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Thanks for the info. I was starting to think my computer was going bad.

I updated to 1.09 and the game is still crashing during the same scenario "Blood, Sweat and Tears". I'm trying to find out if it's still the AT launcher bug. Not sure yet.

Are there any error logs produced from ArmA when it encounters an issue?

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banner1.png Aussie D/L Link Edited by SnR

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Hi guys. I have a... er... an odd problem

Well, first of all answer me this question, as it will determine if is a problem on my end.

How many of the weapon sounds have you guys replaced? In the change logs it only indicated the m240 and 249, but, well, all my weapon sounds have been replaced with the exceedingly wimpy novus aunum (or what ever they call them selves) sound mod FX. Is this something you (ACE) did or is hifi infiltrating my ace folder? i have checked inits, and addons in ace there are no other non-ace files in there.

So, if the weapon sounds were in fact changed by the mod and not my noobishness, they why dace did you do it? your weapon sounds were great already, why did you have to go and ruin a good thing?

Also, I found that the M79 GL is bugged. if you fire a round with the sights in one position, but then switch to the other (up or down) before reloading, then suddenly you have another round in the chamber. You can also switch back to the original position and sill have that round. It seems like it effectively gives the grenadier x2 the ammo.

Also, why are there suddenly SLA guys in vehicles and the Specnaz again? that just dont make a bit of sense to me to just suddenly bring them back, especially wile keeping the new Russian infantry as they are. Its just bizarre to have a mission with the Ruskies and SLA running around together. i mean, why only bring the HALF back? bring back the infantry as well for consistency. All SLA or all Russia. Or All SLA AND all Russian

the new auto zoom for iron sights urks me as well. i liked ACE because you guys got rid of that auto zoom (well made it smoother with out the quick zoom in and zoom out BS in the default game). well on the bright side, it is quicker and not as severe as the vanilla games auto zoom

in my humble opinion the 1.08 and 1.09 ACE releases have been full of odd, unnecessary and poor design choices. I would like to know why such choices were made, because i am sure there must be some good reason behind them

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I have played 1.09 a bit too, the new weapon view angle while in "at the ready" position is so nice...

Tho I have to agree to "that guy" in the matter of sounds, the old sounds (in 1.07) were better, more "sharp" and louder. Actually if I remember well, I've been impressed very much in first version of ACE by the fireing a gun realism - loud sound plus nice smoke effect. In the meantime it got worse.... some sounds are obviously the sound of a drum, they became too ...don't know english word for it... I'd say "breathless" :)

The sound of a gunshot should be much louder than surrounding ambient sounds, like footsteps, breath and so on. I'd check the first ace version, those were so well balanced (for example M16)

Edited by afp

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I updated to 1.09 and the game is still crashing during the same scenario "Blood, Sweat and Tears". I'm trying to find out if it's still the AT launcher bug. Not sure yet.

Are there any error logs produced from ArmA when it encounters an issue?



Please move away ace_sys_disposal.* to see if this solves your issues

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So, it is not just me? Good to know I am not going nuts :p

The problem with the current weapon sounds is you have to turn your speakers WAY up to get the same "umph" as the old sounds. When these are loud, they are fine, just you need hearing protection, and everything else is louder as well. Like pissed off neighbors

And, honestly, I dont want to have to ware hearing protection just to make a gun sound like a powerful instrument of death rather than a cough or dropping pebbles on a carpet. Most of those sounds would be AWESOME for suppressed weapons like the M4s and those ever so numerous "cool guy guns"

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all my weapon sounds have been replaced with the exceedingly wimpy novus aunum (or what ever they call them selves) sound mod FX. Is this something you (ACE) did or is hifi infiltrating my ace folder?

Ermmm, what the hell...

LOL...Not unless you downloaded said 'exceedingly wimpy novus aunum'

Edited by Mark XIII
for the love of god....

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I've come across some complaints about ACE and the compatibility with other Mods and Addons.

I would like to invite anyone who can point out compatibility issues caused by ACE, so we can evaluate and make sure not to make the same mistakes with ACE2.

The thread is located at: http://dev-heaven.net/boards/40/topics/show/1061

Thanks in advance!

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Hmm... is it possible to switch wound effects off? They are just make the game (not MP) finished when the player gets rather serious wound. If it happened while being armor crew, AI won't take you away from damaged tank, and you'll just die soon as you can't fire and the enemy will sell the final round to your tank or APC. While being infantry, the situation is the same - medic won't heal you quickly and you'll just lie on the ground and bleed because your AI teammates won't drag you to the hospital or to the nearest to the AI medic location (if he's still alive).

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Hi all

There seems to be problem with the drag script since the 1.08 update. Lots of spinning around like the drag vehicle is spinning top or something.

Kind Regards walker

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The sound of a gunshot should be much louder than surrounding ambient sounds, like footsteps, breath and so on.

Quoted for truth. There might be good reasons for developers to adjust their gunshot sounds as low as they do since most of them seem to do it. But realisticly gunshot sounds should be uncomfortably loud when ambient sound is adjusted to a realistic level.

I'm excited about the replacement sounds coming up from Mark and the HiFi crew. I admire their work so far. I hope they might turn up the volume (for guns) though, I want my guns sounding loud and powerful.

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...but, well, all my weapon sounds have been replaced with the exceedingly wimpy novus aunum (or what ever they call them selves) sound mod FX. Is this something you (ACE) did or is hifi infiltrating my ace folder?

