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actually the backwards flag on the US uniforms is not a bug. IRL it's actually like that to represent the united states advancing forward, though on select uniforms (such as those of special operations soldiers) the blue and white stars are in the correct corner of the flag.

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actually the backwards flag on the US uniforms is not a bug. IRL it's actually like that to represent the united states advancing forward, though on select uniforms (such as those of special operations soldiers) the blue and white stars are in the correct corner of the flag.

We know. Mind re-reading the discussion? whistle.gif

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Hmmm, actually it looks weird to me, it doesn't fit in the enviroment. It looks like a photo montage or so,

I wonder how it looks in motion.

The foilage is awesome indeed.

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Well, yes, smoke is nice, but it has to be blended a bit into the rest of the environtment...the dust e.g. in  the pic with a soldier going prone should dissapear correctly, by blurring and becoming more transparent while drifting with the wind... It looks too static to me, the dust is kicked up by an explosion and It just goes down without the "flying away" effect...on the other hand, It`s just a feeling I have while watching at the pic, so...

anyway, everything looks better than Resistance, that`s a good sign...definitely xmas_o.gif

Just trying to be constructive wink_o.gif.

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One of the most interesting features of the second picture from Tiscali is the transparent cloud of dust behind the little bird.  It appears as though it was generated by the explosion and is blowing in the same direction as the black smoke. I'm pretty excited by this addition, not least because the battlefields in flashpoint were crystal clear compared to the real thing.  It seems to me that real skirmishes aren't only a battle against the enemy, but also against the environment.  Many videos of combat in Iraq show large dust clouds rising above the battlefield, obscuring both short and long-range vision and creating confusion for nearby soldiers.  

If implemented correctly, this could make artillery strikes much more effective and battlefield conditions a more significant part of strategy.  A mortar team could watch the enemy scramble in confusion as they rain shells down from an elevated position. Enemy teams could infiltrate friendly bases under the cover of fog. Tanks would be forced to switch to other modes of vision to sustain combat operability. It really opens up another dimension of the battlefield and vastly improves the immersion of the simulator.

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Well thought! It would create a HUGE impact, wouldn't it? yay.gifnotworthy.gif

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True, but in most games lots of fog create lag.

Can things like smoke en fire be lagless?

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There's been a discussion about the "new smoke" in our team and there's a word that this really might be a 2D effect over the engine screenshot. BIS, do you have anything to shut the guys up? (*hint*video*hint*) maybe William P. has some campfire party going on right now smile_o.gif

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"Word" that it might be a 2D overlay? I guess they intentionally recreated the alpha bug in Photoshop for the Littlebird shot. icon_rolleyes.gif

Come on guys smile_o.gif

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I think it's managed the same way as OFP.

Now, will the AI be able to see through, I hope it will be a factor of gameplay ! smile_o.gif

edit: smiley ;o)

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I've just got informed that the official aa.com pics are not edited in any way. So, screenshot is taken from the engine and posted to the web.

450R: psst.... i'm teasing for more drool data wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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"Word" that it might be a 2D overlay? I guess they intentionally recreated the alpha bug in Photoshop for the Littlebird shot. icon_rolleyes.gif

Come on guys smile_o.gif

Nha, that would be silly huh.

When I look closely to the smoke I see the same clouds cloned over & over again in different dimensions & transparency levels.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not talking about the cloning tool in Photoshop here, like in the Reuters photo skandal. But it seems like they are using the drop command again but this time with bigger particles.

Anyway, I don't worry, I'm sure BIS did a good job.

But the ball in that william blog footballpicture is motion blurred for sure smile_o.gif

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damn we re going to see huge smoke collumns in Arma.

Maybe they combine big smokecloud particles with the smaller one sfrom OFP to create bigger clouds with minimum lag?

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Really nice screenshots, love the smoke.

You can see on the second screenshot (with the UAZ) that the animations aren't done yet, the russian guy is holding the mounted machinegun like a normal weapon.

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I think we'd all like to know how these clouds of smoke look when animated in real time. BIS, this must be included in your next video release!

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They´ve got an Publisher!!!! gamesfire.at says that the publisher is Morphicon smile_o.gif Yeah!!!

If this can be confirmed this is great news indeed.

edit: It is a global publisher or a local one?

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Guest Ti0n3r

I think it's a local one, for Germany smile_o.gif

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They´ve got an Publisher!!!! gamesfire.at says that the publisher is Morphicon smile_o.gif Yeah!!!

So unknown and small publisher. ?

I find this hard to believe because ArmA is looking so good and everyone know that OFP is highly liked among PC scene. OFP has selled god knows how many copies.

I just expect that the publisher will be big with lot's of cash.

I don't think that the small publishers have the cash needed for being ArmAs publisher.

Just my thoughts...

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I think it's a local one, for Germany smile_o.gif

This has been confirmed now smile_o.gif

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"Waren diese Produkte zunächst in erster Linie für den deutschsprachigen Raum bestimmt, hat MORPHICON LTD nun für das Jahr 2007 erstmals für mehrere Titel die weltweiten Vermarktungsrechte erworben."

In 2007 they will begin to publish worldwide, maybe it changes to Q4 2006 with ArmA wink_o.gifyay.gif

€dit: I asked Placebo if it would be worldwide, but Morph will only publish for Germany

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Guest Ti0n3r

Ahhh. So it's off to the pub to celebrate then inlove.gif

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