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Sorry if someone mentioned this already. Im new to the forums:

Seeing as there are Chechnya war russians, chechen rebels and georgian army addons. I would love to see a Chechen/North Caucasus style map. Mountainous grasslands, steppes, forests, village etc. maybe even a small city.

I heard of some guy working on a South Ossetia map a few months ago. No idea what's going on with it.

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hello there. is there anyone here who thinks they have the time and skill to make a decent helmand province map? that would be really awesome as no one has made a helmand province map except for helmand valley which isnt that good tbh.

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Wondering if anyone has thought to make a minigun on mini-tripod for static emplacement. Would be well suited for the PMC guys. Just a thought - higher ROF than the M2.


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Here's a possible idea for a creative modder with a lot of know-how.

Notice that, just like in real life, the magazine of the G36 is transparent so you can see how many rounds you have left inside.

What if you were to apply this transparent texture/material to the 'ghost rings' on the sights of American machine guns, the M16 and MP5? Then they would actually function roughly as they do in real life instead of hiding your target behind a stupid hunk of metal.

It would probably look like crap and not appear correct when no aiming down the sights, but I bet a lot of marksmen concerned with functionality would jump at it.

So... possible?

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Would it be possible to add the Takistan Army to BLUFOR?

I don't want them remove from OPFOR, just duplicated and added to BLUFOR. All units, skins, textures, everything.

Need them for a mission I'm working on.

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Would it be possible to add the Takistan Army to BLUFOR?

I don't want them remove from OPFOR, just duplicated and added to BLUFOR. All units, skins, textures, everything.

Need them for a mission I'm working on.

another thing you could do is make a group lets say weapons group. then make blufor unit like an us army soldier and make his rank to colonel. then group him with the opfor group and set his probability of presens to 0. and now you got an friendly group to blufor.

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I would like to see a dynamic A.I. improvement where if A.I. are not actively hunting a target and their assigned waypoint is not within say 250 meters, they GET IN NEAREST unlocked vehicle and use it for transportation, dismounting near the waypoint or continuing on to the next.

Otherwise they walk to the next waypoint.

Also, something to simulate tiredness, loss of alertness and adrenaline. The more poorly-trained a unit is the more tired (expressed in reduction of skill level) and less alert (Alert drops to Safe or Careless) it will be the more hours it is awake and the closer to 3 and 4 AM it is. A surge of adrenaline resulting from explosions, gunshots and enemy contact will increase the skill level.

And can someone make A.I. that SLEEPS on a bank, cot or the ground? Or Porta-potties (easily penetrated by fire) that A.I. will sit in?

Edited by Uziyahu--IDF

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Would be great to have a polish C-130.

what version do they use?

the last patch added hidden selections to the c130.... could be rather easy if thats the version they use

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what version do they use?

the last patch added hidden selections to the c130.... could be rather easy if thats the version they use

I think they use a few C-130E

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I would like to see a dynamic A.I. improvement where if A.I. are not actively hunting a target and their assigned waypoint is not within say 250 meters, they GET IN NEAREST unlocked vehicle and use it for transportation, dismounting near the waypoint or continuing on to the next.

Otherwise they walk to the next waypoint.

Also, something to simulate tiredness, loss of alertness and adrenaline. The more poorly-trained a unit is the more tired (expressed in reduction of skill level) and less alert (Alert drops to Safe or Careless) it will be the more hours it is awake and the closer to 3 and 4 AM it is. A surge of adrenaline resulting from explosions, gunshots and enemy contact will increase the skill level.

And can someone make A.I. that SLEEPS on a bank, cot or the ground? Or Porta-potties (easily penetrated by fire) that A.I. will sit in?

Group Link 4 Special FX Edition


Urban Patrol Script


Both of these will do most of what your asking.

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WarHammer for OFP was pretty cool, it would be pretty interesting to see it in Arma2 atmosphere.

Im wondering if maybe you asked the makers of the OFP version to do it, wondering if they even play Arma2 or OA.

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Here's a request/idea that I thought I'd put out there. Had this idea years ago.

You are a specialist military team that has been inserted into a disaster zone. There are armed soldiers and civilians there that have gone berzerk. They need to be rescued without hurting them and transported out of the area. Soldiers/civilians/vehicles need to be tactfully deceived into situations where they can be unarmed and captured. Weapons can be used to create ruses. Maybe have something like the remote activated shots simulator that is seen in the film Ronin as well as capture devices like nets, or possibly tranquilliser darts or gas.

