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Version-1.6.1-blue.svg?style=flat-square ZEN.svg?style=flat-square&label=Issues License-GPLv3-red.svg?style=flat-square

Requires the latest version of CBA A3.


Zeus Enhanced, also known as ZEN, is an Arma 3 mod aimed at improving and expanding the functionality of the Zeus real-time editor.


Zeus Enhanced is built with communities who use Zeus as their primary mission making tool in mind by enabling curators with powerful tools to create dynamic scenarios in an efficient manner. For an in-depth breakdown of the features and frameworks please visit the website.


This mod is built using the same foundation and design standards as the ACE3 Project. Special thanks to the ACE3 Team for their open source nature and permission to use their systems, without their work this would not be possible.


You can download Zeus Enhanced from:



  • A lot of powerful new modules, as well as improved vanilla modules.
  • Completely rewritten attributes system available for all objects.
  • Context menu that provides quick access to common Zeus actions.
  • Settings to customize the Zeus display (move display to edge, remove watermark, etc.).
  • Ability to disable live search to reduce lag when searching through a lot of items.
  • Overhauled markers tree with markers sorted into categories.
  • Ability to create and edit area markers through Zeus.
  • Rewritten, faster remote controlling of units.
  • 3DEN editor object preview images in Zeus.
  • Player visibility indicator to help ensure mission adjustments are not made in view of players.
  • Placement preview that enables precise object placement on surfaces.
  • Vehicle customization garage made specifically for Zeus.
  • Various bug fixes and quality of life improvements to the Zeus interface.
  • Settings to control Zeus camera properties such as speed and available vision modes.
  • New waypoint types such as paradrop available through Zeus.


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You can help out with the ongoing development by looking for potential bugs in our code base, or by contributing new features. We are always welcoming new pull requests containing bug fixes, refactors and new features. We have a list of tasks and bugs on our issue tracker on GitHub. Please comment on issues you want to contribute with, to avoid duplicating effort.


To contribute something to ZEN, simply fork this repository and submit your pull requests for review by other collaborators. Remember to add yourself to the author array of any PBO you will be editing and the AUTHORS.txt file; including a valid email address.


Submitting Issues and Feature Requests


Please use our Issue Tracker to report a bug, propose a feature, or suggest changes to the existing ones.




Zeus Enhanced is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3).

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Hello thank you for sharing you work with the community on a in completed Zeus module from Bohemia. 


How is this different than Achilles and 3D enhanced mod's?


Can you use this mod with Achilles and 3D enhanced without issues?


Does every player on the server need to have this install door only the host like Achilles or 3D enhanced?


Did you guys add the guard waypoint as an option in Zeus. The most functional and useful waypoint behavior that for some reason bohemian never added within Zeus!


Are there any incompatibility issues while using MCC 4 ?


Thank you avibird

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  On 6/30/2019 at 4:44 PM, avibird 1 said:

How is this different than Achilles and 3D enhanced mod's?

This is essentially a new and better Achilles.


3DEN Enhanced is, as the name says, 3DEN. Zeus Enhanced is, as the name says, Zeus. Different things.


  On 6/30/2019 at 4:44 PM, avibird 1 said:

Can you use this mod with Achilles [...] without issues? 

There are some UI conflicts currently, so I wouldn't recommend it. But in a couple weeks ZEN will basically do everything that Achilles can also do, so no reason the also load Achilles then.


  On 6/30/2019 at 4:44 PM, avibird 1 said:

Did you guys add the guard waypoint as an option in Zeus.

I haven't seen that yet. But anyone can always create feature requests here: https://github.com/zen-mod/ZEN/issues


  On 6/30/2019 at 4:44 PM, avibird 1 said:

Are there any incompatibility issues while using MCC 4 ?

MCC in itself is a huge incompatibility issue. The world should just get rid of MCC.

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Thank you for your response. Does everyone need to have this installed or just a host server. Is Zen dependent and all players need it for the mission.


I love MCC lol I have never really seen major conflicts with it and I have been it for a few years. 

