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I don't want to write a huge post about the law in the EU. So I'll be brief:

As a citizen of that countries you can't make whatever rule / condition you want in a private forum / club / disco / company / house , if it's against some basic laws / constitution.

In that democratic systems, there is what's called the Empire of the Law. Which mean that the law is among everyone.

It's a mistake quite wide for example for disco owners, that think that they can restrict entrance to who they want to their business ( for example you can't ban people to enter in your business because of their race ); and legally in some situations they can't.

Even laws approved by parliaments have been derogated by European tribunals ( because they were not agree with the common law ).

So no, no one ( not even Chuck Norris ) in EU countries can enforce any kinds of arbitrary rules; not even inside their own property.

I can damn well restrict you from entering my house and if you do it anyway you'll pretty much have to deal with the police. Also, note all the "employees only" signs all around the places you go to, you damn well can't go there unless you're an employee. How about "We are closed", that's an arbitrary rule made up by businesses too, right?

I highly doubt the EU law allows me to enter your house uninvited or bust into your business as if I own it whenever I damn please.

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Ok, the word "arbitrary" in my post was badly chosen. The laws against discrimination obviously apply everywhere, but these laws only cover discrimination against people because of their gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc. It is perfectly legal to refuse people service for other reasons, including difference of opinion. ;)

As applied to a forum like this one: say a moderator were to delete all of your posts and ban you for no apparent reason, you'd have great difficulty making a discrimination case.

Fortunately, we don't do that. :D

It was not meant as a disrespect. I was just being picky/perfectionist, professional deformation. :rolleyes:

I can damn well restrict you from entering my house and if you do it anyway you'll pretty much have to deal with the police. Also, note all the "employees only" signs all around the places you go to, you damn well can't go there unless you're an employee. How about "We are closed", that's an arbitrary rule made up by businesses too, right?

I highly doubt the EU law allows me to enter your house uninvited or bust into your business as if I own it whenever I damn please.

You can physically, but it's illegal. I'd been in that situation ( that's one of the reasons of the "Occupy" movement ) . And the police can only act with a judge authorization or in case of a extreme danger ( let's say that they have heard how you cock a gun to shoot someone ).

I'm sorry to not give you a more wide explanation, but I'm in this forums mainly to talk about the BI games :)

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You can physically, but it's illegal. I'd been in that situation ( that's one of the reasons of the "Occupy" movement ) . And the police can only act with a judge authorization or in case of a extreme danger ( let's say that they have heard how you cock a gun to shoot someone ).

I'm sorry to not give you a more wide explanation, but I'm in this forums mainly to talk about the BI games :)

I honestly don't believe EU laws are that absurd for it to be legal for you to break into my home, break into my closed business store or my "employee only" restricted area and do whatever you please while I'd be considered breaking the law for not allowing you to so or removing you from such areas.

Where I live, breaking into someones private property is considered a criminal act, same with breaking into a store. The law enforcement always got involved and was on the side of the property owner.

The burden of proof is on you here really, if you don't wish to provide it, then I can't see how you are correct.

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The burden of proof is on you here really, if you don't wish to provide it, then I can't see how you are correct.

It's not the same breaking into ( forcing a door, breaking a glass, etc. ), than get into ( entering with an open door ), in the first case the police could intervene by default in EU countries; in the second is more complicated.

I don't have any hint about how in Bosnia & Herz the law is ( where I presume you are from ). I had only studied my own region, my own country and EU legislations; well and a bit of canonic law as a hobby.

But as I said, its a long long topic to get into. This is not the place and to be honest for me its quite a boring subject.

Edited by MistyRonin

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It's not the same breaking into ( forcing a door, breaking a glass, etc. ), than get into ( entering with an open door ), in the first case the police could intervene by default in EU countries; in the second is more complicated.

I don't have any hint about how in Bosnia & Herz the law is ( where I presume you are from ). I had only studied my own region, my own country and EU legislations; well and a bit of canonic law as a hobby.

But as I said, its a long long topic to get into. This is not the place and to be honest for me its quite a boring subject.

Yep, we're most certainly in the wrong place for this. :D

I'll just say that according to the logic you present, 99% of security equipment and people that work in security sectors would be considered criminal if what you say is true.

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I'll just say that according to the logic you present, 99% of security equipment and people that work in security sectors would be considered criminal if what you say is true.

I worked in that sector ( on the government side ), and yeah, a lot of common procedures are not legal, and there is a lot of wrongdoing. But that's why we have the justice tribunals. :)

PD: For my side this will be the last message about this topic. I don't want to have an infraction for not follow the subject on the topic.

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If you want to provide feedback or suggestions, you should contact the OP via PM and if you have information that might be interesting and important for other people as well, you could post it in the thread

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If you want to provide feedback or suggestions, you should contact the OP via PM and if you have information that might be interesting and important for other people as well, you could post it in the thread

Cool, thanks - will go via the PM way.

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I just wanted to ask why some of my posts have been held for moderation? - It only seems to happen in this thread and not a thread I created - Although, those threads and now this one are the only ones I have yet posted in.

Is it the content of the post or because I am a new member posting in someone else thread?

If it is because I am a new member - What conditions need to be met before my posts are no longer held for moderation?

I only ask because I have set some time aside to work on some missions and not being able to ask a question which could be answered before the time it would take the post to be moderated would become quite frustrating!

P.S. Not a moan, I just want some clarification!

Edit - This post wasn't held for moderation....now I am confused.

