rouge1 0 Posted July 23, 2003 No it was one i made up on my own took 5-10 mins  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted July 30, 2003 None of you are going to belive this: I was playing around with the editor on kolegeiv to test the CoC Torpedoes. I put 4 squads of Russians in a destroyed town with a nuke to be set off. The nuke exploded and I took a jeep to see the destruction. When I got there, there were 4 russians still alive in the center of the blast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edc 0 Posted July 30, 2003 They were probably behind a building or something when the blast went off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted July 30, 2003 But I had 5 nukes going off in that one village!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted July 30, 2003 I was on top of the hill looking down on the beach again, watching the feeble efforts of the artillery squad ( poor crabs ) as they aimlessly blasted everything but the enemy, but then, much to my pleasure and utter disbelief, one of the artillery shells landed right between a group of infantry and one of the bmps, and I watched as they were blasted asunder and gazed with wide-eyes as the AT soldier was blown a good 400 yards right in my direction, landing, RPG intact and fully loaded, right in front of my nose!I couldtn't believe my luck, God obviously REALLY! wanted me to take out those tanks. Couldnt have done it without him. Â Â Hi Poet God has nothing to do with battles in OFP. That was clearly Johny the OFP AI Saviour firing that round in the artillery. He must hae been in the infantry attack seen what was happening found a jeep and drove back to artillery smacked the idiot bombadeer in the mouth and fired the shot. Kind Regards Walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_unknown_one 0 Posted July 30, 2003 I agree. Johnny has the power. It even mentions him in the bible. under John 18:91 "And johnny cleared the land of baddies" the_unknown_one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted July 30, 2003 No it was one i made up on my own took 5-10 mins  Could I have a play? [email protected] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skul 0 Posted July 30, 2003 I wonder if Johnny will be in OFP2? I hope he will! [Gareth Gates must die] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
9mm 0 Posted July 31, 2003 That was my debut in Polish OFP League. It was a CTF on nogove, Two Island, or something... Our supplies and respawn were located just next to a steep hill side. I got into Bradley and became to drive uphill to secure the top. Unfortunelly i slided downhill destroing all ammocrates (containg most needed AT weapons), and killing the rest of my team. I remember we couldn't stop laughint to our mics for few minutes. And yes, we lost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jester983 0 Posted August 3, 2003 Okay well after those dune buggys were released me and my friends have made a map to use em on. So last night we decided to go on a road trip. We went all around. Then we kinda split up and went different ways. One of my friends destroyed his buggy then the other ran out of gas. I had a half tank of gas left and barely made it back to the airport (where all our stuff was). So i got on a klr250 and loaded it up into the MH47 and took off. I went to my friend that had run out of gas and was by the mountains. I paradropped the 250 only to see it land on the side of a cliff and slide all the way down into the water. We were laughing for like 2 mins. Then i quick landed picked him up and we picked up my other friend. The morale of the story is when paradropping a object make sure it has a wide area to land. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted August 4, 2003 Little do you all realise that OFP is THE tea party simulator. A few of my squadmates and I always gather around, sit down and use the direct chat channel yapping away like we were at a tea party.Now all we need is a teacup and teapot addon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted August 4, 2003 Great to be me: I was playing a CTF match called "Little Island wars" or something like that. We had never-ending Kiowas, but our ammo boxes were destroyed, and didn't repair. So we took desperate measures, we began suicide missions. We took our helis and dived them into the enemie's spawn, wrecking their ammo and blowing up a uaz. I dived into their flag which was defended by about 5 guys, the explosion killed them all . I respawned and took the other heli, there was a bmp on the other island bombarding us, and someone had to take it out, that someone was me. I flew low, straight at it. It began to fire at me with its machine gun, and when I was withing 40 meters of it, It killed me, but not my kiowa. It flew right into the bmp and blew it to pieces.And I still got the kill. Spawn and base raping is lame and very unsportsmanlike.People who do this are banned from our server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted August 4, 2003 No it was one i made up on my own took 5-10 mins  I'd love a play aswell. [email protected] Thanks beforehand Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Tshekovsky 0 Posted August 5, 2003 Once, myself and my brother cleared this base which had two entrances either side and we were gunning down the enemy whilst they ran out and eventually we gunned down about 2 dozen between us and we started to raid the dead corpses for guns and ammo. We felt really good for having taken such a large number of enemies by ourselves. We then both took some time to look up our next objective on the map. As we were deliberating over the route to take to the next objective I thought I heard the rumble of armour. My bro thought it was just the thunder. I looked over his shoulder, and to my alarm, I saw a shilka slowly rolling toward the base we'd just cleared out! I shouted for him to run into the forest which he did whilst I waited on the edge of the forest thinking I could take this shilka myself. By the time I got my binocs out I saw... one shilka... no... two of 'em, wait... a pair of UAZs... and hordes more soldiers!! I daren't make a move from that moment onward because one of the shilkas came within 10metres of my hiding place and some soldiers weren't too far away either. The other units presumably were surveying the scene of the massacre that happened not too long ago. There were still objectives to be completed. We both couldn't make a run for it - we would've been spotted and ripped to pieces by the shilkas. We couldn't be too sure that they'd eventually go away. We then decided that the objectives needed to be completed by one of us. So I made the ultimate sacrifice a family member could do - I was going to die so my brother could live. He took aim at the shilka nearest to me whilst I took aim at the soldiers that were also nearby.... We counted down from 3... I took out the handful of soldiers immediately to my right with several bursts from my rifle... an instant later and the LAW my bro fired blew up the shilka taking me with it... As soon as he heard the distinctive metallic explosion confirming the death of the shilka and amidst all the confusion that ensued my brother managed to quick-foot it through the forest to the next objective... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Josef_Leonov 0 Posted August 5, 2003 General, you sound like a true man of honour, maybe we could come to some sort of arrangement on the battlefields..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted August 5, 2003 Interesting and funny story: We were playing CTI Everon last night for a long time. 10 minutes in the game I see a FIA tank. I yell in the global channel "Need help in Lamatain". The following is a realistic dramization (SP): Commander: Frenchie!!! The Frenchman: What? Human soldier 1: You just told the other side where most of our troops are! Human soldier 2: Thanks alot, Lamatain is only 1 mile away from our mhq!! 10 minutes later our mhq was blown up by a OH58. I drove back to base with an abandoned bmp and started making shilkas, 5 to be exact. Then I waited 7 minutes AI: 6 o' clock ah64 1000 Oh crap I say to my self realizing at that moment It was only me and another human player at base while everyone else was fighting in Monticac(sp) The Frenchman:Apache spotted need help The Frenchman: HELLO? I need help. The Frenchman: AAA flashes in southern position The Frenchman: Where are you!! After everything was destroyed at base except the barracks and a few other buildings Some human players come back to clean up the wreckage. 1 minute later, 3 ah64's attack the base with hellfires. With two abrams on the ground. We only had 1 recyleing truck and two shilkas. We were doomed and it was late so i did A suicide attack on one ah64 with a HE cannon. The sky was so lit up it was almost day time.This moment reminds me of that one scene from Live from Bagdad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRedBaron 0 Posted August 5, 2003 I was playing a simple ctf on a small island and with 30 sec to go in the game we had 3 captures and they had 2. They had just stolen our flag and were running to our base. I was waiting for them and had 1 bullet in my g36 and a berreta. I didnt bother to check how much ammo i had and when he ran up to the hanger i shot and hit him in the arm. He kept running as i pulled out my berreta and shot him in the back of the head 5 ft from the flag and we won Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crewcutkid 0 Posted August 5, 2003 I guess my best ofp moment was when i was playing a coop, where me and 3 other guys were blackops, and 3 out of the 4 were human. Anyway, we leave the AI guy behind because we hate him, we get out of the chopper at the drop-off point, then we rush the base. I'm doing my best to cover my side, and am using my mp5sd as a sniper rifle. The other two guys charge into the base and get capped, and i scrambled into a tower. I used my mp5 more like a lmg this time, and mow down an entire red platoon. I felt like fucking rambo! Then I got kicked. How ironic. -Crew Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted August 6, 2003 Then I got kicked. Why? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skul 0 Posted August 6, 2003 Probably because they all hated him for being the only one alive! [Gareth Gates must die] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Milkman 1 Posted August 6, 2003 Great to be me: I was playing a CTF match called "Little Island wars" or something like that. We had never-ending Kiowas, but our ammo boxes were destroyed, and didn't repair. So we took desperate measures, we began suicide missions. We took our helis and dived them into the enemie's spawn, wrecking their ammo and blowing up a uaz. I dived into their flag which was defended by about 5 guys, the explosion killed them all . I respawned and took the other heli, there was a bmp on the other island bombarding us, and someone had to take it out, that someone was me. I flew low, straight at it. It began to fire at me with its machine gun, and when I was withing 40 meters of it, It killed me, but not my kiowa. It flew right into the bmp and blew it to pieces.And I still got the kill. Spawn and base raping is lame and very unsportsmanlike.People who do this are banned from our server  Funny thing is, it was on your server. And they attacked our spawn first, so what can I say? It was a fun mission, and noone including the admin got angry, just twenty of us were having fun. Do not insult me, or mistake me for a tk lamer and/or spawn killer.  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iNeo 0 Posted August 7, 2003 Some of these longer stories are good to load into Pocket PC and go to bed with At least I'm gonna try it out now and see if they serve good as goodnight-stories Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Frenchman 0 Posted August 7, 2003 Interesting and funny story:We were playing CTI Everon last night for a long time. 10 minutes in the game I see a FIA tank. I yell in the global channel "Need help in Lamatain". The following is a realistic dramization (SP): Commander: Frenchie!!! The Frenchman: What? Human soldier 1: You just told the other side where most of our troops are! Human soldier 2: Thanks alot, Lamatain is only 1 mile away from our mhq!! 10 minutes later our mhq was blown up by a OH58. I drove back to base with an abandoned bmp and started making shilkas, 5 to be exact. Then I waited 7 minutes AI: 6 o' clock ah64 1000 Oh crap I say to my self realizing at that moment It was only me and another human player at base while everyone else was fighting in Monticac(sp) The Frenchman:Apache spotted need help The Frenchman: HELLO? I need help. The Frenchman: AAA flashes in southern position The Frenchman: Where are you!! After everything was destroyed at base except the barracks and a few other buildings Some human players come back to clean up the wreckage. 1 minute later, 3 ah64's attack the base with hellfires. With two abrams on the ground. We only had 1 recyleing truck and two shilkas. We were doomed and it was late so i did A suicide attack on one ah64 with a HE cannon. The sky was so lit up it was almost day time.This moment reminds me of that one scene from Live from Bagdad. Â Â Â You have to add this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drill Sergeant 0 Posted August 11, 2003 Mine would be that one level where James has to blow up some ammo trucks and a base in CWC. I snuck into the town by the ammo trucks and destroyed them than I cralled out of the forrest by the hidden base.For some reason the AI had left a Mi24 and I cralled under it as the patrol wen around it than I ran up and go into it and lifted of and blew the crap out of the hidden base. Destroyed everything. Than an enimy Mi24 started to shoot at my Mi24 and I bailed over the evac zone. (those far on the Mi24 come in handy. ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites