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A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

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Bug: When rearming at an ammo truck, no Mavericks are visible under the wings but they're onboard and can be fired.

My fault. Fixed in new version.

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A-10 version 1.0

Change log:

- Added ACES seat ejection

- Added Engines fire

- Added Gun brake

- Added Fire Geometry LOD (Now you can kill pilot, when open canopy)

- Added A-10 with 12 x MK82 (Grey and Green)

- Added Proxy Flag, Clan and Clan sign (for Multiplayer)

- New cockpit

- Fixed re-arms

- Fixed some bugs in models

- Some changed in config


Have fun wink_o.gif

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Awsome, i was so looking forward to this update, thank you all involved in this so very much smile_o.gif .

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As someone who pulled guard duty right in the airfield's approach area while A-10's did touch n' go's day and night, this A-10 gets my thumbs up.

Beautiful, beautiful addon!

Warthog drivers, awake!

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My list of bugs:

1. Ocassional CTDs, starting OFP with no modifications and a very small mod folder. I never have CTDs otherwise and did not have them with the previous unreleased beta I tested running the same missions.

2. North/South letter indicators in right side upper canopy frame are reversed (reads N when it should be S and vice versa).

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the perfect CAS plane for OFP...Thank you very much smile_o.gif

only feature i dont like, the lack of shadow LOD, apart from that i cant find anything wrong with it, this was a much needed upgrade for the venerable bis_a10.

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Very nice plane. Hell I like that cockpit. Good job on that.

But I'm missing a Paveway version. Some GBU's would have been nice.

Maybe it's a bug or I'm just stupid: The 30mm bullets explode as big as the bombs. Is that normal?

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Impressive, the a.i uses these planes with great eficiency, its amazing to see what a couple of these will do to a t80 platoon from up close biggrin_o.gif .

Also the smoke and flame efects taken from damage and the nice ejection seat are awsome too, a permanent adition to my OPFR instalation, thank you for this outstanding piece of work smile_o.gif .

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Very nice Addon, I like them a lot, but I too CTD. This rarely happens to me in OFP. Any ideas?

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I like them a lot, but I too CTD.

Is there any way to investigate what's causing these CTDs or do we need BIS' help to analyze this? rock.gif

Question for the military experts: What's more accurate? The new thick riveted interior canopy frame or the old versions?

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I really don't know why you have CTD sad_o.gif  If anyone can help, I be thankful. BIS help!

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I really don't know why you have CTD sad_o.gif  If anyone can help, I be thankful. BIS help!

For what it's worth:

1. File flashpiont.rpt reports all the CTDs as similar to:

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 7C93426D

Version 1.96

Fault address:  7C93426D 01:0003326D C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll

file:     TestA10

world:    KEGnoecain_snow

Prev. code bytes: 11 89 95 64 FF FF FF 8B 40 0C 89 85 5C FF FF FF

Fault code bytes: 8B 00 3B 42 04 0F 85 13 01 00 00 3B C1 0F 85 0B


EAX:00000008 EBX:0000029F

ECX:578105E8 EDX:00000150

ESI:57804640 EDI:5780F0E8


SS:ESP:0023:0010F0C0  EBP:0010F2E0

DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000


2. I contacted BIS. Hope they'll help. smile_o.gif

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Question for the military experts: What's more accurate? The new thick riveted interior canopy frame or the old versions?

Also, which HUD display is more realistic?

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TO: Diesel


SUBJECT: Help with A-10 Addon Crashes

You can send the crash files to support@bistudio.com for analysis as usuall - if there will be anything interesting, we will know it soon.

I've just sent in a detailed email with all the necessary file attachments to BIS support about this problem. Wait and see. wink_o.gif

UPDATE: Here's BIS' response:

It seems there is a problem with loading some texture. Maybe the texture format or dimensions are bad, or texture file is simply corrupted? The texture causing crash is likely to be in ARGB1555 format (no DXT compression).

Hope that helps!

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This is a really nice A-10 addon, there are a couple of problems with it thu.

The main gun (ammo) is way too powerfull, you could probably destroy a whole tank division with it..

I'm not really sure what the hit and indirectHit was before I changed it (for my own use), but i think it was somewhere around 180-200, and that is a bit too much, I mean, you could pretty much take out any tank in game with 3-5 shots.

The way I made/changed it, is I think a bit better, with a hit of 80 an indirectHit of 50 at 3 meters, and an addition of a 30-35 rounds burst plus a GAU-8 firing sound from Inqisator's (sp?) A-10 makes the gun a bit more effective (espesially when the AI uses it) and realistic.

Would it be possible for you to change the weapon loadouts (armament) to a more realistic ones, in future version/s ?

I'll give you some examples...

With 12 Mk82 (500lbs) bombs like the A-10 Mk82 version that you made carries, it (A-10) would only be able to carry 2 AIM-9's, and 1000 30mm rounds for the GAU-8 gun.

Same with the normal A-10 version (Green/Grey).

In reality it would not be able to carry AGM-65's, AIM-9's, 2.75 rockets (FFAR), and Mk82's all together, that is too much weight for it.

The closest loadout it could have, to the one you've made would be something like this:

6 Mk82 (500lbs), 2 AGM-65, 2 AIM-9, and 1000 30mm rounds for the GAU-8 gun.

some diffirent loadouts..

2/4 AGM-65, 14 2.75in rockets, 2 AIM-9, 8 LUU-1 (illumination flares), 8 LUU-2 (illimination flares, 'chute deployed), 1000 30mm rounds.


2 AGM-65, 4 CBU-87 (CEM), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


6 CBU-87 (CEM), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


6 CBU-97 (SFW), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


2 AGM-65, 4 GBU-12 500lbs (LGB), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


2 AGM-65, 2 GBU-10 2000lbs (LGB), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


2 AGM-65, 4 Mk20 (cluster bomb), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.


6 Mk20 (cluster bomb), 2 AIM-9, 1000 30mm rounds.

that should be enough...

BTW, I too got a CTD with a Gray version, it've only happened once thu.

have a good one.

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Very nice Update diesel!

I have no CTDs rock.gif

Did everyone overwrite/delete the old version?

Quote[/b] ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quote (theavonlady @ Oct. 29 2004,08:17)

Question for the military experts: What's more accurate? The new thick riveted interior canopy frame or the old versions?

Also, which HUD display is more realistic?

Im not fussing but....something you may like to try if you still interested in this project is when you change weapons perhaps you could setobjtex the Hud display?

For EG when swaping from Gun to sidewinders you get the sidwinder bigger circle maybe even play that anoying tracking sound?

@ Parvus what graphics card are you using ?

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