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Bas tonal-tango pack

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I think it's..like you said...AP shoots rockets at people...AA shoots rockets at air targets...& regular RPG Soldier just shoots rockets at armor.

The G3 sniper gun...when I look through the scope it bounces all over the place....er, flickers really fast....like I'm looking up, then down, then up, then down...but it goes so fast I can see two views at once.  I have a GeForce3 & WinXP.  Anyone else having this problem?

EDIT: I figured out what's wrong.  The ZoomMin is actually higher than the ZoomMax

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class BAS_G3SG1: M21





I also can't get marker grenades to work!  That is, when I addMagazine them....giving someone "JAM_MarkerGrenades" and then when they shoot, no smoke or anything is made.  I also need to figure out what the muzzle name thing is so I can readyWeapon the M79.

EDIT: Muzzle name is "JAM_M79muzzle". Also I have this in my mission.sqm

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> addOnsAuto[]=






But when I addMagazine this stuff:

["JAM_M79", "Binocular"] and ammo ["JAM_M433Vest", "JAM_M576buck", "JAM_M576buck", "JAM_M576buck", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "JAM_MarkerGrenades", "JAM_MarkerGrenades"] I can't see smoke from the MarkerGrenades.


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Problems I have with this mod:

Loads of missions don't show you where the hell you start. I may be able to identify exactly where I am on the rest of the islands, but thats because I've played them a LOT. When briefing, its common practice to show where you are on the map/ model even if everyone should know anyway.

High Dispersion Weapons. They are far too inaccurate. I know the AI are all dead eye shots, but I do not like this 'solution' at all. The FDF mod does it far better.

(Better to make AI less accurate in their aiming than the actual weapons very unrealistically inaccurate, or to add more sway, so the weapon is accurate but the shooter isn't)

And no, I'd rather not have the AI all HD weapons with my 'side' all accurate ones.

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BAS Tonal/JAM is not yet at least a total conversion mod with a modified OFP core config which includes effects for weapons sway etc. and they're unable to modify those values (maybe in the future)?

Anywat I don't see HD AIs as a problem since they have wisely included normal and High Dispersion versions of all enemies and weapons so it's is up to mission editor to choose wheter to have HD guys simulating unskilled African militia (you should see footage from Sierra Leone how they fight sometimes etc.). What I don't get is why did they include HD soldiers into coop missions?? Who the hell would like to play with HD weapons while other teammates have normal weapons. Hopefully fix for this is coming.

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Problems I have with this mod:

Loads of missions don't show you where the hell you start.  I may be able to identify exactly where I am on the rest of the islands, but thats because I've played them a LOT.  When briefing, its common practice to show where you are on the map/ model even if everyone should know anyway.

I get this too but i think 9 times out of ten the extraction point is the same as insertion. Insertion marker would be helpful smile_o.gif


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EDIT: I figured out what's wrong.  The ZoomMin is actually higher than the ZoomMax

I also can't get marker grenades to work!  That is, when I addMagazine them....giving someone "JAM_MarkerGrenades" and then when they shoot, no smoke or anything is made.  I also need to figure out what the muzzle name thing is so I can readyWeapon the M79.

Yes g3sg1 is already fixed, just didnt make it into first patch.

Are you adding jam stuff to a non jam or non opfor unit? maybe need the eventhandler all opfor and jam units use.

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Quote[/b] ]BAS Tonal/JAM is not yet at least a total conversion mod with a modified OFP core config which includes effects for weapons sway etc. and they're unable to modify those values (maybe in the future)?

The BAS MOD...Sounds good. They've got all the new units/islands/sounds/weapons/etc. they could want, now all they need to do is bundle it up into a 400 MB MOD and release it with new features like a better way of making the AI inaccurate (*cough* FDF MOD *cough* biggrin_o.gif ).

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BAS Tonal/JAM is not yet at least a total conversion mod with a modified OFP core config which includes effects for weapons sway etc. and they're unable to modify those values (maybe in the future)?

Anywat I don't see HD AIs as a problem since they have wisely included normal and High Dispersion versions of all enemies and weapons so it's is up to mission editor to choose wheter to have HD guys simulating unskilled African militia (you should see footage from Sierra Leone how they fight sometimes etc.). What I don't get is why did they include HD soldiers into coop missions?? Who the hell would like to play with HD weapons while other teammates have normal weapons. Hopefully fix for this is coming.

Well, they (I) gave non HD scouts and Briefing mags as someone made a good point about the scouts being elite. Thats very last thing i can remeber doing to the camapign as a little bonus. If its going to cause a whole new round of complaints i dont really mind, peeps complained about all HD and would complain about all non-HD, and are complaining about the mix.

If your ever are really wondering whey "they" did something, just remeber the answer that will always hold true for this pack "they did not have the time".


Btw, i was planning some config and resource edits, but am not really interested in searching the net for decoded changes everytime bis makes a patch, and a few other probs. Things like interfaces and mission editor were already done, but doubt that will be finished these days.

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The pack is just fine the way it is. I was worrying that you and other guys at BAS would decide to make it a MOD and consequently make me slave drive my modem. The non-HD mags in the missions are excellent improvements, I wouldn't have been able to beat most of the missions without them biggrin_o.gif ...

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Yep, the Ballistic MOD smile_o.gif . I too believe that with proper advertising it would bring alot of fresh meat to the comunity or atleast get all those 1 milion+ opf copies out of the shelves and into the cd-roms, i mean BIS released the tools and for all the support given they sure hell deserve to sell more copies of OPFR, kinda sad to imagine that all the outstanding addons are used by a minority of OPF users, no?

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Just played through the 1st mission, and just died as I completed 2nd mission, in the Campaign.

Runs fairly well on my AMD XP2200+, 512MB RAM, Ge4 Ti4200 128MB, Win2K.

It's a great experience. Congratulations to the BAS team for crafting a fine player experience. I really loved the 1st mission's ambience as I snuck about town, trying not to be seen or heard ... or killed.

Love your work. Fantastic job.

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BTW, I had to snap this screenshot [i cropped it to save you all some bandwidth] as I snuck up on a hapless militiaman in Lorengau on mission 1 of the Campaign:

Sneaking Up

Thanks, BAS. I'm having fun with this.

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BTW, I had to snap this screenshot [i cropped it to save you all some bandwidth] as I snuck up on a hapless militiaman in Lorengau on mission 1 of the Campaign:

Sneaking Up

Thanks, BAS. I'm having fun with this.

About to shoot Mr T i see ;)

Good to hear you are enjoying it.

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If its going to cause a whole new round of complaints i dont really mind, peeps complained about all HD and would complain about all non-HD, and are complaining about the mix.

If your ever are really wondering whey "they" did something, just remeber the answer that will always hold true for this pack "they did not have the time".


Btw, i was planning some config and resource edits, but am not really interested in searching the net for decoded changes everytime bis makes a patch, and a few other probs. Things like interfaces and mission editor were already done, but doubt that will be finished these days.

I think nobody would complain if human players would all be equipped with non-HD mags in BAS coop missions. Of course they can be de-pbo:ed and edited by everyone but I'd still like to see non-hd mag human players in 1.2 version of missions if you decide to do them...

Concerning the decoded original configs they have stayed the same since 1.91 came out and will most likely stay that way since BIS has concentrated it's efforts on core code which does not affect config files, menus, etc. So I think you are safe to make menus and other things there.

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I think nobody would complain if human players would all be equipped with non-HD mags in BAS coop missions. Of course they can be de-pbo:ed and edited by everyone but I'd still like to see non-hd mag human players in 1.2 version of missions if you decide to do them...

Concerning the decoded original configs they have stayed the same since 1.91 came out and will most likely stay that way since BIS has concentrated it's efforts on core code which does not affect config files, menus, etc. So I think you are safe to make menus and other things there.

I did consider it this time, and will consider it again for the coops, just like i said, time/energy was limited.

When i make a SP campaign into coop i like to let the bugs settle before making any big differences between the 2 versions, to save lots of hassle for myself during unexpected updates.

At least any further parts to the campaign will have that sorted from the start.

I have a few more dera vs opfor type missions on the way one day soon, much more clean cut in that area, with hd for opfor and normal for dera.

And interesting about the 1.91 cpp, i did not know that.

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i heard of invisible walls they have been addressed but i dont know if a invisible wall that blocks bullets have been reported

so im reporting it

it happens in the jungle bit of the island where a small rebel base is

ill send the map co ordinates once i get back home

ive been playing in the area several times and is my favourite area, its an invisible wall that blocks bullets as if there was a building there or a invisible tree

it could be due to one of the plant objects having a model shape that not have been cut to its proper model

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I'm still having trouble getting the battle in Ixtlan to end. Again, I cleared the area (this time sans cheats, the non-HD mags help a lot), and again, the enemies stopped respawning. But the Town Square never activated. I finally accelerated time and searched the entire city, first w/ 2-man AI groups, then as a whole group. Nothing.

