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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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Guess whose almost home? Me, I'm heading back from BNOC next Wednesday hopefully. Not sure if I'll get back into working, but if I do...expect some DECENT work.

Great to see you back. :D

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FINALLY! Binkowski can make us some kickass units to counter all this MC fad-stuff :D

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Remaining airframe work:

- underbody

- landing gear

- remodelling airbrake

- canopy

- low poly interior

- CFTs including Pylons and last but not least

- welding parts together

With a little luck I will start with the high poly cockpit in a week or two. Unfortunatly I don't have anyone yet doing the paintjob which might delay the release but the goal is still the middle of september. But nothing is as stable as alteration.


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Looks very nice. I've been waiting to see what you will do about the shading artifacts at the pole on the fuel tank. What are your plans for that?

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Looks very nice. I've been waiting to see what you will do about the shading artifacts at the pole on the fuel tank. What are your plans for that?

On the CFT? Yeah I know. I need to re-form the whole thing but I'm kicking it down the road all the time.^^

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On the CFT? Yeah I know. I need to re-form the whole thing but I'm kicking it down the road all the time.^^

you might try painting it out with a smooth or relax paintbrush... other than that I think retopologizing would be your only recourse.

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I'm currently working on importing my real bullet cracks and distant combat sounds into the game.

Here are a few of my sounds added on top of a firefight to get a general idea as to what it may sound like:

It does not sound perfect as there is no reference point in the game for the cracks, they are just played stereo.

Some sounds are 'singular' meaning they can be played when one event happens (one crack, one whizz). Others will be harder to get in game as they are like 3 or 4 seconds long, and they may not make it in at all.

In almost all the firefights I've seen the crack and snap of bullets really adds to the intensity. I really wish I am able to find some way to increase the number of snaps and cracks (maybe increase the distance in which they are played) within the game as they are heard very rarely.

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Awesome job Jobin, finally somebody has it right. Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the kind words :) I hope it sounds like this in game. Sound editing in Arma is much more challenging than other games I've done. I'm used to simply replacing wav files in the game directory ... but this is not that easy! :(

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Started this like 2 months ago but put it away for a while. Just thought I'd share where I'm at for once. Not meant to get anyone's hopes up, as I know it's an often-desired addon, but this isn't near ready for a release. Or at least not a good one. This is my like 4th model ever made, obviously the most ambitious in terms of size. Figured if I made somethin big it would teach me a lot haha. First time making something for the game.

USS Nimitz (CVN 68)




Render: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v255/JumpDog/3d%20models/arma%20carrier/render_forward_starboard.jpg?t=1281250661

The textures will hold this back more than anything, as that's another realm (photoshop/etc) I have yet to learn. No screenshots of it but take my word that everything other than the deck looks like crap. So if any skilled artists out there are brave enough, hit me up. Otherwise, I'll do my best to try and get this done before school starts back up at the end of the month lol.

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^ You have just killed off probably 1/4 of the community by giving them heart attacks, caused by shock.

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Are you insane? Are you trying to set me up, so people will kill me because they think I insulted somebody who is bringing a carrier to AII?!!

*Seriously though, i said that because your "project" was completely unexpected, looks amazing, and it's a freaking carrier!*

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Lol it cant be THAT ugly :P


Nah , it looks a very good model ,but those textures need some more work :)

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Looks Great m8.You definately have talent with models and tex's .

From those screenis the tez's look good enough to use for me.The Dasquade made carrier from Ofp looked ok in arma1.

I hope that you do actually release this in some form so we can test/use it while it is being refined.I do know of some US Navy aircraft addons thet were put on hold due to there being no functioning carrier.

I believe Arma1 still had the 50m size limit on objects.I dunno if this still applies.

The reason being is the nimitz from ofp ported to arma1 used 51m object pieces causing the model to have holes and buggy places on the deck.

Also the ofp port nimitz had a distant lod cutoff of around 3000m .Making the ship very hard to line up with when landing cos it just wasnt visible till too late.

Too make this visible at around 5klm + it would be best placed in an island like the LSD in Utes.

Also,Mandoble wrote some scripts for arrestor "cables" that worked a dream and was appliable in the mission editor,No messy scripts inside the addon.

I have spent alot of time using the carrier in ofp and arma1 in mp missions.If you have any questions or would like help testing something give me a pm .I'd be more than happy to help.:)


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Started this like 2 months ago but put it away for a while. Just thought I'd share where I'm at for once. Not meant to get anyone's hopes up, as I know it's an often-desired addon, but this isn't near ready for a release. Or at least not a good one. This is my like 4th model ever made, obviously the most ambitious in terms of size. Figured if I made somethin big it would teach me a lot haha. First time making something for the game.

USS Nimitz (CVN 68)




Render: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v255/JumpDog/3d%20models/arma%20carrier/render_forward_starboard.jpg?t=1281250661

The textures will hold this back more than anything, as that's another realm (photoshop/etc) I have yet to learn. No screenshots of it but take my word that everything other than the deck looks like crap. So if any skilled artists out there are brave enough, hit me up. Otherwise, I'll do my best to try and get this done before school starts back up at the end of the month lol.

^ You have just killed off probably 1/4 of the community by giving them heart attacks, caused by shock.

My heart stopped and I was as dead as dick cheney there for a minute . . .

Edited by TheRev709
i r cant spel geood

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Nice one JDog, is the whole "body" of the landing deck made one piece?

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Nice one JDog, is the whole "body" of the landing deck made one piece?

It can't, due to 50x50x50 meters limit

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New progress on the canopy frame and low poly cockpit. Still a lot to do...



Wow, your carrier looks great. If my project list wasn't full of work for the next 6 months I would start making a Super Hornet.

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Well I was just wondered if that limit has been surpassed in A2.

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I don't think it has, If i am correct the defualt LHD is broken up into multiple pieces?, BTW Jdog i'm really loving that nimitz. Do you have any plans to add all the phalanx systems and such?

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@Darkhorse: Yea I was just messing with you, no "feast on his flesh" demise for you today :P

@Steve: I hope these screens answer your question. Unfortunately I don't have any lower-quality res lods set up for it yet, but even so... it stops drawing when I get past the 10,000m mark. (It's in the middle/top of Utes).



@Banderas: Yea it's multiple (read: plenty of) pieces. But it works just as well. Proof:

(please read video description)

@Jester: Thanks man same for your F15, I can't wait. Always been in the top 3 for me. SR71 > F14 > F15 :D

@Python: Yes, amongst other things *cough*weaponselevatorandstorageroom*cough. Ugh, sorry bout that, little sick. But not for first release when that comes. Just want to make it functional for flight ops first. Catapult and arrestors.

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