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Well Mr. Wiggum I have but one word to sa about that! ..... wOOt!

and (of course) another banana dance

---  yay.gif  --- thumbs-up.gif

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*Holding my breath, I take my moderator hat off*

OK, here is my opinion. I've watched the video twice now, and will probably watch it again.

I honestly see nothing different in AA than OFP, save for everything now gleams in the sunlight, helicopters getting shot down look a little bit prettier and you now have the option to skip and jump your way around the battlefield. Also, view distance looks like it's improved a bit.

From what I can see, the armor modelling hasn't changed, tanks zig-zag as a substitute for seeking real cover, the AI hasn't appreciably changed, the equipment is obsolete (there are no Vulcans anymore, and haven't been since about 1992, not to mention M21 sniper rifles, XM-177E2 rifles and M72 LAWs), the battles are still mad rushes with little or no military thought involved, and the animations are unchanged.

I've seen many references to VBS in the promotions of Armed Assault - primarily from unofficial sources, though - yet I see no kind of influence at all. Sure, it looks like a lot of the models were pulled out of VBS and tweaked a bit, but overall I get the impression that AA is OFP with an unneeded facelift. I've seen absolutely nothing new involving gameplay in that entire 7 minute long video. The US Army pack for VBS looks far superior to anything I've seen in AA thus far (note: I don't have the US Army pack, so I can't say that for absolute certain).

The essence of what I'm saying - none of the core gameplay shortcomings of OFP appear to have been addressed. I see no multigunners, no evidence of all weapons available on all vehicle classes, no moving around in vehicles, no swimming, and no proper grass (eyecandy tufts don't really count).

And for that, I'm very dissappointed. It looks like someone watched Black Hawk Down a few too many times and decided to throw as much of that movie as possible into the game.

I understand that this video is from a beta/tech demo. Hopefully its a lot older than I think it is. I also understand that AA is kind of an interim bridge between OFP and not a revolutionary new product, but in this video I don't see evidence of any of the improvements we've read about in the recent interviews.

I dunno - I guess this is why BIS keeps so quiet. A bone gets offered and then chewed up by the pack who only want more. I hope there's more evidence of improvements in AA in the coming weeks. Of course all of us on the forum are going to buy this, if anything JIP is worth that price, but what is lacking in AA when it ships means we have to wait that much longer for the community to create it.

*End rant*

That wasn't a rant, that was spot on.

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Its OFP, the game we love with afew improvements bringing it to life again. Just for that im thankful.

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Daniel @ Mar. 31 2006,20:54)]
*Holding my breath, I take my moderator hat off*

OK, here is my opinion. I've watched the video twice now, and will probably watch it again.

I honestly see nothing different in AA than OFP,  ................                                                                                  ....................lacking in AA when it ships means we have to wait that much longer for the community to create it.

*End rant*

That wasn't a rant, that was spot on.

Naa! .....It was a rant and he deserves a PR for it!    rofl.gif

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I just saw the armed assault 6 min video and i must say i was very impressed. I cant wait to buy and play this game it looks fantastic, very excited that this game is comming out.

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video is just amazing!

if it's 'old stuff' then I can't imagine how it looks now ...

Feel sad for people like you, where is your imagination. tounge2.gif

To some others: Stop beating up on people who critisize constructively, they can hit you back.

This has nothing to do with patience, this is a video where one can see what's going on.

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Daniel @ Mar. 31 2006,12:54)]
*Holding my breath, I take my moderator hat off*

OK, here is my opinion. I've watched the video twice now, and will probably watch it again.

I honestly see nothing different in AA than OFP, save for everything now gleams in the sunlight, helicopters getting shot down look a little bit prettier and you now have the option to skip and jump your way around the battlefield. Also, view distance looks like it's improved a bit.

From what I can see, the armor modelling hasn't changed, tanks zig-zag as a substitute for seeking real cover, the AI hasn't appreciably changed, the equipment is obsolete (there are no Vulcans anymore, and haven't been since about 1992, not to mention M21 sniper rifles, XM-177E2 rifles and M72 LAWs), the battles are still mad rushes with little or no military thought involved, and the animations are unchanged.

I've seen many references to VBS in the promotions of Armed Assault - primarily from unofficial sources, though - yet I see no kind of influence at all. Sure, it looks like a lot of the models were pulled out of VBS and tweaked a bit, but overall I get the impression that AA is OFP with an unneeded facelift. I've seen absolutely nothing new involving gameplay in that entire 7 minute long video. The US Army pack for VBS looks far superior to anything I've seen in AA thus far (note: I don't have the US Army pack, so I can't say that for absolute certain).

The essence of what I'm saying - none of the core gameplay shortcomings of OFP appear to have been addressed. I see no multigunners, no evidence of all weapons available on all vehicle classes, no moving around in vehicles, no swimming, and no proper grass (eyecandy tufts don't really count).

