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Thank you for the mirror.

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The new screens look absolutely amazing especially the tall grass. I just hope it's not the dynamic graphic sprite effect where the grass and small shrubs are drawn only within a certain radius around the player and start disappear beyond the set visual range leaving the ground barren.

In the situation when a player lies in tall grass in the middle of an open area and thinks he's totally concealed he will appear lying on the ground in plain view with no cover to the enemy that's beyond the set range for the dynamic grass sprite effect. So the grass becomes a real annoyance - it only obstructs one's view. I hope it's not so and we'll be able to use grass for hiding.

Yes thats what it is, dont be fooled. Look at the other screenshots and you will see in the background there is no grass.

True, but I think players in the distant and lying in the grass will be partly conceiled and faded.

In the trailer at 1:04 you can see the soldiers fade away nicely in the background, and those are standing up.

I think you won't see them at all if they were lying down on the ground. Let's hope AI can't see you too...

Ok, the video is not HD so the fade effect could be caused by the video quality, but I don't think it's something to be worry about.

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682 people in line waiting to download that trailer... I probably wont get to see it for another 3 hours at least.

-TL- Grab it from www.armed-assault.co.uk, no queues and reasonably fast.

Edit: Grr, why does Ikonboard not automatically link urls?

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I noticed something about the fingers in the trailer, when the russian is killed when facing the camera his fingers stay "sticked" to the gun as the hand get back... He then has a 50 cm hand huh.gif

Yeah! You mean this? A mil second before it is even worse!  crazy_o.gif


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I would assume it's a Javelin but I can't tell from the screenshot.

Edit: It does look a little bit like a Dragon though.


It looks more like a Javelin though because the rear cover of the launcher isn't as tapered as the Dragon's rear cover.

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Just saw the trailer.. looks very impressive, however two small problems. . when the boats sre destroyed a brown cloud appears and not a blue mist of water as one would expect, and secondly.. we still dont know if there are realistic reload animations yet.

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I noticed something about the fingers in the trailer, when the russian is killed when facing the camera his fingers stay "sticked" to the gun as the hand get back... He then has a 50 cm hand huh.gif

Yeah I saw that too, I stopped the vid to make a screenshot cause I liked that scene. tounge2.gif

Imo the skins are too pale (babypink), real skins are more brownish.

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New screens!

Look at this, the first one is the coolest pic Ive seen:










PIC10 Looking back i think its old..


You can find the rest on these three pages (some are new some are old):

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Heres the article that goes with it (Its in German, There are three pages. IF someone could translate?):


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Its 1:50 AM after a long day of work I was tired as hell but now I cannot believe my eyes and I won't be able to fall asleep.

EDIT: Our old friend is back and better than ever:


EDIT #2: And there are apparently two M113s in the game:


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seriously nice images! I can't think of much that could be needed to be upgraded in the graphics department anyways. thumbs-up.gif

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one more thing.. in that video of the Heli. The minigun.. its a nice model etc.. but shouldnt it wind up ... before fireing and shouldnt the barell still be rotating to a hault after use?

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I say again; Game 2, anyone? inlove.gif

I unfortunatly believe now that ARMA will not be GAME 2.

There are some important feactures mentioned in the past that should be as a must (to be perfect) in arma and they are not in. This feactures we already mentioned in other tread

Although those pics look nice, think "some" work still to be done...

Will we be able to communicate with hand signals?
There are no hand signals implemented in ArmA.
Will there be a possibility of adding attachments to the weapons in the gear selection menu or ingame, or will the community still have to make weapons with attachments already in place.
Removable weapon attachments are not a feature planned for ArmA.
Is the walking-in-vehicles even a planned feature? Will we be able to shoot from them even if we are fixed in them? (I.E. Drive-by shooting, using your weapon to shoot out of the vehicle, etc.)
These are not planned features for ArmA.

info source

with this features ArmA would be Game 2 and simply perfect. sad_o.gif

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Oh look at the forest in this pic  wow_o.gif .

Very nice indeed, but it makes me wonder what you could make of the ArmA forests... Copy & paste the Veluwe perhaps?

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I love the new screenshots.

I'm glad to see that "grainy" OFPlook is back, colors are not oversaturated, They're just perfect.

I want to see some more night, dawn or dusk pictures.

I wonder how it looks with the DX9 lighting

One thing what I don't like is this :


This is the view we are going to see the most. The shading on the weapon is nice, it really looks like a 3D object, something you can grab.

The arm instead looks like a dead flat object. I dunno how to explain it but It looks like both objects (weapon and arm) don't belong together. There's no depth in that arm, colours are too bright I dunno.

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