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One thing what I don't like is this :


This is the view we are going to see the most. The shading in the weapon is nice, it really looks like a 3D object, something you can grab.

The arm instead looks like a dead flat object. I dunno how to explain it but It looks like both objects (weapon and arm) don't belong together. There's no depth in that arm, colours are too bright I dunno.

I feel just the same way. The soldier models look so good and detailed from a 3rd person view but in the 1st person view shots its just not the same. The uniform on the arm looks quite dull.

i think it looks great, either way Bis has my money...

Quote[/b] ]
EDIT #2: And there are apparently two M113s in the game:


Yes, there seems to be two forces on the "west side".

1. Nogova ( with elderly WWK2 Stuff biggrin_o.gif ? )

2. Us Army. ( international? )


IT seems the Sahrani is the "Resistance side"

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Quote[/b] ]Exactly!! Thats why I turned off that with dxdll in ofp..

Yup it looks perfect with the effect off....

Edit: Sorry for 2 posts, I meant to edit the one above sad_o.gif

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Speaking of the soldier model...

Now I know this is EXTREME nitpicking, but the soldiers woodland vest color really wrong.

The reason I bring this up is because for some reason the purpleish woodland vest annoys the heck out me. Now, this is a simple modfix, right?

However, usually the problem with custom skins is you get accused of cheating because custom or brightly-colored skins are what is used for aimbots in multiplayer.

But anyway, this is extremely rough but it shows what it should be-and is nothing more than a 5 minute photoshop job.







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A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially since there is a visible light source (lighthouse) that shines on the terrain...but the terrain is still black-and white. This indicates that the unrealistic light shader is still in. Also, no new lighting effects are visible for nighttime-it looks exactly the same as OFP1. This screenshot looks like a 2001 throwback.
Quote[/b] ]And that screenshot is way to blurry to see if its still the same kind if 'OFP-triangle-lines-lightning' smile_o.gif

Guys, you only need to look at OFP:E to see how the nighttime lighting effects were improved from OFP and they aren't going to take steps backwards.

Some people here also need to go out into the country at 1am when there is no moon or bright light source. You'll be suprised to learn that there is no such thing as colour at night ... just shades of black.

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Sorry to put two posts back to back, but one thing we haven't seen in any screenshots yet is the artillery. We caught a 2 frame glimpse of some blurry field guns in one of the early vids but we haven't seen a clear screenshot or even video featuring any since.

We don't really know what to expect either. Will it be towed artillery? If so will it be towable or static? Or will it be a self propelled such as the Paladin (for the South). Or when they said artillery, did they really just mean man-portable mortar launchers?

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Speaking of the soldier model...

Now I know this is EXTREME nitpicking, but the soldiers woodland vest color really wrong.

The reason I bring this up is because for some reason the purpleish woodland vest annoys the heck out me. Now, this is a simple modfix, right?

However, usually the problem with custom skins is you get accused of cheating because custom or brightly-colored skins are what is used for aimbots in multiplayer.

But anyway, this is extremely rough but it shows what it should be-and is nothing more than a 5 minute photoshop job.







Thats usually how worn camo looks,I have two sets of camo pants in my room,the newer and less worn one appears like your modified images,however the second appears much like the first,not to mention the black is a dark gray and so on..either way,if you look at the vehicles you will notice they also have the same shade of brown,so in a way the vests match the vehicle camoflauge.

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Indeed, I have a pair of BDUs that is 20+ years old, and is very faded. The brown, however, resembles more of a washed out orange-it could still turn into purple I suppose.

However, if you look in Iraq even though some of those guys have seen heavy combat there interceptors maintain decent coloration.

I also highly doubt interceptor armor would be so worn considering how interceptor armor is relatively new. Also, I may be wrong but the woodland covering for interceptor armor is a different material than that of rip-stock woodland BDU, and would probably fade less.

Also, if it was so worn it would have signifcant desaturation and wear on the armor. The armor on BIS's texture has no real visible dirt or worn down areas, it looks like discolored yet brand new armor.

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You have to consider texture compression and how it can change colors from the original texture in Photoshop etc. Even if they do make it more brown, it will make 0% difference on gameplay.

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Whoa, some guys really are over-reacting on tiny details. After this, I'm suprised to find that half the OFP-dev team weren't rape-murdered for forgetting helmet-straps in OFP. tounge2.gif

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Whoa, some guys really are over-reacting on tiny details. After this, I'm suprised to find that half the OFP-dev team weren't rape-murdered for forgetting helmet-straps in OFP. tounge2.gif

very true lmao biggrin_o.gif

New Pic! Pic

Look at those forests

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The black and white overlay I think makes it look better. More moody and scary in my opinion.

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Speaking of the soldier model...

Now I know this is EXTREME nitpicking, but the soldiers woodland vest color really wrong.

The reason I bring this up is because for some reason the purpleish woodland vest annoys the heck out me. Now, this is a simple modfix, right?

