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Hey Guys! We´ve visited Morphicon on the GC! We made a community video which you can download from the article on our site > click < enjoy 15 minutes of ArmA Games Convention footage smile_o.gif

A 2nd dl link will follow wink_o.gif

the donwload link dont work sad_o.gif

right click and then save as?

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Hey Guys! We´ve visited Morphicon on the GC! We made a community video which you can download from the article on our site > click < enjoy 15 minutes of ArmA Games Convention footage  smile_o.gif

A 2nd dl link will follow wink_o.gif

the donwload link dont work  sad_o.gif

Have you tried to go to the site and at the bottom you can choose 2 links to download from.

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Hey Guys! We´ve visited Morphicon on the GC! We made a community video which you can download from the article on our site > click < enjoy 15 minutes of ArmA Games Convention footage smile_o.gif

A 2nd dl link will follow wink_o.gif

Thanx a lot. Every new video from ArmA is like a present. tounge2.gif

That footage is the most revealing and best so far.

Pity that there is no forest footage though.

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Hey Guys! We´ve visited Morphicon on the GC! We made a community video which you can download from the article on our site > click < enjoy 15 minutes of ArmA Games Convention footage smile_o.gif

A 2nd dl link will follow wink_o.gif

Can someone translate that article?

Web translations are bad sad_o.gif , and there is good info in the article.

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Hey Guys! We´ve visited Morphicon on the GC! We made a community video which you can download from the article on our site > click < enjoy 15 minutes of ArmA Games Convention footage  smile_o.gif

A 2nd dl link will follow wink_o.gif

That vid is great! A bit blurry but we got a look at the capital (i guess) in the mission editor and it looked enormous compared to the 'cities' in OFP! biggrin_o.gif

And it was nice to watch some footage which was longer then 5 seconds before it went to another scene wink_o.gif

Those german lesson finally had some use.. biggrin_o.gif

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The Artikel from Shader (GC visit with bis-ingame, armedassaults.de, armed-asault.eu) can u found here: Abridged version in English > http://www.bis-ingame.net/cmpro.e....bridged

Junkies Version we dont have. *g*

btw: Its a good Video^^ only bad: VERRY slow download from armedassaults.... thats suckt.. 50 kb lol, i have DSL 160000000 ^^

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Is there a english version of this article?

I can't really understand the text or what the author tried to express, even though german is my native language. crazy_o.gif

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Reading the Article, it said that BIS were pressed for time.. Well i was wondering.. couldnt they release patches and updates, to relieve them of the stresses of getting it completely Bug Free by release

However the idea of animated Machine Gun chains sounds very exciting.

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Nice vid, thanks telejunky! I see swaying palm trees is still in (at about the 12.40 mark in vid). This gives us some idea of the scale of Sahrani and it looks massive! We see only the south island so far. Can't wait for the demo!  wink_o.gif

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Reading the Article, it said that BIS were pressed for time.. Well i was wondering.. couldnt they release patches and updates, to relieve them of the stresses of getting it completely Bug Free by release

However the idea of animated Machine Gun chains sounds very exciting.

They could and they probably will, but everyone will bitch that they didn't release a working product etc. Everyone complained when BF2 was released in an unplayable state and a dozen patches later some of the same issues exist or new ones were introduced.

In this case I'd rather BIS took an extra month to release something which didn't need patching to be playable. I don't want to be downloading a huge patch a week after I buy the game and some people can't download patches at all.

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got to add my two cents worth - I absolutely dislike the new effects of the explosion dust clouds very unrealistic, looks cut out. Just saw the latest GC video - the small explosions from underbarrel grenade launchers look rediculously overdone - this is something they should have just left untouched from the original game! But I absolutely LOVE the texture of the black clouds from burning vehicles and buildings. Seems to me BIS is using the same texture for both explosion effects and the burning smoke effects only explosion textures are grey. IMHO original OFP explosion smoke clouds animations are STILL THE BEST!!! FFUR2006 also has some great effects, very realistic looking. All types of explosions except for the large ones were executed marvelously in the original OFP. I think BIS should stop improving it and just release the frigging thing!

I wish they would spend more time on the sound engine and sound effects. I hope in AA we'll stop hearing the hissing sound of a silenced weapon from hundreds meters away. I also hope that FFUR team will release their ArmA sound update kit right away if the sound effects remain largely untouched - FFUR rocks!

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got to add my two cents worth - I absolutely dislike the new effects of the explosion dust clouds very unrealistic, looks cut out. Just saw the latest GC video - the small explosions from underbarrel grenade launchers look rediculously overdone - this is something they should have just left untouched from the original game! But I absolutely LOVE the texture of the black clouds from burning vehicles and buildings. Seems to me BIS is using the same texture for both explosion effects and the burning smoke effects only explosion textures are grey. IMHO original OFP explosion smoke clouds animations are STILL THE BEST!!! FFUR2006 also has some great effects, very realistic looking. All types of explosions except for the large ones were executed marvelously in the original OFP. I think BIS should stop improving it and just release the frigging thing!

