Morticus 0 Posted January 4, 2008 OK that works to the point where initilized how can i make it wait till all waypoints created and units created and then Zones deactivated ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted January 5, 2008 Hi, the example works with me perfectly. Only if DAC is ready, the normal screen comes back. Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted January 5, 2008 Hey Silola, I got a functioning solution for AI viewblock smoke shells for DAC, check out the which shows the viewblocks as visible test objects.It requires an updated DMSmokeGrenadeVB addon, as well as a modified DAC_Smoke_Gren.sqf. You got any objections to me releasing both files as a viewblock solution? The changed DAC file now looks like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> private ["_leader","_target","_i","_gr","_sg","_sd", "_DMSS", "_DMScript"]; _leader = _this select 0;_target = _this select 1;_i = 0;_gr = 0;_sg = objNull;_sd = call compile (DAC_Smoke select 2); if(call compile (DAC_Smoke select 3)) then { while {_i < count (DAC_Smoke select 1)} do { _gr = (((position _target select 0) - (position _leader select 0)) atan2 ((position _target select 1) - (position _leader select 1))); _DMSS = [(position _leader Select 0) + (Sin (_gr + ((DAC_Smoke select 1) select _i)) * _sd),(position _leader Select 1) + (Cos (_gr + ((DAC_Smoke select 1) select _i)) * _sd),0]; _sg = (DAC_Smoke select 0) createVehicle _DMSS; _DMScript = [_DMSS] execVM "\DMSmokeGrenadeVB\Scripts\ViewBlockSmokeShellDAC.sqf" _i = _i + 1; }; }; so you can see that the basic functionality isn't changed, just a bit added on & a reshuffle so there's no unnecessary duplication of code. It is however specifically tailored for the smokeshell addon, and is a diversification of the core code. Up to you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vengeance1 50 Posted January 5, 2008 Well done on DAC, is there a demo mission someone has created that allows AI (Enemy) to call Arti? I see the Player one and I have no problem with that but I can not get AI to call Arti successfully and I don't want to take up your forum asking a lot of code questions? A simple demo mission OPFOR calls Arti from another Zone against Guer? Thanks Vengeance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D.murphy man 0 Posted January 7, 2008 this is truly impressive, excellent work guys, however i have one question, how do stop generated AI from going prone? At the moment im using it to generate some zombie units, which of course i don't want them going prone, however despite the zombies being setpos "up" by default, as well as using the setpos "up" command when they spawn, they still lay down when being shot at? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 13 Posted January 7, 2008 I'm sure I already posted it but I just felt like doing it again: Really great work Silola! I've been toying with DAC now for a few weeks, redesigning my mission template "Battle Center" which can be used on any island. Commander picks the objective area, player start position and a few more mission variables... Then the mission is dynamicly generated based on zone template settings in config sqf's aswell as a config class in description.ext that has some specific parameters for the island the mission is running on, and so on and so on. DAC is working extremely great for it. Our players are astonished and happy about the AI capabilities like support, arty, paradrops etc. etc. Of course we knew many features already from DAC v1 but DAC v2 is so much better and seems also better optimized (esp considering sqf ). I really wish I could deliver such professional products, manual and support like you mate Keep it up Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stegman 3 Posted January 7, 2008 i was unaware that this required other addons to play the demo missions. More downloading to come then. Still, bloody good tool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malick 0 Posted January 7, 2008 Hi all ! I want to integrate the group of the player in DAC (player != leader) with the command DAC_fInsertGroup after DAC has finished initialize. However, on mission load, it says that the group WEST 1-1-A has waypoints. Can a player group be inserted in DAC or is it possible for AI only groups ? Other question, is there a variable to check the status of a camp in a zone ? For example a function like this one : 'DAC_AliveCamp(ZONE_NAME, CAMP_NUMBER), returns BOOL' Any idea ? Thank you for this wonderful tool, by the way Malick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingnl 0 Posted January 7, 2008 I really like this DAC addon. I have been thinking of porting over the demo sector control battle (last demo mission) over to porto. So I looked in the manual where I couldn't find any entry about how you did it. Could you explain the functions (triggers) a bit more which I have to implement to get a DAC sector control battle? and do human artillery calls really work by ie. if player clicked on map, activate trigger with artillery scriptcall. That part is also not so clear for me in the manual. Thnx alot anyway for making DAC2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted January 7, 2008 Hello, Thx all, Thx Sickboy @Malick : ----------------- Quote[/b] ]I want to integrate the group of the player in DAC (player != leader) with the command DAC_fInsertGroup after DAC has finished initialize. However, on mission load, it says that the group WEST 1-1-A has waypoints.Can a player group be inserted in DAC or is it possible for AI only groups ? I myself have never tested this :-/ Before you start the script to the insert the player group, you must put down this line: deleteWaypoint [NameOfYourGroup, 