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Bas tonal-tango pack

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So, no word on the map grid?

Ahh, haven't actually stopped working since release,so haven't been able to answer everything...yes map grid will most likely be altered at some point.

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Quote[/b] ]So, no word on the map grid?

Whatchu talkin bout dinger?



Someday, Sweet Pup, I'm sure you'll make a constructive comment. Until then, please stop spamming.

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i applogise if this has been mentioned. but earlier a few freinds and myself were playing a few maps on your new island. (the included maps), and it appers as if, when you carry an RPG and a rifel, the it does not regonize you having this RPG until you come close to a vehical in which u can place it in. then it knows you have it. up until this point it wont give you the option to "Weapon RPG". the weapon shows on my back and in my "gear" but will not show in my action list. if i place this weapon on the ground using the drop arrow, and then re-picking it back up, and this did not work. any suggestions that may fix this problem? or any reason this is caused. if this problem has been stated then PM me the response as not to spam the forum

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Quote[/b] ]Someday, Sweet Pup, I'm sure you'll make a constructive comment. Until then, please stop spamming.

Quote[/b] ]Christ guys,

Look here's what BAS has given us for free-




Delta Force

US ARMY Rangers

H-58 Pack





I'm sure I left something out, but that's alot of shit to be given, with nothing in return. If BAS doesn't wan't me to use a fraction of the objects they worked their asses off to make, that's cool by me. As long as I can play with the rest of the addons.

If you don't let this go, they could decide to stop giving...  

Do you want that?

Gee Hellfish, your right, I rarely say anything that makes sense. I'll probably get banned for what I'm about to say, but heeeeerrrr it goes:

Fuck you Hellfish6, you've been out to get me from day one. You PMed me once about my "Foul Language", I responded twice and got no responses. You sit on the soapbox of a moderator, and bitch. You solve no problems, you do nothing of any value that I can see.

Fuck you, you dirty ragged bastard.

Dreams & starlight,


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Which soldier -side - did this happen?

I can use RPG's on nearly every soldier perhaps it was a temporary game bug rock.gif

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Sweet_pup you have been post restricted indefinitely, if you wish to discuss it PM me.

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Hi, I downloaded the new BAS addon pack "Tonal Island" & I cant get it to run. I crash every time. I just get a blue screen.

I dont really have many addons so it doesn't seem like I'm overloaded...

I've tried puting addons in res folder & ofp folder & I've tried running it with both 1.91 & 1.92beta....& also redownloaded tonal zip file a few times in case it was a bad download...

This is driving me crazy. All I get is the blue screen.

Any of you have this blue screen problem? I also get the blue screen with the Cop & Robbers Mod.

(I've been told blue screen might be something to do with memory mapping)

My comp specs:

3.2ghz processer

1gig ram

128 DDR ATI Radeon 9800 vid card

Windows Xp

Thank you.

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Just stupid question, in 1st mission i encountered Civilian which was practicaly invisible...

only his legs and hands were visible ... also that scout who was supposed to help me was invisible ...

there were some other minor glitchs like sorta of sync issues when camera locking on moving object (like plane) ... but i guess thats more engine issue than map ...

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Pazuzu have you read the guidance that can be found on BAS's webpage about "memory map" issues?

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Hey pazuzu, I've got mostly the same specs (Except I've got the Pro Version of the Radeon 9800). I solved the "blue screen" bug by moving my user folder out of harm's way (Just the campaign saves, delete any missions you made that could have troublesome addons), then reinstall OFP from scratch. Now use mod folders and you should be able to use the island and the units.

Also, could you post it onthe forums if you also get the "rug bug", that is, the rugs don't display textures but the sofas do?

Edit - Bad Grammer tounge_o.gif

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Thanks nagual.

For those of you asking, the map grid issue is this:

Tonal is a double-sized map (25.6 x 25.6 km), and as a double sized map, each grid square would normally be 256x256m, so that you'd get sectors A-I and 0-9. Currently, the grid system behaves like a quad map, so each square is 512x512m and the map gives you sectors A-E and 0-4.

And, yes, scripts that translate the X,Y position into grid coordinates are not going to work on Tonal unless they accept variable grid sizes. I'd like to do this automatically (using terrain sampling), but if it's going to change, that's worth knowing.

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Just stupid question, in 1st mission i encountered Civilian which was practicaly invisible...

only his legs and hands were visible ... also that scout who was supposed to help me was invisible ...

there were some other minor glitchs like sorta of sync issues when camera locking on moving object (like plane) ... but i guess thats more engine issue than map ...

ABout the invisible peeps: yes, one of the BAS guys (Evis?) answered that a while back - it's to do with random textures and OFPs engine limitations. Similar problem happens with other random texture addons (Dune Buggy)...

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It is a copyright issue Leone.

It's not necessarily one they can sue for a lot of money on, but they do retain the copyright over anything they produce and they have authority over how it gets distributed.

For example, if I were to write a set of artillery scripts, and post them somewhere, I would still retain the copyright on them.  So if someone were to take them and sell them to a government agency without my authorization, I could claim copyright and seek damages in a civil court.

And, sure I understand where they're coming from.  It's also a quality-control issue.

