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ARMA 2 DE 1.01 (final) Impressions - Post ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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  Potatomasher said:
Though they were stupid as always when i flanked them. They didn't notice me even when i stand in couple of meters away behind them. I just shot them in the back. Never know what hit them :D

This is actually a good thing. It allows for stealthy games just as we wanted. It is far easier to script an auto reveal function to enemies when we are close than trying to script not being revealed when the engine does it. So this is a change to the better for me.

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I'm very sorry it's working better for you as I was really wanting that throwaway :D

Jk mate, let us know how else the patch improves (hopefully) things when you can get a chance please

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  EmperorPalpa said:
I've noticed one thing here: when talking about OPF:DR, everyone calls it inferior to Arma 2 (or at least "consolish Rambo-FPS"). Would you mind explaining it to me? You have definitly played that game so you can tell everything about it, right? I haven't played both games (how could I ;)) but after reading some of objective Arma 2 reviews here, I dare to say DR sounds better so far. Surely it won't have so top-notched graphics, but at least there will be realrealismthere. Or so I hope. I bet Arma 2 is fun for gamers but for sim-lovers - it's not enough (yet, hope patch will fix that).

OFP-DS may be better in some areas, worse in others. The fact that it's coop mode is so extremely limited makes it a no choice for me for that kind of games, as I'm a coop gamer mostly.

I don't think anyone here has yet 'played the game', only parts of it, testing features in the editor most significant to them. Myself I don't have the game, only the translation files. But unless what I read in there is mostly VBS2 stuff (since I also found a lot of obvious VBS2 stuff and Arma1 stuff), I say we're in for a big treat once we start digging deeper than playing as a dog :S

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I second the request for 81mm Mortar fire. Also, is the Javelin System readily available? Are do you have to script it in?

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  Manzilla said:
Well after Dl'in the German version(US based player) and playing around with the Editor and a bit of the campaign I gotta say I'm a big fan. Sure there are a bunch of cons thus far and a lot of room for improvement but overall I think it looks beautiful and runs very well on max settings on my rig. God damn am I glad I sucked it up and purchased the German version.

Of course this is just a quick impression and things could change as far as my views are concerned. So far though, I gotta give it a big fat thumbs up. Thanks BIS!

I'd sure love to be able to figure out how to use Commander mode or what ever the hell it's called. I don't see it off the bat while playing round in the Editor but I see there is some Game Logic stuff I need to learn how to use. Can anyone direct me to a link that explains it in English? I haven't seen anything about the Game Logics on the forums yet.

How much USD did it cost?

Also, gathering from other posts, I think you place the commander logic, then group it to who you want the commander to be; then place the subordinate logic, and group it to groups under the commander's control.

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Still the unrealistic thrust control for fix wings which had heli thrust control in mind? Now thats something i dont want to see :(

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I concur, options for:

Throttle Up

Throttle Down

Throttle Up Incremental

Throttle Down Incremental

Would be brilliant, and they would appeal to those who like the arcade thrust control and those who dislike it...

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This is the link and interview translated to english. Not a good sign....

PC Games Marek Spanel Interview

English version of our interview with Bohemia's Marek Spanel (Deutsche Leser blättern bitte auf Seite 3):

PC Games: We had grave issues with the review copy (retail copies). The singleplayer campaign was nearly not playable because of a multitude of problems. Often we reached a checkpoint an nothing happened, enemies didn't shoot at us, or objectives got solved/failed without us even knowing of it. What went wrong? Did no Beta-Tester find these problems? How was it possible that such a buggy, not-ready version got into the mastering lab


Marek Spanel: It is very unfortunate that the campaign left such a bad impression. We already been working on the story and campaign for very long time, large testing was undergoing for many months. Part of the problem is that ARMA II is incredible big and even the campaign is just a smaller part of it (I know, very important for many users). Despite we are aware of various problems, bugs and possible improvements, we certainly don't see German ARMA II as something completely broken. When the German master was finished, we felt it's quite good, since then we already had chance to play test even more and collect more feedback which found its way into the upcoming updates.

We realize that the campaign maybe doesn't stand to your expectations but we hope that all the improvements made for the first patch will already make it much closer to what you hoped it will be initially. I just played German version 1.00 today to try some of the situations you mentioned enjoyed it despite I found a problem here or there. I'm personally not humiliated by my team mates sometimes fighting better than I do, and if something goes wrong or unexpected this game is so complex that often there is a way to find another solution of your current mission. Also, what is quite unusual is that some things happen completely differently every time I try a mission. I think the bugs do not kill the open nature of the game and that sheer scope, amount of content or beautiful country of Chernarus will more than compensate for these issues.

PC Games: There is a Beta-Patch for all German reviewers. The patch is strictly not for normal customers. So what happens when people buy your game on Friday? Will they get any patch at all?

Marek Spanel: We're going to release a patch on Friday for all customers, this will be the beta patch, since we are already testing a newer version which will be released during the next week.

