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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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Oh really,, you mean i cant even use my Nostromo52 ,, surprising to hear, cuz i didnt think it really counted as a gamepad but more of a keyboard extention, well thank you , i will try it

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My gameshop here in Belgium told me that they might get it tomorrow but that I wouldn't have to count on it.

This is very strange for them because they always are the first to get games compared to other shops.

If there are Belgians here who got their hands on a hard copy already please let me know where you bought it.

Thx smile_o.gif

Yes, I had the same problem, they told me they would have it in stock tuesday or wednesday hopefully(so not even sure...)

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Thx for your reply smile_o.gif

Indeed that's the last thing I heard, maybe Tuesday but they said don't count it because we are not sure when we'll get it.

Like I posted already I downloaded the German version instead with the English conversion patch but I'm having some problems with the game so I put it aside until some patches come out.

Maybe I'll still buy the boxed version but I'm not sure because I'm afraid I'll encounter the same problems.

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Pff, I can't find the game in the stores in my country.

Any Belgians around here who bought the game yet?

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Pff, I can't find the game in the stores in my country.

Any Belgians around here who bought the game yet?

I checked all stores I know that sell games at Leuven: fnac, free record shop, hetcomputerwinkeltje, gamemania, maxworld, none have it :s, let's hope they get it before the week-end.... huh.gif

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Then you won't like what I have to say guys, because I asked at FNAC and they told me they won't sell it, only FNAC France, when I was referring to release date unknown I was talking about gamemania, on the site of free record shop there is nothing mentioned of the game at all as well as for Mediamarkt because it isn't even in their upcoming list and I called a couple of other game stores here in Gent that I found in the gouden gids and they told me they won't be selling it either. So it doesn't sound too good.

Maybe its a good thing that I download that German version even if it doesn't work too good for now but who knows maybe gamemania may eventually get it even though that might still take a while.

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oh yeah! released in Australia in a few weeks, can't wait biggrin_o.gif

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Pff, I can't find the game in the stores in my country.

Any Belgians around here who bought the game yet?

I checked all stores I know that sell games at Leuven: fnac, free record shop, hetcomputerwinkeltje, gamemania, maxworld, none have it :s, let's hope they get it before the week-end.... huh.gif

Just checked the site of gamemania again and they put a release date on it that says February 21.

So just hang on a little longer and you'll get your hands on it soon if it doesn't change again wink_o.gif

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@Kode and Blanco

Just called gamemania and made a reservation for tomorrow.

Nothing is for certain yet, but probably they will get it by then.

I would advise you to do the same because they told me they won't get many copies from the game and those they will get are under reservation for someone already.

Just wanted to let you know.

Good luck wink_o.gif

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i went to fnac (portugal)few days ago, and they are counting with the game tomorrow. wednesday is the day the transports usually arrive, they sayed...hope they are right.

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Proxis.be has the game in stock, you could order it there for 36,99 euros.

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Hey thx Frans smile_o.gif

In case gamemania shouldn't have it by tomorrow I'll know what to do wink_o.gif

I think they will but you'll never now.

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I got my copy too at Maxworld Leuven, for the price of 36,90€, even better then the 39,9 I expected smile_o.gif

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Hehe, well my wife is picking it up for me but as soon as she gets home... pistols.gif

That is love and devotion.

First the wife picks the game up, then the wife start knit picking this glob of flesh, which has been in front of the home PC for weeks, just bitching about weird things like; OPFOR...CTI....damn lag... wink_o.gif

least that will be what it's like around my house.

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I think it was going to be available online at sprocket on the 27th of february (perhaps directly the 1.05 patch included?)

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