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Arma feedback thread - based on 1.11

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Quote[/b] ]-Oil fields derrick animation way too fast.

Oil derricks can run at all kinds of speeds, albeit some randomness could be applied its hardly a bug.

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Thanks for the patch.. Appreciated, but I'm afraid there is still a lot to do.

First test I tried was to see whether the AI pathfinding up slopes on islands was any better (First thing I always do with each patch).

Unfortunately it failed at the first hurdle.

The AI would not board even "board" the boat I was driving - After walking around for a minute or so they just stood there doing pirhouettes .. Even when right beside the boat they would not board.

I have tried exactly the same scenario on previous patches and they always boarded the boat (but failed later, getting stuck on gentle slopes).. Anyone any similar experiences with AI around boats/water after 1.11? sad_o.gif


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I can see the benefits of performace with draw distance

I too cannot see much AI improvement with pathfinding huh.gif . On bridges I have Urban Patrol Script and 1 might get over the bridge, other go prone and stay in place ... cant really see any wow factor on that side of things.

Quote[/b] ]-Oil fields derrick animation way too fast.

I only just noticed these are now working which is great (unless im missing something and they were pre 1.11 ??) ... and yes they need to be 40 percent slower, and maybe even some mechanic effects added around them, so far (for me) they are silent.

I have all the usual suspect mods and they all seem to be working ok thumbs-up.gif ... performance shows in parts, but AI related I cant see anything different to before . sad_o.gif

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Great patch, no need for Durgs vegetation fix anymore. I found the ai to be more aggresive and less accurate. I managed to conceal myself effectively in bushes and was able to hide and paint targets. Until I was forced to move away, from an advancing patrol.

VOIP is great, some of you need to turn your mics up though. The patch as a whole has buffed the co-op experience.

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I'm seriously convinced that this patch is far from being the last one to be released, therefore, I would like to ask 'Addon Makers and MODs Team' which are developing their projects to not base their releases on this patch by simply keeping requiredVersion = <span style='color:red'>...</span>; within their cfgpatches less than 1.11, until their would be some stable fixes, as this patch, which despite being innovative in some areas, has disrupted several elements.

(They, overall more or less all have been reported through the thread).



well thats why they are "beta"

every things could goes wrong untill the final patch cames out

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It's nice to see that the oilpumps in the desert are now working, though I suggest you add sounds to the animation.

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Great patch, no need for Durgs vegetation fix anymore.

I'd be interested in seeing if other people agree with this assesment.  I intend to try it out also, but it's kind of a tricky thing to test.  Any others agree that with 1.11 Durgs Vegetation is no longer necessary?

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Thank you very much for the patch! After doing some testing, VOIP seems to be now fully working. Everyone are able to hear each other now. However, there is still one small problem with VOIP: the volume settings.

This is how it seems to be after doing some tests:

Direct talk volume goes together with sound effects, and is adjusted with Effects volume from the options. All other VOIP channels go together with Radio volume in the options. The biggest problem is that most of the sound effects are too loud comparing to the direct talk volume, even if the person has microphone recording volume turned all the way to the maximum in windows volume control, and also microphone boost enabled.

A good way to solve this problem would be to make a separate volume switch just for the direct talk, or VOIP in general. Right now, unfortunately, there seems to be no way to change the direct talk volume in relation to the sound effects.

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This patch is a good advancement. the draw distance change seemed smoother.

I noticed recoils seems a bit better. strange because the actual values are the same as the previous beta patch - but the weapons seem to be be more responsive and the recoil more pronounced than the previous laser like flat lines. and that's good.

not sure why the recoils would seem different though.

still think the pkm and m240 should jump around more when when standing - but i like the recoil feel overall otherwise. if i have to nitpick I'd say some assault rifles could have a bit bigger recoils and the m249 could have slightly 'buzzier' recoil values when standing.

I've always felt that having weapons recoils and rates of fire that seem realistic and proportionally accurate to each other is very important for a combat simulator.


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I noticed that the crosshairs are not centered, I found myself aiming to the right of the targets to hit them. When I first loaded the new patch I noticed that everything seemed to be brighter.

Dont know if thy messed with the gamma, I turned up the graphic settings and reloaded the game and went MP'n and had a better FPS with better looking graphics and no stutter on a 8600GTS.

I think it's a good patch, haven't tried AI yet, but will.


Nice One BIS and TY Keep up the good work and keep us posted on the next patch biggrin_o.gif

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Beam Pump animation: Very cool, but its at least 2x to 3x too fast, and no motor whine noise. I'd known, I used to maintain the bastard things.

As for the patch .... very good.

VD definitely seems improved

Under 1.09 I had many settings on VERY HIGH, in 1.11 I found because of a frame rate jitter in forests that I had to set to NORMAL

This didn't actually change too much about my visuals, but oddly improved the frame rate a lot smile_o.gif

Seems to be far less plant morphing going on

In general: SMOOTHER and CRISPER

Thanks BIS biggrin_o.gif

System: XP P4 2.6Duo 2GB RAM 640MB 8800GTS nothing in shortcut

Just 1 odd item, after playing Evo online for many hours (no issues), I exited ArmA, got a black screen (normal) that stayed up and locked the computer. Had to press reset.

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I tried further bridge crossing tests, and it seems that bridges that are in more open areas get crossed rather well, I set a waypoint for a team to cross set to Line formation and they bunch up, and in a way change to compact column formation to get across the bridge.

Setting them to any column formation makes it better (anyway) but I walked across with my team set to vee, and they too did the same and it worked out well.

I then tried the 2 bridges in the town (name escapes me but in South Sahrani) ... this is when it falls down. They will cross, but [it appears that straggler AI will decide to bunch up walk back AWAY from the bridge and find a side alley down the houses to then find a way down the high banks into the water, I did this in all formations with same results.

So it appears that:

1. On open bridges: Your own team are more reliable to cross but best use a realistic formation. This goes for a complete waypointed AI team also.

2. On bridges in towns (Houses and gates are right up to the bridges start point): Your team will still be reliable (again with a realistic formation to help), but AI way pointed teams still have issues in this situation and stragglers will wander off, no matter what formation.

I posted previous and I use Urban Patrol Script, which makes teams on a "safe" "patrol" "column" wander randomly though towns, I notice that over bridges these too are not reliable and will get half way across and go prone and stick there.

I think its a case that pathfinding on bridges is good for "your team only on most bridges, fairly flakey for AI teams on town bridges".

Its not a complete nightmare, lets face it I am talking SP only.

Quote[/b] ]Great patch, no need for Durgs vegetation fix anymore.

Hmmm ... seeing as there is no mention of this type of change in the change log, I would class this as a placebo until further testing. Maybe accuracy is less but I dont think AI viewblocking would have been changed like Durgs has.

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Just wanted to say thanks for the beta patch. Had a brief test in MP yesterday and initial impression is very good. Will do some more testing over the holidays.

Way to go BIS and kudos to everyone involved!


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I have trouble installing the patch

It will extract from the patch, starts running and than says

"not enough space to install application"

I got 22.6 gig free on my C:

Game is installed on D: and i got 210 gig free there.

Deinstalled 1.09


Still no joy.

Can any one help, or is there a way of manualy installing this patch ?

Any help would be nice

Running on

Athlon quad fx74

XP x64

4 gig mem


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MM if i ingnore all the messages it will seem to work anyway.

just running "Launch Arma Beta Patch"

and i am in 1.11

Nice one.

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Quote[/b] ]Great patch, no need for Durgs vegetation fix anymore.

Hmmm ... seeing as there is no mention of this type of change in the change log, I would class this as a placebo until further testing. Maybe accuracy is less but I dont think AI viewblocking would have been changed like Durgs has.

I haven't done any AI testings in 1.11 Beta yet but my guess is that this could be related with the fixes/improvement in AI's visual and aural detection routines.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

- Fixed some bugs in the AI target recognition both visually and aurally

Since the AI is now less likely to pin-point your exact 3D location by their hearing you will probably have better sucess hiding in various vegetation.

Just a guess...


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reinstallation of ArmA brought the armory back, i don't know why it got removed. as said i just used the 1.09b uninstall.exe. this uninstaller for sure removes the a10.pbo. next time i just rename the beta folder, too. but i had to clean my arma-directory from unused addons anyhow... wink_o.gif

again congratulations to this patch. much less lod-switching than 1.09b for vegetation, slightly less fps than 1.09b therefore but *much* improved visual quality. great!!

helicopter flying is improved also, i really like the fm know (xbox 360 controller). the cobra feels very good, but the hokum (which is my preferred gunship) should be a little more agile i believe. i somewhere read that it can fully turn up to 80 knots(?) due to coaxial rotors.

despite there a still some issues, ArmA has come a long way since 1.00. no other game comes even close.

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to bis: is it possible to get a hotfix for the mp join bug before we get the final patch so we can test it properly please?

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I tried further bridge crossing tests, and it seems that bridges that are in more open areas get crossed rather well, I set a waypoint for a team to cross set to Line formation and they bunch up, and in a way change to compact column formation to get across the bridge.

Setting them to any column formation makes it better (anyway) but I walked across with my team set to vee, and they too did the same and it worked out well.

I then tried the 2 bridges in the town (name escapes me but in South Sahrani) ... this is when it falls down. They will cross, but [it appears that straggler AI will decide to bunch up walk back AWAY from the bridge and find a side alley down the houses to then find a way down the high banks into the water, I did this in all formations with same results.

So it appears that:

1. On open bridges: Your own team are more reliable to cross but best use a realistic formation. This goes for a complete waypointed AI team also.

2. On bridges in towns (Houses and gates are right up to the bridges start point): Your team will still be reliable (again with a realistic formation to help), but AI way pointed teams still have issues in this situation and stragglers will wander off, no matter what formation.

I posted previous and I use Urban Patrol Script, which makes teams on a "safe" "patrol" "column" wander randomly though towns, I notice that over bridges these too are not reliable and will get half way across and go prone and stick there.

I think its a case that pathfinding on bridges is good for "your team only on most bridges, fairly flakey for AI teams on town bridges".

Its not a complete nightmare, lets face it I am talking SP only.

Quote[/b] ]Great patch, no need for Durgs vegetation fix anymore.

Hmmm ... seeing as there is no mention of this type of change in the change log, I would class this as a placebo until further testing. Maybe accuracy is less but I dont think AI viewblocking would have been changed like Durgs has.

i find that very important to place waypoint carefully at both end of bridge with correct combat mode, safe should make AI troops crossing bridge without many problem but its only works about 60% in town

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Good Work BIS this is the correct way to improve this GAME smile_o.gif

Feedback of 1 night play with 1.11 in Evolution server

setting vdistance to 1300 land 3000 air

a) AI Really improved,

I don't know if where we played (server) was some addon installed like Durgs Vegetation Fix, Or TrueAI range or Six rplAIrange, so I ask you.

did u have increase the distance where an enemy can spot you ?

did u fix the viewblock for the vegetation ?

did u plan or is just fixed now, the viewblock for fallen tree & smokegrenades ?

b ) Plane flight is now better!

Good work, do the same for chopper (rudder!wink_o.gif, and allow the Harrier a real VTOL system, I've to tell you more but not here....

c ) Game runs smooth and more stable

I've high end system and now I've the impression that my system is used to do it's best.... but 3 core are idle hehe smile_o.gif I really hope that you can do the best to use parallel core optimization in ArmA-2 just like u find a way to broke the 32bit wall smile_o.gif

I really like the 1.11 difference in LOD of tree and in VD management, the 1.09 is quality less expecially for the tree, in this patch you reach a good compromise, also the water texture are nice.

d ) Game loading slighty faster... good ( or is only my impression )

e ) I've noticed some little graphic improvements, but I can't see what e where, I see a general improvement in the graphics, nice!

f ) I've used in the past q11 recoil and real rate of fire, and I can't understand big difference, but I don't try all weapons and I'm not weapons expert so for this my opinion is useless.

when I played for more than 3 ours I've a crash, I try to Alt-Tab to verify if it's working well now, and no ctd near the alt-tab, only some ours later, in the chopper so vdist 3000 set in evolution that is a stress from machine, I got a crash, screen freezed.

I got 35689 line in my rpt like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

Client: Object 61:8 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

Client: Object 18:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

Client: Object 15:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

Client: Object 62:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

Client: Object 8:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

Client: Object 63:0 (type AIStatsMPRowUpdate) not found.

My System:

CoreDuoQuad Q6600@3.6Ghz 4x1GB Corsair DHX 400x9 44412 - rocksolid tested

Motherboard Asus Maximus Formula X38-Ich9R

2 x HD WD 160 Gb 7200rpm RAID 0 striping 128k on game partition

2 x HD WD 500 GB 7200rpm RAID 1 mirroring

GeForce 8800 GTS G92 512Mb Gigabyte Stock OC 700 core 1700 shader 1000 memory

OS Windows XP Sp2

Dx9c Feb 07

Forceware 169.38

TeamSpeak 2 v client running

ArmA 1.08 + QG + 1.11Beta [ edit: QG installed NOT running with -mod=DBE1...]

JOHMarines Replacement Pack

ArmA Effects

Chammy Sound Mod


Game Settings:

Fullscreen 16:10 1680x1050 VSync ON prerender frame 3

GPU/CPU temp less than 50° stress with fan 70%

vdistance by mission land:1300 air:3000

all setting on High.

I link here my RPT file and mdmp


I've some to tell you about game develompent, if u are interested in, tell me an e-mail addres where I can send you my "suggestions"

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Just quick tried it, noticed the oil pumps, nice touch.

Got a: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.'.

After conecting to a 1.11 server but it ran..

Not the nicest way to bundle a patch with all the seperate folders and inadequate installation instructions, some users might overide important folders... (DBE1, MPMissions).

Anyway it seems to work and thats about it smile_o.gif .

Edit: night time visibility with nod seems better too smile_o.gif .

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Gnat @ Mar. 21 2008,10:19)]Just 1 odd item, after playing Evo online for many hours (no issues), I exited ArmA, got a black screen (normal) that stayed up and locked the computer. Had to press reset.

I have been getting that bug on versions 1.08 and 1.09. Usually brought on when I play about with the texture settings, or happens if I alt tab alot in a short space of time. The game will have been running quite awhile though. So no major headache.

I have a GForce8800 GTX - driver 174.60

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Nothing to say except 'Bis rules' ( biggrin_o.gif ),

loading is a bit faster for me too (placebo only, or new memory handling ?),

no newly added problems for me (not tested in MP, though (can't wait to try VON :oP ))

but still some problems from before 1.11 :

not 1.11b newly related bugs, but still here  : )

- "don't fire" order still not listened

- the M24 reload sound when reloading the beretta M9 with M24 on the back

 (take a US sniper, switch to M9 and reload... big sound for little gun : )

- buildings destroying too fast ?

- when a building is not in your FoV, its shadow is not casted, bringing some kind of tactical advantage (seeing less dark than enemy)

- vehicles still burning under water...

... and... still no working elevators ? c'm'on !! smile_o.gif

Elseway, you can count on me for ArmA 2 !!

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