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Bas tonal-tango pack

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I am VERY VERY sorry if this has been mentioned but when i run up to some desert bushes they go "odd" and deformed

Great Map BAS!

can you post a screen like Diablo did?

Very nice bug reporting diablo smile_o.gif  I wish everyone could be as through. A picture is worth a 1000 words, especially when these kind of bugs are found.  Very very very helpful! Thanks for pointing those out.

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I am VERY VERY sorry if this has been mentioned but when i run up to some desert bushes they go "odd" and deformed

Great Map BAS!

That kinda sounds like what occasionally happens to me.

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I am VERY VERY sorry if this has been mentioned but when i run up to some desert bushes they go "odd" and deformed

Great Map BAS!

That kinda sounds like what occasionally happens to me.

can you post a pic as well? We can't fix them if we don;t know which ones are a problem for you. It may be the lods switching too late on your system due to performance. If this is the case we can try to fix the lo-res lod, but that may be impossible to do so that there is no jump between lods other than making the higher res lod switch farther away.

But still since I can't be sure what it is, or which bush your talking about, I really need a screen shot of the problem.


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I've got a funny bug:

if I Change my Weapon to one of the Handguns (m9,tokarev et cetera.) i can't move anymore. when i change to the primary weapon after i chose the handgun i get THIS:

kill some birds, would ya?


I've got this bug repeatedly on Tonal and Tonali1. Not especially with BAS units, i've tested the standard Soldiers, the WWIIEC british pack etc.

Funny thing, eh?

mfg Hase

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I've got a funny bug:

if I Change my Weapon to one of the Handguns (m9,tokarev et cetera.) i can't move anymore. when i change to the primary weapon after i chose the handgun i get THIS:

kill some birds, would ya?


I've got this bug repeatedly on Tonal and Tonali1. Not especially with BAS units, i've tested the standard Soldiers, the WWIIEC british pack etc.

Funny thing, eh?

mfg Hase

That you cant move is not with island or units it is a problem with a config.cpp file you putted in Bin folder

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Woh, you're right, thanks a lot.

I've only used the Tonal island in the last days, and the BAS units have a Modfolder for itself, so i didn't expect that there was a config.cpp.

Hm, okay, all looks great!

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I've got a funny bug:

if I Change my Weapon to one of the Handguns (m9,tokarev et cetera.) i can't move anymore. when i change to the primary weapon after i chose the handgun i get THIS:

kill some birds, would ya?


I've got this bug repeatedly on Tonal and Tonali1. Not especially with BAS units, i've tested the standard Soldiers, the WWIIEC british pack etc.

Funny thing, eh?

mfg Hase

That you cant move is not with island or units it is a problem with a config.cpp file you putted in Bin folder

You might wanna convert config.cpp to config.bin.

You can use CCP2BIN utility to convert it. You can get it here: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/utilities/cpp2bin_12.zip

Please note that the program doesn't delete the cpp file. It only creates a bin file. Rename the config.cpp file after u covert it.

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Woh, you're right, thanks a lot.

I've only used the Tonal island in the last days, and the BAS units have a Modfolder for itself, so i didn't expect that there was a config.cpp.

Hm, okay, all looks great!

glad to be helped m8 take care wink_o.gif

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Sure it has been mentioned, but didn't sift again through 44 pages.. smile_o.gif

I noticed in the editor, when using Militia with FAL (The blue shirts) when you walk up close to them, depending on angle, they "change" from the blue t-shirt, to the yellow t-shirt with logo on front, back and forth, as the angle changes. Seems the change occurs mostly when they are not in the center of the screen. Only seems to be that model, as the ones that start in the yellow T-shirt do not change to the blue)

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Damn, the Tonal map in the Editor lags for me... Makes it hard to make it understand a double-click. I gotta click the left mouse button 5-6 times or more before it understands. sad_o.gif

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Damn, the Tonal map in the Editor lags for me... Makes it hard to make it understand a double-click. I gotta click the left mouse button 5-6 times or more before it understands. sad_o.gif

It has been said previously that it helps a lot to change ground textures to 512x512 in OFP preferences,I did that and I get almost no lag in editor now,and the game looks the same.

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I dont lag in the editor and i have 1024 textures wink_o.gif

Even though i got a shit card Geforce 4 440MX sad_o.gif

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It has been said previously that it helps a lot to change ground textures to 512x512 in OFP preferences,I did that and I get almost no lag in editor now,and the game looks the same.

Thanks, I was hoping for some tip smile_o.gif

Edit: Damn my pc is so old and crappy (2001) that I can only have up to 128x128 and it's already set for the lowest, 64x64 sad_o.gif

Even though i got a shit card Geforce 4 440MX  sad_o.gif

Hey shut it, I have a Geforce 2 mx sad_o.gif

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It has been said previously that it helps a lot to change ground textures to 512x512 in OFP preferences,I did that and I get almost no lag in editor now,and the game looks the same.

Thanks, I was hoping for some tip smile_o.gif

Edit: Damn my pc is so old and crappy (2001) that I can only have up to 128x128 and it's already set for the lowest, 64x64 sad_o.gif

Even though i got a shit card Geforce 4 440MX  sad_o.gif

Hey shut it, I have a Geforce 2 mx sad_o.gif

Can you play on the Tonal Isle with a GF2 Mx? I remember playing on Nogova with a GF2 Mx and it was quite painful...

