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ArmA is just ... awesome!

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There are plenty of little bugs that can be annoying at times but on the other hand there are many small improvements that are overlooked or ignored by many.

The sound engine no longer cuts when a firefight takes place so we can hear many diferent sounds simultaniously (gunfire, ambient sounds like rain, wildlife..)

In OPF two shots to a gun barrel killed the player/unit holding this weapon, you could even see the blood puffs, no more of that in Arma.

I can throw a handgrenade inside a house and take cover by the wall, wich actually provides solid cover.

And being in a forest under storm weather conditions is a whole new experience in Arma, seeing all the vegetation flying around, leaves falling to the ground and rain drops, just imersive.

So yeah there are still bugs but there are also many improvements in Arma, some are huge and some are quite small but noticeable if you remember OPF well enough. I believe its fair to complain about the bugs but its also fair to show apretiation for the many things BI did well... because after Arma going back to OPF is impossible smile_o.gif .

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Because Ive just had THE best night shoot ever...

200 vs 100 on the new city map at night...

Full on armoured assault on the outskirts of the city. OMFG I had 3 hours of blasting the poop out of everything while being fired upon from all sides by insurgents.

In the end I lost

2 M1A1 tanks

4 M113

3 Strykers

1 Humvee

and about 65 soldiers, against 200 opfor KIA

And some collateral dammage! whistle.gif

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This game is great, i mean of course it has its weak points, but really how many games let you spawn over 500+ AI units (pretty much all community addons) on an area around 400Km2 in size plus run AI enhancing scripts and FX enhancers and sit back and watch it all pan out in front of you?

I came home at lunch today loaded a mission I'm mucking around with, went back to work and when i got home 6 hrs later, they were still fighting, with heavy losses on both sides but they were still going! I joined in the fighting an hour later! While i was apart of a squad trying to take a suspected enemy position i watched as the team moved out, they were trying to do a bounding maneuver, albeit each section would only move forward about 5-10m before dropping and covering, which I'd never really noticed until i re-read some info about way points/unit behavior.I wish i had a way to record what went on it would be great to see an after action report!

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Ive had this SIM now for a month.

I'm very happy with it indeed. Yep, without Mods it wouldn't be as great but hey ....

With the patrolling script and Arma Link with XAM 1.3 im having fun just watching things kick off at night and listening to the madness.

I was a Ghost Recon addict from the day it came out, this set a level for me and nothing has hit it. All I ever wanted was a sim where it was non-linear, open, switchable characters, decent enough maps and moddable & editable to death with todays eye candy... well clearly this covers ALL bases and a hell of allot more xmas_o.gif

I have an 8800 GTS Dual 64 Athlon 3 gig and I have everything on very high and decent viewing distance AA/AF High and "sometimes" switch shading down to normal on forrest/bush areas and so far ive not had any problems. 2 CTD after long gaming ... im happy, plus patch will be in a while.

Quote[/b] ]how many games let you spawn over 500+ AI units (pretty much all community addons) on an area around 400Km2 in size plus run AI enhancing scripts and FX enhancers and sit back and watch it all pan out in front of you?

Speaks for itself.

I read alot here before I got it and I was slowly getting put off by some of the posts, I realise some people want nothing less than reality but to be honest, for something on a Home Computer theres nothing out like it.

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Ah, love arma! The campaign is ok, at least for now. I love planning a night-strike into a base on your own, and then after a succesful strike run away, hearing enemy vehicles starting to roam around, seeing vehicle lights flashing behind you while trying to escape.. just awesome. Just needs some russians taking you as a prisoner and getting a james gastovski to free you from the captivity.

After hearing so many negative experiences I thought the Singleplayer aspect was going to suck... surprised me positively. But yeah, I've only played a few missions now.

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I like the feel of arma a lot more than operation flashpoint, i enjoyed ofp but not as much as arma.

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Arma would be perfect without the swinging aim.

haha, never heard you could actually change that float zone to a normal FPS game? (except for the up and down way wink_o.gif )

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Arma would be perfect without the swinging aim.

haha, never heard you could actually change that float zone to a normal FPS game? (except for the up and down way wink_o.gif )

I mean the 'lagginess' of the mouse, even if the float zone is zeroed. It's not as precise as in OFP, it was better in OFP.

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And your 'render frames ahead is set to '0'? (for Nvidia, can't think of the function for ATI) That solved the lag for most all with such issues.

(@OFPForum: ZIIING!! Can't believe I was able to get that in before you.. Must be sick, or just sick of repeating it so many times rofl.gif )


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And your 'render frames ahead is set to '0'? (for Nvidia, can't think of the function for ATI) That solved the lag for most all with such issues.

(@OFPForum: ZIIING!! Can't believe I was able to get that in before you.. Must be sick, or just sick of repeating it so many times rofl.gif )


If I set it to 0 arma won't even launch, it will crash my PC. In vista it worked with 0, but not in XP. I can't see very much difference between 1-3.

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(@OFPForum:  ZIIING!!  Can't believe I was able to get that in before you..  Must be sick, or just sick of repeating it so many times rofl.gif )

Im getting old... wink_o.gif

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And your 'render frames ahead is set to '0'? (for Nvidia, can't think of the function for ATI) That solved the lag for most all with such issues.

(@OFPForum: ZIIING!! Can't believe I was able to get that in before you.. Must be sick, or just sick of repeating it so many times rofl.gif )


If I set it to 0 arma won't even launch, it will crash my PC. In vista it worked with 0, but not in XP. I can't see very much difference between 1-3.

If you can't set it to 0, then 1 seems to be the best setting. You wont get as much mouse lag when the FPS gets low.