PC Games: There is a huge discussion throughout the internet about ArmA 2 and its bugs. How will you react to that?

Marek Spanel: So far, not many people have really played the game so we need to wait some more time to get more clear picture of what people like and dislike about the game. As always in past with our previous games, we are fully dedicated to support our users in all possible ways and the initial launch of the game is only a beginning and we are going to listen to our user base and try to provide them with dedicated support for months and years to come.

PC Games: How fast will you be able to solve the biggest issues in ArmA 2?

Marek Spanel: I believe we already went a long way since version 1.00 and that the upcoming patch 1 next week will improve the game heavily, especially the quality of the campaign. This version 1.01 is also what will be released in rest of the world. In late June we plan to release Patch 2, version 1.02 which should provide even more.

PC Games: What dou you want to tell the german players who already bought your game?

Marek Spanel: We hope that despite some of the flaws and bugs you still will enjoy the game and will get into the deep and complex world created there. We can only ensure you about our continuous support and dedication and we hope your past experience with our games proves it's not only words. We also would like to thank German user community for ongoing support since our PC debut back in 2001. Without them, we wouldn't have opportunity to realize and grow our vision of complex military game until these days.

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Played Arma2 a bit. There is my little observations.

1. Arma2 isn't Arma1+mods. Arma2 is a way better.

2. Because it has "feeling" and "atmosphere". None of mods had given this to arma1!

3. GFX and Sound FX are brilliant.

4. AI DO use cover and DO lean from corners, but sometimes they aim too long before shoot or dont see enemy at all.

5. Arma2 isn't total bug disaster. Actually, i found only little buggies (still many of them) and no show-stopping ones. I tried editor, SP missions and MP.

6. Chernarus is just great location.

7. Radio chatter is very clearly consists of parts with different tone glued together. Not even close to equalization :)

8. BOO! No improvements on vehicle damage system. Only "improve" i seen - now you can flatten a tire step-by-step and finally tire disappears. Still, damage system is LOLish point of this game. Even RTS "Faces of war" have much better damage system.

9. Still "finish anim and die" system. And BIS not yet invented ragdoll...

10. Lipsync is even worse.

11. Faces still very robotic, act not like real humans.

Conclusion: Patch it, Mod it, for the WIN.

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I do not recall seeing this mentioned before, but could someone confirm whether or not the tanks have LRFs (Laser Range Finders)? Also, do they have working smoke grenade launchers? Thank you.

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  M9ACE said:
I do not recall seeing this mentioned before, but could someone confirm whether or not the tanks have LRFs (Laser Range Finders)? Also, do they have working smoke grenade launchers? Thank you.

No LRF but Smoke Launchers.

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  mr.g-c said:
No LRF...

Try to press Tab/RMB to target enemy units. Might do something...

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  Clavicula_nox4817 said:
How much USD did it cost?

Also, gathering from other posts, I think you place the commander logic, then group it to who you want the commander to be; then place the subordinate logic, and group it to groups under the commander's control.


I think it was about $55.00USD but I'll have to check my bill online. I wasn't really even looking at the price. :yay:

Stalker_23b said it really well, the atmosphere is sick. The game definitely has a certain "feeling" about it. Chernarus is a great location. So far A2 kicks serious a$$. There's no doubt some cons but so far the pros way override any problems.

I really look forward to learning about the Logics and Editor in general. There seems to be a lot of new goodies to incorporate into missions.

Beautiful work again BIS.

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Before the ripping and trash-talking begins folks just need to check out the game in action, it looks great.

Check it out.

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  Stalker_23b said:

8. BOO! No improvements on vehicle damage system. Only "improve" i seen - now you can flatten a tire step-by-step and finally tire disappears. Still, damage system is LOLish point of this game. Even RTS "Faces of war" have much better damage system.

9. Still "finish anim and die" system. And BIS not yet invented ragdoll...

If the tire is selectably fixable at some point via scripting, this doesn't bother me at all. The only thing that truly bothers me is if you can still shoot out a tank using a machinegun given enough bullets.

"Finish anim and die" animation system wasn't really unexpected given how the animation system work?

As have already been explained in various ragdoll threads, it simply cannot be done due to client synching and body as cover reasons. Most of us never complained about it. Why does a few not leave this issue alone? Ragdoll is just not important enough in a mil sim game compared to the cost.

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The more I look the more I really like this game, The random game logics are awesome, the new patch has really improved the stability and FPS on my PC. The island looks awesome, excellent work BIS!!!!

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Nice screens Eble! Also, It was great to see that smokin plane burst out in fires, the crash way great too.

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  Rommel said:

It is product of Bohemia Interactive Studios.


taken by Ando-1


well you were askin for realism...there you go !!! :D :D

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Always wondered what women had down there.

This game is like sex ed.

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Bought and downloaded it yesterday and i have to say this is very well spent money.

The game is troly amazing but in need of some patches.

But this does not vory me as i know bis is really supporting their games as not many do today.

And as inv 44 has shown it is rather easy to convert the Arma1 addons to it.



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