0]; This line should help, actually There is only one problem, namely the group is reduced under circumstances, although you are nearby, because the units of the group are not questioned themselves. Perhaps, you must raise the distance for reducing. Quote[/b] ]Other question, is there a variable to check the status of a camp in a zone ? For example a function like this one :'DAC_AliveCamp(ZONE_NAME, CAMP_NUMBER), returns BOOL' Hmm...You could start a script with the camp Group that delivers to you this state. You know like a Config event is loaded? Then You must put down for the camp Group only one script there. Example: _Events_Unit_C = [ [â€[_group] execVM â€â€NameOfYourScript.sqfâ€â€â€], [], [], [], [], [] ]; Then there are 2 conditions which you must supervise: - If the camp Group is dead, no more Respawn is released in the camp. - If the camp Group joins to another group, all Respawns are used up in the camp. @vengeance1: ------------------ Quote[/b] ]I see the Player one and I have no problem with that but I can not get AI to call Arti successfully and I don't want to take up your forum asking a lot of code questions? A simple demo mission OPFOR calls Arti from another Zone against Guer? Have a look at the example mission DAC_WestVsEastSectorFight.MAP_SSara", there is arti requested on both sides by the AI. Maybe this helps you. @D.murphy man: ------------------ Quote[/b] ]this is truly impressive, excellent work guys, however i have one question, how do stop generated AI from going prone? At the moment im using it to generate some zombie units, which of course i don't want them going prone, however despite the zombies being setpos "up" by default, as well as using the setpos "up" command when they spawn, they still lay down when being shot at? Is this not an automatic behaviour of the AI? If they come under fire, they try to find cover first. Unfortunately, I have no idea as this behaviour can be suppressed :-/ Greeting Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D.murphy man 0 Posted January 7, 2008 Quote[/b] ]Is this not an automatic behaviour of the AI?If they come under fire, they try to find cover first. Unfortunately, I have no idea as this behaviour can be suppressed :-/ Usually yes this is the automatic behavior of the AI, however when not using DAC and just placed units in the editor they do not lay down under fire, same goes for any unit with setunitpos "up" command attached to them. Only when they are generated by DAC do they seem to lay down under fire. Strange indeed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted January 8, 2008 Hi, @D.murphy man: -------------------- Quote[/b] ] Usually yes this is the automatic behavior of the AI, however when not using DAC and just placed units in the editor they do not lay down under fire, same goes for any unit with setunitpos "up" command attached to them. Only when they are generated by DAC do they seem to lay down under fire. Strange indeed. I will try to find a solution for this behaviour. Perhaps, you must change some DAC scripts, so that it runs for your project optimally. @KingNL: ---------------- Quote[/b] ]I have been thinking of porting over the demo sector control battle (last demo mission) over to porto. So I looked in the manual where I couldn't find any entry about how you did it.Could you explain the functions (triggers) a bit more which I have to implement to get a DAC sector control battle? You must start only one script, after DAC is ready with the initialization. For example, you can use for it the Init.sqf: Quote[/b] ]execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf"; sleep 1; waituntil{DAC_Basic_Value == 1}; [[NameOfYourTriggerA,100,100],[NameOfYourTriggerB,200,100]] execVM "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Sector.sqf"; You can put down arbitrarily many triggers in the script call. The name of the trigger and the size of the trigger is required in each case. To make sure which settings a Trigger needs for it, you can copy a Trigger from the example mission. Greeting Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malick 0 Posted January 8, 2008 Thanks Silola, it works Malick Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted January 9, 2008 Heh, DAC seems to have shown me a bug that I've never seen in ArmA, but heard about it. The howitzers seem to also act as an AA unit. There I was flying my helo, unknowingly flying near the base, when all of the sudden BAM! I got shot...with a howitzer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avimimus 0 Posted January 9, 2008 Hello, I just had an idea occur to me: DAC could be the means to create the first non-depopulated warfare sim. Featuring: - Civilians cowering inside of buildings - Civilians fleeing from a combat zone (running out of buildings in a panic) - Refugee convoys fleeing behind the front - Refugee tent camps near the battlefield (localisation areas away from the fighting) - Enemy soldiers mixed in with refugees If you could recruit a few modelers it might be possible to integrate some new animations and civilian models. Anyway, I thought it would be an interesting idea to pass on. S! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 132 Posted January 10, 2008 I just created a real bad infinite loop by accident that locked up pretty much everything, fraps would´ve shown -10FPS if it could What i did was: - one zone with Inf, Veh & Camps ..,[20,2,0,10],[10,2,0,10],... (or the other way around [10,2,10,0],.. ? cant remember) - one zone with only waypoints ..,[20],[20],... - linked both zones ..,[1,0,0,size,size],... Upon finishing initialization everything went slooooooow. Maybe you can prevent this in following versions. edit: Also i´m always getting this error message when creating camps. Strange thing is that camps are being created correctly as far as i can judge (walls, flag, vehicles, troops, markers, everythings there). The camp example mission (#6?) works flawlessy aswell. Totally lost on this, any help is appreciated Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted January 10, 2008 Hi, @Mr Burns: -------------- Quote[/b] ]What i did was:- one zone with Inf, Veh & Camps ..,[20,2,0,10],[10,2,0,10],... (or the other way around [10,2,10,0],.. ? cant remember) - one zone with only waypoints ..,[20],[20],... - linked both zones ..,[1,0,0,size,size],... If you give no waypoints in a master zone, you will ordinarily see the following error message: "Error: DAC_Init_Waypoint > There are no waypoints > Zone: NameOfTheZone" I have no notion what exactly happens. I suppose a faulty script call. In the case of doubt you must send to me a test mission in which this mistake exists. Quote[/b] ]edit:Also i´m always getting this error message when creating camps. Strange thing is that camps are being created correctly as far as i can judge (walls, flag, vehicles, troops, markers, everythings there). The camp example mission (#6?) works flawlessy aswell. Totally lost on this, any help is appreciated This mistake comes directly from the indicated Addon. You use or generate an object for which a certain condition is not fulfilled. You must try to exchange the used objects by other objects, to see which object causes problems. bye Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lester 0 Posted January 10, 2008 This error message is definatly from the 1.02 EU ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted January 10, 2008 @Silola. Sorry to duplicate my request, but can you let me know about the viewblock file change, and whether or not I can include it as an option in my future releases? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 132 Posted January 10, 2008 If you give no waypoints in a master zone, you will ordinarily see the following error message:"Error: DAC_Init_Waypoint > There are no waypoints > Zone: NameOfTheZone" I have no notion what exactly happens. I suppose a faulty script call. In the case of doubt you must send to me a test mission in which this mistake exists. Yeah, was kinda late .. i should´nt be messing with DAC at 4´o´clock in the morning The mission where that infinite loop occured got fixed shortly after my post, finally got it working and went playing .. so im afraid i cant send you that one. But if it ever happens again you´ll be the first to hear about it. This mistake comes directly from the indicated Addon.You use or generate an object for which a certain condition is not fulfilled. You must try to exchange the used objects by other objects, to see which object causes problems. This error message is definatly from the 1.02 EU ! Any idea why it only appears in selfmade missions and not the example ones? I´ve also tried with the camp config from working example missions, got the same error though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted January 10, 2008 From the little i've read in the pdf's this project looks amazing however I'm having problems getting "map_ssara_island to load in 1.09. Ive got it in @islands in my startup parameter but it won't show in the editor Works fine in 1.08 though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silola 1087 Posted January 10, 2008 Hello, sorry DMarkwick I think that your small script change is okay. Is there an error message if your Addon is not loaded? Then I would have to put a parametre which can influence the start of the script. @froggyluv: -------------- This behaviour is very strange. I have no explanation for it. Perhaps, Lester has a solution. Have you already tried to pack the island into a Mod folder? Maybe it helps Greeting Silola Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted January 10, 2008 I think that your small script change is okay.Is there an error message if your Addon is not loaded? Then I would have to put a parametre which can influence the start of the script. Cheers for the OK Yes there will be an error message if the addon is not there, I was just going to package the script as an optional extra for people who wish to use it. If they do, everyone who uses the mission should use the DMSmokeGrenadeVB addon too. More for use with clans & groups etc who all use the same private stuff. But if you know of a trick or method to get around that, I'd be interested to hear. But I don't expect the core code to be changed for my one addon, it was only ever just an optional extra with my viewblock addon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted January 10, 2008 To stop the error messages of missing addons you must preplace the addons onto the map in the mission editor or when DAC creates it, and its not already there an error messages appears saying that its not found.. Its nothing major and a BIS problem for creating units which arnt already preplaced on the map. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted January 10, 2008 To stop the error messages of missing addons you must preplace the addons onto the map in the mission editor or when DAC creates it, and its not already there an error messages appears saying that its not found.. Its nothing major and a BIS problem for creating units which arnt already preplaced on the map. Well I guess this addon is a slightly odd case as the object is not spawned until a smokeshell goes off, by which time of course you're playing well into the mission Although I can place a viewblock object in the editor, I was going to remove that ability though on final release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites