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Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

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I really hope that the TAC-OPS DLC will improve basic infantry movement. We need something like Bad Benson's Enhanced Movement mod in the game so we can climb through windows and over walls, or climb out of the water. It really makes a big difference to how you interact with the environment.


And MagRepack...


And in game engine support for playing opus instead of ogg would be cool too.

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4 minutes ago, Vigil Vindex said:


And in game engine support for playing opus instead of ogg would be cool too.

Is there any advantages of opus over ogg?

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7 minutes ago, R0adki11 said:

Is there any advantages of opus over ogg?


I feel the quality is better at low bitrates and file sizes are smaller. I think it would open up mission makers to adding more dialogue to their missions. There is a comparison with other codecs on the site here: https://opus-codec.org/comparison/

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On 18/02/2017 at 11:48 PM, McQuade said:

Can we get also something like this :


Iomax Archangel


Since we got the Cessna with the Apex update it would be awesome to get some propeller engined Planes which are armed ;)


The Super Tucano would also do it:




Some 2 Prop Armed Variants inside the JET DLC would be awesome.





Like I said before:

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Improve UAV (specially Darter) AI. It happens a lot the UAV gets completely "mad" mid way to a waypoint and starts flying around, literally. It then is a pain in the a** to regain proper control of it.

Speaking of UAVs, create intermediate altitude options or an option that let's you specifiy the altitude you want the drone to fly. The jump from 500m to 2000m is just stupid, specially if you consider most servers "lock" the view distance to 1000-something meters...


BTW, am I the only one who can't resize the GPS window size after the Jets update?

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Arma could use something like this to complement the JETS DLC (that currently has no decent SAM:s or AAA btw ... ;) )




... and a 50*50 km map. 


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@jone_kone If you're willing to go the scripted route then one can just throw one of the game's radar-guided missile launchers/magazines onto the Cheetah/Tigris to have '35 mm' guns, radar-guided SAMs, and search/fire control radar(s) all in the same vehicle, with ranges of 7-10 km for the radar (depending on target background and radarTargetSize) while the SAMs' ranges and detect/track/lock cones will vary by your choice of SAM used in place of the default Titan Missiles.

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On 6/13/2017 at 9:49 PM, pleasant said:


I second all of this. Especially some form of auto-pilot. Even if it is just a basic "attempt to hold current airspeed, heading and altitude."

Also an additional level of zoom in the Black Wasp TGP.

As it stands the aircraft is well within range of AA assets long before it is able to effectively target enemy infantry.

While this may be contribute to "balanced" play in theory. In practice it means the aircraft will almost always take damage, or be destroyed outright.
Having flown the Black Wasp in several missions now, I can say with confidence, an additional level of zoom is desperately needed.


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Are there any new firearms planned for the orange dlc, cause only the drone & the car is not much...i bought it, and i was very surprised it is cool but please add some civilian style weapons like more pistols like Browning HP or some sort of revolvers and some 22. Rifles and Hunting Rifles with some cool scopes Like in DayZ Standalone! :)

I played your game for about 2000 hours (and i really like it) Bitte pls add more to your dlc's it isn't that much work, the people love new guns!

Or add new Equipment like improvised vests or weapon camo like ghillie Things around weapon (btw you could put it instead of a flashlight or a ir laser) i gonna send you pictures of some Suggestions.


Ruger 10/22 Rifle .22 LR



MTK Rails for the AK47 & 74u




Remington Model ADL




Hunting Vests






An offroad edition of the ford explorer




Ruger Pistole Cal.22




I hope you guys like my suggestions!

Edited by brate93173
forgot some pictures!
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Mine clearing vehicles


Ability for Bobcat to create berms




Anti-radar missiles on ground vehicles (more anti-air vehicles)



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On 7/18/2017 at 11:31 PM, Ogrinho said:

Like I said before:

An armed prop plane would be cool. The Super Tucano is being used more and more now. USSOCOM has used them to provide CAS to small SOF teams in Afghanistan and the Afghan army uses them as well. Makes a LOT more sense when playing Arma's smaller SF type gameplay to not always use supersonic jets dropping bombs from 3km up. The existing Cessna style plane, with a rocket or gun pod strapped on would be fine.