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It's because you're a new member, it only happens for the first few posts to avoid spambots. This post going through basically means it shouldn't happen again.

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Thank you!

I'm just getting frustrated trying to sort out this issue I'm having with a mission and wanted to post updates as I was going!

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Not sure if this is the right place to post it, but I have a question regarding to rule #19 of forum rule

§19) Posting addon/mod other content without permission

Does it apply to script?

If my mission uses someone's script or modification of someone's script, do I need permission of author if I ever wanted to release my mission to public?

Is it fine if I just give them credit in readme?

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Yes, it applies to scripts, depending on if the script comes with a license or not. If not, assume it's copyrighted and seek permission from the author. If so, follow the license.

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I don't think I'd be going out on a limb to suggest;

In the event the coder/scripter isnt contactable.

Coders in this community generally shares scripting code.

Normal conduct is to credit the author both in the code and in the README.

Many coders usually write their own version of a similar script, still usually crediting the original author.

Coders who disagree with this usually go to great lengths to protect code and state the intent within code and readme's

Any coders/scripters who suggest their code is 100% original is likely a bullshitter.

And even if it was, they learnt everything prior from other authors one way or another :)

But of course, all thats not official.

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Any coders/scripters who suggest their code is 100% original is likely a bullshitter.

And even if it was' date=' they learnt everything prior from other authors one way or another :)[/quote']

I wouldn't go that far, because that logic dies the moment you ask "Well then, who is The One, the source of the knowledge." :p

How would you even define "100% original code" anyway? It's something I would never think of quantifying like that. Do I qualify or would I be a bullshitter? :D

Knowing the flow of a language and knowing how to solve problems is much more important than knowing the Biki by heart. Personally, I never got the hang of SQF scripting, everything seemed so complicated until I learnt another language later on in my life, then when I came back to it, knowing the concepts of coding, I realised SQF is very basic and the logic is the same. You can take any person who understands how to code from any language and drop him in the SQF world, the only thing he'd need is the documentation for the language, which is Biki mostly (ComRefs in the past) and he can come up with majority of "credit-patented solutions" that some in the Arma community have made on his own.

Either way, I'll agree with you, I believe code is best left open for everyone to learn from it, come up with your own ideas or use it. My position on the code that I've written is that it's ok to even use it without any mention and I wouldn't be much bothered if you claimed you wrote it, but I'd consider that a dick move. Other authors have their own opinions on this which should be respected either way. Me using other peoples code on the other hand, would make me either credit them in the least if it's publicly available or seek permission if I dug it out of their releases.

To each his own I suppose.

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Just because a coder's work isn't 100 percent original doesn't mean that anyone has the right to use their code. There are many, many possibilities here. Even if everything you said is true, Gnat, we still require users to respect licenses of creative content on this forum, and to err on the side of caution. It's simply not worth being called out on something like this for anyone involved.

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There's no need to move "all threads" because there is no beta anymore only the retail version, so unless the discussion is specifically geared for continued discussion as pertains to the retail version it won't be moved. If the thread author wants their thread moving they should use the report post function and if the moderator who sees it agrees that it's an ongoing retail version discussion they'll move it, if not it remains in the closed beta forum.

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gj Kju for list, gj the moderators for moving these threads

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In firefox every-time at the moment I view the off topic arma meme latest page a password authentication box is thrown up worded:

A username and password are being requested by http://generatormeme.com. The site says: "Access Restricted (pwrestrict)"

With a user name/pasword field pop up (not flash proper form popup) .. what is generating this from the code in that thread? Maybe moderators might want to track it down as to why. Its repeatable by F5 refresh each time. I guess its pulling in from one of the meme's ... but why? I am script blocked up the the eyeballs but this still happens. I guess someone posted a locked meme? Seems a bit odd to me.

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because someone linking page which now needs login / pw ... how simple

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I just haven't experienced a 3rd party link causing this (just direct) was all, tricky malware pop ups and so on, cant be too careful, but yes obvious was obvious I guess.

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Any coders/scripters who suggest their code is 100% original is likely a bullshitter.

And even if it was' date=' they learnt everything prior from other authors one way or another :)


I don't see anyone claiming 100% originality in regards to code.

SQF scripting code in it's generality should, imo, be considered public domain knowledge. The concept or method is the deal where most of the author efforts are applied.

We are indeed in somewhat grey area in this regard, the author must evaluate to the best of his knowledge (and he is limited by this) if the code being copied is a general scripting solution or an actual new algorithm / engine access method / etc. Chunks of code copying falls into the latter category and must absolutely be credited to original author, no code adaptation should mean the author doing it is in an early stage of learning the ropes of scripting in which case even if there is no original method contained the credit is still due for that reason. In the extreme the method/algorithm may even be contained in a one liner, someone learning can't be sure and is better to adopt a laxed approach to crediting. I tend to credit concepts since they should be general enough to scope within any lines of code that i may borrow, no one is free of failing here of course.

I did some experimenting with the mid-range textures, despite the core of the mod being a totally original texture, i still found advisable to credit Bad Benson for his iniciative and meddling with the config in "discovering" how to provide an alternate texture, no matter how simple and even if latter it was simplified (i know the time it takes looking the configs for a way in - this is work, even if the ultimate result is very simple). Another example, but more case in point, was the usage of Sickboy's multiplayer connection role (Server/Client/JIP) code structure, even if it was very adapted and variable names changed.

Edited by gammadust

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