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Bas tonal-tango pack

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I managed to fool around with theese addons for a while and BAS; GREAT WORK.

The good island was a little bit to good for my pc: 800mhz, 256ram, 32 nvida tnt2. Only managed to put my player on the map and that was it. But us with low-end machines can't ruin the game for others so thank you for that other island. Toughtful of you. biggrin_o.gif

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@tigg@lot: ask in mapfact forums... i think there'll be some.

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If I recal isnt the shortcut written like "-nosplash mod=BAS" if my folders name is BAS?

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I was wondering why I couldnt join boneyard. biggrin_o.gif

DL'ing now.

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when u have a folder (in main ofp directory) named ...ofp\bas\addons u have to put bas addons in it.

then start with "-mod:bas".

try keg's ofp launcher!

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Quote[/b] ]If I recal isnt the shortcut written like "-nosplash mod=BAS" if my folders name is BAS?

It would be written like this:

-nosplash -mod=BAS;hisky

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how can i make that sweet fog, which the BAS team had in one of their island videos???

From the Readme tounge_o.gif :

Quote[/b] ]==========================================================





To activate TJ's excellent ground mist script (good for jungle swamps), exec the following line in an game logics init field:

[this,.7,500,1] exec "\bas_o\s\mist.sqs"

[Object,Delay,Lifetime,Velocity] exec "\bas_o\s\bas_mist.sqs"

[Object,Delay,Lifetime] exec "\bas_o\s\bas_sand.sqs"

[Object,Delay,Lifetime] exec "\bas_o\s\bas_mist2.sqs"

The higher the delay, the less strain the mists puts on the PC, but makes the mist thinner. Really thick mist looks good but needs a strong PC.


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Coordinates plz?  smile_o.gif

u can find it to the Right of E7 its near the number 27 its nothing much but still good.

BAS any chance of getting some sort of Static Scud Lauchers there?

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I make a map and put it on the linux server, but it odesn't work. Both Jinef and I have tried this multiple times in different ways, even removing the addons section entireley from the sqm.


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Been looking forward to this island for a long time.

I knew it would be great, but I'm still amazed by it. It's spectacular! And all the new units are excellent as well.

I'm surprised BIS hasn't tried to hire you guys. biggrin_o.gif


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O my goodness, Bas this was so great. Dont worry all this is not just for fun, but if ofp2 breaks big, I bet some1 would like to take u commercial.....

I just love the small touches: I shot this militia guy and he screamed in my mother's native language (yoruba from nigeria).

I was born in italy but i can understand some of it. crazy guys. I love u

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i can't understand ppl complaining for bugs as soon as a huge addon "pack" with so much work has been released, like they are in a contest to be the first to notice one...

Unless it's a bug that renders the addon unusable (crasher bug for instance) or for troubleshooting.

Better rejoyce and be thankful, then take the time and make a list for a later post, rather than rushing and posting bug after bug.

Of course nothing is perfect and you can always find bugs, now is the time to enjoy those tremendous outstanding (and i come short in words to describe) addons.

THANK YOU BAS, you're too good to be true ;)

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@ Oct. 05 2003,00:59)]i can't understand ppl complaining for bugs as soon as a huge addon "pack" with so much work has been released, like they are in a contest to be the first to notice one...

Unless it's a bug that renders the addon unusable (crasher bug for instance) or for troubleshooting.

Better rejoyce and be thankful, then take the time and make a list for a later post, rather than rushing and posting bug after bug.

Of course nothing is perfect and you can always find bugs, now is the time to enjoy those tremendous outstanding (and i come short in words to describe) addons.

THANK YOU BAS, you're too good to be true ;)

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>i find it quite a major problem when NO user made maps work on linux servers (or at least not mine)</span>

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@ Oct. 05 2003,00:59)]i can't understand ppl complaining for bugs as soon as a huge addon "pack" with so much work has been released, like they are in a contest to be the first to notice one...

Unless it's a bug that renders the addon unusable (crasher bug for instance) or for troubleshooting.

Better rejoyce and be thankful, then take the time and make a list for a later post, rather than rushing and posting bug after bug.

Of course nothing is perfect and you can always find bugs, now is the time to enjoy those tremendous outstanding (and i come short in words to describe) addons.

THANK YOU BAS, you're too good to be true ;)

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>i find it quite a major problem when NO user made maps work on linux servers (or at least not mine)</span>

it's part of the gates project, make anything made on windows not work on linux tounge_o.gif it's a start with ofp missions tounge_o.gif

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uff...I ask and I ask..and no answer... can anyone help me out plz rock.gif

When I start the game with or without modfolder or whatever, I only get a green screen.... anyone know how to fix??

And I dont have any unoffical adons in my res/addon I have all in the "old" addon folder.....plz help

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Well this pack is awesome, however my comp keeps freezing and I have to reboot.

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hmm think i found the problem

the .PBO is capitilized on some systems and when you have file extensions hidden it will not show up and you can't convert filename to lower for linux server

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This pack is a work work of OFP art IMO.

Nice job BAS!

Other peepz can nitpick with the occasional bug, I'm blasting rebels with my governement troops and enjoying the hell out of it.

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It looks fantastic. I really like the new weapons too smile_o.gif Great Job BAS smile_o.gif

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Just tried it out briefly and what can I say more than...


/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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