I am aware that they retain copyright. That's not what I was discussing....it's the extent of that copyright. Authority over modification....sure, 100%, authority over distribution....the ol' "once you've put it on the net" discussion, authority over use without modification....thin ice I think. The example you cite is irrelvent because MONEY is involved...that's a different arguement. If someone made an island that require the BAS stuff, then sold it for money....yes, sue their asses off by all means. It's different when money is involved, and courts generally recognise this (there are exceptions of course, don't bother posting them). Copyright is automatic, and is there to safeguard intellectual property. I still can't see how this principal is violated.

just respect wat they want

for now they said, its doesnt mean they wont change thier minds in the future

itll be sad if someone made an island using bas objects and it stops bas from creating addons just because they didnt have thier simple request followed

copyright etc etc

they just dont want their objects used for now

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I cracked up laughing when I seen that stick with a head on it.I didnt notice it untill I ran over it.I git out and was thinking "What tha Hell".Then i seen it.and started laughing.I swear thats the wildest thing to put on a map.But neat.Did you guys think of making a Tribe or something.But figured out that would be to much trouble?Oh About that Copyright stuff,What I see that is copyright is some of the Civil units, trees most of the buildings.The rest are copyright to BIS.So bring tha HEAT

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Sometimes in both SP and MP I run into invisible walls [with a vehicle]. This has happened 6 or 7 times, and most of the time I die... whats up with this?


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I think the whole copyright/using other peoples objects discussion has been done to death here.

BAS have made it apparent that they want people to ask for permission if they are going to use objects from Tonal. They have also indicated that at the moment that aren't likely to give that permission. I can't see a continuing argument in this thread doing anything to change their stance. All it is doing is creating needless arguing and possible bad feelings between forum members.

As far as I'm concerned, it's no different than any other addon: the etiquette has always been to ask for permission where possible, or at the very least to credit original creators in your addons readme file. People who do not follow this etiquette are generally met with bad-press and bad-feelings from the rest of the OFP community, so if you release anything without permission, you do it at your own risk.

Conversation finished, now back to Tonal Island and OPFOR discussion, thank you. wink_o.gif

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For Gods sake people, at the end of the day ITS A <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>GAME</span>.

Blackdog, and various others: STOP repeatedly spamming your Bugs. We are aware of them the first time you post, and there is nothing we can do to fix them until any possible updates. Until then, you'l have to live with it. The more you spam these issues, the less likely we are to want to fix it...

@ll those who are on about copyright, as Fubar has said, this has been done to death. We have made our position clear, that we wish for anyone who wants to use parts of the island to seek our permission fisrt. And this permission will not be granted in the near future. So any islands that come out soon using parts of Tonal are in breach of our wishes, and will be made to be removed from circulation. End of story.

@pazuzu, your ATI Radeon card is to blame. There are topics in this forum that provide fixes.

And, to round off this post, I'll quote Wadmann:

Quote[/b] ]I had no problems installing the island into a mod folder and running it the first time through. The trick: READING THE README FILE.

Quote[/b] ]The way that the community goes about detailing the bugs in an add on is, to me, somewhat bothersome. It seems that some treat it as a competition to see how quickly or how many they can spot before the next person does. Let me just remind everyone that it is a hell of a lot easier to spot a flaw than to create the entire project without a flaw! And again referring back to the README that everyone should have read, I believe it stated that there was an intent to correct/update from the very beginning.

And Sweet Pup

Quote[/b] ]Look here's what BAS has given us for free-




Delta Force

US ARMY Rangers

H-58 Pack





I'm sure I left something out, but that's alot of shit to be given, with nothing in return. If BAS doesn't wan't me to use a fraction of the objects they worked their asses off to make, that's cool by me. As long as I can play with the rest of the addons.

If you don't let this go, they could decide to stop giving...  

Do you want that?

Do you lot REALLY want that? At the end of the day, its up to you...

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Give it up BAS!

You are some kind of "Addon-making-Superstar".

There will ever be ppl who want to LICK or KICK your asses! biggrin_o.gif


MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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just a few fine details ive really admired,appreciated,laughed at.....

The kid with the Mr.T t-shirt..priceless, especially when he came round a corner with an ak47.

The head on a stick. would love to see a pole in ground with said head on it too smile_o.gif

The clothes lines in the towns, suspended on 2nd floor between buildings. wrp nitemare id say.

The semitrailers on their sides, great scenery.

Ground textures made to look like rubbish is on them, tops!

as i drive round the isle some more, ill write some more.

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i cant get over it

ur jungles are too good

did my first mission in the jungle today

couldnt beleive how fun it was

especially with that river crossing script

ai hd squads were pretty at shooting too!!

rpgs passing over my head, bullets zipping by


love hd, jam, opf and

the island the island

it shouldnt be called tonal

it should to be the island coz its the dam best!

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Give it up BAS!

You are some kind of "Addon-making-Superstar".

There will ever be ppl who want to LICK or KICK your asses! biggrin_o.gif


MfG Lee smile_o.gif

LOL true very much biggrin_o.gif

Which side are you MFG LEE tounge_o.gif

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There are invisible objects on the map, on which you can crash and di....


Hey! Stop looking at me like that!  mad_o.gif

What are you doing with this axe in hands?  crazy_o.gif

No, really, ok, I found it, <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>and others</span><span style='font-size:6pt;line-height:100%'>, not that a big deal, ok, now leave me alone! leave me alone, I sai..* scrouitch *</span>

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