I just had to use endmission again (i didn't even know the cheats till I did this campaign, lol). Also, the Targets are a pain, I've finished a few missions with negative scores because I've destroyed said target without even knowing it. And there are also the invisible rocks on the road that are really just a nuisance (at least when you are in a BRDM in relatively good shape)

Still loving it though, BAS. Good job smile_o.gif

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Nagual, many thanks for the update to the campaign!

Now I'm able to beat that excellent missions, although savegamecheat is still esential for me.

It's also great news that CAS now works with both, Su25 and Mi24 Hind, although they seem a bit reculant to blast away.

It seems not to have been mentioned yet but in mission two, i got a completion message after i died. I was still outside the old fort and was unaware of some Milita on my flank, the T55 had already been destroyed.

The G3SG1 bug mentioned is fixed, but not patched. My question was it that typo in config.cpp causing this?

So maybe i could to a temp fix for myself until you great folks release the patch for the addons.


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Hi everyone,

I wanted to post some bugs I found on Tonal Island. First I tried the bug report at BAS homepage but it didn't work.

1.Some of the enlarged BIS trees are floating (sometimes you can even crouch under them). You can see it e.g. around the small village at Be 30 or in the jungle sw of the Zinaba marker.

2.The shelter in Ambua is also floating.

3.At Aj 11 the jungle is floating (on nw "hill 34").

4.At Cg 30 the shanties are too deep.

5.The Hangar in Kimbe is set too deep, too.

6.The walls at Bb 18 are set wrong (I think).

7.The texture on "House (Big) 1" is placed wrong (-> half window).

8.The jungle tunnel at Bf 25 is set too high (floating).

9.The street at Aj 26/27 is placed wrong.

10.The same at Be 22.

11.One part of the landing place for boats south of Vanimo is set too low.

...some other bugs but they were already mentioned.

Thanks for your great work BAS!!!

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Could all this floating stuff have something to do with different terrain detail settings? What setting do you use?

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My understanding is that some of the stuff in the west is supposed to be under water much of the time. It's more swamp than jungle.

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A few things:

Invis walls, i really need to know exactly where they are. I've never seen one on the roads, so is hard to fix something invisble ;) A target script in insurgency #2 was causing that initially with the brdm in that mission, but is disabled in 1.1.

The invis wall around a jungle base sounds right, i made the wood hut very quickly (and before i was confident with making geometry) an iirc it also has weird fire geo wall above the roof too. Definately on the "to do" list for one day.

MDS_KDXer, i will look into that. I notice the end of the spanwing and a few other bugs while fixing that mission, so thought that was fixed.

One thing about any changes in camapign missions is that the new version wont load from an old save, the current mission need restarting if saved halfwaay thru.

I will have a look at mission #2 prob too Tannethal. And g3sg1 fix is that easy, same with reb#4 ctd, just remove the 2 last smokeshells from his kit.

To use CAS effectively, especially in #2, select "Precision" then click on the map, like right on the fort. Soon enough the hind or frogfoot will blast away right on the site. Doesnt work so well in #3 unless they have clear view of position, but can be useful in #4.

Thanks for the report Angantyr, all of those bugs should be quick fixes. Not sure if ive mentioned yet that those big bis trees are place holders for some large african style trees, which will make those areas look much better.

The hanger in kimbe is meant to be at that height, so it fits the little tunnel at the back ;) Will maybe get replaced by a proper garage one day.

Benu, not sure if all the floating stuff is terrain based, like trees. There was some objects like that when making it, just hard to keep track of them. A good place to get a view of terrain effect is the govt. base in the desert, if you cycle thru terrain settings there the entire base warps.

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@ benu I'm using normal but i have the same problem when I'm using high and low.

@ Nagual So there will be an update/ new version? (...looking forward to... biggrin_o.gif ). Are you going to change the height at some places because sometimes it looks strange when the ground is covered by water and one second later the water is away (espically in jungles and at the oase).

Great work instead. wink_o.gif

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Ai has problems following waypoints through the jungle - makes ai patrols in that jungle island chain impossible (or having an ai group following their human leader).

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