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Tonal Redux

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the landies are so cool, much better than a uaz smile_o.gif

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I've heard nothng bad of this, So i might give it a try wow_o.gif

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PLACEBO come and delete this stupid double post!

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thats 3 people that have done that since the forum went down about half an hour ago crazy_o.gif

i forgot about the lanny time to o play ofp biggrin_o.gif

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Damn.. it's a superb pack. I love it.

Are there any servers running it?

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Oh.....this Release is great. notworthy.gif

Thanks a lot!


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the pics look great. just wish they could have been released as seprate islands .Id hate to lose the old islands

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Too bad you removed some bridges. now some missions are broken.

Another question: Are the remaining bridges destroyable?

I'm asking it because this way i can save some old missions to be compatible with Tonal Redux.

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Is that scary whisper hut an easter egg? If so do I get cookies? :O

Also, I found two bugs:

1. If you drive the BTR-152 onto the piers it starts bouncing like mad (didn't try with any other vehicles to see if it's the pier or the track)

2. If you drive a T55 into one of the covered orange stalls in Tatu it gets stuck (I don't like oranges, ok?)

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Quote[/b] ]1. If you drive the BTR-152 onto the piers it starts bouncing like mad (didn't try with any other vehicles to see if it's the pier or the track

That was reported during testing actually. huh.gif

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the pics look great. just wish they could have been released as seprate islands .Id hate to lose the old islands

Then dont, make 2 mod folders

/OldTonal - All Old Tonal PBos in that one

/NewTonal - All New Tonal Pbos in that one

Bobs ya uncle and you have both tonals just 2 differnt icons for them.. yay.gif

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I love this! It's awsome! The redux kicks so much ass! Playing the BAS campaign and I must say it's absolutley gorgeous and lagless. Time for a BHD mission....

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Ahem... Does this require the original Tonal? I deleted it ages ago (didn't play it much and was running out of disk space) but this one interests me, I've always wanted some bushwar in OFP (suits the engine better than jungles IMO)

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Ahem... Does this require the original Tonal? I deleted it ages ago (didn't play it much and was running out of disk space) but this one interests me, I've always wanted some bushwar in OFP (suits the engine better than jungles IMO)

No, you don't need the original Tonal , just download the pack from the 1st post , + JAM3 + facetex2 and you can play.

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Is that scary whisper hut an easter egg? If so do I get cookies? :O

Also, I found two bugs:

1. If you drive the BTR-152 onto the piers it starts bouncing like mad (didn't try with any other vehicles to see if it's the pier or the track)

2. If you drive a T55 into one of the covered orange stalls in Tatu it gets stuck (I don't like oranges, ok?)

Well, then don't drive a 152 into a pier whistle.gif Or drive anything over the stall icon_rolleyes.gif

Also that hut is only a bit part in the scheme. If you find them all, maybe 4 or so total, you might see where it leads.

I wish you hadn't posted that as well. Lol.

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the pics look great. just wish they could have been released as seprate islands .Id hate to lose the old islands

Then dont, make 2 mod folders

/OldTonal - All Old Tonal PBos in that one

/NewTonal - All New Tonal Pbos in that one

Bobs ya uncle and you have both tonals just 2 differnt icons for them..  yay.gif

I learn something new every time I come here. now just tell me how to do this .lol thanks

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BEST ISLAND EVAR! Not to mention the units ... nice!

Since I have no life, I spent a few hours last night riding around the island on a KLR250 with a friend. We found lots of sweet jumps and good times. Thanks to all those involved.

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Hmm.. I get "Out of reserved memory (262k). Code changed required." error message. Plain OFP 1.96 which works. I did have Conspiracies mod installed but I uninstalled it. Anyone knows what this can be about?

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What's that singing song's name?

Here is the music, can't remember which it is.

class bas_islemuse1 - name="BAS Isle - Muse"

class bas_islemuse2 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Survival"

class bas_islemuse3 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Theme"

class bas_islemuse4 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Horizon"

class bas_islemuse5 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Resting"

class bas_islemuse6 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Warp (Bas)"

class bas_islemuse7 - name="BAS Isle - Cassie - Home (Bas)"

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I found that the F-100 form The new Nam mod works good as a gov. and the F-17 Farmer works good for some Reb fighter action. Dont forget Footmunch's Hunters and Su(s), so the new tonal as lots of cool possiblitys. xmas_o.gif

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