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ArmA2 1.03 Impressions - ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...


Simply awesome. My invisible hat goes off to you.


Full lyrics are in the more info thing to the right.

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Simply awesome. My invisible hat goes off to you.


Full lyrics are in the more info thing to the right.

ha yes, thanks.

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Wow, can't wait to buy the whole bugtracker album !!!

That's Pure Rock'n Troll ! Go baby !

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Cant believe how good that is !!, wicked song.....I want BIS's official reply to that !

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...


You do anything professionally?

---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

Wow, can't wait to buy the whole bugtracker album !!!

I lol'd a bit, ty.

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Great song.. so well expressive of us that were brought up on OFP1 and coming to realize 10 years later nothings changed but the frame rate (lower) and buglist. When you have modern Engines putting out much much better Graphics at 60+fps it's a testimony to why bolting onto a 10year old engine dosen't work. I would rather have the original graphics running smooth with the new game features then this.

If anything Arma2 has got me so longing yet unfulfilled It has me playing OFP1 again! Now that's an accomplishment!!

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...

haha awesome, not get depressed as you re-evaluate your life that causes you to write songs about the game :D

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...

Simply awesome.

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If I'm not mistaken, I believe videos go in this video thread. Though, from the title of this thread, I can see why you posted it here. Also the fact that said thread is not sticky'd.

Edited by Zipper5

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FLMAO! :biggrin_o:

You know it's bad when someone actually writes a bloody song about it.

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...


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Wow Tophe......

That was the most beautiful, elegent, well put together complaint I've ever heard.

Someone give this man a medal!

Imagine if everyone bitched like this on the web. Paradise.

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Thanks guys.

I hope nobody misunderstands it... got nothing but love for BIS. They're awesome.

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Well this my impression of the 1.02 patch, fix this and i will be happy:bounce3:


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yeah.. we all love BIS..

i mean..

come on, why have we actually been around here since OFP1 days if we dont actually like it in some dark corner of our heart?

most "mainstream" players would probably stick around for about 5 seconds before they go and play COD or BF or whatever other crap FPS games they can find...

but we..

we can spend hours, days, weeks and even months (some occasions i have seen years) to work us around a game limitiation or bug..

and when we finally succeed..

then it´s pure heaven..

then we start working on the next "challange" only to realise a new version of the game is out 3 days later and we all start over again.

this game gives so much laughter and cryiong to our lives that most of us probably couldnt live without it...

i mean..

what other challanges are there that is up to the challanges we find everyday in our beloved Bohemia games?

i´d say none..

THATS why we love it so much ppl..

pure love!

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Well this my impression of the 1.02 patch, fix this and i will be happy:bounce3:

That's because you lost connection to the server for some reason. Not sure that's something BIS can fix...

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...

very great song, the lyrics are really cool. btw your songs are awesome, thx for the link: http://www.myspace.com/meadowseverbleeding

this is exactly the music what i like. I like very much musics from the scandinavian countries.;)

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Most review sites' reviews are so subjective and incorrent. The same goes for other games and I don't trust their reviews anymore.

So I want to hear users' frank and objective review of ArmA 2. The review doesn't need to be long. Just show us your genuine feeling toward this game.

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if someone asked me if to buy the game or not i'd say :

good things:

a) realistic shooter on an open world settings. there's nothing else like it. NOTHING! completely unique, open and realistic experience.

b) SOOOOO much content it's amazing; pre-made missions, long campaign, random mission generator aise or in the campaign, tamplates for editors and the EDITOR!!!

c) editor is simple to use for basic missions and goes into incredible depths allows for endless possibilities.

d) the door for mods is completely open and ppl are barging in :)

e) good support from BIS with patches. there has been a stalemate after 1.02 but i am sure 1.03 will come sometime soon.

bad things:

a) need a powerful computer to run well. (runs well on mine, but i got a decent rig).

b) needs the patches. it doesnt work out of the box but installing one patch isn't a big deal. however more bugs needs clearing and ASAP.

c) MP has so much diversity in it that it's hard to find a server i like.

d) AI can be cheating or outright dumb running around like headless chickens thinking god knows what (still a lot better than ARMA1 and still is a fun to fight, though).

buttom line:

If u are a mature gamer that has patience and a nick for realistic unforgiving challenge (and a powerful rig) than get this game! get it!

i'd give it a 8.3 (u need to forgive the un-polished experience and flaws and love the thing the game does that no other game does to that extent).

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My review would be subjective aswell. Read everything you can gather around in the i-net or in magazines and build your own opinion. Even better - play the demo before you think of buying the game.

*I have just played the demo and came to my own conclusion.

Edited by Jimmy the Saint

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Had some fun in the studio last night...

What to do while waiting for the patch?

Thank you Bohemia...

oh god, i cried of laughter. u just made my day!! this one goes to my IPOD :)

well, my main complaint about 1.02 is that it isn't 1.03, i guess.

i can't teamswitch in the editor (BUG) and the AI needs to use cover more (we know they can use cover but hardly do) and react faster to enemies they see in from of them but not instantly know u r aiming at them from 100 meters from behind..... cheating buggers.

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