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About pazuzu

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  1. Nice work pierremgi. Very cool looking effect.
  2. Thank you, I'll give it a try.
  3. Is there a way to use this code on a server and for any arty that is spawned? I have an Epoch server with traders so putting the code in the init of vehicles isn't really practical. Thanks.
  4. Hello, I have an Epoch server and I use the editor to add buildings and other objects. Often times I add an object in editor and it doesn't show in game. This time it is the: Land_MiningShovel_01_abandoned_F Land_HaulTruck_01_abandoned_F Dirthump_3_F The Dirthump_3_F shows but the other two don't. I've had this problem with a number of objects. I checked my server and client rpt and found no clues searching the class names. I'm using Enhanced Zeus on my server but I see no sign of these missing objects. Thank you.
  5. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    I'm running this stuff through zeus enhanced. It's strange that before I started using the enhanced version the underscore wasn't required. Now with enhanced the underscore has to be used.
  6. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  7. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    I'll check that out. Thank you. Thanks for that. I never really knew what the difference was but I guess it does matter. I tried making that change on some other code that I wanted to use and it made it work. Why does this make a difference?
  8. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    I was also wondering if instead of using addaction, it could be bound to key?
  9. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    Ok, I took what you posted here and changed it to: _this addAction [ "<t color='#24c048'>SMOKE</t>", { chemLitW2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-7,5,1]); chemLitN = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,7,1]); chemLitE = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [7,0,1]); chemLitE2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [7,5,1]); chemLitS = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,-16,1]); chemLitSW = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-5,-13,1]); chemLitSE = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [5,-13,1]); chemLitW = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-7,0,1]); chemLitW2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-19,17,1]); chemLitN2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,19,1]); chemLitE2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [19,0,1]); chemLitE22 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [19,17,1]); chemLitS2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [0,-13,1]); chemLitSW2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-17,-19,1]); chemLitSE2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [17,-19,1]); chemLitW2 = "SmokeShell" createvehicle ((player) ModelToWorld [-19,0,1]); }, nil, -3, false, true, "", "_this == _target turretUnit [-1] && (getPosATL _target) select 2 < 16", 10, false ]; This is close to what I want but the wrong smoke ammo. I can't seem to find the rnds for the tank smoke screen. I checked at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_CfgVehicles_WEST I'll keep fooling with it. Thanks again for the help.
  10. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    Thank you. I'll give this a try and see how it works. I did only want tank smoke to work from driver seat but I'll relace the flares with whatever the tank smoke is called and see if it will protect the tank from AT missiles. I'll let you know how it goes. I appreciate it.
  11. pazuzu

    Tank Smoke

    I'll look into this. Thank you.
  12. I was wondering if it's possible to pop smoke from any other seat in a tank other than commander? I prefer to drive and have AI commander and gunner. Is it possible to script? Thank you.
  13. Yes I realize they are unguided but there must be a targeting system IRL. I just wondered if there was a way of aiming them or if it's just not finished? I thought it would be treated like arty with an arty computer. Thanks for the reply.
  14. pazuzu

    Change something in Zeus

    Have you tried asking in the Arma discord or Arma reddit subs? More activity there.