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Update 1.76  - Tweaked: Tactical Ping icon and sound
Why ? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Now that it's been tweaked it's very hard to see on screen and on the map, even when you know the vicinity, the RED ring was way easier to spot on both.
Please change it back to the way it was for all those who use it.

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Can we please finally have a goddamn real medic in the next update?

Make him a human hospital please / have an option to get heal when the player is next to him?

Just like it worked in ArmA 1


Because it's really not possible anymore to be in cover and wait ad vita eternam for this goddamn asshole who never does it jobs and who thinks it's more important to kill the enemy rather than doing his job!!!


It really breaks the whole immersion and the whole game!!!

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AWESOME UPDATE! What I really like about what Bis has done is they've finally allowed all those small items like screwdrivers, drills, water bottles,food, cans, cameras, pliers to be picked upand put in the inventory! All the things that will really make the simulation unstoppable!


Oh.Wait. Sorry.Not done yet.


Oh,well.At least I got this cool new van.

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(it didn't cross my mind that would ever be a problem with video Games.!)


Maybe this would be a nice input for the Devs to have in mind for a future update?


Personally i think every video game developer should have consider to include this ,because it is a common issue.

Types of colorblindness


Three most common types of colorblindness:


Protanopia – unable to perceive red light, resulting in red and greens looking murky, and blues and yellows standing out

Deuteranopia – unable to perceive green light, resulting in red and greens looking murky, and blues and yellows stand out

Tritanopia – unable to perceive blue light, resulting in greens looking murky, and reds appear pink





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Something like a functional radar tower or station. now with sensor overhaul it could finally make sense to destroy a radar station

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Hi all, some ideas :


-Add function in virtual arsenal for use the default loadout from all units

- Create a function for let the control of the player to AI temporarily, when he is AFK during mission/combat, or for AI Debug, i have this command on my server for emulate it :

_noPlayer = createGroup sideLogic createUnit [ 
]; selectPlayer _noPlayer ; switchcamera unit01

and, maybe in Tac-ops DLC, classic Warfare/CTI gamemode

sorry for bad english

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As the Sit-Rep #205 have stated, after the release of Tanks DLC the development of Arma 3 is going to end, it will be maintened but there will be no major updates and no more content developed by Bohemia Interactive. It will open the possibility to release more DLC's on Arma 3 done by other game studios.


So with this information, knowing that Arma 3 is going to stop develpment i would like to point some minor bugs that should be easy to solve but have been laying around some time now. I encourage you to tell those minor bugs that you would like to be solved before Tanks DLC is released.


My list is this:


1º Acog optics too bright to be used with night vision googles.




2º Chem lights



3º Under barrel grenade launcher Flares don't cast any light.




4º Zafir optics while using the bipod. :dozingoff:




5º Taru ponds.

A feature done by a modders that occupies 0.179 Mb. that was not included in the Hellicopters DLC :eh:





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Ehm... relase of promised Apex Protocol SP port would be nice :) 

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We need two - at least - new AI pilot commands - Land (which is just a "Land" waypoint, can't understand why it is not in the game yet) and "Set Altitude", which is just "flyInHeight" function (this can be tricky, because AI in that mode may not care about obstacles).

Also it would be nice to have an action command for "Cycle" waypoint.

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And also - how I can forgot about this - helmet HUD color change. This is a must have option - because white HUD is  just unreadable on some backgrounds like clouds or fog. I do not even know examples of white colored HUDs, and not even helmet's. Make it at least of usual light green color.

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Please for the love of the game and our ears. 

Do not allow helicopters or any vehicle to stay running with Engine ON after the pilot or driver exit it.

This is unnecessary NOISE pollution and you are destroying people's hearing on a grand scale. 

This is especially annoying in KOTH where we often have a bunch of hellis & Blackfish in the AO with engines on full blast.  

It f.... up gameplay and adds unnecessary sounds to be processed for client and server.   


Vehicle engines should be turned off by default on all servers when players "Get out or Exit the vehicle or helli.

Servers would need to enable "Engine ON" on exit.  And if enabled. Players should be forced to use a key combo like, Alt+Shift+ E for the engine to stay running. 

But there should be a time limit or else it might stay running until it respawns again. 


Come on guys. Get behind me on this one.

It should be top priority for Bohemia to implement this simple thing ASAP. 

I also recommend we get the option to automatically enable ear plugs in or around vehicles. 



Edited by 2re Turbo
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