Well I don't find his opinion as humble as it is insulting. However, re-reading his post I noticed he mentioned novus aunum? Well no wonder why he's having issues--he's running novus aunum which is the overseas knockoff version of Novus Aevum. Doh! :nerner:

The only way our "exceedingly wimpy soundmod" could infiltrate ACE is if the exceedingly clueless individual downloaded said wimpy mod and ran it alongside ACE. If you are not using any outside sound modifications as well as not having the "#define ACE_OVERRIDE_BIS_SOUNDS" line commented out, then it's certainly not our exceedingly wimpy sound modification but ACE sounds directly. Well, unless you accidentally downloaded our mod, commented out the clientside config entry and ran it alongside ACE. :rolleyes: ;)

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Please move away ace_sys_disposal.* to see if this solves your issues

I moved the 2 files out of the addon's directory and the scenario won't load now. Says it can't be loaded or edited because it depends on downloadable content that has been deleted.

I'm restarting the scenario and testing it again

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That was exactly my point. I DLed the hifi because the previous versions were very good. unfortunately NA just didn't cut it. sorry lads.

After that I STOPPED using the Hifi mod (but did not delete it until this thing with ACE came up) as in no longer activated it with yoma's tool. I never added any other addons to my ACE directory (and typically use the direct ACE shortcut on my desktop to launch the game)

I was a bit unfair in targeting the hifi mod. Perhaps ACE use sounds similar in quality (subdued), but not the actual mod. I mean, i never used NA long enough to get real familiar with the individual sounds, and ACE only reminds me of them? Because when i first loaded up ACE with 1.08 i thought "WTF, I though I did not load up HIFI".

to the hifi team: sorry I did not intend to be insulting, just the weapon sounds dont live up to the previous versions of HIFI. If it is any reconciliation, I still use Hifi 1.5 for when ever i am not playing ACE :D

But my point remains: did ACE replace ALL the weapon sounds in the game, or just the two machine guns?

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All sounds have definately been replaced. Vanilla sounds pack far LESS of a punch then the ACE sounds do, so maybe there is another mod running that is over-writing the ACE sounds, because the sounds included with ACE are great.

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Quick question, what are the classnames for the disassembled crew served weapons? particularly the AGS-30 AGL.


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Launcher, ACE_AGS30Proxy

Tripod, ACE_AGS30TripodProxy



Thanks for the bugfixes. there is still some life in the old girl yet :)

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The CTD bug when AI soldiers fire a disposable AT-launcher is still there. Unfortunately. I also encountered another strange bug when I tested 1.09. Some AT-launchers now seem to have unlimited ammo. After firing seven missiles from the RPO launcher I found myself surrounded by emty tubes, with a new one respawning in my hands whenever i fired. I did the testing in the editor in SP mode. The ACE mod is by far the best conversion I've seen since OFP:s ECP and Tonal projects. I hope you can make ACE stable again. Right now it's unplayable, wich is very unfortunate.

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That guy

to the hifi team: sorry I did not intend to be insulting, just the weapon sounds dont live up to the previous versions of HIFI. If it is any reconciliation, I still use Hifi 1.5 for when ever i am not playing ACE

Mate NO PROBS...tbh I found the whole thing rather funny :)

Also, you maybe interested in knowing that we're going to do a HiFi 1.5 weapons module for HiFi 'Novus Aevum' or NA, lets call it NA, its easier :) Anyways if you'd like to offer some input on it, pm me or post over on HiFi thread.

Anyways totally off topic so...

Good work with the latest update ACE guys, I know alot of you are less public than most, so a special thanks to the unseen & unheard hiding in the ACE labs...


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i dont want to be Ass or something but does some have a beter link i only getting 25kb/s

if someone has a link then plz Pm me thank you

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Launcher, ACE_AGS30Proxy

Tripod, ACE_AGS30TripodProxy



Thanks for the bugfixes. there is still some life in the old girl yet :)

thanks, also to the ACE team fantastic work on the crew served weapons, the range tables on the AGS-30 are incredibly useful and can make it a devastating weapon at even long ranges. setting up a sandbag nest and maintaining a stationary weapon is really a unique experience in a genre flooded with run and gun shooters.

could i make a request that you guys add sight adjustment and range tables to the D-30, and m119 as well?

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The CTD bug when AI soldiers fire a disposable AT-launcher is still there. Unfortunately. I also encountered another strange bug when I tested 1.09. Some AT-launchers now seem to have unlimited ammo. After firing seven missiles from the RPO launcher I found myself surrounded by emty tubes, with a new one respawning in my hands whenever i fired. I did the testing in the editor in SP mode. The ACE mod is by far the best conversion I've seen since OFP:s ECP and Tonal projects. I hope you can make ACE stable again. Right now it's unplayable, wich is very unfortunate.

Hey, sorry, seems my reply from yesterday got lost somehow :eek:

Please move ace_sys_disposal.* away from the Mod Addons folder to see if it resolves your issues.

We will research and try to resolve the issue or otherwise temporary remove the system until the problem has been fully resolved :)

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Sorry for not reading through it all, but i think there is a "bug" or what you would call this. Maybe not a bug, but when you pick up weapons from a crate (my case ACE crate) the world (engine) lags, stops, chops for a very brief moment just as you change weapon. Double click the weapons one after the other and look at other AI's etc that walk around and they freeze for a millisec everytime. I cant recall that happening pre latest patch, and i dont know what other impact that can have on performance etc. Or if its even supposed to do that. I mean if the ACE team is aware of it and its being fixed.

...Or im a stupid fool and it has always been like that... But again i cant recall everything freezes briefly when i change weapons. Just throwing that out there. Might even just be on my pc?

Have a great day.


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