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FP : DR - News & Discussion

Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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Also, lua scripts have been arounf or a very long time, their are countless articles of how to use them.

It doesn't matter how well documented lua is, it will turn a alot of potential editors away. IMO, SQS/SQF is FAR simpler to pick up especially if you have no prior programming knowledge.

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Here is the real deal. OF:DR will rock. A TON of people will play it. It will be successful and the same whiney haters in BI Forums will STILL be whining and calling it crap despite they will probably be playing it themselves. You can never change a fanatics mind and forum birthers are the worst. So don't bother trying. Let them drink their Koolaid and pretend their are happy. We will go have some fun instead... lol

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Here is the real deal. OF:DR will rock. A TON of people will play it. It will be successful and the same whiney haters in BI Forums will STILL be whining and calling it crap despite they will probably be playing it themselves. You can never change a fanatics mind and forum birthers are the worst. So don't bother trying. Let them drink their Koolaid and pretend their are happy. We will go have some fun instead... lol

You hit the nail on the head right there. Spot on mate.

Its a shame you guys can't just be honest with yourselves, at the end of the day, your the ones who lose out.

Happy Gaming ;)

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Here is the real deal. OF:DR will rock. A TON of people will play it. It will be successful and the same whiney haters in BI Forums will STILL be whining and calling it crap despite they will probably be playing it themselves. You can never change a fanatics mind and forum birthers are the worst. So don't bother trying. Let them drink their Koolaid and pretend their are happy. We will go have some fun instead... lol

Thank you for your insight Nostradamus. While you're at it, you wouldn't mind telling me what this week's lotto numbers will be?

Its a shame you guys can't just be honest with yourselves, at the end of the day, your the ones who lose out.

I'll be more than likely buying the game, depending on whether or not I think the demo is any good. That of course doesn't mean that I agree with any of the fanboy nonsense on either side of the pissing competition.

Edited by echo1

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From what I've read on that forum, I think you're giving a very rose tinted version of events.

I agree, I'm looking forward to OFP.DR (to me it appears in some respects to complement ArmA rather than compete with it) and I'm looking forward to playing it with some slightly less-hardcore friends but I would never post on the CM forums. The average mentality seems about 10 years younger there and IMO most of what is said here is far better reasoned.

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This form of intolerance that starts everytime that OFP DR is mentioned within these boards should end now.

The game seems to get a better shape everytime a video is released, thus showing an interesting competitor to our beloved and slightly buggy ArmA II, and being so "elitiste" won't make things evolve in a constructive manner.

We are all here somehow partial to ArmA II but this should not stop us from giving a chance to OFP DR, doesn't matter what happened between BIS and CM previously.

Now, don't call me a traitor.



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This form of intolerance that starts everytime that OFP DR is mentioned within these boards should end now.

The game seems to get a better shape everytime a video is released, thus showing an interesting competitor to our beloved and slightly buggy ArmA II, and being so "elitiste" won't make things evolve in a constructive manner.

We are all here somehow partial to ArmA II but this should not stop us from giving a chance to OFP DR, doesn't matter what happened between BIS and CM previously.

Now, don't call me a traitor.



Lol- Tbird you know as well as any that the BI crowd is just a tough crowd period. That goes for how they address BI products as well so of course when that bad blood was created over certain developer's claims of involvement in OFP would not go unchallenged or be easily forgiven. But honestly, look how many of our Ol' heads are staight up blasting Arm2 for it's flaws rightly or wrongly, it should be no surprise that criticism of it's direct competition would be stiff.

Again, I and many others will download the demo as soon as it's available and if it's great, well I ain't ashamed to said it.

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You know TBird they should let you run the ArmA 2 developement. We would have an awesome game. It would run great and you KNOW it would be built on love lol.

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How about some vehicle stuff? All i've seen is a guy running around with the 1st person disease animations.. The game is starting to look interesting but they have yet to show it.

Some insight into vehicle handling and simulation would be nice, they've been showing the same stuff for a while now ( player + fireteam VS handfull of scattered infantry).



Not impressed.. :( .

Edited by Heatseeker

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I am impressed. one thing is really nice, the destruction system.

Why? :confused:

Video showed some nice footage though.

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I am impressed. one thing is really nice, the destruction system.

Where did you see it ? It is not demonstrated in the video.

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The vehicles look good, and will probably handle great, but I kept getting a BF2 feeling with the whole game.

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What's with the HUD/HMDS in the AH-6 MELB?

Also, using rockets to shoot down that Mi-17...

There was some interesting tactical stuff in the last set of videos but this vehicles ones look sooooo much like a BF2 match it's scary

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Also, using rockets to shoot down that Mi-17...

There was some interesting tactical stuff in the last set of videos but this vehicles ones look sooooo much like a BF2 match it's scary

helicopters shooting down helicopters with ffars is what made me go: hmmm, BF2 was fun like that.

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Those vehicles didn't look bad, maybe they could use some more details here and there, but still, something about that clip left the BF2 feeling in me. Maybe it's the way they're trying to make all their videos action and "fast".

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I don't think ANY of you are in a position to critisize the vehicles in Dragin Rising, not when Arma 2 has possibly the worst vehicle mechanics in any game.

And thats coming from someone like me, who lives for Arma 2. You guys should ease off a little, really.

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I don't think you are in a position to tell us what our opinions should be.

The video really does have a BF2 feeling to it.

Mainly because of the way it's edited to look "cool".

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Afaik, that ain't an MELB version mate. It misses at least one key feature to make it an MELB upgraded version (6 main rotors is one).

Indeed it has a big BF overlay feeling :(. But time will tell.

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I don't think ANY of you are in a position to critisize the vehicles in Dragin Rising, not when Arma 2 has possibly the worst vehicle mechanics in any game.

ORLY. I said they'll probably drive great and feel great. Probably. Better than ArmA2 probably(but that's not a huge milestone to beat).

But beyond that, BF2 feeling looms about. They are just as detailed(bf2 vehicles are rather low poly). The action shots made me think it's a bf2-esque game.

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You're right; my bad. I thought it said AH-6M instead of AH-6J in the video caption.

I must have stopped paying attention to the video by that point... at least until it started shooting down other choppers with FFARs

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In the vehicle trailer, when the Type92 & LAV25 main guns are fired, does anyone else miss the bullet´s traveling time? To me it looks as if there´s an instant bang on the receiving end as soon as you see the muzzle flash :icon_neutral:

Same goes for the Mk19, but that was really close range .... so could be mistaken.

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Looks alright, nothing spectacular but nothing to complain about my end. No more impressed, but neither has it made me think badly of the game.

More like BF2 or OFP? Who can tell from that video?! "Its BF2!" criticism appears to be coming from the mear fact that it was an action video.

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Not from the mere fact that it was an action video, but from the fact that the AH-6 ffared an Mi-17.

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