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Ok, everyone knows that the AI in ArmA 2 suck when it comes to driving. I've already tried the Sakura's AI Driving, but the AIs are still driving like morons. Is there anything more that can be done to increase the AIs driving skills?

The problem areas for me seem to be them wandering offroad all the time. The AI seems to be trying to calculate the fastest way from point A to point B and they try to cut across the countryside and end up making it take twice as long to reach our destination.

I need something that can MAKE the AI stay on the road. Also, something that will get them to slow down as they approach the next waypoint, so they don't come barreling in and overshoot it by 50 feet and have to make a 3-point road turn. Which as we all know will take the AIs something more like a 10-point road turn.

What I'm after is some way that if you tell the AI "Aware" or "Safe" they will stay on the road, but if you tell them "Stealth" or "Combat" they might go offroad a little but still not getting us lost. Also, if you tell them "Combat" the AI should drive faster. Telling them to go "Stealth" of course they should drive with the lights off and slower.

I'm sure this is something we can all use. Sort of like sending the AIs back to Driver's Ed.


AIs pathfinding skills would be one of my biggest complaints in this game.

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Not sure if this has been asked before, but we were wondering if someone could make a deck of useable cards. Sometimes we just wanna play spades while waiting for daylight or other players to gear up.

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I am requesting the Shadow Company Operators from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I would like to see this in ArmA because I tried my hands for a year trying to make these units, but I am not an editor and have realized that I should just leave it up to the professionals. I have come to the conclusion that it is NOT as easy as it looks. Here I am thinking that, "Oh, all I need to do is find a template of some soldiers and erase here and copy and paste there." NOT the case here! Just an hour ago, I spent 9 hours trying to do one thing and I am at a loss. So I am calling on the ArmAII/OA editing gods.

I also would like to see weapons that are exclusive to each units person, i.e. shotgun, rifle, etc.

Information: (From Call of Duty Wikia)

Soldiers of this unit are distinguished by their black uniforms and tan CIRAS type tactical vest, with both US Flag and a spade patch symbol , black balaclavas, as well as tactical goggles or night vision goggles attached to their Protec style helmet that has an IR Strobe on the back with Surefire helmet light. (the only difference is the color) they appear to have other various equipment such as extra mags, NVGs, flares, grenades, etc.

Shadow Company appears to be either a US black ops unit or possibly even a Private Military Company (PMC) operating directly under the command of General Shepherd, serving as his personal security detail and operations force that carry out his orders without question, even when these orders involve treason (such as when he betrayed Task Force 141). Shepherd however, holds no regard for their lives and considers them all expendable, an example of which was an artillery bombardment called in by Shepherd directly upon their location and blowing up his own base with soldiers still inside it in a failed attempt to kill Soap and Price during "Just Like Old Times". Their strongest opposition appear to be the Russian military itself.


Shadow company Operative Model


Soldiers at Site Hotel Bravo


Guarding rear entrance at Site Hotel Bravo


Operatives in zodiac boats



Other useful information:


Edited by kurow
My bad, I messed that one up. Fill pics too big.

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With the release of the F-22A Raptor for ARMAII; I feel there is a need for the planned FB-22 "Strike Raptor" that was intended to be a interim bomber for the USAF to replace the F-15E. (because the current F-22 available in ARMAII is meant to be Air Superiority, not a bomber.



Edited by (2142)Gen.Reaper

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Here's a possible idea for a creative modder with a lot of know-how.

Notice that, just like in real life, the magazine of the G36 is transparent so you can see how many rounds you have left inside.

What if you were to apply this transparent texture/material to the 'ghost rings' on the sights of American machine guns, the M16 and MP5? Then they would actually function roughly as they do in real life instead of hiding your target behind a stupid hunk of metal.

It would probably look like crap and not appear correct when no aiming down the sights, but I bet a lot of marksmen concerned with functionality would jump at it.

So... possible?

This. Particularly if only applied to certain parts of the reticule.


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An-12, god damn it!

I know in the past wev'e had teasers but I'm truly amazed we havn't got one yet. Can't think of anything the Armaverse is missing more.

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I think the Shadow Company guys could easily be modified from the existing Praying Mantis Ops for Independang (MGS ?). Track down the author - what you are requesting is not that far off from these units.


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the proportions of those shadow company units is pretty bad. i can see why you'd want them redone.

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