And for that, I'm very dissappointed. It looks like someone watched Black Hawk Down a few too many times and decided to throw as much of that movie as possible into the game.

I understand that this video is from a beta/tech demo. Hopefully its a lot older than I think it is. I also understand that AA is kind of an interim bridge between OFP and not a revolutionary new product, but in this video I don't see evidence of any of the improvements we've read about in the recent interviews.

I dunno - I guess this is why BIS keeps so quiet. A bone gets offered and then chewed up by the pack who only want more. I hope there's more evidence of improvements in AA in the coming weeks. Of course all of us on the forum are going to buy this, if anything JIP is worth that price, but what is lacking in AA when it ships means we have to wait that much longer for the community to create it.

*End rant*

That wasn't a rant, that was spot on.

I couldn't agree more. Hopefully it was just an early beta.  confused_o.gif

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video is just amazing!

if it's 'old stuff' then I can't imagine how it looks now ...

Feel sad for people like you, where is your imagination.  tounge2.gif

To some others: Stop beating up on people who critisize constructively, they can hit you back.

This has nothing to do with patience, this is a video where one can see what's going on.


OK seriously though I find that there is just too much assumptions going on here. Many ppl seem to think that this new video is the latest trailer from BIS and shows the total work on ArmA to date. Take care to read through the thread instead of just impulsively posting your opinions on what you think you’ve just seen! eyesroll.gif

Here is the situation so far: A Russian games mag gets its hands on an old tech demo of ArmA. They play it and make a video as they do. Now here is a great story for their mag after all everyone is eager for more news of ArmA. So they publish the news with their mag and the video finds its way onto a Russian BIS fan site. Spook finds it and makes the links for us all to dl it. Euphoria kicks in 'cos we all think its from BIS and is the latest news! Not so folks!  nah.gif

It's been mentioned enough times already - it is not the latest ArmA trailer from BIS  whistle.gif

Constructive criticism is fine, but over something that is already out of date is pointless. Let's just all wait for the real thing. Meanwhile enjoy this great find by Spook as it at least gives us an insight into what to expect if you take into account that it is only early WIP.  wink_o.gif

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As Placebo stated, it is old and BI did not put it together. Many of the problems you see in the video could have been fixed & improved on by now.

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I just watched the video and I get mixed feelings and agree with Hellfish.

Also one thing I liked/noticed, is how when you aim down the scope, the soldier actually raises the gun to the eye, altough it still needs a bit of fixing because when the camera zooms in, it clips trough the scope (Unless already fixed by this time).

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Let us sit down in a ciircle, light up a join and sing kumbajaa...

Let us pretend that this video was captured yesterday by the news version of ArmA:

I must admit, some of the models in the game isnt what I expect it to be, but its some minor flaws, its not something big. The biggest complaint I have, is actually the soldiers animations :/

Those animations are pretty old. But since BIS allready told us, that new animations will be one, although incooperated late, I dont have any problems with these.

The Scenario is great, it gives the oppertunity of alot of cover. The game engine gives us JIP. For me, that is enough to buy the game. Now we only need a great campaign and single missions. Let us hope they are spending some time on these...

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Anyone seen the official BIS Arm A vid yet? What dya think of it?

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Demo available at http://www.arma.dk !!!

It isn't playable though, but you are able to observe the new island (Sarah). Even though the Island isnt 100% done, some of this is just amazing, and it runs incredible fine on my "old comp" (1.5 ghz, 128 vram.)

Check out http://www.arma.dk !

Lets hope they will give us some playable demo soon!

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Demo available at http://www.arma.dk !!!

It isn't playable though, but you are able to observe the new island (Sarah). Even though the Island isnt 100% done, some of this is just amazing, and it runs incredible fine on my "old comp" (1.5 ghz, 128 vram.)

Check out http://www.arma.dk !

Lets hope they will give us some playable demo soon!

wOOt!!!!! OMFG!!!! yay.gif  yay.gif  yay.gif

<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>DEMO!!!</span>

Note: April fool smile_o.gif

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Strange music, not very Flashpointy... whistle.gif

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O...M...G... This really is the happiest day of my life!

BIS! I LOVE YOU GUYS! notworthy.gif


*looks around* whistle.gif

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Answer: Yep.  smile_o.gif

Just had a thought on that Character Switching. Looking at this pic, it explains the controls in it, so its a demo mission. The character switching is probably a scripted dialog box to show off the different roles available in Armed Assault.

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We really don't have the same demo...

Anyway, his weight means that ArmA pbo'compression is really optimized to it maximum !!!

For sure, I take the map, I try it under OFP  biggrin_o.gif

Do not forget to read the readme AFTER playing, it just spoils all the demo... but read it to the really end  goodnight.gif

EDIT : OMG, my first post ! since June 2003... crazy_o.gif

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