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Patch 1.08 - Released!

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Aah, torrent is better. Shame that sites like Gamershell and Worthplaying don't see the advantage of torrent, I know Gamer.no has torrent as an option.

The only problem is people who don't seed! banghead.gif

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Sexy Patchilichous!! yay.gifyay.gif

A-BooYaa! Thanks for all the hard work BIS!!! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifinlove.gif

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What's a fair seeding % for torrents? I'm pretty new to them.

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Patch 1.08 rocks! yay.gif

Improved graphics + incredibly improved performance in all areas, including big towns, forests and north Sahrani! Loving it! biggrin_o.gif

Strangely, the AI also seem to be a lot less stupid, or am I imagining things?

Only downside is that the "impacts drawn on vehicles" wasn't damage decals after all... just more dust and sparks. And the horrible damage "instant-rust" effect is still there crazy_o.gif .

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Daniel @ June 11 2007,13:08)]What's a fair seeding % for torrents? I'm pretty new to them.

To keep the torrent-network healthy you need to upload at least as much as you download.

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Good job! I love that helicopters control! But really "instant-rusty" is still here, hope before the next patch smile_o.gif

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Question about the 1.08 patch.

For the US version, do we have to wait for the Atari 1.06-1.08 patch to come out, or can we use the links on the 1st page for the US/Canada version?(1.06-1.08)

I am patched up to 1.07 beta now. Also, can you just patch over the 1.07 with the new 1.08 patch?


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Great work BIS! Downloading as I type and looking forward to try it out...


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You can't patch the beta.

Install your normal 1.06 U.S version and then run the 1.06 to 1.08 patch.

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im going to wait a day or two, because everyone is like downloading them at the same time so.....its veeerrrrry slooooooow

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is there no patch version that patches my German edition of the game (v1.00, believe) all the way to 1.08?

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No, for European versions, you must patch to 1.05, then to 1.08. Sorry for any inconvience.

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Server Files 1.08; Included server.cfg has wrong details listed:

Quote[/b] ]MaxMsgSend=512;







Are only allowed inside ArmA.cfg inside My Documents\ArmA or in the folder where -profiles is set. NOT the server.cfg file.
Quote[/b] ]im going to wait a day or two, because everyone is like downloading them at the same time so.....its veeerrrrry slooooooow
That's a true waste of time. 1. There's a zillion mirrors. 2. There will be more mirros gradually. 3. More and more peeps have got it in, so just retry smile_o.gif

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gotta love ofp2.info downloading at light-speed... okay if you want just wait till i'm DONE!

was just checking for fun if there might be a sign of the patch and there it was! really earlier then expected but by this rate every mirror is up before most players come home notworthy.gif

and I have yet to test it but I'm sure I don't need to edit this post once more: BIS, you guys rock! biggrin_o.gif

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must say I find seing the tpb linked a bit ironic, but anyway, yay.. let the downloading begin..

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