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March 6th Update on Patch Status

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In your typical fanboy fashion you attack anyone even mildly critical of the game.

You're welcome to believe whatever you want about how the patching process works. I know that you do not have any sort of inside, useful info about said process, and I know that your (and other people's) comments are based on fanciful unfounded fantasy-land "ideal world" assumptions as to how things should work.

Quote[/b] ]How do you think you are being productive for the community by insisting time doesn't matter?

I know "how I'm being productive for the community", and it is completely unrelated to my posts in this topic. I don't need your affirmation to justify anything I do. I never said that time doesn't matter, either - obviously, it does. However, there is a reasonable speed that can be achieved, and then there is your wishful "Gee, if they had the entire team working on the patch, it would go faster!" nonsense which has no relation to anything based in reality.

Quote[/b] ]You can stick your head in the sand all you want. The servers continue to empty out and people are moving on.


Quote[/b] ]The simple fact is that most of the developer are busy working on Arma 2. If they had put the proper number of people working on the patch it would have been out the door long ago. You can try to argue that all you want but it is just more PR bullcrap.

You have no idea of what the situation is, and it is comments like these that prove it. I don't know what you think you're going to accomplish by making such posts, but I can tell you that it will do precisely nothing and not cause one iota of positive change to occur. You're in some fantasy alternate reality where bitching incessantly about something is somehow a force for good. Well, in reality, it doesn't work like that - perhaps one day you'll figure that out.

Or perhaps not.

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Your all fanboys!!! lol

Anyway he's right I checked the other day and the servers are mostly empty or only a few players on, how long can a game survive without players?, I stopped playing BF2 for 2 years came back (I know that was a mistake..) but there was still shed loads of full servers.

Arma is a dead duck unfortunatley, finally I can play it without crashing but there is little future in the game, very sad really.

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Quote[/b] ]Anyway he's right I checked the other day and the servers are mostly empty or only a few players on, how long can a game survive without players?

IC-ArmA and TOW (and probably others) have very large weekly sessions.

My own group just had a session last night that peaked at 55 players and maintained a 45+ player count for at least five straight hours.

Game-Monitor.com right now shows there being over 1000 people playing ArmA multiplayer.


The facts seem to point towards something other than what you're claiming.

Quote[/b] ]Arma is a dead duck unfortunatley, finally I can play it without crashing but there is little future in the game, very sad really.

Perhaps not for you, but plenty of other people are having a great time in it. As to a "future", there's ArmA2 coming out in any case and ultimately that will have an influence on ArmA1's "future" (and rightly so).

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Can people please quit discussing BIS patch-policy? We cant do much about that, we have tp accept the situation.

I'm more interested with peoples experience from this patch. Any input regarding that, anyone?

What about the patch? I would really like to know, dont want to read all this...

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What about the patch? I would really like to know, dont want to read all this...

What about it? It's an unreleased patch... who are you expecting to tell you about it? (short of BIS, who are probably all worried with finishing said patch at the moment)

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There is now an update released today. Looks like we will have another beta patch again, to check and see if there are any showstoppers, and if none, then the final patch will come out soon.

The update is here--


Ok, my fault. I misread this statement wink_o.gif

Thought it was released..

Anyway, then I leave this thread to you all goodnight.gif

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Reopend the thread.

I know it's hard for some of you but try to discuss things in a mature way, without bashing or namecalling. icon_rolleyes.gif

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The locking of this thread proves why BIS focuses on making a patch as flawless as possible, rather than releasing interim patches. It makes it a lot easier on the mods here.

I prefer it that way, too.

Don't get me wrong... I do check back here way too often, hoping to get some news, and feeling the same pain when it takes this long.

[raises glass] Here's to the beta coming out very soon, to it being polished to a perfect sheen, and therefore leading to the final patch quickly.

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The locking of this thread proves why BIS focuses on making a patch as flawless as possible, rather than releasing interim patches. It makes it a lot easier on the mods here.

I prefer it that way, too.

Don't get me wrong... I do check back here way too often, hoping to get some news, and feeling the same pain when it takes this long.

[raises glass] Here's to the beta coming out very soon, to it being polished to a perfect sheen, and therefore leading to the final patch quickly.

Hear hear.

I must admit, I check the forums about twenty times a day to see if the new patch is here... sad_o.gif

Although we have been waiting for very long, I agree with the idea of releasing another beta before the final. Ensuring that we get a patch that fixes all known show stoppers without creating new ones is certainly worth the wait.

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I must say, being able to cut myself off from these forums, for prolonged periods of time, does one very good.

It also puts a smile on my face, to see that nothing really ever changes, no matter how hard you or others try biggrin_o.gif

Enough off-topic banter;

Im very pleased with BI's information-machine the past weeks. Basicly they seem to've started improving since a few months now and I like it very much.

Things take time to adjust so I think it's great we're heading into the right direction.

Looking very much forward to the listed fixes (and beyond).

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Agreed, Sickboy. BI's information machine seemed to run out of fuel a long time ago. Glad they are keeping us up to date - for all the time it takes.

I am waiting for a stage that Armed Assault is playable (with respect to CTI), hopefully the AI improvements will help and I'm glad to see them announced.

Re the Fanboy/BIS Pr discussion.

I hope you're right about ArmA2, I do hope it's successful and that people will buy it. Though unfortunately due to my negative experiences with ArmA (and a general feeling of dissatisfaction in the community) I 'very much doubt' that I will be one of them - It would have to be VERY special.

