weapon and approach em they'll quite happily sling the stones at you. :)

Kristian already mentioned a bug with the commander turned out in the T-55 (image below). I also seem to get a shadow bug in the Pinzgauer 710M when dust is present, it's slightly worse with WarFX Particles due to more dust but happens with no mods as well.


Full size:

Pinzgauer 710M 01

Pinzgauer 710M 02


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Ahhh that's what I was seeing. I could swear I was seeing that in one of my missions but I could never recreate it. It would just happen. I forgot to mention it. Thanks.

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Thanks for the update IceBreakr, the map is wonderful as usual and the new units are amazing. Only issue is with the new plants I loose a bit more FPS in heavily vegitated areas than before, but other than that, great update.

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thanks for the new version, IceBreakr!:clap:

- very nice units and finally some fitting civilians for this island.

- In my eyes a very good decision to release the island in combination with the units so less downloading different addons for a mission which includes these ones.

One question:

I experimented with the civilians in combination with the alice-module on this island, read the wiki about it, etc. .

Do you know any init or a parameter to increase the population of them in the cities? -In my case, only one civilian spawned in Bolabongo, for example. Perhaps I was doing sth. wrong, but on Chernarus a bit more civilians are spawning even in smaller cities/villages.

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Hi guys,

I am too keen on getting the ALICE module working, I'm not having much luck at the moment. Am I missing any extra instructions?

Do you know any init or a parameter to increase the population of them in the cities?

Willa, I found this whilst I was scouring the forums a few weeks ago.

BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (10 * (sqrt %1))"];

Increase or decrease the '10' variable to get the desired affect. :)

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