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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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Ok lets drop this console thing and lets wait for the OA news instead.

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If I recall correctly, I remember Ivan Buchta saying in an interview that there will be a console version of ArmA 2 eventually, but it will take some time.

Again, there is a seperate thread for that, let's keep this thread related to Operation Arrowhead please. :D

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I wonder how they are going to Balance Opfor and Blufor. On the one side Blifor with modern Weapons and fancy Stuff like UAVs and on the other side the insurgents with.....with what?

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...with intimate knowledge of the terrain, the ability to disguise themselves amongst non-combatants, and nothing to lose.

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I wonder how they are going to Balance Opfor and Blufor. On the one side Blifor with modern Weapons and fancy Stuff like UAVs and on the other side the insurgents with.....with what?

They did say it will be an unequal conflict .Maybe OPFOR will have IED's .

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I wonder how they are going to Balance Opfor and Blufor. On the one side Blifor with modern Weapons and fancy Stuff like UAVs and on the other side the insurgents with.....with what?

Civilians and press :p

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Civilians and press :p

Not to mention the United States' president to screw his own country over without the terrorists ever leaving their country.

Oh and the US's own dumb anti-wa *cough*...freedom populace.

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I wonder how they are going to Balance Opfor and Blufor. On the one side Blifor with modern Weapons and fancy Stuff like UAVs and on the other side the insurgents with.....with what?

War isn't balanced. :p

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I wonder how they are going to Balance Opfor and Blufor. On the one side Blifor with modern Weapons and fancy Stuff like UAVs and on the other side the insurgents with.....with what?

Maybe the insurgents are able to hide their weapons under their clothing?

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To much to copy here, sorry.......

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To much to copy here, sorry.......


Does this mean we will see a huge news-release about OA on Armaholic soon?

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perhaps he was referring to the fact that there is no news, save for a few vague twitter and YT comments.

so what is it foxhound? you holding out on us? :D

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Where's the news they promised us today!? :(

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Its already 7pm here, so am not expecting anything today

perhaps tomorrow?, but tomorrow is Sunday, so probably next week

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Oh boy, I was just being sarcatic.........at least I thought it was funny :)

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quick, someone post a really sad faced puppy asking BIS for scraps. :(

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quick, someone post a really sad faced puppy asking BIS for scraps. :(


Pretty please? With a chery on top? :D

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Do we actually have reason to be expecting something in the next few days? or might it be longer?

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OA @ UK Presser next two days :)

This mostly, that and the twitter page has kinda made us antsy.

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This mostly, that and the twitter page has kinda made us antsy.

Yesterday they said they were distrubuting the info, why so long?

And where can I expect to see this info, UK PC gamer or something IDK.

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