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I was wondering, on top of all the features of Achillies, what are the other planned features that this is bringing to the table? it would be cool to get more weather effects and super weapons like what ALIAScartoons scripts do

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Please could you add the the ability to add the guard waypoint. I don't understand why it was never added to the vanilla Zeus interface. It's perhaps the most powerful and useful waypoint in the Bohemia arsenal for way points.

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  On 6/30/2019 at 6:56 PM, Dedmen said:

MCC in itself is a huge incompatibility issue. The world should just get rid of MCC.


HAHAHA! I laughed like hell reading this right here. I have had nothing but problems with MCC every time someone in our community in the past has said we should try it again. Each time we continue to stay away from using it.

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Hi, can i use the Ambient Flyby module via trigger. Can you give me an example if its possible? thx 



Edited by callofmarty
[getPosATL mark1, getPosATL mark2, 400, "LIMITED", "sab_b24_raf", INDEPENDENT] call BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientFlyby

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I'm not sure if anyone else is having any issues with this but I cannot change other Player traits only my own in zeus? Soon has I choose apply / ok the other players traits change back to original

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  On 7/15/2019 at 3:49 AM, Nichols said:


HAHAHA! I laughed like hell reading this right here. I have had nothing but problems with MCC every time someone in our community in the past has said we should try it again. Each time we continue to stay away from using it.


Well I can say I've been using MCC for many years and it seems to work well with just about anything. Does it have conflicts? Yes, but mostly its with mods that MCC SHOULDN'T be used with anyway.

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Further little bug I seem to be encountering is when I use the "teleport player" function and choose group it doesn't move anyone but the player

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one issue from my side, in SP the mod is not kicking in after mission started over EDEN. It needs a restart then modules shows up

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Hi! I've installed ZEN but I cannot get the related modules to appear in the "modules list". I have ACE last version. In fact I cannot even get ACE related modules to appear. 

I have tried the option "allow all addons including unofficial ones" with no luck. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

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Does anyone have a list of mods to use with ZEN/Zeus etc.   I seem to be overdoing it with too many mods and want to have a list that gives me a good set of units, objects but full AI and in game stuff for the players.


Also, QQ, when I set up a scenario and add units before "playing" the scenario and using Zeus, it seems that the units I've placed in the scenario are not able to be controlled the way zeus units are.  What's the thinking here.


How do I set up a complex zeus scenairo before play and then tweak it during live gameplay?


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I found an issue with this mod. It messes with waypoints in a few ways. An example:


If i spawn in a vehicle,and tell a group who are under high command to enter and use the vehicle,they simply cannot.They drive as if they will complete the waypoint bu then just stop.


Another example:


If you use a vehicle spawned in via zeus,and the player  has a transport unload waypoint,and uses said vehicle,and you let AI follow a vanilla placed waypoint to enter the vehicle(or moveinCargo etc),when the player or AI complete the transport unload waypoint,the group who entered the vehicle wont disembark(tested with helo)...


I see this as an understandable issue but thought id mention it.

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  On 12/15/2020 at 6:40 PM, spitey said:

Does anyone have a list of mods to use with ZEN/Zeus etc.   I seem to be overdoing it with too many mods and want to have a list that gives me a good set of units, objects but full AI and in game stuff for the players.


Also, QQ, when I set up a scenario and add units before "playing" the scenario and using Zeus, it seems that the units I've placed in the scenario are not able to be controlled the way zeus units are.  What's the thinking here.


How do I set up a complex zeus scenairo before play and then tweak it during live gameplay?



Use the Context Menu to add things to your Zeus interface.

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How do I place an empty vehicle with this mod? I have to place a veh with enemies in it, and press g to get them out and delete them.



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  On 12/28/2020 at 11:32 PM, jakeplissken said:

How do I place an empty vehicle with this mod? I have to place a veh with enemies in it, and press g to get them out and delete them.



Toggle checkbox on the bottom right, or press B.


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hello can you steal the smoke column and the fire module also available for the eden editor like in zeus ?

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Hi,. Please I am fairly new to Arma 3 mods ,I downloaded the file from GitHub but how to I install it to use in game, cause I am super confused

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  On 7/15/2022 at 12:05 AM, Urielx00 said:

how to I install it to use in game

This should get you started.


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