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Yeh well, the cities aren't any fun, but the rest is okay. Editing is a pain in the ass though. I run with 1024x768x32 and the visual quality slider all the way to the top and the framerate down the bottom, I still get 10-20 fps.

Maybe it's time to buy a new graphics card... or more ram but I don't know how compatible my pc is to new ram. I bought this one as a package you know. confused.gif

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I have...

P4 1.3 Ghz

512 RAM

Geforce 3 Ti500

512x512 ground tex

Visual Qual @ 4.5

Framerate @ 20

Terrain Qual @ Low

I get pretty good FPS throughout, unless things get /really/ hairy.

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I have...

P4 1.3 Ghz

512 RAM

Geforce 3 Ti500

512x512 ground tex

Visual Qual @ 4.5

Framerate @ 20

Terrain Qual @ Low

I get pretty good FPS throughout, unless things get /really/ hairy.

I have:

P3 1GHz

256 MB ram

Geforce 2 mx 400

Visual quality at top

Framerate at bottom to make it look good, or at top if I need more fps

Terrain quality at the lowest as I always play on my "remot server" and it's always at the lowest in MP mode

I usually get pretty good fps, which is 15-20ish to me.

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Not sure if anyone's seen this(its just a little bit south of the big parking garage thing in Tatu, and is close to the ocean).

About the weird bush thing, I've only noticed it in MP. I tried standing (in SP)on the bush that I though caused it in a certain mission, but nothing happened.

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I have...

P4 1.3 Ghz

512 RAM

Geforce 3 Ti500

512x512 ground tex

Visual Qual @ 4.5

Framerate @ 20

Terrain Qual @ Low

I get pretty good FPS throughout, unless things get /really/ hairy.

I have:

P3 1GHz

256 MB ram

Geforce 2 mx 400

Visual quality at top

Framerate at bottom to make it look good, or at top if I need more fps

Terrain quality at the lowest as I always play on my "remot server" and it's always at the lowest in MP mode

I usually get pretty good fps, which is 15-20ish to me.

I'd get a nice GF4 TI 4x00 card and some more RAM.

Check your PC's manufacturer for the type of RAM you need (alternatively, you might just be able to open the case and plop a stick of RAM out [when computer is off.. of course] and a sticker might be right on it telling you what kind it is, PC2100, 3200, etc)

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I'd get a nice GF4 TI 4x00 card and some more RAM.

Check your PC's manufacturer for the type of RAM you need (alternatively, you might just be able to open the case and plop a stick of RAM out [when computer is off.. of course] and a sticker might be right on it telling you what kind it is, PC2100, 3200, etc)

Thanks for the tips.. I think I'll skip the graphics card and go for some more ram, as I'm saving for a motorbike ( possibly an KTM Duke smile_o.gif ).

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I just reinstalled OFP and suddenly now I can choose textures from 64x64 to 2048x2048 wow_o.gif So I'll lower landscape textures from 1024x1024 to 512x512 to eliminate the problem with the lag when editing on the Tonal island.

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I finally got tonal (56k'r). I loaded it up and crossloaded it to my private linux server. I set off in the bush with some ai bud's. I heard some dudes babbling in the trees, figured no problem, this will be a turkey shoot.

Then there were shots everywhere and dudes started screaming. Eh? I hear something over there, but I can't see anything... bwatbwatbwatbwat... ARGH! that was close! "Oh no, 2 is down." "3, report status" ... bwatbwatbwatbwat ... , crap, where are these guys, I'm at 1024x1280x32 with quinAA/2xAS and I can't see anything through the bush and the fog... dang it! they got 4 too!... Now I is all alone... and there are bogeymen in the forest, and they are hunting me, and I'm low on ammo, and there is no place to hide... aw crap...


Wow. wow_o.gif Wow.

And thanks.

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Ok guys!

Anyone who made it through insurgency without using endmission helper hands up.

I'm stuck at 4th mission, the city fight. Usually I get shoot after breaching the front and starting to clear the first area.

These HD mags give me a headache and frusatrate a lot, your buddies aren't worth a shit and are sooner or later RPGed down by some militia freak or shoot to pieces after being outnumbered and surrounded by militia.

Even if I'm lucky to get in charge of a almost untouched squad(No 1's the only one down) and move them eihter carefully or agressive around and keep them together, i get wasted.

With these HD mags you can't engange long range cause you don't hit anything and only give away your position and up close you get waxed because the milita outnumbers you and you can't bring down these guys fast enough to stay on top.

So anyone having beat this campaign step forward,

i failed and surrender myself to the rebels cause.

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I did and yes HD mags are not good for long distance fighting (as you wouldn't engage on that distance in RL if you actually want to hit)

Solution. Get nearer to the enemy. Use every cover you can get. I suggest you take the AK of one of the enemies (30 rds instead of 20 per mag + lots of "ammo crates" -> bodies) well and you have one save ;)

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I've been having trouble with the campaign, too. The fight in Ixtlan took forever (lots of savegames... sigh), and I finally got all the way through, the AI stopped respawning, but the city center objective never tripped, even though my squad was all over it, and no tangoes to be found. So I had to endmission it. And the fight in the destroyed town you have to endmission b/c the victory conditions do not trigger.

Really, its a very hard campaign, but beautiful at the same time. smile_o.gif

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