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In a game where a modern conflict depicts US VS Russian forces in a fictitious island and setting BIS could take the liberty of not using the worst looking cammo ever, anyone noticed how the east side is wearing equipment from the 80's?

The US forces use ACU, the South Sahrani guys use the old BDU's likely given to them as surplus leftovers from the US forces (ditto with their equipment like M113's), and the North Sahrani wear whatever the Russians (or whoever) supplied them with.

It makes perfect sense to me.

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I thought it was painstakingly obvious that Russia IS NOT in the game. Obviously not. icon_rolleyes.gif

And dyslexci's right, I mean, so what if ACU looks like crap? It's what the US are wearing, it's realistic. Get over it. Heck, I'm the most annoyed that the US units don't have ACU vest covers, but I can put up with it.

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Yup,hmm..to be honest,as odd as it souns,ACU doesn't really work all that bad,I dont mean the bright gray prototypes,I mean the ones that have desert tone and whatnot,I'v seen some images where they seem to blend in a bit better,splatter like marks vs pixelated marks,I duno,maybe I'm on crack without knowing.

So NS wears woodlandlike BDU,SS forces wear early 'war in iraq' (or does it predate that?) desert DBU and US forces wear digital camo..to be honest I don't really see anything to bitch about here.

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The US army has its own game and they dont have ACU in it... so far wink_o.gif . In a game where a modern conflict depicts US VS Russian forces in a fictitious island and setting BIS could take the liberty of not using the worst looking cammo ever, anyone noticed how the east side is wearing equipment from the 80's?

So far. That's the key part. Oh yea and absolutely NO russians are in the game, the video where there still were russian soldiers was from an early build with placeholder units.

And krycek the US army isn't trying to win a fashion show. (Although the BIS ACU's upper part shouldn't be tucked in, cause noone seems to tuck it in.)

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Ok, back to the daily business. It's time for the next update Frank  wink_o.gif

Don't you mean Bill's ? He must be back from R&R..

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Bills dead, Frank's a idiot and is in hospital getting a fry-pan removed from his arse.

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Aww I really wanted to have a Blue U.N helmet with flower power petals on the buttons, complete with love hearts on my knee high booties. All standard issue of course

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Aww I really wanted to have a Blue U.N helmet with flower power petals on the buttons, complete with love hearts on my knee high booties. All standard issue of course

huh.gif ^^

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The war started in Sahrani?

Any word about William or Frank?

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Quiet, the US army tells it's soldiers to wear ACU then they'll wear ACU. Go play this if you are so concerned about what your wearing for tonights combat op.

Lol im not even gonna ask how you even knew that site or found it... Any ways idk i like the old camo way better than the ACU

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Quiet, the US army tells it's soldiers to wear ACU then they'll wear ACU. Go play this if you are so concerned about what your wearing for tonights combat op.

Lol im not even gonna ask how you even knew that site or found it... Any ways idk i like the old camo way better than the ACU

LOL!!! rofl.gif

...actually i think i might get that one while ArmA is put back to Q5 2006 rofl.gif

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What has happened to porter and his rather funny friend frank? only the BiS gods know lol rofl.gif

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Really ? William and Frank are still alive ? biggrin_o.gif

I think i saw two dead body's down the street Sahrani downtown *LoL*



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Marek said last year they ment to creat a story like this: ( +- )

They would send some troops to Sara island.

After some time with no hostile movememts/attacks US army thought it was safe to return and take back their troops to home land.. then a huge attack from East started and the war was already running.. everywhere,,

so when does the US Army start to evacuate Sara? wink_o.gif

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...when does the US Army start to evacuate Sara? wink_o.gif

When BIS gets a publisher..

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Hey, it would be cool if the type of camo worn actually makes a difference during the game. ArmA would give you a choice between the ACU or the old BDUs. Players would begin to favor the ACU after deciding for themselves that it is more effective than BDUs.

You could dress yourself with the old BDU if you really wanted to, but it would be generally understood that the ACU is a more effective camouflage.

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...when does the US Army start to evacuate Sara? wink_o.gif

When BIS gets a publisher..

Well, actually I think that will happen about a week before the release date. They want to keep the timeline as believeable as possible.

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...when does the US Army start to evacuate Sara? wink_o.gif

When BIS gets a publisher..

Well, actually I think that will happen about a week before the release date. They want to keep the timeline as believeable as possible.

Maybe, but i think it's more likely that the game will start before the war. With us doing all the training of the malitia etc. Then the US pull out, then the war begins. I don't think we'll see any combat in Porters Blog. It's just a scene setter. All the action will take place in game. Tereforl, the US will not pull out untill BIS get a publisher.


Quote[/b] ]Hey, it would be cool if the type of camo worn actually makes a difference during the game. ArmA would give you a choice between the ACU or the old BDUs. Players would begin to favor the ACU after deciding for themselves that it is more effective than BDUs.

You could dress yourself with the old BDU if you really wanted to, but it would be generally understood that the ACU is a more effective camouflage.

Don't be daft. That's just silly. icon_rolleyes.gif

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Hey, it would be cool if the type of camo worn actually makes a difference during the game. ArmA would give you a choice between the ACU or the old BDUs. Players would begin to favor the ACU after deciding for themselves that it is more effective than BDUs.

You could dress yourself with the old BDU if you really wanted to, but it would be generally understood that the ACU is a more effective camouflage.

Lets not turn this into Metal Gear Solid 3

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Don't be daft.  That's just silly.  icon_rolleyes.gif

There already is a 'camouflage' setting in the config, the AI has more trouble spotting snipers and blackops then other units wink_o.gif

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