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Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

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So if I insert a USMC fire team in the northern mountains of Chernorus in the mission editor, and search will I maybe find him? Or is he only in the single player?

BTW has anybody found him yet?

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I bet it's just a script so a sniper in a ghuille suit just wanders around the map (In SP and MP) no matter what you do.

If he even exists that's my only guess.

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Like any other mythical creature or being bigfoot is the same - a myth. The myth in those parts ARMA2 takes place (Cherna) seems to be identical to the US one where its said good ol' smellyfoot is lurking the woods. Personally i think its just the myth BIS added by mentioning it, and not an "actual" (lol) bigfoot.

However - who knows. :cool:

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Thats just a cows ass which this thread is turning into...

Cow's ass? I hope you have the means to prove it.

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Cow's ass? I hope you have the means to prove it.

Yes, I have eyes :D

You can even see the tail move if you watch carefully... move the slider back and forth a bit

Edited by EDcase

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They even say that you can hear him roar and howl at night out in the woods, and all other animals will flee when they here or smell him around.

oh, and he can rip a man's head right off his shoulders so watch it when hunting!

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Why can't BIS release that footage or the whole presentation in proper HD ? It's not like as potential customers we're not excited about seeing some proper footage at all :(

I appreciate a user is taking his time to film and upload, but SD is so 2000 and then even hand filmed? Nothing can top that :rolleyes: . No sorry, I stopped after 10 seconds, I'm not that desperate yet.

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yea i hear somebody on my team saying

Did you guys see that..

then i looked everwhere but i did not see anything

You know, I shrugged that off when I heard it (It's on the invasion mission if I remember correctly). Now that you bring it up here, it kinda makes me wonder...

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Sure, hes hanging out with Santa, Jesus and the easter bunny west of Stary sobor.

Look for the flying saucer to guide you there.

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Dude if you have yet to figure it out you have issues. It is the guillie suit sniper thats all.

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Bwa-ha-ha. Someone responded to my almost year old complain. Of a racist joke, not someone who 'disagrees with the obama administration'. And who's been suspended.


Anyway that was me on a bad day humour. I don't give a damn. Here are some suggestions:


From BAS, one of the classics of OFP. Plenty of civilian militia women and teenagers (skinnies). Have a ball. I know I do.


I can hardly wait to have the hardware for ARMA 2. Now with rock trowing civilians. :yay:

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I come here looking for information regarding this strange "Bigfoot" character in ArmA 2 and instead, come to discover a tasteless conversation regarding the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama II? :confused:

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Lol, I'm too lazy to read the whole thread but if someone really wanted to see if there was a bigfoot I suppose you could search through the config files. Unless BIS did a really good job of hiding it. My guess is it's a one day, one time thing or something like that, which would make it nearly impossible to find (something like Oct 3 1989 @ 1400-1900).

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ok guys being serious now, has anybody seen or herd the bigfoot character in arma 2 i really want to know iam not interested in some stupid guy in a guille suit or some crap like that showing it on you tube i want proper evidence. has any one seen some clues to it etc.

does it only appewar in the single player game mode or can it be seen in the editor i need answers BIS please shed some more light on this best of easter eggs.

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There are only rumors... and now new sightings are reported by peasants in Takistan ;)

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Hee hee some people have seen Bigfoot.

It is because they know where to look. ;)

Kind Regards walker

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Highly doubt he exists. It's one of those things like the cow level in diablo :)

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It's one of those things like the cow level in diablo :)

seen it with my own eyes

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