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I made a Mp mission using the latest version of duala with the Rebels.I I ran this mission on a dedi server and it came up with an error in the Cfg Models/Sections.I wasnt able to play the mission unless i loaded it (the mission) twice.


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Looks like you have done an amazing job with this island! Thanks.

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ANZACSAS Steve: never experienced that. Running any other addons, send me the mission file?

Felonmarmer: It must be something with the alice spawn module, not sure what that could be. Vegetation reports can be sent to Berghoff (with a little bit more detail - ex: type of tree) as he's the maker of this fabolous vegetation.

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How can i get the Alice modul with the African Civilians to work. I tested it but see no African Civilians on any city or village. :confused:

Any ideas, tricks?


+1 Good Question???? Anybody know?

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You press F7 in Editor, place down the Ambient Civilians module and preview the mission? They should be there, try bigger towns. I can also supply you a mission with visible markers for all of them?

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You press F7 in Editor, place down the Ambient Civilians module and preview the mission? They should be there, try bigger towns. I can also supply you a mission with visible markers for all of them?

This is the way i've done. But no civs, also in bigger towns.

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Lost123: you're missing ibr_plants.pbo or ibr_dtowns.pbo - reinstall all .pbo's.

I have the pbo's. The errors are these:

Cannot open object ca\buildings\fuelstation_army.p3d

Cannot open object ca\buildings\garaz_bez_tanku.p3d

Edited by IronSight94
SOLVED: There was a confliction with another addon that used the same .pbo names.

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I to tried the civ module but got no civ action - no other mods running

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LOST123: again, recheck. These two buildings are stored in ibr_plants.pbo. You need to have the file in the same folder as isladuala.pbo.

sv5000 & others: will recheck and post a test mission.

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Tried to search the thread but got no hits: What's the reason the BLUFOR (Afrenians) only got half as many magazine slots as the Molatians/Rebels?

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Tried to search the thread but got no hits: What's the reason the BLUFOR (Afrenians) only got half as many magazine slots as the Molatians/Rebels?

Maybe they put quality over quantity :)

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Afrenians aren't warriors IIRC. That's why they don't have as many bases, and the bases they do have aren't as big or militaristic as the ones in Molatia.

(Trust me, i've been looking at just about every military compound on the map. molatians have a thing for armor. ;) )

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yeah its a shame but we can manage - would be good to make some specop advisers or something...

EVOLUTION with molatian/ afrenian RELEASE page


I improved this version - you start attacking kinsella and go round clockwise, it has many weapons and suitable vehicles for the map - dune buggies, wmik landrovers, BMD's, hinds, etc and a silver desert eagle and akm set for the dictators amongst you.

v2 updated today and playing well

Edited by eggbeast

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Are you going to fix the "floating shadows" bug for Isla Duala and Panthera?

This is really annoying since you sometimes cant see the enemies when this happens. In particular this occurs with the shack that is near to the factory.

But some other buildings too.

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also can you tell methe name and address and telephone number of the two girls in the bikini poster :D

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Are you going to fix the "floating shadows" bug for Isla Duala and Panthera?

This is really annoying since you sometimes cant see the enemies when this happens. In particular this occurs with the shack that is near to the factory.

But some other buildings too.

Is that were the building shadows are messed up? If so, turn your shadows off or on high, because it's an ArmA II bug, I've contacted him over skype about this.

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Disabling all shadows in game for 1 faulty model is the worst advice I ever heard.

Deleting the Shadow LOD of the building should do the trick?

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Kroky: its BIS's bug. If someone is able to fix their shadow LOD I would gladly incorporate it into the next release. Setting shadows to "high" fixed that, though.

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hey ice try my new duala evo afro - it rocks mate

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Thanks for the answer. This fixed it for the moment. Its weird that on normal shadows this bug appears.

Another question: Why the ladders on Panthera 2.6 can't be used?

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It will be fixed in next release. I've noticed in last MP session that they don't work (due to bug with compiling). Topic about Panthera can be found here.

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ooh ive got the day off today and just loaded new duala for a full days campaign... anyone fancy it come over to gits server...

xfire eggbeast

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I find some leaves of the vegetations could fend the bullets, just like an invisible force field, which's really annoyed...........pls fixed it in the next version.

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I find some leaves of the vegetations could fend the bullets, just like an invisible force field, which's really annoyed...........pls fixed it in the next version.

You mean like every single tree does in ArmA2? ^^

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