Time will tell.


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I`d like to have separate Patches for MP and SP.

As i`m only waiting for some bug-fixes, like AI pathfinding over bridges, long distance lod problems, BIS is working for weeks if not month on muliplayer improvements that i don`t need.

Hell, i hope that patch get released soon, what i understand as: this week.

BIS is saying soon, what can mean everything. confused_o.gif

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I`d like to have separate Patches for MP and SP.

Development doesn't work that way, neither does the patching process. Trying to split off to do two different patch branches (SP and MP) would probably end up delaying both and not be worth the amount of time and effort it would take to do such branches to begin with.

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I`d like to have separate Patches for MP and SP.

As i`m only waiting for some bug-fixes, like AI pathfinding over bridges, long distance lod problems, BIS is working for weeks if not month on muliplayer improvements that i don`t need.

Hell, i hope that patch get released soon, what i understand as: this week.

BIS is saying soon, what can mean everything. confused_o.gif

Well, this is the problem here. I for instance are more interested in MP issues, but general as well. But this doesn't mean one can go without the other, and i am not gonna b**** about not having it released, or not having enough info. I already got used to that, and i think so should have a lot of other members of this community. But latelty i see that BIS is updating the developer blog on a regularly basis, with info regarding both ArmA and the coming ArmA 2. That is a step forward.

If you are talking about the VON (as the MP issue), then yes, i'll give that: it's taking a hell lot of time for a feature few ppl are interested in. Yes, that is was here since day one, but was not working. But how many people were in fact complaining about this, and how many about a lot of others? But has been discussed a thousand time before, it's a BIS priority, not a community. I can live with that.

I have heard about any other games that i've played and took part in its community: "we are not gonna buy the following game, i am pissed with X developer, Y publisher for whatever reasons." I wonder how many real fans of this type of game, of OFP and Arma, will go around ArmA 2 and buy...next COD? This is still a game that has no rival, no other developer will be releasing such a big open-source game..You think OFP2 will be alike? I doubt..

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I`d like to have separate Patches for MP and SP.

As i`m only waiting for some bug-fixes, like AI pathfinding over bridges, long distance lod problems, BIS is working for weeks if not month on muliplayer improvements that i don`t need.

Hell, i hope that patch get released soon, what i understand as: this week.

BIS is saying soon, what can mean everything. confused_o.gif

From a programming perspective, this is exactly what BIS should NOT do. It's the compartmentalization between 'SP' and 'MP' that introduces faults and problems and chaos.

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I wouldn't bet one way or the other when it comes ot BIS release dates wink_o.gif

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oh yea, vista64 fix, even though i sound like a noob, but when can we download this patch? afaikl,nothing was mentioned right? it better comes tomorrow.

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Great, a new patch.

As I'm currently looking for a new graphics card (mine decided to stop working !wink_o.gif, I may go for a GeForce 8XXX (XXX depending on overall cost).

Is the fog bug and overall performance really improved for this kind of hardware in the upcoming patch ? It's no use buying it if some games just don't use it...

The list of changes in the patch seems encouraging. However, the bridge crossing bug is 'improved' or 'fixed' ? There's quite a difference in my opinion...

Keep it coming !


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Quote[/b] ]If you are talking about the VON (as the MP issue), then yes, i'll give that: it's taking a hell lot of time for a feature few ppl are interested in. Yes, that is was here since day one, but was not working. But how many people were in fact complaining about this, and how many about a lot of others? But has been discussed a thousand time before, it's a BIS priority, not a community. I can live with that.

I like how certain people keep citing that it is "not a community issue". A poll was done by such a poster, thinking that there was no community interest in VON. The results of the poll were OVERWHELMINGLY supportive of VON being fixed, when obviously he had hoped to prove that there was not any community interest.

He was wrong. So are you. Try relying on facts and not drawn-out-of-thin-air assumptions in the future, please.

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Quote[/b] ]If you are talking about the VON (as the MP issue), then yes, i'll give that: it's taking a hell lot of time for a feature few ppl are interested in. Yes, that is was here since day one, but was not working. But how many people were in fact complaining about this, and how many about a lot of others? But has been discussed a thousand time before, it's a BIS priority, not a community. I can live with that.

I like how certain people keep citing that it is "not a community issue". A poll was done by such a poster, thinking that there was no community interest in VON. The results of the poll were OVERWHELMINGLY supportive of VON being fixed, when obviously he had hoped to prove that there was not any community interest.

He was wrong. So are you. Try relying on facts and not drawn-out-of-thin-air assumptions in the future, please.

Well, i might be wrong then..i probably missed that VON poll. But well, my assumptions are not based on "thin air". I based my post on what the clan that i am part of things about it, about how a big part of our regulars thinks about it, and about how a big part of IC community thinks about it. If i sum up, that is close to 250 ppl. So i might be as wrong as you are now.

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Is the fog bug and overall performance really improved for this kind of hardware in the upcoming patch ? It's no use buying it if some games just don't use it...

Have you even tested the 1.09 patch.. all that was fixed.

And BTW,, i knw lots and lots of people who await this VON fix.. but since BIS doesnt really know what it is and thats why they are working along with CREATIVE to try and find a problem / fix.

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Nice to have a new patch. Hopefully it's coming out soon.

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Nice to have a new patch. Hopefully it's coming out soon.

When it's done it will be announced in the BI News forum.

Please, no discussions, release date guessings or questions about the release date. smile_o.gif

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