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Dispite the stupid way the developers decided to make the multiplayer, I kind of like it. When the game actually gets going it is fantastic.

The singleplayer missions are crap, there is no other way of discribing them, the AI and the mission layouts are flawed so much that it is practicaly impossible to do realistically. But the multiplayer makes up for it. I think ArmA 2 should stick to multiplayer and a mission editor, to save wasting time on worthless and frustrating campaigns.

The multiplayer in Armed Assault is its strong point, I am willing to bet that most of the players brought it to play with a clan for teamwork. If the desynce issues are sorted out and the loading times, join game screens where less time consuming then Armed Assault would take my favorite game spot away from Crysis.

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Dispite the stupid way the developers decided to make the multiplayer, I kind of like it. When the game actually gets going it is fantastic.

The singleplayer missions are crap, there is no other way of discribing them, the AI and the mission layouts are flawed so much that it is practicaly impossible to do realistically. But the multiplayer makes up for it. I think ArmA 2 should stick to multiplayer and a mission editor, to save wasting time on worthless and frustrating campaigns.

The multiplayer in Armed Assault is its strong point, I am willing to bet that most of the players brought it to play with a clan for teamwork. If the desynce issues are sorted out and the loading times, join game screens where less time consuming then Armed Assault would take my favorite game spot away from Crysis.

Have you ever played OFP?

Have you ever experienced the paranormally fantastic campaign and plot and everything, the singleplayer atmosphere? Seeing your text you have not. It is like playing a movie, except dozens of times more entertaining. I cannot find ArmA multiplayer even near the level of OFP singleplayer campaign, but it's fairly good. ArmA is like a cut down ofp with better graphics.

"Instead of wasting time to frustrating campaign..."

Yes, but insted use the time well and make a good campaign, like in OFP. Only one mission in ArmA campaign has a little touch to the operation flashpoint feeling.

Operation Flashpoint had 48 missions + hours (?) of well-made cutscenes that kept you in the plot. ArmA has only 20 lousy missions with boring newsreport-cutscenes, c'mon! And of which only one mission's side assigment has the touch to the atmosphere. That's a lot of difference. To the wrong way. No no.

When did you lose the touch, BIS? I hope the codies can handle it in OFP2, as bis has lost the touch.

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ArmA was rushed, due partly to the community continuously whining for it to be released as is, then the community whined it wasn't perfect, then they whined it didn't have their dream military gear, then they whined they didn't have the tools, then they gave us them and people whined saying they weren't enough, so they gave us the full suite of tools and even updated them, then people just seemed to give up. Don't get me wrong a hell of a lot of user made stuff is out there, but compared to OFP it's like people simply expect BIS to make everything for us, which if they did, they'd never have time to actually do anything but.

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA was rushed, due partly to the community continuously whining for it to be released as is, then the community whined it wasn't perfect, then they whined it didn't have their dream military gear, then they whined they didn't have the tools, then they gave us them and people whined saying they weren't enough, so they gave us the full suite of tools and even updated them, then people just seemed to give up. Don't get me wrong a hell of a lot of user made stuff is out there, but compared to OFP it's like people simply expect BIS to make everything for us, which if they did, they'd never have time to actually do anything but.

Q F T. Though this is really getting offtopic, and probably should be in the bitchin' thread.

I seriously enjoy ArmA, and I think it looks (and has functionality) at least xty billion times better than OFP. Its smaller problems I'm patient enough to deal with, cause I know once I get the addon stuff I do on the side ingame and start making missions, all those little niggles that seem to get under people's fingernails just fade into insignificance for me.

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I seriously enjoy ArmA, and I think it looks (and has functionality) at least xty billion times better than OFP. Its smaller problems I'm patient enough to deal with, cause I know once I get the addon stuff I do on the side ingame and start making missions, all those little niggles that seem to get under people's fingernails just fade into insignificance for me.


After a few crCTIs in ArmA a few people are now saying "arh, the good old days"

It takes some time just like for OFP but people are starting to release the addons and make awesome missions.

Fact is, if we didn't have OFP to compare it to, it would be "ArmA %$#%$# RULZ!!!!!!"

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This is the 'awesome' thread. Please stay on topic. if you wish to bitch and whine use the 'other' thread.

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ArmA is like marmite, you either hate it or love it . whistle.gif

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The AI in Armed Assault can display amazing ability at times. While testing a mission in which a group of four helicopters flown by the AI hunt down several dozen infantry they did not have a single mid-air collision during multiple runs of the same scenario. On one occasion where an AI pilot was forced to land due to damage to his aircraft another aircraft from the same group was quickly dispatched by the AI commander to hover above the crash site and pick up the grounded pilot, an action that was completed succesfully despite enemy presence nearby. notworthy.gif



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The AI in Armed Assault can display amazing ability at times. While testing a mission in which a group of four helicopters flown by the AI hunt down several dozen infantry they did not have a single mid-air collision during multiple runs of the same scenario. On one occasion where an AI pilot was forced to land due to damage to his aircraft another aircraft from the same group was quickly dispatched by the AI commander to hover above the crash site and pick up the grounded pilot, an action that was completed succesfully despite enemy presence nearby.  notworthy.gif



Sweet, did you use any scripts for that?

Anyhoo I was also testing out a mission of mine where a small US squad ambushes a SLA convoy. Using Cameron McDonald's excellent ACU guys and the updated BTR-80 by Mecha Stalin. As an AT solider I whipped out my M136 and fired at a BTR-80 but the shot missed. I hit the deck and switched to 3rd person view to watch the bullets fly over my head. Each one missed except the last which I saw clip off the back of the M136.

Very cool.

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