However, usually the problem with custom skins is you get accused of cheating because custom or brightly-colored skins are what is used for aimbots in multiplayer.

But anyway, this is extremely rough but it shows what it should be-and is nothing more than a 5 minute photoshop job.







No its okay... they could even be more "used" and muddy. The BDU's are not brand new right from the factory, so its  realistic. This picture shows that the skinner did his job right.

But i would prefer that they use the new MICH-Helmet.



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Some people here also need to go out into the country at 1am when there is no moon or bright light source. You'll be suprised to learn that there is no such thing as colour at night ... just shades of black.

I have spendt my hours (days and weeks..) out in the nature both day and night.

Yes you are right, there is no colours in the dark night. The problem in OFP is that everything is grey also when there is light from a lamppost or the headlights from a vehicle. THAT is not realistic and doesnt  look good. Therefor a turned it off in OFP.

btw. when it is black during the night in OFP you really cant see the colours with or without the effect anyway..

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dxdll is a free addon made by kegetys. So don't blame BIS for the grey stuff at night when you use it.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Because BIS don't pay too much attention to details? wink_o.gifhelp.gif

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there's details and then there's getting it plain (pardon the pun) wrong tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]there's details and then there's getting it plain (pardon the pun) wrong  

Only military  freaks are really annoyed by such things , is this the realism everybody is talking about in ofp/Arma .


plain wrong for me is to give a su-25 to an american pilot...

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Whoa, some guys really are over-reacting on tiny details. After this, I'm suprised to find that half the OFP-dev team weren't rape-murdered for forgetting helmet-straps in OFP. tounge2.gif

LOL biggrin_o.gif

Well now you know why they were so reluctant to release screenies/videos etc. Everytime they do it gets torn apart by the community... wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]there's details and then there's getting it plain (pardon the pun) wrong

Only military freaks are really annoyed by such things , is this the realism everybody is talking about in ofp/Arma .


plain wrong for me is to give a su-25 to an american pilot...

i wouldnt call myself a military freak...

lets take a civilian example - buy a game, say, GTA, and the fire engines have 'POLICE' written ont he side of them... how about that for an immersion breaker? Its the same deal, just some people dont notice it.

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I guess some people like to talk it to the extream, demading screenshots and when they get them just point out everything thats wrong with it.. i ask why the hell do people do that, i bet BIS knew whats wrong or wotever, not everyone is perfect and as they have said before its a game not a full on hardcore military simulation.. thats for VBS2.

ArmA = Simulation/Game - which means not everything has to be perfect so why cant anyone resepect that. ffs this is a fictonal game, so who the hell says that the ARMY doesnt also operate harriers eh!!!!

Anyways.. have you seen the smoke effects!!!!!!

Imagine if smoke like that started coming towards you.. reminds me of "Jar Head"

youd get lost in the smoke lol


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Quote[/b] ]i wouldnt call myself a military freak...

lets take a civilian example - buy a game, say, GTA, and the fire engines have 'POLICE' written ont he side of them... how about that for an immersion breaker? Its the same deal, just some people dont notice it.

that's why you are a military freak (don't have a better suited word in my little mental english dico , no direspect) to give it as much importance as the police thing , if BIS have to much time , yes maybe they should change the logo , but I'd rather see a new nice scope on an ak.

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I guess some people like to talk it to the extream, demading screenshots and when they get them just point out everything thats wrong with it.. i ask why the hell do people do that, i bet BIS knew whats wrong or wotever, not everyone is perfect and as they have said before its a game not a full on hardcore military simulation.. thats for VBS2.

ArmA = Simulation/Game - which means not everything has to be perfect so why cant anyone resepect that. ffs this is a fictonal game, so who the hell says that the ARMY doesnt also operate harriers eh!!!!

i havnt demanded any screenshots... dont sum me up in your deluded stereotype

and who says the army doesnt operate harriers? common sense and reality, thats who. Its a fictional war, a fictional army, but i'm sure even you can accept that the US isnt fictional... you want a realistic game, but dont mind the wrong aircraft and markings? One or the other my friend.

and simba... please... stop calling me a military freak - its how others perceive the world around them... putting the wrong markings on a harrier is no different to putting the wrong markings on a fire engine... its just that more people are used to seeing what a fire engine should look like... it looks wrong, it is wrong in both respects - i assume BIS use photoshop and keep the psd's, then removing the USAF logo takes all of 5 seconds.

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Calm down folks! I think it's called 'ribbing'! Everyone has their accuracy standards in life!   .... What doesn't matter to one is a biggy for another! tounge2.gif

One thing though, with all those lovely new smoke effects I hope that BIS has implemented some decent coughing and chocking sounds!  biggrin_o.gif

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the smoke is very impressive - i was a little worried if it would flow and move realisticly, but the video seems to show it looking rather nice smile_o.gif

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