I wish they would spend more time on the sound engine and sound effects. I hope in AA we'll stop hearing the hissing sound of a silenced weapon from hundreds meters away. I also hope that FFUR team will release their ArmA sound update kit right away if the sound effects remain largely untouched - FFUR rocks!

i think the dust is good, if anything the dust dosnt last long enough.  If you have seen a explosion in real life you would know that.

watch this vidio. Excuse the crappy propaganda music, but it shows how much dust is thrown up in an explsion. Now i reliese its an IED but shell explosions have a very similar effect.

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Could we get a transcript of what is being said in that video.. in English?

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Surely there must be a bit of recoil From a Grenade launcher.. as i didnt see this in OFP at all

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Armed Assault France Web Site

Hello, two screens more exclusive from Armed Assault France whistle.gif

The first image shows BMP that’s burning. This last has been destroyed by the two planes that we can see too. You can also see the water which is sincerely nice when we see the old images with the effects of movement and transparency.


Concerning the second image, we always see our harriers which passed cross up the water.

In this picture, we can see the quality of the tree and also a village a little more far.


Armed Assault France Web Site

Ps : Sorry for my english, I am waking up and I'm french tounge2.gif

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I can give it a shot with telling you what the article is about...

First paragraph Summarized: He writes about the water, it has 3D waves and the gets more transparent as you get closer to the coast.

Next paragraph bellow the first 2 pics is about the grass. It won't be possible to turn it off and it will dissapepear in the distance. A system similar to joint operations is planned. The AI should be considering grass in the final version. The only reassurance the representative gave was that a good solution will be found until release.

Next paragraph is about the explosions and the blanding between LODs, the LODs won't simply pop up, but will softy switch (uhh best word i could find) between eachother.

Next he writes about the islands texture. It was said that it is one big texture and that you won't be able to recognize tiles of texture like in OFP. The engine now loads the section of the island where the player starts. No uhh... <<Ladebalken>>, will be popping in the game... i think he means weapons won't have animated parts?

Next he talks about the animals (tierwelt). Birds were visible during the presentation. The following animals will be in the final game: gulls, hawks, bees, butterflies and rabbits. Bees can be really annoying while sniping. He could also see small pollen particles (the stuff flowers use to make you allergic). Sometimes you might even see some newspapers being blown through the streets.

Next he talks about the gameplay, which is still OFP. Officers only have handguns by default (this addWeapon "ak-47" solves this) I found this interesting though: he walked underwater, and the camera went underwater with him, there was sea flora (no other word i can find sry) under the water. He drove througha porest with an abrams, only difference is compared to OFP that now you need a little momentum to knock trees over. Next he says that tanks will NOT have interiors. sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif Reason for this is that BIS doesn't have time. But to compensate we have 3D ironsights atleast.

Next he talks about destroyable buildings: 3 types of buildings are planned to be destroyable: Communication installations, gas stations and bridges. [sidenote: i heard them talk about this while trying to blow up buildings in the video: BIS says that they couldn't do it for all buildings because it would look like shit and they'd rather have it right or not in at all].

Linuxservers will be supported.

He talks about somesort of anticheating plan. Data of amred assault wil now have somekind of certification system. Addons can also be certified to eliminat the threat of cheating addons. If all this fails you can always just kick the guy. This system is still under development.

Next he writes about distribution, Morphicon plans on releasing initially about 100000 copies. Some trinkets will come with the first few copies (like t-shirts and stuff, but this is still being thought out).

ArmA cost: around 39 to 47 euro.

Well it's not a proper translation but i guess it's better then nothing?

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Thanks CsonkaPityu, good read smile_o.gif

...Next he says that tanks will NOT have interiors. sad_o.gifsad_o.gifsad_o.gif Reason for this is that BIS doesn't have time. But to compensate we have 3D ironsights atleast...

Damn crazy_o.gif

I guess BIS are being pushed a bit... people want ArmA to get released this year.

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No tank interiors sad_o.gif. Well lets hope that we can import good old OFP interiors for most tanks after release.

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No tank interiors sad_o.gif. Well lets hope that we can import good old OFP interiors for most tanks after release.

tank´s interiors are work in progress wink_o.gif

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as they said in an interview.. if they would wait for the game to be perfect the game would be release in 2010 or so..

I think BIS are doing a good job. Im sure they will find a way.

They will have their worthy vacations after ARMA is release.. wink_o.gif

so, keep paddling up

I think the pics are nice tought.

They have small quality but they look interesting.

Notice how the sun shine in the water.. notice the reflexions of the bright light.. Looks very impressive in my opinion.. It gives me that feeling i normally have when i see it in real life.

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We've already seen alot of vehicles, and even some civvy ones, but has there been any sighting of any civvy aircraft? I wonder because I don't remember seeing a new Cessna... huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ] <<Ladebalken>>

That's german for loading screen I think. So there will be no loading screens when walking around the island, but we already knew that smile_o.gif.

Too bad about the missing interiors. I do hope that there will still be APC interiors. The APC interiors added greatly to the OFP atmosphere IMO.

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